Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 268 Xiao Baihe is ready to fight, it's all routines! (8500 plus more)

(The debt is paid off!!! Now the monthly ticket is 8700+, if it reaches 9000 at night, then pay it back tomorrow. If it can’t be reached, then the author has fulfilled the promise to the readers!

The author promised to add 1 change to the monthly ticket of 500, and watched the monthly ticket from 4,000, 5,000 to the current 8,000+. It can only be said to be painful and happy. If it weren’t for the epidemic situation in our place on the last day, the author would be very happy to be able to bring the reader master Their expectations will hit the ranking...)


Friday, court day.

Municipal Court, the scene of the large court on the first floor.

Today is the day for the retrial of a major case ten years ago, and the entire courtroom is already full.

At the hearing booth, many media reporters and legal professionals came, and even some people who came early to eat melons.

At the gate of the court, a lot of melon eaters also gathered, wanting to see the demeanor of one of the parties, Yang Chuanfang.

Fortunately, this time, the field staff came to the scene in advance to control and arrange the exit work, and the gathering incident like the case of Zhu Tianying did not happen again.

Similarly, the melon-eaters did not expect that Yang Chuanfang, one of the parties involved, had actually sneaked into the court long ago.

"Young Master Yang, this is the back door I often go through. This fire exit is usually closed, but in fact this door is ajar. I am very familiar with the court guard who guards here. Look, he Right ahead, let's go over and say hello!"

"Hi, Lao Lu!"

"Hey, isn't this Zhang Wei? Are you going to be in court today?"

"Yes, this is my client Young Master Yang."

"Oh, it's you young man, what a pity for that girl!"

When Ting Wei Lao Lu saw Yang Chuanfang beside Zhang Wei, his expression changed.

Obviously, he also knew about the case ten years ago.

"Hey, don't mention it, Wen Xiaoyun is indeed a pity, but my client is innocent!"

Zhang Wei quickly warmed up, and then led Yang Chuanfang to the preparation room.

Prepare indoors, deserted and cheerless.

Just as the two were getting ready, Tie Ruyun came with a friend from the criminal department.

"Master, the court is in session, come on, whether our criminal department can take off depends on your performance this time~"

The little apprentice rushed in first to cheer Zhang Wei up.

But when she saw Yang Chuanfang next to Zhang Wei, she immediately stopped, and quickly shrank to her leader Tie Ruyun's side.

Not only the little apprentice, Xiao Li also had a strange expression after seeing Yang Chuanfang.

Obviously, they have all watched the drama, and they all associate Yang Chuanfang with the "murderer".

"Look, Young Master Yang, this is why I want to sue Cheng Lisha for you. Girls nowadays have watched that drama and will associate you with the murderer. If Cheng Lisha is not solved once and for all this time, Then this impression will accompany you for a lifetime from now on!"

"Lawyer Zhang is right. Although I'm used to it, it's not like I've been carrying such a reputation all my life!"

Yang Chuan and Fang Zheng nodded emphatically.

If he does this all his life, his offspring may also be under tremendous pressure in the future.

This feeling, even when he endured it himself, was extremely painful, but he didn't want his children to suffer in the future.

Zhang Wei also comforted: "Young Master Yang, don't worry, I have confidence this time!"

"Oh, by the way, today is the first round of court hearings. I hope you can remain calm enough. A case I handled before was defending a lady named Lin Xiangwan."

"Isn't this my aunt?"

Hearing the familiar name, the little apprentice was the first to react, "Master, have you helped aunt appear in court? What's wrong with her?"

"Xiaomeng, it seems that you still don't know about the South Island?"

Zhang Wei didn't hide it, and said frankly: "Your aunt killed uncle with her own hands, and her fingerprints were on the murder weapon. There were only the two of them at the scene of the crime. It can be said to be solid evidence!"

Lin Yumeng: Σ(⊙▽⊙ "a!

The little apprentice immediately stood up, with a panicked look on his face: "Auntie is going to jail!"

"No way, your aunt was released without charge!" Zhang Wei waved his hand calmly.

"No, master, you won't lie to me, will you be acquitted?"

"So, as long as you discover the truth hidden under the surface, you will be invincible!"

As Zhang Wei said, he patted Yang Chuanfang on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement: "That's what Ms. Lin Xiangwan and I said at the time, even if you are facing murder charges, you must be calm and composed, so that the jury will believe you Calm enough!"

"Lawyer Zhang said yes!"

Yang Chuanfang also nodded solemnly. Since the person next to him is confident, he must not be cowardly.

"It's almost time, let's go to court!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and took the lead out of the preparation room.

"elder brother!"

As a result, at the corner of the corridor, they ran into Yang Chuannan who was oncoming.

As Yang Chuanfang's younger brother, he obviously had to come to the scene to support his elder brother.

The two brothers Yang Chuanfang and Yang Chuannan naturally got together and talked in a low voice.

Zhang Wei pushed open the door of the court.


Court scene.

As Zhang Wei pushed open the door, the whole scene fell silent.

Everyone paid attention to the defense team, and this time there were more people in the hearing booth than in the previous pre-trial.

Under the icy gaze, Yang Chuanfang followed Zhang Wei with a calm demeanor.

On the contrary, it was his younger brother Yang Chuannan, who seemed a little uncomfortable, and his steps were a little messy when he walked around.

Maybe, he is not used to being stared at by so many people.

"What strange brothers?"

Zhang Wei also noticed this, but now that the court was about to start, he didn't have time to think too much about it.

The group of them separated, and Lao Tie took his apprentice and Xiao Li to the hearing stand.

Zhang Wei took Yang Chuanfang to sit in the defense seat, and the latter's younger brother sat in the family seat behind the defense seat.

Zhang Wei glanced around, and saw Editor-in-Chief Pei and Editor-in-Chief Guan in the front of the hearing booth.

Although the former is Zhang Wei's scheduled character witness, today is the prosecution's proof stage, and he does not need to appear.

Zhang Wei and the editor-in-chief nodded, as a greeting.

In the hearing booth, apart from those who supported Zhang Wei, there were also many enemies.

Hu Yaode!

Cheng Lisha rejected the defense witness's appearance in court on the grounds of mild depression and the medical certificate issued by a psychologist, but it was therefore not suitable for her to appear in court.

Otherwise, you are depressed, and you can come to the court to listen every day. Isn't this a slap in the face of the court?

Therefore, as Cheng Lisha's hired lawyer, Hu Yaode became the eyes and ears of the other party and also came to attend the trial.

The situation in the hearing booth was captured by Zhang Wei, followed by the next table.

"Zhang Wei, let's clarify before the trial!"

Xiao Baihe strode up while Zhang Wei was observing.

"say what?"

"If your client can plead guilty as soon as possible and tell us the location of Wen Xiaoyun's body, then we can discuss about reducing the sentence!"

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party in astonishment.

"Old Xiao, do you think I'm stupid?"

"What are you talking about? Who are you calling Lao Xiao? Am I familiar with you?"

Xiao Baihe snorted coldly, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and his temperament was infinitely close to that of an ice sculpture.

"Old Xiao, don't worry about this. Let's be smart and don't say dark words. My client is really innocent. Why don't you believe it?"

As Zhang Wei said, he put his hands on Xiao Baihe's shoulders, as if the two really knew each other very well.

"Get your hands off!"

In the end, within a few seconds, Xiao Baihe slapped Zhang Wei's "salty pig hand" with a slap.

When others saw it, they really thought the two of us were having an affair!

"Hmph, if you don't listen to my advice now, you will regret it!"

She snorted again, turned her head and walked back to the prosecutor's seat.

"Why doesn't this woman listen to me, my client is really innocent!"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to tell the truth, he didn't believe it, but luckily the two of them are still so familiar.

Naturally, the deal before the trial was not concluded, because Yang Chuanfang himself didn't know where Wen Xiaoyun was.

And as the time drew near, the court time came.

"Stand up, please respect Judge Wang to enter!"

Under the reminder of the court guard, Lao Wang walked up to the trial seat with steady steps.

He touched his thinning hair first, then straightened his robes, and then scanned the audience.

After confirming that both the prosecution and the defense were in place, he tapped the gavel: "Then, this court hereby announces that the retrial of Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance will start today!"

"The prosecution?"

Xiao Baihe tidied up his collar, glanced at the draft of the opening statement, and immediately got up.

"Ahem, thank you, Judge Wang, and everyone in the jury and auditorium for your support. I am Xiao Baihe, the prosecutor from the local prosecutor's headquarters. It is a great honor for me to participate in the retrial of the case ten years ago!"

Having said this, Xiao Baihe bowed deeply towards the jury box and the courtroom.

She originally had a pretty face, but now she showed such a humble attitude that the 12 jurors in the jury box and many people in the hearing box couldn't help but nodded and looked approvingly.

"Good guy, you are indeed the ace, and you actually took advantage of yourself as a woman!"

Seeing Xiao Baihe's first move, Zhang Wei knew that the comer was not good.

Xiao Baihe took advantage of her womanhood to show amiability and humility, which changed the public's impression that prosecutors have always been aloof.

It can be said that it has enough impression points.

In the next trial, it is estimated that even if she really made a mistake, she might just admit her mistake and pass.

Zhang Wei also taught this trick to the young apprentice when he was in court.

But Lin Yumeng used cuteness tactics, and the natural advantages of a novice, and Xiao Baihe's routine can only be said to be similar.

But in the same way, Xiao Baihe used this trick, which also showed that she was extremely serious about fighting Zhang Wei.

Otherwise, if the opponent's level is average, how can a "sophisticated" prosecutor like her need to lower her profile to gain the jury's impression points.

After bowing sincerely, Xiao Baihe continued: "Everyone still remember the one thing I mentioned in the pre-trial?"

"That is family. I believe that you will have a concept of family in your heart. He can be your child, your lover, or even your parents!"

"Please imagine that your family, the person you want to protect and love, suddenly disappears. Please believe what kind of grief it will be?"

When Xiao Baihe said this, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the main entrance of the court, and at the same time said in an emphatic tone: "And this kind of grief really happened to those parents!"

As soon as her words fell, the court guard opened the door of the court "just right" as if he had heard the order.

Then, a gray-haired old couple walked into the courtroom, supporting each other.

The expressions of the husband and wife were sad, especially the woman's eyes were red, obviously she had just cried not long ago. Her steps were staggering, and if it wasn't for the support of her husband, it would be almost difficult to walk.

This couple, many people don't need to guess, they must be Wen Xiaoyun's parents.

"Good guy, the routine is really linked together!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was a little speechless in his heart.

Well, Xiao Baihe, do you want to do this?

At any rate, everyone is friends, do you need to trick me like this?

This is another opening statement to earn impression points, and using family members to deceive sympathy, and it must be used during the court session. You and Ting Wei have discussed it, right?

It has to be said that Wen Xiaoyun's parents didn't show up early or late, but it happened that Xiao Baihe showed up during the court presentation. The effect of this wave of cooperation was immediately full, and the atmosphere in the courtroom became extremely dignified and extremely depressing.

After all, seeing such a miserable old couple appearing in court, everyone would feel a little compassion.

"It's him, he's the one who killed my daughter!"

Suddenly, the woman in the old couple pointed at Yang Chuanfang and let out a heart-piercing cry.

"Your Honor!"

Zhang Wei sighed helplessly, but he could only stand up and express his protest.

Although he knows that doing so will attract the disgust of the jury, but if the old couple is allowed to emit "negative energy", it will be more lethal to one of them.

"Witnesses for the prosecution, please pay attention, you can only start speaking when it is your turn to speak!"

Lao Wang also sighed helplessly, but he has to do this villain.

Although old couples are indeed sympathetic, the court itself is a serious place, and no matter how miserable you are, you still need to abide by the rules.

"My are so miserable..."

Although the old couple restrained themselves somewhat, they still let out some cries.

Lao Wang was a little helpless, but seeing the sympathetic eyes in the hearing and jury seats, he didn't speak again, but just glanced at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that I have to act according to the atmosphere.

I can't do all of these wicked people, they have restrained themselves a bit, so you can bear the burden.

Similarly, Zhang Wei also responded to Lao Wang with helpless eyes.

"Okay, although this move is ruthless, it can only be passed!"

He then patted the shoulder of Yang Chuanfang next door, and gave him a calm look.

The latter nodded, forcing himself not to look at Wen Xiaoyun's parents.

But they didn't look at it, the old couple still sold miserably in the position of the family members of the prosecution, and welcomed the attention of the jury and hearing seats.

Even Xiao Baihe was a little surprised. Although she thought of this trick, she didn't expect the effect to be so good.

That being the case, let's go after the victory!

"Have you all seen that this is such an honest, hard-working couple who have struggled for half their lives, but they have to bear the most painful injuries in the world, and their hearts are suffering all the time!"

"And the murderer who caused such a tragedy was sitting on the defense bench, his expression didn't even change a bit from the beginning to the end, just staring at us coldly like this, it's simply too cold-blooded!"

"Objection, inductive speech!"

Zhang Wei couldn't hold back anymore and got up again.

Well, Xiao Baihe, this is endless, right?

I asked the person concerned to behave calmly, and you will attack me for being cold-blooded.

Then if I make the client behave a little bit worse, will you use the guilt of being a thief as an excuse?

I asked the client to be more optimistic, are you implying that my client is a psychopath?

In fact, Zhang Wei really guessed right.

Xiao Baihe's notebook recorded how to deal with the defendant during the trial, the first of which was to use the defendant's expression to accuse the other party's character.

Xiao Baihe recorded everything Zhang Wei said in his notebook.

"Ahem, prosecutor, please restrain yourself and don't guess the defendant's mind!"

"Sorry, Your Honor, I take back my last sentence!"

Xiao Baihe immediately apologized, and at the same time glanced at Zhang Wei out of the corner of his eye, with contempt in his eyes.

Zhang Wei also responded by squinting his eyes, and there was also contempt in his eyes.

"Your Honor, the prosecution requests that the first witness be called in court!"

Under Xiao Baihe's summons, an old man walked up to the court.

"Yo, isn't this Old Cui?"

Seeing the old man, Pharaoh murmured, but he was not surprised.

Because this old man surnamed Cui was the team leader of the Serious Case Team 1 of the Criminal Investigation Division ten years ago, and he was also in charge of investigating Wen Xiaoyun's disappearance.

Urge the old man to go to the witness stand and sit down calmly.

"Team Leader Cui, hello!"

"Hey, what team leader, have you retired for more than 8 years? You can just call me Lao Cui!"

"That won't work. You are a senior in the crime team. I'll call you Old Cui."

Xiao Baihe was naturally polite, and then said: "Mr. Cui, you were the person in charge of the investigation of the disappearance case back then. Could you please tell us what happened back then?"

"Oh, of course!"

Elder Cui glanced at the prosecutor's seat, his eyes fixed on Yang Chuanfang for a moment, and a strangeness flashed in his eyes.

"Although I have retired for 8 years and handed over the position of team leader to that kid Lei Hu, I actually remember this case clearly."

"Of course, I saw Wen Xiaoyun's parents also came to the court. In fact, I want to say sorry to them, because after so many years, they still haven't found their daughter."

"As for what happened in this case, I remember that it was during the summer vacation. Early that morning, we received a report that a girl was missing and hadn't returned all night..."

"...So we must investigate. We first visited the girl's family, friends, and even the school, but we couldn't find her. Later, we applied for an assistance dog, but there was also no gain. This case became It was an unsolved case at that time, and it was known all over the city!"

At the end of Cui's speech, he sighed heavily.

A disappearance case made such a big fuss that both he and the investigation team felt ashamed.

"Thank you, Mr. Cui, for your reminder. By the way, I want to ask again. You listed Yang Chuanfang as a suspect at the beginning, why did you let him go later?"

"Because no body was found. If the girl was really killed, the body must be confirmed!"

"Then may I ask, was your original investigation interfered with?"

Cui Lao was stunned for a moment, "What interference?"

"As far as I know, when you were investigating, it seemed that your boss asked you to stop investigating Yang Chuanfang. Is this true?"

"When you say that, it seems to be true!"

Mr. Cui slapped his head suddenly, as if he remembered something, and said, "I remember the defendant's father, he seems to have come to look for our leader!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

There is obviously something tricky here!

Isn't the defendant's father Yang Changqing, who is a well-known rich man in the East.

Could it be that there is something tricky between this rich man and Cui Lao's leader...

"Damn it, it's time to kick the shit pot!"

Zhang Wei was equally surprised, and became even more speechless about Xiao Baihe's routine.

Well, Xiao Baihe, you really dare to use any routine, but you can even find out this kind of thing!

Hard enough!

good night everyone~

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