Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 290 The midwife asked for help, and Lao Guo came in person?

(Starting today, resume daily 2 updates!)


Thursday, a working day.

It was another busy day for the local inspection headquarters.

"Yes, yes, Attorney General, I understand, I understand..."

"Yes, yes, yes, what you said is, what you said is... next time, definitely next time..."

After hanging up the leader's phone call, Zhao Chunming instantly changed from a begging pug to a hideous beast.


He clenched his right fist, almost hitting the desk.

But considering that the effect of doing so is not good, and it is easy to be heard by people in the outside office, I can only give up.

"In the final analysis, it is still defeated!"

Zhao Chunming gritted his teeth and could only swallow the bitter fruit secretly.

The chief prosecutor's call just now was undoubtedly asking about the situation of the recent serious crimes office.

But the situation is...not optimistic.

Especially in the recent case that attracted the attention of the whole city, about the retrial case ten years ago, it was finally defeated by the defense and the defendant was acquitted.

As for the real murderer...

I'm sorry, the person has long since disappeared, and you will not be able to catch him if you want to, unless you ask a Taoist priest to perform a method of summoning the soul.

In the end, the victim was dead, but the murderer was already dead, and there was no way to give the victim's parents an explanation.

Even the incidental civil lawsuit went awry.

The prosecuting party is the defendant in the criminal case, while the accused party is the most famous host in the Oriental Metropolis, and he disappeared before the case started.

These factors combined to give both cases enormous exposure.

Once the exposure increases, wouldn't the two cases become known to everyone.

In the same way, everyone in Dongfangdu knew that their local prosecutor's headquarters had lost again.

This case can be said to bring shame to their office, and it also gave the defense lawyer another big face.

"Zhang Wei!"

Repeating this name, Zhao Chunming felt bitter.

This kid seemed to be the nightmare of their local prosecutor's headquarters, slapping them in the face again and again.

The point is, they can't help each other.

First the prosecutor, then the senior prosecutor, and finally even the senior prosecutor Lan Zhengye and the ace prosecutor Xiao Baihe were defeated. Should he and Guo Wufeng go out in person?

"It's nothing, can you stabilize the kid's case?"

Zhao Chunming muttered, feeling a little speechless.

If there is such a case, the defense lawyer is not a fool, nor will he really defend the defendant's innocence.

Nobody is a fool!

"No, the Attorney General has already called, and we must do something!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Chunming hurriedly sent a message to Guo Wufeng in the office next door.

Not long after, Guo Wufeng came, but he was on the phone while walking.

"Oh, Xiao Chen, why would you think of looking for me? Isn't this case your own? It's going to be sent to our local prosecutor's headquarters?"

"Oh, oh, I see, this is something to consider, but this case is easy to handle, the defendant will definitely go in, don't worry!"

Guo Wufeng walked into the office.

"Old Zhao next door is looking for me, I'll hang up first..."

Seeing Zhao Chunming's gloomy face, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

"Who was it just now?"

"Oh, Xiao Chen from our Misdemeanor Division, he has a case in hand, and it's not easy to try in the local area, so he entrusted me to find someone to handle it. It just so happens that I want to find you too. This case can be convicted 100%. Shall we arrange for someone to take over!"

Hearing what Guo Wufeng said, Zhao Chunming suddenly became interested.

"What case, tell me, are you 100% sure you can be convicted?"

"Of course, because the defendant has indeed done something illegal, Xiao Chen has confirmed all the documents and procedures, so there is absolutely no problem."

Guo Wufeng said with a sudden smile: "Xiao Chen notified the defendant about the modification of the court hearing venue. She seems to have come to Dongfang Capital as well. I heard that she still needs to find a powerful lawyer!"

"However, no lawyer would dare to take on this kind of case. Only a public defender would take on a case that he knew he would lose!"

"Not always!"

But Zhao Chunming rolled his eyes, and then showed a meaningful smile.

"Old Zhao, what do you mean?"

"I know someone who will take on even a case that he knows he will lose, and he also meets the category of 'great lawyer' required by the defendant. Do you think that guy will take on this case?"

As Zhao Chunming spoke, a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Old Zhao, you don't mean to..."

Although Guo Wufeng is impulsive at times, he is also the person in charge of the Office of the Misdemeanor Division after all.

With a little combination of Zhao Chunming's words, he guessed what the other party was going to do.

"Old Guo, you arrange for two newcomers to go to the court to do this for me, so and so, so and so..."


Guo Wufeng immediately took orders, went back to the office of the Misdemeanor Division, and summoned two new recruits, telling them to go straight to the court.


That afternoon.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

As Tie Ruyun walked, he led more than twenty well-dressed young people around the criminal department.

"This is the office area of ​​our criminal department office!"

He pointed to the office on the 25th floor, which occupied almost half of the floor area, and introduced it with a proud face.

There's no way, if you change to a big place, you will naturally have to be embarrassed.

The previous office of the Criminal Division was just an inconspicuous corner of the Litigation Department, and the whole thing was about as big as it was.

Now it has been replaced with the entire 25th floor, and the space is larger than the original entire litigation department. If he is not proud, how can he be worthy of being angry on it before.

"Boss Tie, this office area is so big!"

"Wow, there are so many offices, will I be able to get into one in the future!"

"The office area of ​​the criminal department is really nice, much better than the street law firm I used to practice in."

"You are not talking nonsense, this is Jincheng law firm, how do you compare it to the law firm stationed in the street?"

When these twenty or so newcomers saw the office of the criminal department, their reactions were naturally extremely exaggerated.

"Calm down, calm down, you will all work here in the future, and it's not that the office can't help you apply!"

Seeing these reactions, Tie Ruyun felt even more happy.

Especially the "Iron Boss" yelled out by a few girls made him very useful.

Sure enough, it feels good to be a leader~

"Old Tie, are these the new recruits you recruited?"

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

Tie Ruyun felt that the sound of "old iron" was a bit harsh.

"Zhang Wei, what are you calling, didn't you see that I was leading a newcomer?"

Tie Ruyun hurriedly complained, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Oh, then take care of me, I'm busy!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and smiled.

"Wow, that's lawyer Zhang Wei?"

"The legendary murder lawyer forced to death the No. 1 host in the Eastern Metropolis!"

"My God, is this the vicious lawyer Zhang, or himself?"

"I really want Lawyer Zhang to give me an autograph. It is said that his name can ward off evil spirits!"

But when Zhang Wei wanted to go back to the office and sit down, he heard a more intense discussion behind him.

"Good guy, I've become a murder lawyer?"

Hearing these whispers, Zhang Wei cried out in his heart that he was wronged.

Cheng Lisha wants to jump off the building by herself, so it has nothing to do with her.

And whether the other party danced by himself or not is doubtful, so don't wrong the good guy!

Cheng Lisha's death has nothing to do with him... No, maybe it has something to do with it!

Zhang Wei muttered, and sat back in his seat again, ready to work (fishing).

Outside the office, Tie Ruyun wandered around the criminal department with the interns who passed the initial and re-examinations.

There is no way, the place is too big, and I can't finish it all at once.

After the transfer was over, he began to make arrangements, and more than 20 newcomers had their own office area in an instant.

Tie Cuilan began to distribute the employee handbook, and a group of employees whispered to each other while looking down at it, their faces full of eagerness to try.

Zhang Wei had nothing to do in his spare time, so he observed the newcomers.

Although they are all rookies, they are young and vigorous, and they have great plasticity in the future.

Overall, the future looks promising!

"Excuse me, is lawyer Zhang Wei here?"

But suddenly, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the criminal department.

This sound attracted the attention of everyone in the criminal department.

Zhang Wei also walked out of the office and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a woman in her forties or fifties, wearing a floral shirt, standing at the entrance of the criminal department's office area with a cloth bag.

Beside the woman, he was also followed by Jincheng Law Firm's reception.

She pointed inside, then pointed in the direction of Zhang Wei, and introduced it to the woman.

The woman immediately shook off the receptionist and walked directly towards Zhang Wei.

"Are you Lawyer Zhang?"

"Yes, I am, are you?"

"My name is Gao Xiaoping. Now I have a case and I need a lawyer to help me deal with it. Of course, I want the most powerful lawyer!"

The woman was straightforward, expressing her intentions in front of the entire criminal department.


A few minutes later.

The large meeting room of the criminal department.

Zhang Wei and the woman sat next to each other.

Tie Ruyun took the new recruits from the criminal department, and two capable officers, Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng, to wait on him.

"they are……"

"Ms. Gao, don't worry about it. They are all newcomers to my criminal department. It just so happens that this is your first case since the department was launched. They all came to observe for the purpose of learning."

Zhang Wei pointed to Lao Tie and the others, and explained with a smile.

All the newcomers nodded in unison, and many of them took out their notebooks and started to record.


The woman nodded, she understood.

She looked at Zhang Wei and told her story.

Gao Xiaoping's occupation is a midwife.

But this profession is not recognized by modern society, and the corresponding job opportunities are gradually replaced by local community hospitals.

Gao Xiaoping currently lives in Beichong Island, and she is also a well-known midwife in eight villages on the island.

It is a pity that since Beichong Island was merged into the Oriental Capital a few years ago, all rules and regulations must follow the rules of the Eastern Capital.

Among them, the Department of Health has a regulation on women's childbirth, which stipulates that women must go to the community hospital to register for childbirth, and it is strictly forbidden to find a midwife at home.

Zhang Wei has also heard about this regulation, because the medical system of Oriental Capital has been updated, and this is also done to facilitate the statistics of newborn registration.

Originally, this was a good thing for many people, but for a professional like Gao Xiaoping, it was not a good thing.

Fortunately, the old traditions are still preserved on Beichong Island, and the adjacent community hospital needs to be driven for at least an hour to get there. Many children of the residents on the island are born with her skills.

Unfortunately, rules are rules.

In the past, the old prosecutor of Beichong Island also considered the limited development of Beichong Island, so they turned a blind eye to Gao Xiaoping's matter.

But the new assistant prosecutor of Bei Chongdao wanted to make some achievements, so he arrested Gao Xiaoping.

"Ms. Gao, you are saying that you were sued for practicing medicine illegally, right?"

"Yes!" The woman nodded with a look of displeasure.

That's what she's been doing for decades.

As a result, now that the regulations are in place, she not only loses her job, but also faces prosecution and even jail time. Can she not be angry?

"Then why not try it in the local court of Beichong Island, instead of coming to our Eastern Capital?"

Zhang Wei then raised a question, because for this kind of case, the local prosecutor's office can sue, there is no need to make a fuss in the East.

"I also hope to solve it locally. If it is in the court on Beichong Island, I guess I can be innocent!"

The woman chuckled, looking impatient.

"Oh, I understand. You have lived on Beichong Island for decades, and everyone on the island knows you. They will think that it is normal for you to deliver their babies, which will affect the fairness of the judgment!"

Zhang Wei nodded, as if he had guessed the purpose of the new prosecutor in Beichong Island.

In order to prevent the jury on Beichong Island from feeling sympathetic to the defendant, the other party deliberately submitted the case to the headquarters of the Eastern Metropolitan Procuratorate.

After all, in name, since Beichong Island was included in the Oriental Capital, all related difficult cases could be handed over to the local prosecutor's headquarters for handling.

"So that's the case, but let me ask a question."

Zhang Wei looked at the woman solemnly, "Ms. Gao, you have been a midwife for almost 30 years, have you never had a license?"

"I took the exam for the license of postpartum care during pregnancy and childbirth, but I took the exam in my hometown in the north!"

"Is it my hometown in the north?"

Zhang Wei thought for a moment, then frowned, "I remember that after the medical system was updated, the medical system in Dongfangdu didn't seem to recognize licenses from other places. If you want to work in the medical system in Dongfangdu, you must go through the local assessment, right?"

"That's right, but I didn't expect that Beichong Island would be incorporated into the Oriental Capital. My license was still valid before, and after the merger, the old prosecutor didn't have any objections to me!"

"But the old prosecutor has retired, and the newcomers want to do something to establish their prestige, so he is going to take you down!"

"Hmph, a little kid!" The woman was upset when Zhang Wei mentioned the new prosecutor.

"It's not easy for you~" Zhang Wei frowned, realizing that things were not easy.

Because according to the procedure, the matter of the woman is a proper and illegal practice of medicine.

Although she has a license, Dongfang does not recognize this license.

"Ms. Gao, let me ask again, have you ever thought about obtaining a license from the Oriental Capital?"

"To take the license test in Dongfangdu, you need to go to a specific training institution, and you need a lot of money. You don't know the conditions on Beichong Island. It takes more than an hour to drive to the local hospital, and I have to go out of the island to go to the institution. How much time does it take to go back and forth on the road every day, how can I have the time?"

Hearing the woman's impatient answer, Zhang Wei frowned even tighter.

"Did they notify you?"

"The old prosecutor seemed to have mentioned this issue before, but I didn't care!"

"In other words, the prosecution and relevant persons have actually notified you, but you have turned a blind eye to the regulations?"

"What's the matter with you, lawyer, I need your help, why do you seem to be picking on me all the time?"

Seeing Zhang Wei's constant criticism, the woman immediately became annoyed and her face was displeased.

"Ms. Gao, don't worry about it. We haven't signed the contract yet, so I'm not your defense lawyer. Now you're just consulting, and I'm just providing you with some proper legal advice for free."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, but he looked indifferent.

The contract hasn't been signed yet, no matter how excited you are, it doesn't bother me.

Anyway, he felt that this case was actually very difficult to deal with, and whether he would take it or not was another matter.

"Then can I fight my case? I don't want to go to jail!"

"I understand, no one wants to go to jail, but your behavior is indeed illegal!"

Zhang Wei also spread his hands, expressing that he had no solution.

"What's the matter with you as a lawyer? I have inquired in the court. They all said that you are the most powerful defense lawyer in the East, but you just tell me that you can't fight?"

"Ms. Gao, you misunderstood me. I didn't say it was impossible, but that it was difficult."

Zhang Wei waved his hand and said comfortingly: "I can take your case, but you have already said that I am the most powerful defense lawyer in the East, and our Jincheng is also the number one law firm in the East, and the fees are not low. !"

"As long as you can help me not go to jail, I will give you all my wealth!"

As the woman spoke, she took out a keychain from her pocket and placed it on the desk.

"I have a house in Beichong Island, a car, a large lawn next to the house, and a yard, these..."

The woman hesitated for a while, and finally said resolutely: "As long as you can help me, all of these will be given to you!"

Zhang Wei looked at the woman, is this really all his wealth?

In fact, Zhang Wei didn't like the houses and cars in the countryside of Beichong Island.

But seeing the aura of the woman showing all her wealth, he finally nodded in agreement.

After all, they have spent all their wealth, so she has to help this no matter what.

"I have to ask, who is the person in charge of the local prosecutor's headquarters, maybe I can talk to him!"

After sending the woman out of the law firm, Zhang Wei didn't bother Tie Ruyun and the others who were watching the show, but took out his mobile phone and opened a V-mail chat window.

[Zhang Wei: Dear old Xiao, please call back/smile when you see it]

[Xiao Baihe: Zhang Wei, you are looking for death, right? You still look for me like this on weekdays, and don’t call me Lao Xiao/angry]

[Zhang Wei: Good old Xiao, I got it! 】

[Xiao Baihe: Forget it, I'm too lazy to hate you, let's get down to business! /grimace in pain】

[Zhang Wei: Then let me ask, which prosecutor in your prefectural prosecutor's headquarters is in charge of Gao Xiaoping's case? 】

[Xiao Baihe: The case handed over from Beichong Island? 】

【Zhang Wei: Yes~】

[Xiao Baihe: Oh, Lao Guo is in charge! 】

[Zhang Wei: Which old Guo? 】

【Xiao Baihe: Which old Guo could it be?/Smile】

[Zhang Wei: No way, it can't be that old Guo, right? /panic]

[Xiao Baihe: Congratulations, you got it right! 】

[Zhang Wei: Damn it! ! ! 】

Seeing the word "Old Guo" on the chat screen, Zhang Wei mechanically put down the phone.

This case is not easy to fight!

The author is still going to work today, but if you promise, you have to resume the update, cheer yourself up!ヾ(°°)

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