Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 320 Third Master Leopard, a master, three against three

Gan Xiaowei still left and left the court.

She had no choice, she couldn't stay any longer, so she could only leave.

And as Gan Xiaowei left, the witness stand was naturally vacated again.

"The prosecution?" Judge Liu immediately asked with his eyes.

But at this moment, Xu Suyun also encountered difficulties.

Because the next few witnesses she prepared were all of the same nature as Gan Xiaowei.

They all came out to testify against Tie Ruyun.

But in the current situation, it doesn't make much sense for them to come out.

Because the prosecution has reached a deal with these women, and Zhang Wei already has the means to deal with it.

At worst, if you come up alone, I will summon Chai Ping again.

Therefore, Xu Suyun had no witnesses available.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to kill you once, so I'll hit you a few more times. It seems that I underestimated you!"

Seeing Zhang Wei on the defense bench, Xu Suyun felt what was tricky.

The title of "Murder Lawyer" is not for nothing.

Since there are no witnesses, Xu Suyun's answer is also obvious.

"Your Honor, the prosecution has no witnesses!"

"Oh, there are no witnesses!"

Judge Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that the prosecution's proof is over, and the defense will prove itself next.

"Then it's a bit late today, let me check the time..."

As Judge Liu spoke, he opened the itinerary on his notebook.

"Then, at the beginning of next month..."

"Ahem, Your Honor, are you free tomorrow?"

Just when Judge Liu was about to decide the time, Zhang Wei suddenly interrupted him.

"Tomorrow is Friday, isn't it too rushed?"

Judge Liu was stunned. Are you the defense?

You are not the prosecution, they wish you had as little time to prepare as possible.

You are the defense, you also need preparation time, wow?

And you represent the interests of the client, but you ask for a shortened time, what the hell is this?

"Friday, let me see, I have a court tomorrow morning, and I'm free in the afternoon, but your side..."

"Your Excellency, I have no opinion here!"

Zhang Wei replied with righteous words, and looked at the next table: "At the same time, I also hope that the court can end this case as soon as possible and return my client's innocence as soon as possible!"

"As for the prosecution, what about tomorrow..."

"Your Honor, of course we have no objection!"

In fact, Judge Liu didn't even need to speak. Xu Suyun was eager to start tomorrow.

The trial tomorrow means the defense has only one night to prepare.

How can this time be enough?

In such haste, everyone will make mistakes, and Zhang Wei must be too late to prepare, and he is prone to mistakes.

So Xu Suyun will not object.

In fact, any seasoned prosecution would wish the defense had as little time to prepare as possible.

This is why the defense lawyers always like to postpone the trial, and the reason why the prosecution always hopes that the trial will end as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei did the opposite.

"That's fine..."

Judge Liu thought about it carefully. Although Zhang Wei's mind was abnormal and even convulsed, it was also beneficial to him.

If the case can be concluded in the last week of this month, his case closing rate this month will also increase a little, which is good for him and not bad for him.

"Then, after communicating and negotiating with the prosecution and the defense, this court has set the next court session at 2 pm tomorrow. Please don't be late, and the court will be temporarily adjourned today!"

Judge Liu heaved a sigh of relief and knocked on the hammer to announce the dissolution of the court.

Everyone in the court got up and left one after another.

The originally bustling courtroom gradually became deserted.

Court door.

"Old Tie, it's getting late now, you go back first!"

Zhang Wei was waving to Tie Ruyun.

"Zhang Wei, the court will be held tomorrow, do you have anything else to do?"

Tie Ruyun noticed that Zhang Wei seemed to be busy.

"Nonsense, I must be busy, your affairs have turned around, but I have to get the evidence myself!"

Zhang Wei said, urging Tie Ruyun to go back to rest quickly, because he happened to be busy too.

"Then... let's do it!"

Naturally, Tie Ruyun had no choice but to drive away alone.

After watching Lao Tie drive away, Zhang Wei also let Zhang Xinyan drive and see him off.

in the car.

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and began to contact reinforcements.

"Hanhan, the show is about to begin!"

"Sister Wu, it's time!"

After two phone calls, a sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth.

He already knew the location of the key witness in this case, and now he was going to "invite" the other party over.


Thursday night.

Oriental capital, south port.

Compared with the newly built ports on the east side of the city, the facilities in the South Port are seriously aging, so the passenger flow and ship flow are less than half of the Dongbian Port.

Even at night, part of the South Port area was turned off, and few people patrolled the coastal area.

The black light is blind, and the dog is sneaky.

There are not many people patrolling this place, which is suitable for doing some bad things.

No, Third Master Bao took a fancy to this, so he chose to welcome his distinguished guests at South Port.

As for why this kind of place was chosen instead of a regular port, it was naturally because of the identity of the guest.

They came in illegally and cannot use formal channels.

At this moment, Third Master Bao took a group of his younger brothers and stood at the port.

On the sea in front of them, a cargo ship slowly sailed towards the shore.

"Boss, is this the Martial Daoist you invited?"

Sang Biao, an effective subordinate, leaned forward at this moment, pointed to the freighter and asked for instructions in a low voice.

"Of course, they are not only martial arts masters, but also masters!"

Third Master Bao said, touching his face.

He still remembered that he was beaten by a little girl back then, and he was the kind who had no power to fight back.

He was beaten up by a girl in front of all his younger brothers, it was really embarrassing.

But it's different now, he invited a master.

He swears that if he meets that girl again, he will definitely make her look good!

However, the master he invited was not to avenge him, but to participate in the Martial Arts Conference to be held in Dongfangdu next month.

Thinking of the Martial Dao Conference, Third Master Bao's face showed a serious expression.

Because this meeting was ordered by the person above to attend.

Although Third Master Leopard thought he was skilled, but after experiencing the beating incident himself, he was discouraged.

There is a saying that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people.

His old Jianghu can overturn, so the gang of stunned youths under his hands are obviously unreliable.

And the Martial Arts Tournament in Dongfang Capital is full of masters, so there must be competitors with the same formidable strength as that girl.

So to be on the safe side, Mr. Bao decided to ask for foreign aid.

Anyway, the one above said that they just need to let them slightly suppress a young man named "Wu" in the martial arts conference, anyone can participate.

It doesn't even matter if they win the championship or not, their goal is to deal with someone, not the championship.

Soon, the freighter approached, and three people who looked very distinctive walked down from the deck of the ship.

The first person, wearing an orange-red cloak, was an old man with dark skin, who looked rather unattractive.

But Third Master Bao obviously knew each other.

"Master Zaku, it's been a long journey, thank you for your hard work!"

"Third Master Leopard!"

The old man known as Master Zaku just said a little politely.

And behind the old man, two younger people walked out.

A dark-skinned muscular man, nearly two meters tall, wearing a short vest, his muscles bulged like an explosion, and his surface shone like black pearls.

The other is tall and thin, each of them is as tall as the black-skinned strong man, but the limbs are as thin as bamboo poles.

These two people, no matter which one looks like, can attract 100% of the attention of passers-by when they walk on the street.

But the posture of the two of them following the old man, vaguely half a body behind, set off the original ordinary old man.

"These two are..." Third Master Bao looked at the two and asked hastily.

"Oh, they are my two apprentices!"

Master Zhagu said, and introduced to the third master Leopard.

"This burly one is my eldest disciple, Hei Jingang!"

Third Master Bao looked at the burly man whose whole body was black as a lump of carbon, and secretly thought that he lived up to his name.

"This one is my second disciple, Zhubianzi!"

Third Master Leopard thought to himself, good fellow, Master, you feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement at your level of naming your apprentices.

Do you look at your apprentice and take whatever you think of?

Your apprentice knows that you are a master, so you name them so casually?

"Then master, you bring the two of them together, could it be..."

Master Zaku didn't speak, but Hei Jingang and Zhubian shouted in unison:

"Come to the east, but seek defeat!"

The voices of the two were very loud, and as soon as they opened their mouths, a momentum emerged.

Third Master Bao was quite calm, but when his younger brothers heard this and felt the momentum, they were all shocked immediately.

"Master Zaku, do you want to take your apprentice to participate in the Martial Arts Conference?"

"I have long heard that the East is the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. My two apprentices have rarely met opponents in their hometown. I brought them to the East today because I want to see the grand martial arts event in this Eastern land!"

He said with a smile on his face.

And the two apprentices behind them all showed a ferocious smile on their faces.

A strong fighting spirit emanated from them.

Master Zhagu was talking, but suddenly asked: "By the way, Third Master Bao, did you call a master to clean up the dust for us?"

"Huh?" Third Master Bao was astonished.

I just called so many younger brothers to join me, you should have seen them all.

Where is the master, is it me?

"Third Master Leopard is really considerate, and he specially prepared three masters. He is afraid that the three of us, the master and the apprentice, will be on the boat for a long time. Can you let us warm up as soon as we get off the boat?"

"Three masters, where are they, where are they?"

Third Master Bao hurriedly followed the sight of Master Zaku in front of him, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

"Fuck, it's that girl!"

When he saw who was coming, his ass tightened, his lower body became cold, and the old wound on his face felt a little painful.

There were four people who came, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan.

"Boss, it's that girl!"

The people under Third Master Bao also trembled subconsciously when they saw Xia Qianyue appearing, and all bad memories flooded their hearts.

A girl who beat them all back then, and still crushed them.

The horror of the fighting power displayed by the other party made people frightened and terrified, and there was no way to resist.

And now, this terrifying girl appeared in front of them again.

"Master Bao, let's meet again!"

As the leader, Zhang Wei immediately took a step forward and looked at the target.

"I came here today because I want to take my subordinate Sangbiao, please ask him to come with us!"

Sangbiao was shocked immediately, what happened to me?

I've been honest recently. I helped organize and guard the business, and occasionally received a little extra money. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary, right?

Why did you take me away as soon as you came, I was wronged...

Although Sangbiao has been doing things that hurt nature and reason, he really can't guess Zhang Wei's purpose.

"Oh, so it's not the person invited by Third Master Bao!"

At this moment, Master Zhagu took a step forward and stood in front of Third Master Bao.

"Third Master, since this is the case, how about letting our masters and apprentices help you deal with it?"

Hearing this, Third Master Leopard was overjoyed.

Yes, this time he also has masters on his side.

Not to mention this master Zaku, his two apprentices looked like they were both fierce and fierce, and they were obviously good players.

Plus there are so many younger brothers on my side, why should I be afraid of the other four?

Thinking of this, Third Master Bao regained his confidence.

"Boy, you are really brave. You can just come and look for me. You will take my little brother away as soon as you open your mouth. Did you ask me if I agree?"

Sangbiao on the side heard this and was moved to tears.

Third Master Leopard, in this life, I will be your cow and horse!

On the other side, Master Zhagu walked in front of Zhang Wei and the others, and said with a calm smile, "Third Master Bao is a friend of this old man. If you want to touch his people, you just don't give old man face, then we can't sit idly by!"

"Old man, you came here illegally. Is your identity legal? If I make a report call now, do you think someone will send you back?"

Zhang Wei immediately took out his mobile phone and threatened.

"Damn it, you..."

Zhang Wei's words made Master Zhagu completely overwhelmed.

The old man is polite to you, but you young man doesn't talk about martial arts!

But Zhang Wei's words really caught him.

He Zaku is a master of martial arts, but he is also afraid of the official power of the Dragon Kingdom.

If this is not done well, and I send myself back to my hometown, I will not be able to participate in this martial arts conference.

The folks asked, saying that you went to Longguo to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, what ranking did you get, and why did you come back so early?

How should you answer?

Said that we failed to participate and were sent back by others.

Isn't this a loss of face.

"Little friend, you can't say that. We are here to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, so it can be regarded as making friends through martial arts!"

Zhagu said, pointed to his two apprentices, and said with a smile: "How about today, I will add my two apprentices, and compete with the three masters you brought, and have a three-on-three game how?"

"If we win, let's forget about today's affairs. Wherever you come and go, just pretend you didn't see anything, right?"

Zhang Wei frowned, but immediately asked, "What if we win?"

"If you win, whoever you want to take away is up to you?"

"Boss, I object!"

Hearing Master Zaku's words, someone jumped out immediately.

This person is Sang Biao.

He was speechless for a while, why did you make a bet with Master Zaku, you dragged me into it, I am not your apprentice!

But Sangbiao's words did not make Third Master Bao pay attention. On the contrary, he nodded and said: "Okay, I agree!"

Sangbiao: emmm...

Well, he regretted it a little, and said that he would take back the words that he wanted to do for the third master Bao just now.

"Okay, let's think about it!"

Zhang Wei didn't immediately agree, but formed a circle with Xia Qianyue and the others, and the four heads got together to discuss.

"These three people look very strange, and their fighting power may not be weak. Do you have confidence?"

"Zhang Wei, do you have no confidence in me and my sister? I'm not afraid to tell you that I, Zhang Xinyan, can beat ten of them!"

"It's because I know you that I don't have confidence..."

"Damn it, believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

"Then you are finished, pay me one million, and give me a job for the rest of your life, do you want to give it a try?"

"I'm joking, you are my boss, how could I hit you..."

Seeing Zhang Xinyan's instant confession, Zhang Wei curled his lips.

Is this still a master?

It's not that he is easily and easily manipulated by himself.

"Hanhan, Miss Wu, do you have confidence?"

"I don't know...but I should be able to deal with that thin, tall and big guy easily. I don't know about that old man, but I don't think he's dangerous."

Hearing Xia Qianyue's answer, Zhang Wei finally felt relieved.

If Hanhan has confidence, then it will be fine.

"Where's Miss Wu?"

"I can only say my best, but I will definitely do my best to help you!"

"That's it..."

Zhang Wei thought about it carefully, Zhang Xinwu's skill is not bad, the two apprentices look amazing, but their strength may not be so strong.

In addition, there is a terrifying bottom line, so it should be unlikely to lose.

"Well, Master Zaku, right? We agree!"

"Hahaha, since the kid agrees, let's start now!"

When Master Zhagu heard that Zhang Wei agreed, he also smiled, and winked at Third Master Bao.

Everyone present took half a step back and set aside an area for them.

Master Zhagu winked at his two apprentices, and they immediately looked at each other.

In the end, it was Zhubian who grinned grinningly and took a step forward, walking into the arena.

"Our side sent my second disciple, Zhubianzi, who is yours?"

"I come!"

On Zhang Wei's side, Zhang Xinyan also took a step forward, moving his arms, and walked into the arena.

"Oh, the weakest one!"

Seeing Zhang Xinyan go out, Master Zhagu smiled.

This first battle seemed to be won by our side.

Then in the second round, even if another apprentice of mine accidentally loses...

Although this is unlikely, but in case he really loses, he can cover the bottom line.

The only thing he wasn't sure about was how powerful that seemingly harmless little girl in Zhang Wei's party was.

He only knew that when the other group first appeared, someone gave him a certain sense of danger, but that feeling disappeared quickly.

"This group of people looks so young, it's impossible for some monsters to appear, right?"

Master Zaku felt that his vision of seeing people was still very accurate, and the three of them, master and apprentice, should have won today.

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