Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 325 All confessed, Tie Ruyun innocent

The door of the courtroom opened, and a figure walked in.

This person is none other than Sangbiao.

Of course, he has another identity in court.

The defense refuted the witness, Wang Jianren's cousin, whose real name was Wang Jianbiao.

Just by hearing their names, one could tell that he and Wang Jianren were brothers.

Wang Jianren got up from his seat subconsciously, and then gave way to Sangbiao.

"Lawyer are you..."

Uncharacteristically, Sangbiao did not have the arrogance of gangsters at all, but greeted Zhang Wei with a lick of his face.

There is no way to do this, who is Zhang Wei, that is Xia Qianyue's boyfriend.

Who is Xia Qianyue? She was the one who subdued Master Zaku with one punch.

Who is Master Zhagu? He is a master whose boss, Bao Sanye, treats him with courtesy.

So in Sangbiao's heart, Zhang Wei \u003e Xia Qianyue \u003e Master Zaku.

To round it up, Zhang Wei is the master of masters, referred to as high master!

Sang Biao still respected the masters.

Especially when the other party can call Xia Qianyue, a master who can kill him in seconds, it makes Sang Biao dare not be presumptuous in the slightest.

"Hello, Wang Jianbiao!" Zhang Wei greeted each other with a smile.

"No, Lawyer Zhang, I really don't need to be so polite, just call me A Biao!"

At this moment, Sangbiao was truly amiable, as if kneeling and licking his father.

"Oh, good A Biao, let's get started!"

Zhang Wei nodded, who said gangsters are all bad guys?

Look, isn't there a very polite "good guy" right in front of me?

This attitude is quite a polite and good citizen.

"Lawyer Zhang, if you ask me, I will tell you everything!" A Biao patted his chest again to assure him, his attitude was nothing to say.

"Alright then, I'll just ask you a simple question, what's your relationship with that witness just now?"

"Oh, Wang Jianren, he and I are cousins, and we have seen each other when we go back to our hometown during the holidays."

"So, did he contact you last Thursday night? Did he plan to deal with someone for you?"

"Yes, I have been contacted. The person to be dealt with seems to be called Tie Ruyun!" A Biao immediately nodded and admitted.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy, it's true!

What Zhang Wei said was actually true.

Tie Ruyun was really framed.

"be opposed to!"

At this moment, Xu Suyun on the prosecution's seat couldn't sit still.

She knew that if this witness continued to speak, the case would be out of control.

Xu Suyun pointed to Zhang Wei and Sang Biao in court, "The defense is asking the witnesses to testify against themselves!"

Zhang Wei had already expected that Xu Suyun would be unable to sit still, so he immediately sneered and said: "Mr. false testimony!"

"Yes, the objection is invalid, and the witness can continue to answer!"

At this moment, Judge Liu naturally understood the reason and immediately announced the result.

Xu Suyun sat down slumped, but this time her face was no longer cold, and her eyes were fixed on the witness stand.

She panicked!

My heart is completely panicked!

Could it be that I, Xu Suyun, will also taste defeat today?

On the witness stand, the questioning continues.

"A Biao, how much money did your cousin give you to deal with my client?"

"He found me that day and told me about it. At that time, I really didn't know that this person had something to do with Lawyer Zhang, so I charged him 100,000 yuan with the idea of ​​helping a group of my brothers. Help him live out the whole thing, and after everything is done in advance, I will charge him another 100,000 yuan for the final payment, for a total of 200,000 yuan."

Sangbiao said, scratching his head in embarrassment and said: "Lawyer Zhang, I didn't expect that this kid would ask me to do such a thing. Didn't it make it clear that he was cheating on his family? I, Sangbiao, am really embarrassed. I didn't expect to slander Lawyer Tie, I am here to apologize to both you and him!"

As he spoke, he really stood up and bowed in court to apologize.

"By the way, how did you do it?"

"Oh, this is easy!"

Sang Biao recalled and said: "I inquired a little bit, and I happened to find out that Lawyer Tie was with a Liu Ying, and the chicken head on the Liu Ying happened to honor my 'monthly payment'. Isn't it a coincidence? ?”

"So I called Jitou over, told him about it, and told him to contact that wandering warbler and let them put on a show."

"On Saturday, Jitou was in charge of watching the wind, and found a place where there was a field officer patrolling, and then contacted Liu Ying, who then asked Lawyer Tie to send herself to that street entrance, and then Liu Ying was in charge If you pester someone else's lawyer Tie, and once the field staff sees them teasing, won't this matter be settled?"

"I heard from that chicken head that Lawyer Tie is a fool... Ahem, Lawyer Tie is so kind, he actually gave Liuying 500 yuan in cash in the car, and it happened to be seen by the field staff, so there was a misunderstanding Well……"

Sangbiao said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Sometimes, things are so coincidental.

Tie Ruyun just had a kind heart, but was seen by the field staff, and then it turned into a money transaction with a good girl.

"Oh, so that's the case..."

Zhang Wei showed a suddenly realized expression, and made an exaggerated voice.

And his movements and demeanor were also seen by the audience.

"Then, do you have evidence to prove it?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the control square seat, Xu Suyun was ready to move.

He knew that if he didn't kill the opponent with a single stick, the opponent would definitely fight back.

And there is strong evidence to do just that.

"Of course there is!"

Sangbiao was very cooperative at the moment, and immediately said: "The transfer record between me and my cousin is that the time when he paid the money and the balance payment is exactly as I said."

"I still have a text message record with Jitou. Although I told him about it face to face, I was afraid that he would forget, so I sent him a text message."

"And I swear to God, what I said is true, if I lie, let me die on the street, and there will be thunder and thunder!"

In the end, he even stood up and swore an oath.

Although he didn't know the authenticity of the oath, the expression on his face when he spoke at the moment was full of sincerity.

"Thank you, A Biao, for your speech!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at Wang Jianren's position with a smile, "Judge Liu, combined with the testimony of the refuting witnesses, we would like to invite Lawyer Wang to appear in court again for interrogation!"


Judge Liu nodded.

But at the same time, he also warned Sangbiao: "Don't go far away, go to the defense witness box and wait, and you may have to cross-examine you later!"


Sangbiao naturally had no objection, and immediately sat on the defense witness stand.

However, Judge Liu also knew in his heart that cross-examination by the prosecution was meaningless because the case was getting close to the truth.

Wang Jianren sat back on the witness stand again.

But this time, his complexion was much uglier than before, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't be wiped off no matter how hard he tried.

"Lawyer Wang, do you have anything to say at this moment?"

Looking at Wang Jianren, Zhang Wei showed a certain generosity and gave the other party a chance.

"I...I have nothing to say..."

Wang Jianren's voice was intermittent, and he lowered his head, not daring to look up at Zhang Wei.

"So, you are not going to take the initiative to explain?"

Zhang Wei immediately walked up to Wang Jianren, and said coldly: "Anyway, you think you have given false testimony in court and are suspected of slandering others, and you are a lawyer. If you know the law and break the law, your license will definitely be revoked, and you There will be additional legal responsibilities, and jail time is certain!"

"But have you thought about it?"

This time Zhang Wei leaned closer to Wang Jianren's ear, and whispered in his ear: "If the big boss knows that you did all of this, and you are the one who smeared the lawyer, do you think he will hold you accountable?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Jianren's expression changed immediately.

If the big boss Lin Xiangtian wanted to hold him accountable, what would he do?

Let yourself be beyond redemption?

Buy killers in prison, and then become yourself?

Dealing with his own family, implicating the nine clans?

Anyway, he can imagine how horrible things are.

Thinking of this, Wang Jianren's face changed.

But if Zhang Wei knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him that he was thinking too much.

Lin Xiangtian is just a second generation, how can he be so scary, at most he will let you stay in prison for a few more years.

On the contrary, Lin Jincheng might really do something like this.

However, Zhang Wei would not point out these things, but taking advantage of Wang Jianren's fear, he immediately withdrew his leaning body and walked to the jury seat at the same time.

"Lawyer Wang, now is your last chance, why don't you confess?"

"If you take the initiative to confess, it will be regarded as a good confession, and you can be punished lightly. Otherwise, if you are stubborn, then there is nothing I can do to help you!"

When Wang Jianren was yelled at by Zhang Wei, he immediately broke his defense.

"I... I... I didn't mean to..."

"It's not intentional, what do you mean, is someone forcing you to do this?"

Zhang Wei said, turning his head to look at the hearing booth.

Shen Zhengyi and Li Qingshou also panicked when they noticed Zhang Wei's gaze.


You kid see what we are doing, you don't doubt us, do you?

In other words, if Wang Jianren really confessed himself, wouldn't they become accomplices?

This kind of thing must never happen!

When Shen Zhengyi thought of this, his face immediately changed.

He looked at Wang Jianren on the witness stand, his eyes turned cold, and his expression was full of warning.

If you dare to say superfluous words, you are finished!

Seeing his boss' warning expression, Wang Jianren had a dog-licking attack, and he died immediately.

"I plead guilty, I confess, I did it all!"

In the end, under the double pressure of Shen Zhengyi and Zhang Wei...

No, plus the invisible pressure from Lin Xiangtian, under a total of three pressures, Wang Jianren finally confessed.

"I don't have a good relationship with Tie Ruyun. I was jealous that he was promoted to department leader earlier than me, and I was jealous that he suddenly became the department head from the team leader, so I contacted my cousin and asked him to give Tie Ruyun a little color. look!"

"You did it all. You didn't discuss it with other people. You and two other people weren't in the same VIP room that day. When you contacted Brother Biao, you should still be together, right?"

Looking in the direction of Shen Zhengyi, Zhang Wei asked Wang Jianren again.

"I did it all. My leader didn't know it. It was my own idea!"

Naturally, Wang Jianren would not betray Shen Zhengyi, but took everything on him.

In this regard, he is very loyal.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I did it all, I alone want to take revenge on Tie Ruyun!"


Zhang Wei looked at Wang Jianren, and his face gradually relaxed from the original dignified, "That's fine, anyway, I don't care, as long as you plead guilty!"

"For me, as long as I can prove that my client Tie Ruyun is innocent, it doesn't matter whether you plead guilty or not. As for whether you want to confess to other people, what does it matter to me?"

"Huh?" Wang Jianren was stunned.

You put on a posture that you want to investigate to the end, and you still want me to confess Shen Zhengyi. Are you just pretending?

Your purpose is as simple as that, as long as Tie Ruyun is innocent, don't care about the rest?

Zhang Wei can tell Wang Jianren with certainty.

Yes, you are right!

As long as the lawsuit is won, the goal will be achieved.

"Lawyer Wang, oh, no..."

As Zhang Wei spoke, he suddenly realized something, laughed and sarcastically said: "From the moment you plead guilty, you are no longer a lawyer, but a criminal, and you are a criminal who confessed your illegal behavior in court!"

"It's very good, even the step of hiring a defense lawyer can be saved. I hope you will be in prison and repent!"

As Zhang Wei said, he leaned in front of Wang Jianren and whispered, "Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh. After you go to prison, you may be able to be a 'good girl'~"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Jianren's face was completely tense.

His facial muscles twitched, his facial features were completely distorted, and finally he cried out in court with a "wow".

A big old man was actually broken by Zhang Wei's words.

When he thought of going to prison and possibly becoming someone's "good girl", his expression couldn't stop flowing.

Everyone in the courtroom looked at the witness stand.

An old man, suffering in court, this is simply too beautiful...

"Mr. Xu, do you still want to ask more questions, but I suggest you save yourself, the witness is not in a good mood now..."

Zhang Wei walked to the prosecutor's seat at this moment, and smiled and joked at Xu Suyun.

"Damn you..."

Xu Suyun knew that she had already lost, and wanted to turn thousands of words into one dirty word, but it was a pity that she had too many worries and couldn't say it.

"Your Honor, the defense is done!"

Zhang Wei turned his head and smiled at the trial seat, walked away, and walked back to the defense seat next door.

At this moment, he felt himself physically and mentally comfortable and relaxed.

"The prosecution?"

Judge Liu looked at Xu Suyun, but he also sympathized with her in his heart.

It's really hard to deal with someone like Zhang Wei who doesn't follow the routine and hides his ultimate move at the last moment.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution has finished questioning!"

Xu Suyun glanced at the jury box, but finally had no choice but to compromise.

She knew that it was useless for her to ask any more. The jury already knew the truth, and she would be humiliating herself no matter how much she struggled.

Moreover, what the prosecutors are looking for is not the so-called conviction, but the truth.

It can be said that this time I was planted, and was completely controlled by Zhang Wei.

Damn it!

Almost every lawyer and public prosecutor who is the closest opponent to Zhang Wei seems to be very unwilling at the last moment.

But unwilling to return, they have nothing to do.

Judge Liu looked at Zhang Wei again, and Zhang Wei waved his hand with a smile.

"This court announces that since both the prosecution and the defense have finished asking questions, let's take a short break and start the closing statements of both parties. I know everyone understands in their hearts that this closing statement is actually not very meaningful, but it's time to go The process also requires everyone to strictly abide by one or two, and the closing statement will also be recorded by the court as a summary!"

Judge Liu announced with a hammer that the two sides began preparations.

A few minutes later, the prosecution and the defense each took the stage for a minute and delivered a very brief closing statement.

After another few minutes, the jury and the judge finally made a verdict.

The chief juror got up and read aloud: "After the verdict of the jury, we believe that the defendant in this case, Tie Ruyun, did not engage in prostitution. At the same time, based on the testimony of many witnesses at the last moment, we affirm that the defendant is not guilty!"

With the court announcement, Tie Ruyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This farce is finally over.

Free yourself and prove your innocence!

"It's great!"


In the hearing booth, both Lin Yumeng and Li Yueqin jumped up for joy.

The newcomers were also extremely excited, and some even raised their arms and shouted in public.

"Hmph, let's go!"

If anyone is upset, it is naturally Guo Wufeng.

He looked at Mrs. Xu with a dejected face and Zhang Wei who was triumphant in the field, snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

This time, Zhang Wei won again. The anger in his heart was as uncomfortable as eating expired food.

"Old Tie, let me tell you, I can give you back your freedom!"

On the defense bench, Zhang Wei patted Tie Ruyun on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to have such a hand!"

As Tie Ruyun said, he looked towards the hearing booth.

Shin Zhengyi and Li Qingshou, with gloomy faces, also left quickly.

"Don't worry, the two of them can't escape. They must have a part in what happened to Wang Jianren this time!"

"It's a pity that you have no evidence. Wang Jianren didn't explain anything?"

"Some people do things without paying attention to evidence!"

Zhang Wei didn't care at all and just waved his hands.

"By the way, let's go out, just to let you see the ending of some people!"

Zhang Wei said, greeted Tie Ruyun, and walked out of the court together.

Outside the court, there were several court guards escorting Wang Jianren away.

In the preparation room, there were also two female court guards escorting a woman out.

"Xiao Wei!"

Seeing the woman, Tie Ruyun opened his mouth.

Gan Xiaowei looked haggard, but when she saw Tie Ruyun coming out, she forced a smile, then lowered her head as if apologizing, and bowed deeply to apologize.

Under the escort of two female court guards, she was taken away together with Wang Jianren.

"Give false testimony in court, provide false confessions, she committed a serious crime!"

"But she was also persecuted!"

"I know this. If you still want to defend her, please come early next Monday~"

The so-called please go early, of course, is to go to the detention center and see Gan Xiaowei again.

As Zhang Wei said, he patted Tie Ruyun on the shoulder.

"By the way, old man, are you free tonight, can I invite you to drink?"

"You boy, do you really want to drink?"

"Otherwise, you have won the lawsuit today, so how can you not drink?"

"This... then it's fine, but you can't drink too much!"

Tie Ruyun hesitated for a moment, but when she thought that Zhang Wei had helped her so much, she agreed.

And he still remembered that this kid seemed to have said that he would invite the wine for the first three rounds.

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