Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 359 Pawn Xu Zhifeng, Sued?

Finally, the closing ceremony of the Martial Arts Conference was held very simply.

There is no way, a certain idiot used too much force, and the ring was blown away.

Without the arena, how can awards be presented, what else can we do?

It can only end hastily, and it happens that several representatives are also in a hurry, and they can't wait to end it as soon as possible.

So in the end, Lin Xiangtian and Mo Juren, as sponsors and representatives of the city council respectively, congratulated Xia Qianyue who won the first place, and then presented the commemorative trophy for the champion of the Martial Arts Championship, shook hands by the way, and took a photo together It's over.

The warm-up of the martial arts conference, the opening ceremony, and even during the competition, the heat is ahead.

As a result, the final finishing work ended hastily, and I have to say that it was a bit anticlimactic.

Everyone disbanded.

After Xia Qianyue reunited with Zhang Wei and his party, they each went back to their respective homes, looking for their own family members.

Xiao Baihe reluctantly parted from Xia Qianyue and the others, and got into Tan Yingying's ordinary car worth less than 100,000 yuan.

Reluctantly, Mo Yuzhu parted from Zhang Wei and the others, and got into Mr. Mo's black business car worth hundreds of thousands.

Lin Yumeng parted with her friends reluctantly, and got into an imported stretched Lincoln car worth several million.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue took the subway worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, and returned to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall together.

When we got back to the martial arts hall, it was already dark.

"Sister Xiaowu, don't worry, we must have a way to save your brother, tomorrow I will go to Yangxintang to ask Master Huang."

"Aren't there many masters in the Martial Arts Conference? The few masters who made the last move should also know something. Maybe they have a solution!"

When we parted, seeing Zhang Xinwu frowning, Zhang Wei could only comfort him in this way.

Zhang Xinwu nodded when she heard Zhang Wei's suggestion, expressing her understanding.

Zhang Wei returned to the Lin Mansion, and after Xia Qianyue visited Zhang Xinyan and Zhang Xinwu, she also wanted to go home.

at the same time.

Dongfangdu, southern suburbs.

In a private estate near a mountain.

Several people gathered together.

They are Lin Xiangtian from the Lin family, Hua Chaofan from the Hua family, and the tall and strong man from the Wu family.

"Wu Yuanzong, you are not authentic. You agreed to be in charge of the martial arts conference, but when I turned around, I saw you ran away with your nephew, and left me and Lao Mo in charge. Is there an organizer like you? ?”

Lin Xiangtian looked at this "Second Master of the Wu family" with an unfriendly expression.

"Hmph, let's talk about this, my nephew is seriously injured now, and I'm still thinking about how to get justice!"

Wu Yuanzong snorted coldly, with the same expression of displeasure.

You fat man of the Lin family is still looking for trouble, right?

Didn't you see that my nephew was like that?

I'm not in a hurry to bring him back to my father for treatment, so why not leave him there to die?

"I want to take revenge, take revenge on that woman!" Wu Yuanzong said, with a hint of sternness in his eyes.

As for who that woman was, it was naturally Xia Qianyue who beat his nephew into such a state.

"How are you going to take revenge and challenge that girl?" Fatty Lin also got excited and smiled.

"This..." Wu Yuanzong paused when asked this question.


How to revenge?

One-on-one with that girl?

Don't be ridiculous, it's not like he didn't miss that girl's last blow.

Although his nephew provoked the other party earlier, there may be an anger bonus, but the girl's attack power is really terrifying.

Not to mention Wu Renjie, even if Wu Yuanzong took the shot himself, the possibility of winning is not great.

In order not to follow in the footsteps of his nephew, Wu Yuanzong decided to use another weapon.

"Fatty Lin, don't you have a lawyer under your command? I want to sue that woman for murdering my nephew!"


Hearing the request from the other side, Lin Xiangtian froze for a moment.

What the hell are you talking about?

I thought you had some means, but it turned out that you used legal weapons?

Good guy!

Really good guy!

Are you still a warrior?

Besides, the two of them are competing in the arena, and this martial arts conference is held based on your connections and requirements.

As a result, your nephew was beaten, so you want me to hire a lawyer to help you find a place?

Don't you think it's embarrassing!

You don't think it's your thick skin, but I, Lin Xiangtian, don't want face, I feel ashamed for you.

"Fatty Lin, just say whether you can help me or not!" Wu Yuanzong's tone became more serious, obviously it was a showdown.

Lin Xiangtian thought for a while, and was about to reluctantly agree, but suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he had a plan in mind.

"The second child of the Wu family, it's not that I, Mr. Lin, don't help me, it's just that this girl is a bit special!"

Lin Xiangtian said, pretending to be very embarrassed, "You also know that although there are many lawyers under my command, lawyers are also divided into grades. Some lawyers are good, and some lawyers are not good!"

"Then it's a coincidence that the girl who beat up your nephew seems to be the girlfriend of that boy Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei is the most powerful group of lawyers in our law firm!"

After Lin Xiangtian finished speaking, he took a look at Hua Chaofan.

The latter hurriedly spoke up, and said in a chime, "That's right, this kid doesn't say anything else, he's really good at being a lawyer, and he helped me achieve the one-hit-kill case of Chen Xianfeng!"

Lin Xiangtian spread his hands: "So, my most powerful lawyer is on the other side. Even if you ask other lawyers for help, you may not be the opponent of that kid. In short, there is no problem!"

"Then you can't tell him not to make a move?"

"You can push it down, that kid will listen to me or his girlfriend, don't you have any clues in your mind?"

Seeing Wu Yuanzong making such a request, Lin Xiangtian rolled his eyes directly.

Every time something happened to that kid, he would directly move my father out, and I couldn't do anything about him.

You asked me to give him an order not to save his girlfriend, if that kid knows how to listen...

I, Lin Xiangtian, swear that I will lose 40 jins of meat this year, and I can turn one of my abdominal muscles into an eight-pack!

So, stop kidding!

"Then what's the matter!" Wu Yuanzong was also annoyed.

This fight can't be beaten again, and the legal weapon is useless. I am also very desperate!

"So, you..."

Lin Xiangtian was about to say something, but a waiter suddenly appeared at the entrance of the manor hall where they were.

The three of them stopped talking immediately, and the waiter walked to Wu Yuanzong's side, bowed his head and whispered a few words.

"Oh, my father really said that?" Wu Yuanzong rolled his eyes, somewhat in disbelief.

"The old leader told me personally, please rest assured, Second Master!"

"That's good, you go down!"

After letting the waiter leave, Wu Yuanzong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"My father rescued that kid. Although the injury is serious, at least he can continue to recover. When the time comes, he will be raised with a century-old ganoderma and a thousand-year-old ginseng, and he will recover!"

"Worthy of being the old man of the Wu family, he's really good enough!"

Lin Xiangtian couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and then he smiled again: "By the way, I have been playing golf recently, and my waist is a little sore when I swing. Can you give me some hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and thousand-year-old ginseng?" Make up your waist?"

"Fuck you, Fatty Lin, if you don't help me, what's the use of you!"

Wu Yuanzong scolded angrily, Lin Xiangtian and Hua Chaofan also knew that they had nothing to do, so they left immediately.

In the entire hall, only Wu Yuanzong was left.

His face was still gloomy, because the old man had not done what he had ordered him to do.

What the waiter passed to him just now was not one sentence, but two sentences.

The old man of the Wu family gave him a sentence at the end, the original words were as follows...

Whoever dares to hurt my grandson will have to pay the price!

Now Wu Yuanzong has a headache, how can he take revenge?

He also asked Lin Xiangtian just now, it is not okay to trouble that girl.

First, you can't beat the opponent yourself.

Second, it is difficult to take the legal route.

Since he couldn't take revenge on Xia Qianyue, he could only find someone close to him to attack.

"Come on, help me investigate a person!"

He called the waiter, and after a few instructions in his ear, he asked the waiter to collect information.

1 hour later.

Still in this villa, the waiter gave him the collected information.

"Xia Qianyue, father Xia Donghai, and mother Li Qinghua, this family relationship is too simple and innocent, and the background of the parents, the former is from the martial arts association, and the latter is from the court. Formal means are not good. Do it!"

"Wait, did Lin Xiangtian say that that girl has a boyfriend, who seems to be called Zhang Wei?"

Wu Yuanzong recalled, Lin Xiangtian should have said this name.

He ordered the waiter again to go out and prepare materials.

After another half hour, Zhang Wei's information appeared in his hands.

"Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer in the criminal department of Jincheng Law Firm, has no father, no mother, and no relatives alive. His background is simpler than I imagined!"

Looking at the "detailed" information in his hand, Wu Yuanzong fell into thinking.

"Did Lin Xiangtian say that Zhang Wei might destroy the plan if he wanted to take legal means to get revenge on that girl, so I will deal with Zhang Wei first, making him unqualified to be a lawyer, and then deal with that girl, wouldn't it be It's done!"

Wu Yuanzong felt that he had thought of a good idea.

The plan is divided into two steps, first get Zhang Wei out of the way, so that he can't make a move.

When the time comes and Xia Qianyue comes again, the other party will not have Zhang Wei, so naturally they can only obediently catch him without a fight, and the old man's request will be fulfilled.

"Well, not bad, let's do it!"

After Wu Yuanzong finalized the plan, he began to look through the materials carefully, his eyes locked on one of the pages.

"This Zhang Wei was recently accused by the Zhongcheng District Prosecutor's Office of threatening witnesses, but no case was filed?"

"Can this matter be used as a fuss?"

"One more thing, I can't do it myself, I have to hide in the dark, such a bum, it's not worthy of me, Wu Yuanzong, to show my face in person, I have to find a dead ghost to replace him!"

As he spoke, he began to look through the documents again.

"Yes, Xu Zhifeng, this man is good, he can be used as a pawn!"


It was midnight.

Xu Zhifeng was sleepy in his apartment, but for some reason, he was robbed by someone covering his head and face.

When he regained his sight again, he had arrived at an abandoned factory, surrounded by a group of masked robbers.

He was terrified and begged for mercy: "Brothers, I am just an ordinary wage earner. If you are so hot, please let me go. I will give you money. I have saved more than 300,000 yuan over the years." , give it all to you, give it all to you!”

He didn't dare to say that he was a lawyer, for fear that some of the robbers would hate the profession of being a lawyer, and he only dared to say that he was a wage earner and a hard-working person.

"Xu Zhifeng, Longteng International has been practicing as a lawyer for five years. I recently heard that you are going to be the team leader. You even boasted to the department head that you will complete 30 cases within a month, but your recent goal seems to be a bit slow!"

"Ah, big brother, who are you?"

Xu Zhifeng was stunned, you have investigated me, it seems that you are seeking revenge on me.

But I really didn't do anything. Could it be that he already knew about my affair with the supervisor's wife?

"Brother, I really didn't mean it. If Director Zhang called you here, then I apologize to him. It was my sister-in-law who seduced me first. She also threatened me with the supervisor, saying that if I don't sleep with her, Zhang The supervisor will fire me, and when I was confused for a while... just..."

"Fuck you, who cares what you did with that Director Zhang!"

When the leader heard Xu Zhifeng blew himself up, he just kicked him up.

Xu Zhifeng was kicked immediately, lying on the ground, not daring to speak.

"Xu Zhifeng, just listen to me. Now I have a task for you. If it succeeds, you will be successful. If you fail, you should think about the consequences. We can tie you up once, but of course you can tie you up a second time! "

"Brother, you say, you say, no matter what the task is, I will do it, I will do it, I will go through fire and water, and I will do it!"

Xu Zhifeng immediately stated that he is now the eldest brother's own son, and you are my own father.

Whatever you say, I will try my best to do it for you.

"Well, we want you to deal with Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei, which Zhang Wei?"

"It's Zhang Wei who sabotaged your plan in the restaurant when you treated guests!"

"Is that the junior?"

Xu Zhifeng actually remembered Zhang Wei, and was planning to take revenge.

But because the supervisor has also put a lot of pressure on him recently, and he is busy hooking up with the supervisor's wife, so the matter of revenge has been forgotten.

Hearing these gangsters mention it now, he couldn't react for a while.

Cooperate with you to go to war and kidnap me, just to let me deal with Zhang Wei?

Then you guys said, I will definitely help with this favor!

A thick stack of documents fell in front of Xu Zhifeng's eyes.

"These are the materials for you, use them well, understand?"

"Understood, big brother, I will listen to you!"


After the leader finished speaking, he picked up a black hood again and put it on Xu Zhifeng's face.

By the time he regained his vision, he had returned to the apartment and was lying on the bed.


He got up quickly, touched his face, it hurt a little, it was the wound from the big brother's kick.

This also shows that the kidnapping just now is real.

Looking out the window, it was pitch black.

Looking at the mobile phone on the bedside table, it is already 2 o'clock in the morning.

"What about the information?"

Xu Zhifeng quickly remembered that those elder brothers had given the information, so don't let it go.

Fortunately, he saw the stack of documents on the desk in his room.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he felt tired, and fell asleep directly.

When he woke up again, it was already past eight o'clock.

At the desk.

"Team leader, I'm sorry, I have to ask for a morning's leave."

"Yes, yes, I'm not feeling well and I need to rest."

"What, Director Zhang asked me about the case, oh, I'm already preparing, I'm preparing!"

"Yes, yes, please don't worry, team leader, please don't worry, team leader, Haikou, which I boasted, will definitely be done, will be done..."

After licking his face and explaining the situation to the team leader, the leave was finally approved.

But soon, Xu Zhifeng's face collapsed again.

"How could it be this Zhang Wei? Murder lawyer Zhang Wei is actually my schoolmate..."

Looking at the information in his hand, his mood was even worse.

I thought this Zhang Wei was just an elementary school boy who was slaughtered by others, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually a big terror.

Murder lawyer Zhang Wei!

Zhang Wei, who forced Cheng Lisha to death, forced the local prosecutor's headquarters to be helpless, and even drove Chen Xianfeng to ruin, was actually the same person as the intern student.

Nima, are you hanging up?

How can a trainee lawyer be so fierce!

You are so awesome, did you do some great deeds in your previous life to allow you to be so open-minded in this life?

If Zhang Wei heard Xu Zhifeng's complaints, he would be speechless.

Not only did I not do one good thing in my previous life, but I also went to court for bad people, so I changed my mind in this life and wanted to be a good person!

All in all, Xu Zhifeng already understood his current situation.

He was being followed by a group of people who came and went without a trace. The other party asked him to take action against Zhang Wei, and he had to do so, otherwise he would die.

But Zhang Wei is definitely not good at it. If he makes such a move, the other party will definitely deal with him.

"Fight it, whether it is life or death, it depends on this time!"

But in the end, after weighing the pros and cons, Xu Zhifeng chose to do those people a favor.


Because what Zhang Wei represents, represents great fame.

As long as I can beat Zhang Wei!

Then what about the 30 cases? When the time comes, Young Master Qin of Longteng International might have to personally interview him.

As long as he can beat Zhang Wei, what case and client do he have to worry about.

At that time, all the major companies and clients of Dongfang Capital will all line up to see me.

As long as Zhang Wei is defeated, everything is easy to talk about.

And those people are also very powerful, and have already prepared the case for him.

A case specially designed to deal with Zhang Wei!


That afternoon.

Oriental Capital, Yangxintang.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue walked out of Yangxin Hall together.

Just now, they had already asked Master Huang Tianhong of Yangxin Hall, and the other party told them the method of cracking Yin acupuncture.

In other words, it is not a method to crack the Yin needle.

Only Yin acupuncture practitioners know the method of cracking Yin acupuncture.

But this martial art, to put it bluntly, is the use of qi, and it is a vicious use.

If someone can provide a strong qi, rush into Zhang Xinyan's viscera, and directly disperse the yin acupuncture qi in his body, the yin acupuncture will naturally be able to break it.

Master Huang Tianhong didn't say anything about the so-called strong spirit, but he looked straight at Xia Qianyue.

Obviously, the Qi in Xia Qianyue's body must be strong enough.

Therefore, in order to decipher Zhang Xinyan's yin acupuncture, Xia Qianyue had to control the qi in his body to attack Zhang Xinyan's internal organs.

This kind of thing sounds very risky at first glance, but it is currently the way to crack the needle.

So after Zhang Wei heard the news, he immediately sent a message to Zhang Xinwu.

Just when he was about to put down his phone, a call came suddenly.

"Zhang Wei, something is wrong!"

"Old Tie, didn't I ask you for leave, why are you in such a hurry?"

"It's not about asking for leave, it's about you!"

"I, what's wrong with me, someone is looking for me?"

"No, it's more troublesome than that, someone sued you!"

"Sue me?"

After Zhang Wei heard the news from Tie Ruyun on the other end of the phone, he was immediately stunned.

In Dongfangdu, how dare someone sue him?

And it's not a criminal lawsuit, it's a civil lawsuit.

In other words, someone wants to slap him in court.

This is really... surprising!

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