Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 388 Crazy overnight? Goofy green?

(6 hours this time, I finally understand why everyone likes ancient poems...emmm...The content marked in red must be replaced by ancient poems!)


Saturday, rest day.

With two dark circles under her eyes, Zhao Xiaoxiao knocked on the downstairs room with a displeased face.

As for why she has such a small face, and why she turned into a cute iron-eating beast, it all starts from last night.

There was a couple of dogs who seemed to have won the lawsuit, and then returned to the Lin Mansion. After they had no more scruples...

That was out of control...

The spring breeze blows on the face, the water produces smoke, and the sky is surrounded by thousands of flowers;

The willow bank warbler can't stop singing, swaying and dancing;

Small bridges and flowing water pass by, lonely men and widows laugh and talk loudly;

One night the spring breeze is green and the river is full, and the peach blossoms reflect the water and smile sweetly.

So so, so so...

This also caused her to not sleep well all night, and during this period, she resisted countless times to go downstairs to teach the dog and man a lesson.

Could you please keep your voice down?

These were the words she murmured countless times in her heart last night.

Fortunately, her work and rest schedule allowed her to withstand the pressure. At two or three o'clock in the morning, the couple finally subsided.

Zhao Xiaoxiao fell asleep, and it was already past 9 in the morning. She was hungry and could only go downstairs to find something to eat.

Boom boom boom!

In the end, Zhao Xiaoxiao knocked on the door with a loud voice.

In the room, there was the sound of getting dressed.


The door of the room opened, and Zhang Wei immediately stood at the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey, second girl, why did you get up so early today?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help but rolled her eyes,

Am I the one who got up early today? Obviously, you were the ones who were crazy until the early hours of the morning yesterday, so that you slept in late, right?

From the corner of her eye, she glanced into the room, and saw that there was another person on the bed who was "difficultly" getting up.

Under the thin quilt, a large area of ​​snow-white skin can be vaguely seen, the long golden hair is messy, the face is full of tiredness, and the sleepiness seems to have not recovered from last night.

"Hmph, be careful that sister Xia killed you!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao muttered something, then put her hands on her hips: "Miss Ben is hungry, go and make me breakfast!"


Zhang Wei immediately made an "OK" gesture, and then looked back into the room.

After nodding with Jessica, they went straight to the kitchen.

Zhao Xiaoxiao watched Zhang Wei pass by, but glanced behind him.

There are dozens of bright red claw marks there, which should all be from the hands of a certain woman in the room.

"Wow, is this the Nine Yin White Bone Claw? What did you guys do yesterday..."

"Xiaoxiao, you will have such an experience in the future, do you want to know more now, I don't mind sharing the experience with you~"

Jessica also came out, her face still had the aftertaste of last night, she looked charming and charming.

In response to that sentence, after experiencing wind and rain, women will become extraordinarily beautiful.

"Forget it, forget it, I don't want to know!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately shook her head with a look of horror.

This kind of thing is not something a little girl like her can touch, she is still a big girl with yellow flowers.

"I, I want to wash up, you guys continue... No, you guys calm down tonight, don't continue!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao ran away in a panic, not knowing what to say.

Jessica watched her leave with flustered eyes, raised her hand and gently covered her smile.

Then, she stretched out her finger again and touched her lips.

The bright red tongue licked her plump lips, as if she was reminiscing about last night.

She admitted that it was her initiative.

So many times, she appeared in front of the other party in lace pajamas, but the other party could hold back every time.

Although she praised the other party for her strong determination and trustworthiness, it was actually a provocation to her own charm.

During the case, if the other party can abide by his job, that is professional ethics.

But the case is over, so there is no need to worry about it, right?

So last night, she was bold again, put on a sexier "winning outfit", and finally won it successfully.

The thought of the two of them staying up almost all night after success made her shy.

Especially the last step, which made her blush and her heart beat, and made her feel hot all over...

Make her short of breath, make her almost suffocate...

Almost passed out in the end...

"It's nice to be young..."

The red lips parted slightly, and such a compliment could be vaguely heard.

In the kitchen room.

Zhang Wei was still busy making breakfast.

With his bare arms, he was cooking noodles and adding vegetables, and he scrambled a few chicken eggs as a side dish.

"Zhang, thank you for your hard work."

There was a faint pressure on his back, and Zhang Wei smiled slightly: "What's so hard about making breakfast?"

"No, I'm talking about last night, you worked hard..."

Hearing the words from the people behind him, he recalled last night's beauty in his mind, so that someone almost lost his hand on the spatula.

Although Zhang Qiansheng in the previous life could barely be regarded as an old driver, even though he took care of a female college student, and she was still a school girl.

But as he grows older, men are somewhat powerless after all.

But Zhang Wei was different. His physique was a little weak before, but after being honed in Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, he barely had a good body.

And the difference between yesterday and before is that the existence factor of emotion also has an influence.

The relationship between Zhang Qiansheng and the woman he kept was just a physical relationship with money, and there was almost no emotion between the two parties.

But Zhang Wei is different from Jessica. The two have long been good friends, and as the case progressed, they almost pierced that layer of window paper.

Last night, they not only tore through the paper on the window, but also...

When the feelings come, it is naturally the fusion of the body and the spirit, with endless aftertaste.

"Ahem, last night, was I too rough and arrogant..."

"No, you were great last night!"

Hearing the encouragement from the people behind him, Zhang Wei felt particularly refreshed.

This is Jessica, an excellent psychiatrist.

She always knows when and what to say that can make others feel good.

Naturally, this breakfast was enjoyable.

Of course, the second girl rolled her eyes all the way, so she can just ignore it.

But after breakfast, Jessica's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Manager Chen, what are you talking about? You have arranged for someone to clean up the paint, and it will be cleaned up this evening. Will it be too soon..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, what I just said was great. I have always been aware of the efficiency of your property, Manager Chen. Thank you for letting me know."

When Jessica heard the call from the property manager, there was a trace of complexity on her face.

She looked at Zhang Wei with both happiness and hesitation in her eyes.

Happily, I can go back to the clinic, and the clinic can operate normally.

Unfortunately, this meant that she had to live back in her apartment again, and she would temporarily leave the man beside her.

Zhang Wei obviously noticed Jessica's unhappiness, and immediately comforted him: "It's okay, we can get together again in the future, I'm free on weekends."


"Do you need me to help you pack your things?"

"No, I want to go back tomorrow, tonight..."

For the rest, there is no need to say more.

Tonight may be the last night before the two temporarily separate.

So tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

Saturday night.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was devastated again.

I thought that after she reminded her in the morning, the pair of dogs and men would calm down for a while.

In the end, she found that she was really thinking too much. Not only did the couple not stop, but they even intensified...

"Ah, how annoying!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao covered her head with the pillow, and the most important thing was to cover her ears.

She doesn't like wearing headphones very much, but in today's situation, she can't do without headphones.

After putting on the headphones and turning on the music, the world finally became quiet.

She opened a chat room, waving her fingers, and typing frantically in the speech window.

[TheGhost: Very annoying, the couple downstairs are starting again! 】

[Keyboard: The rented house is like this, and the young couple next door to my house is also like this every day. I have complained several times/helpless]

[Keyboard: But guess what, several consecutive complaints were useless, I couldn't bear it, finally found the husband's V letter yesterday, and even sent a message to scold him. As a result, he replied that he has been on a business trip for the past few months, and he will not be able to return until the beginning of next month/smirk]

【Keyboard: Then he chased me and asked me if the wife next door was like this every day. She sent me more than a dozen messages in a row, and I answered them truthfully. I want to wait for him to come back, something wonderful will happen/hehe】

[The Ghost:? ? ? 】

[PigMan: Really green, I feel very sympathetic to that husband, and I mourn for him for three minutes]

[PigMan: By the way, I really envy you guys, there are free live broadcasts to listen to every day. It's not like me, I haven't even held a girl's hand/Poor]

[Venom: We are destined to be lonely in this line of work/High and cold]

[PigMan: Pull it down, look at "Viper", I heard that he found a beautiful girlfriend, how long has this kid not been online? 】

[TheGhost: No, he really found it? 】

[Venom: Otherwise, he used to be online almost every day, how long has he not seen anyone now? 】

【PigMan: Sigh, this kind of person can't be considered a good comrade. It's not good to leave our organization after having a woman/anger】

[Keyboard: Get lost, if you can find a girl, you may go faster than Viper/Disdain]

【PigMan: Even if you know, don't say it...】

[Venom: By the way, Viper is absent, will our meeting continue tomorrow? 】

[PigMan: Go on, why not go on, we've known each other for so long, why don't we have an offline group? 】

[Venom: I have no objection! 】

[Keyboard: I have no objections either! 】

[PigMan: I definitely have no objection! 】

【TheGhost: I...】

[TheGhost: No problem either! 】

[Venom: Then it's a deal, tomorrow as agreed, I'll wait for you! 】

After finishing the chat and closing the window, Zhao Xiaoxiao chose to leave the keyboard with both hands.

"It's over, these guys want to face the base..."

She rested her head on her hands, lost in thought.

The few people in the chat room are all relatively powerful hackers in the country, and it is a coincidence that these people are all in Dongfangdu.

She has a common language with this group of people, and naturally became friends... but only online.

But now, they actually wanted to face each other for an unprecedented time. Although Zhao Xiaoxiao hesitated, she still agreed.

But for Mian Ji, she is a girl in a family, so she is easy to encounter danger or encounter situations that are not suitable for her.

At this time, if you bring a boy, it will be much more convenient.

But after thinking about it, in her social circle with few people, she really couldn't find a reliable boy.

Looking at it as a whole, only the one downstairs is considered reliable.

Zhao Xiaoxiao took off the earphones, but some unbearable voices came back.

She was speechless, and could only put on the earphones, and forced herself not to think about that aspect.

"Dogs and men, Zhang Wei, a bitch, has hooked up with Jessica even though he has sister Xiao Xia!"

"You are so awesome, does sister Xiaoxia know, if she knows, she will directly punch you to death!"

"Damn it, why do I only know this guy, and now I can't find any boys!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao held her head, speechless, but she could only wait for the couple downstairs to calm down for a while.

The last crazy night finally passed in the passage of time.


The next day, the weekend.

Zhang Wei dragged his tired body slowly out of the room.

Last night was a little too presumptuous, and he felt a little sore in his waist.

"I can't blame me for not restraining myself, I can only blame her for being too charming, alas..."

With a long sigh, the man's heartache was exhausted.

"Zhang, I'm leaving then, bye."


Jessica was radiant, with spring in her eyes. When she walked out of Zhang Wei's room, she smiled sweetly and waved goodbye.

Reluctant, whether it is Zhang Wei or Jessica, they are reluctant to part with each other.

But separation is inevitable. We all still have jobs and careers to deal with, so our bodies can't take it every day.

Watching Jessica drive away, Zhang Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

The salutes were packed yesterday.

After going back today, Jessica is ready to start the consultation on Monday.

"By the way, second girl, why do you keep staring at me?"

When Jessica left, Zhang Wei suddenly felt his gaze stabbing at his back.

Zhao Xiaoxiao hid in a corner, peeping at him.

"Well, don't you owe me a favor? I want you to repay the debt!"

Straightforward and straight to the point.

In Zhao Xiaoxiao's words, there is a sharpness.

"Oh, what's busy?"

Zhang Wei is also interested.

He was a little embarrassed to ask his second daughter for help many times.

He is naturally very happy to be able to help the other party this time.

"Just tonight, I'm going to a friend's party, can you accompany me?"

"Meet your friends, of course you can!"

Zhang Wei naturally has no objection, it's the weekend, just have time.

"That...can you..."

But when Zhao Xiaoxiao's words changed, she crossed her two index fingers on her chest, and she suddenly became awkward.

"Well, can you be my temporary boyfriend..."


Zhang Wei was stunned.

what is this?

I've always treated you like a daughter, but you want to pick up on me in a different way?

I admit that I have great charm, but you don't have to be like this, do you?

Seeing Zhang Weizhong's reaction, Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately became angry, "Why, it's rare for this lady to make a request, are you hesitating?"

"No, no, I'm just asking casually, are you serious at this party?"

"It's just a simple club!"

"Oh, that's okay, I can help, but unless someone asks, why don't you say we have that kind of relationship?"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's promise, Zhao Xiaoxiao was very satisfied, she raised her mouth, and her heart blossomed with joy.

I finally found someone to go with her, so I can rest assured now.

"By the way, we all call each other by nicknames. Don't be surprised if people call me by another name at that time!"

"I understand, I understand, now so many people outside call me 'murder lawyer', do I mind?"

"That's fine, around 9 o'clock in the evening, wait for my message, and I will send you the address!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao gave Zhang Wei a word of advice, and then went upstairs again, obviously ready to go.

It doesn't matter to Zhang Wei, anyway, he should help Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Who made her a lovely second daughter?

"Now it's 9 o'clock in the evening, there should be half a day's work, go and visit Hanhan!"

Looking at the time, Zhang Wei felt that he could take the course of "Master of Time Management".

As a result, he took the subway to Dongjiang Yipin, but only saw his mother-in-law.

"That girl didn't come back from the Serious Crime Squad, and so did Lao Xia. She said she was transferred out to assist with some mission, but she didn't come back anyway!"

In the new house, only the mother-in-law Li Qinghua complained.

Nuo Da has a family, her daughter and husband are away, and she, Li Qinghua, spends the weekend alone, which is really boring.

Although I can chat with a few rich ladies, drink tea and play mahjong, but when I get home, I feel very deserted.

Zhang Wei exchanged pleasantries with his mother-in-law, and left on the grounds that he wanted to see Hanhan.

His next stop was the Armed Forces Chaco, and he made a beeline for the Homicide Squad office.

In the serious case 7 group, he met Wu Yong, but he didn't see Xia Qianyue.

"Captain Wu, what's the situation, what about my simple family?"

"Hey, Xiao Xia went to the assessment, but I think it's a bit precarious!"

Wu Yong was not ambiguous, and took Zhang Wei to the assessment site.

The so-called assessment is an on-site crime simulation, and a simulation exercise is carried out in the combat simulation room prepared by the martial arts association.

The test is the operator's on-the-spot adaptability, random combat ability, and ability to adjust to unexpected situations.

To put it bluntly, the officers of the investigation section may encounter any situation, and their combat experience and problem-solving thinking ability will be tested at this time.

And these are what Xia Qianyue lacks.

When Zhang Wei and Wu Yong came to the combat simulation room, they happened to see Xia Qianyue who was wearing a simulation uniform and was practicing and assessing.

Dark green camouflage combat uniform, with a pure green overcoat bulletproof vest, a green combat cap,

"It's so green!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei felt something in his heart.

Could it be that God knows all about it and came here to remind Hanhan?

"Speaking of Team Wu, isn't the content of this assessment a bit too simple? The one in the corner is a fake hostage!"

"How did you see that?"

"It's very simple. Women in the workplace wear high heels. How can anyone wear sneakers to work?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the examiner who was hiding in the corner and was ready to act as a hostage at any time, and explained with a dull face: "Look at this woman's face again, women in the workplace generally have to make up, whether it is to meet customers or to maintain the company's reputation." Image, it's all necessary."

"But this woman clearly has a makeup box in her bag, but she doesn't have any powder on her face. Is she going to go to the company to put on makeup?"

Wu Yong also had to cooperate, and Zhang Wei's observation skills were very good.

He lowered his head and said helplessly: "This is all part of the assessment. The examiner will deliberately leak a little flaw. If you can see through it, it means that you have good criminal investigation experience."

"I have to say, you kid is the material for our business!"

Up to this moment, Wu Yong has not stopped thinking about wooing Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei also had to admire the opponent's persistence.

But now, he finally understood the problem of the assessment.

He could tell at a glance, but Xia Qianyue obviously couldn't!

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