Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 390: I am the Black Wind Tiger! Sudden crisis

Serious case group 1, interrogation room.

"I'm innocent, you fucking caught the wrong person!"

"Quickly let me go, I'm going out f*cking, you f*cking hurry up and let me go!"

"Come on, where is Lao Tzu's people, come and save Lao Tzu!"

Standing in the observation room, Lin Ruonan looked at the man who was tightly controlled by several burly men, with a look of solemnity in his eyes.

"He is Heifenghu, you and I both know he is Heifenghu, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Tiger Hall, a capable general under Lord Hu's command."

"But he has shouted for so long, but he has never admitted his identity at all. What he said for so long is tantamount to bullshit."

"He knows in his heart what he has done, but he will not say it out loud, and the yelling now is just an excuse to cover himself from being questioned."

Lin Ruonan held his forehead with one hand and shook his head. She was in pain.

Because just now, people from group 1 have already gone in to interrogate wave after wave.

But Hei Fenghu knew this kind of questioning routine, so he just yelled at the top of his voice, and the yells were all meaningless words.

Although there are several "Lao Tzu" mixed in one sentence, and even swear words.

But swearing in public does not break the law. At most, it is a violation of the public security management regulations, and some administrative penalties are given, and the maximum fine is a few hundred yuan.

For Tiger Hall, a few hundred dollars is nothing.

"Don't let me go, do you want me to stab your ass?"

"You fuckers, a bunch of bastards who have sons and no assholes, can't understand human language?"

"I said, I'm a good citizen, how long are you tmb going to lock me up, if you have the guts to let me fight!"

Hei Fenghu's roar made the walls of the entire interrogation room tremble under the loud voice.

A group of interrogators all tensed their faces, but they were helpless to the person in front of them.

This old boy just doesn't eat oil and salt. No matter what questions you ask him, he will answer you.

Not only is the voice louder than you, but it also splashes your face with saliva.

The two questioners looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally gave up helplessly.

No, it can't be done at all!

The door of the interrogation room opened, and the two walked out helplessly, returning to Lin Ruonan.

"Captain Lin, we have nothing to do. This guy never let go, no matter what he asks, he always answers like this. We..."

"I understand, you have worked hard!"

Lin Ruonan comforted the two of them a little, and waved his hand to tell them to go back and adjust.

Afterwards, she looked into the interrogation room again, "This is the fourth wave of people. If this is still not resolved, the lawyer arranged by Tiger Hall will come soon, right?"

Looking at the time, Lin Ruonan felt Alexander.

I thought it was possible to pry open Hei Fenghu's mouth, so as to attack Tiger Hall.

Unexpectedly, she was still too young. This person from the Tiger Hall could easily be broken through by their serious crime team.

The methods used by these people to deal with torture are really simple and rude.

But it is also because the routine is simple and rough, so it is not easy to make mistakes, and it is difficult to find a way to break through.

If things go on like this, they're really lost.

If the Serious Crime Squad has nothing to do with it, how can anyone clean up these old fritters?

"Leader Lin, are you busy?"

Suddenly, another voice came to Lin Ruonan's ear.

"Lawyer Zhang, as I said, we are very busy. If you are not here to see the client, then please..."

"Leader Lin, we should be able to chat, right?"


Lin Ruonan raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun.

"Yes, chat."

Zhang Wei nodded seriously, "You have to know that no matter where you are, as long as there is no prohibition on communication, then chatting is not prohibited, even in the investigation department."

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"No, Team Leader Lin, you misunderstood, we want to chat with this guy inside..."

Zhang Wei pointed to the person in the interrogation room and smiled.


Lin Ruonan was stunned, why are you chatting with this guy?

If you are his attorneys, then of course you can.

But you obviously aren't, otherwise you should go in and look for him right away.

"Leader Lin, this is still a suspect, not a criminal, so he has the right to chat with other people."

"And we happen to have a little time, why don't we chat with him?"

Lin Ruonan glanced at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, their eyes were darkened, completely confused.

What are you two planning to do?

"Old Tie, say something!" Seeing that Lin Ruonan didn't respond, Zhang Wei quickly elbowed the people around him.

Tie Ruyun had a serious face, and said solemnly: "Ahem, team leader Lin, I saw that you have been interrogating for so long, but you have not made any breakthroughs. Why don't you let Zhang Wei and I try."

"Yes, Team Leader Lin, let Lao Tie and I try it, maybe we can ask you something."

"Okay, then you can go and try..."

"That's a good relationship, but Team Leader Lin, help us prepare to change the place, so that the old boy inside can feel relaxed."

Zhang Wei pointed inside and made another request.

A few minutes later.

Hei Fenghu was transferred to a temporary detention room.

The iron fence opened, and he walked in sullenly.

"Fuck, I said it, I'm a good citizen, how dare you shut me up!"

"Yes, yes, you are a good citizen, but because you swear, swear, and insult others in public, we will imprison you according to law, and we will carry out ideological education for you later. Now please go in and rest for a while Bar!"

Several operatives from Team 1 of the Serious Crime Squad threw Hei Fenghu into the detention room, and walked away with a look of disgust.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards, I'm pissed!"

Hei Fenghu snorted coldly, and spat on the ground with a displeased expression on his face.

However, after learning that he was only imprisoned for being violent in public, a smug expression appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As long as you can't catch Lao Tzu's handle, you don't have to worry about a small crime.

As long as you can't pry Lao Tzu's mouth away, everything will be easy to talk about when my lawyer from Tiger Hall comes out.

Thinking of this, Hei Fenghu found a seat and sat down, preparing to lie down for a while.

Anyway, he has been to this detention room countless times, and coming here is like going home.

The only difference is that there used to be some noisy people in the detention room, but today's ears are very clean.

"Fuck, it's too quiet, I'm not used to it!"

He wanted to take a nap for a while, but found that he couldn't fall asleep.

But soon, there were footsteps and curses outside the detention room.

"You gangsters, what do you mean, don't you know the identity of our iron boss?"

"I'm warning you, our Boss Tie is a big shot from Longdu, you guys don't know what to do and let him go!"

"Didn't you hear, what do you mean, where are we going to be locked up? Believe it or not, I called someone!"

"I really yelled, I'll call him hundreds of people, come and tear down your serious crime team!"

There was a burst of shouting outside the detention room.

A picture immediately appeared in Hei Fenghu's mind, a dog-legged boss standing beside him, that was a fox pretending to be a tiger, but the people in the serious crime team were unmoved and locked them up.


The door of the detention room opened and two men were escorted in.

Hei Fenghu glanced up and knew that these two people were not good birds.

The younger ones look like dog legs, with a ruffian face, just like a little gangster.

The older one doesn't look imposing, and his face is not fierce enough, he can be regarded as a small gang leader at best.


Hei Fenghu sneered and cursed in a low voice.

And these two people were none other than Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun.

However, their appearance at the moment is quite disheartened.

Tie Ruyun not only had a complexion, but also had a few lipstick marks on his left cheek.

"Boss Tie, I heard him scolding you!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly pointed at Hei Fenghu, and couldn't help but said to Tie Ruyun.

Unfortunately, no one responded for a long time.

Tie Ruyun was stunned for a while, with an unfinished look on his face.

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

At the same time, in the monitoring room outside the detention room, Lin Ruonan was wearing lipstick at the corner of his mouth, and his expression was also complicated.

"Leader Lin, you sacrificed too much just now."

When the team members on the side saw this scene, their faces were also a little weird.

"For the sake of the mission, I'm going all out!" Lin Ruonan waved his hand, staring at the monitor screen intently.

Detention room.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

Especially Zhang Wei, who was speechless.

"Well, Tie Ruyun, I, Zhang, have tricked Lin Ruonan's first kiss for you, but you lost the chain halfway?"

"Do you know how rare it is for me to come up with this plan of sham public benefit and help you win a chance?"

"You don't say a word until now, you are ashamed of your trust in me, Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Wei's eyeballs rolled, and a plan immediately emerged.

"Boss, if you don't speak, do you think that such a bum can't get into your eyes?"

Zhang Wei pretended to have suddenly realized, and he licked his face and said: "As expected of the iron boss, he is a bull fork, we can't deal with such a small bum, it's really unlucky."

"By the way, this gang of serious crime teams also eat shit. We obviously came out to drink and hook up with little girls, so why were we caught by these bastards!"

"No wonder the brothers on the road said that the police in the south are not strong enough, they can't arrest people, they arrest prostitutes!"

Monitoring room.

Hearing Zhang Wei swearing, Lin Ruonan and the others all darkened in unison.

"Team leader, why don't we save them later?"

"Yeah, why don't we lock them up for one night and let them have a long memory?"

Hearing the reports from his subordinates, Lin Ruonan was also thinking about whether he should really do this.

Detention room.

Hei Fenghu is very angry at the moment, who is he, he is Hei Fenghu.

One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Tiger Hall, Lord Tiger's capable general, is a well-known figure in the Eastern Capital and even the Southern Road.

As a result, I was actually scolded by two bums from out of town today, and they scolded themselves.

It's really a chicken feather on a telephone pole, what a big duster (gut).

"Fuck, what are the meanings of the two little bastards!"

Hei Fenghu couldn't help it immediately, and roared loudly.

"Yo ho, Boss Tie, he actually dared to kick his son, you're giving him a face, don't you?"

As Zhang Wei said, he ruthlessly grabbed Tie Ruyun's waist.

The latter immediately recovered from the pain, and pain appeared on his face.

"Boss, does this wretch annoy you?"

"I remember that even if you were caught by these gangsters, you never showed such an expression?"

Zhang Wei fully demonstrated what is called "brain supplementation" and "over-interpretation", and "analyzed" all of Tie Ruyun's movements and expressions.

Immediately afterwards, he yelled at Hei Fenghu: "You little bastard, you are finished, you can't figure out who our boss is, hurry up and kowtow to admit your mistake, or your life will be lost!"

Black Wind Tiger smiled.

Who are these two?

How dare you speak nonsense in front of him?

How many years has it been? Anyone else dare to do this?

Not afraid of death?

Anyway, Hei Fenghu was amused, but he couldn't just pretend that he didn't see or hear the provocative behavior of the two people in front of him.

"Two little bastards, I want to hear, which way are you on?"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid to tell you if I say it, we are members of the Shanhaimeng, the largest new gang in the Northland!"

"The Iron Boss next to me is the iron-faced judge of one of the Four Heavenly Kings under the leader of the Shanhai League!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wei showed a look of embarrassment, and said with a smile: "How about it, are you afraid?"

Hei Fenghu is naturally not afraid, he has never even heard of the nonsense "Shanhai League".

Of course, it's normal that he hasn't heard of it, because Zhang Wei made it up casually.

"It's probably a new gang, trash with no strength!"

Hei Fenghu understood the other party's identity in just a moment.

"Hahaha, a group of newly weaned people dare to brag like that!"

He grinned and threatened, "Have you ever heard of Lord Tiger?"

"Master Tiger?"

Zhang Wei turned his head and glanced at Tie Ruyun, who said nothing on his face.

He "got it" right away.

"Joke, our iron boss didn't react at all, what kind of bastard is this Mr. Tiger?"

"How dare you slander Lord Tiger!"

Hei Fenghu almost couldn't bear it when he heard Zhang Wei's provocation.

He glanced at the iron fence around him, squinted his eyes and said ferociously: "If this is not a detention room, you two are already dead!"

"Joke, just such a nameless little trash like you, our Iron Boss can beat ten of them!"

"I'm so ridiculous, you guys are trash, have you heard of Tiger Hall!"

"Tiger Hall, I seem to have heard of..."

Zhang Wei muttered, then turned to look at Tie Ruyun.

The latter also frowned slightly, as if aware of the benefits.

But Zhang Wei "pretended" to be calm, and said in a trembling tone: "So what about the Tiger Hall, you may have a lot of power, but you may also be just a small gang. I really think that our Shanhai League is afraid of you!"

"Two rubbish, I don't change my name when I'm going, and I don't change my surname when I'm sitting. The four heavenly kings of the Tiger Hall, Hei Fenghu, are the same. As for rubbish bastards like you, twenty I'm not afraid of coming!"

Hei Fenghu couldn't bear it this time, and directly registered his own number.

He wants to teach these two brats a lesson, what is status and what is status.

"Impossible, how could the mighty Four Heavenly Kings of Tiger Hall be arrested? You must have borrowed your name as the boss to pretend to be aggressive with us. You are not Heifenghu at all."

"Joke, I am Hei Fenghu!"

"No, you're not!"

"I am!"

"It is not!"

"Damn it, believe it or not, I squeezed your balls and made you eat them!"

"You say you are Heifenghu, then you have to show evidence, just talk about who wouldn't know, and I also said that I am Lord Tiger!"

Zhang Wei pointed at Hei Fenghu and shouted: "The previous year, the Tiger Hall fought with a gang in the next province. I heard that many people died. If you were the Four Heavenly Kings, you must have been there at that time. How many people did you say you took care of?"

"Hmph, are you talking about a fight with the Viper Gang? A group of bums, I killed 15 of them by myself. Even the vice-leader of the Viper Gang is my dead body sunk by the river!"

When Hei Fenghu said this, his face was full of ferociousness.

"What about the murder case at Donghai Wharf three years ago?"

"I did it!"

"The violent brawl at the Golden Gate Casino five years ago?"

"I took someone to smash it!"

"What happened to the old village in the development zone seven years ago?"

"I brought people from door to door to threaten!"


"I did it all!"

Hei Fenghu was extremely arrogant at the moment, whenever Zhang Wei said something, he would immediately admit it on the spot.

"My good fellow, you really did it!"

In the end, Zhang Wei stopped pretending and looked at Hei Fenghu with a smile on his face.

Come on, this one has completely exposed himself, so what else is there to say.

"Leader Lin, we're done!"

Zhang Wei shouted at the top of his voice, then pulled Tie Ruyun to the door.

Hei Fenghu was still complacent at first, but when he saw the change in Zhang Wei's expression and demeanor, he immediately reacted.


I've been pissed off by these two bums!

Outside the detention room, there was a sound of footsteps, and Lin Ruonan and others arrived.

One of the team members took the key and prepared to open the door.


But Hei Fenghu suddenly uttered a swear word, then rushed up and charged towards Zhang Wei.

Compared to Tie Ruyun who was silent from the beginning to the end, Zhang Wei was rude from the very beginning.

His hatred for this kid is full.


Zhang Wei also never expected that Hei Fenghu would dare to make a move in the investigation department.

"Zhang Wei be careful!" At the critical moment, Tie Ruyun suddenly recovered and pushed Zhang Wei away.


Then Hei Fenghu arrived and directly installed Tie Ruyun on the iron gate.

And the team member who opened the door was also knocked flying by Tie Ruyun, and the key in his hand fell to the ground, right in the detention room.


Seeing this scene, Lin Ruonan was about to bend down to pick it up, but Hei Fenghu was a step faster.

With a sweep of his foot, he swept all the keys into the detention room.

Immediately afterwards, Hei Fenghu grabbed Tie Ruyun on the ground.

"You little bastard, you're very kind!"

After throwing the person in his hand and hitting the wall heavily, he smiled grimly and looked at Zhang Wei beside him.

The detention room is such a big place, surrounded by iron fences, Zhang Wei cannot avoid it.

"Quick, get the spare key!"

Lin Ruonan hurriedly urged the other team members to get the keys.

But the situation inside is still dangerous.

Because it is a closed space inside.

Hei Fenghu is also a vicious person, and his situation is critical!

Tie Ruyun has lost consciousness.

Facing Hei Fenghu, Zhan Ge felt a crisis.

"Hanhan, help!"

At this most critical juncture, Zhang Wei could only shout and call for reinforcements.

In the upstairs office.

Xia Qianyue felt something in her heart and suddenly stood up.

"Team Wu, I'll go down to see Zhang Wei and the others. I always feel like something happened!"

Xia Qianyue subconsciously felt that some kind of crisis had happened to Zhang Wei.

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