Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 409 The Name of Blacksmith, Summon Wu Yong, Dirty Routine

At the same time, Lin Fu.

Zhao Xiaoxiao tapped on the keyboard again.

The two screens that had turned into snowflake screens were successfully connected again, and the panicked faces of Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun appeared.

"It's over, it's over, my firewall has been breached!"

"It's over, it's over, my social security information, ID card, I don't know how many things are going to be exposed, I just find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion for the rest of my life, at least I don't have to worry about someone suddenly rushing out and stabbing me."

The moment they got back from the connection, both of them looked flustered and worried, and almost had the words "I'm finished" carved on their faces.

"never mind!"

But in the face of the panic of the two, Zhao Xiaoxiao was very calm, "At the last moment, a guy made a move!"

"Who is it?"

Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun asked in unison.

"Hehe!" Zhao Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, obviously unable to say anything.

"Do you know the code name Blacksmith?"

"Blacksmith, isn't that the legendary blacksmith!"

Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun shouted even louder.

"Lawyer Zhang, where did you hear about this ID?"

"Just now, a line of code flashed on the computer screen, and I saw it~"

Zhang Wei pointed to a computer screen. A network signature had indeed flashed just now, and he just happened to see it.

It can only be said to be too coincidental, if it was one second earlier or one second later, he might have missed it.

"Blacksmith, that person is a legendary figure!"

"Yes, although he is codenamed "Blacksmith", foreign countries prefer to call him the Hand of God, because he can always create waves of miracles in the online world, and he is the top hacker in legend! "

"It is said that he remotely controlled the entire Blue Star power plant with just one person, and cut off the electricity for the whole world for a day, just because that day was Green Day!"

"It is said that he invaded the security systems of all the countries of Blue Star within a day, and left a swear word on the system with the highest authority, so that every time the heads of countries whose systems have been breached, the first thing they see is That's the dirty word."

"It is said that he..."

After hearing that the helper was a legendary hacker, the two instantly turned into fanatical fans, bragging about each other's heroic deeds.

Although Zhang Wei has doubts about these deeds, judging from what happened just now, this hacker, code-named Blacksmith, possesses a power above everyone tonight.

This is obviously a real boss!

No, this is a giant!

Judging from the fact that Zhao Xiaoxiao, Liu Dashun, and Zhu Erdan defended wave after wave of attacks with difficulty, and almost missed in the end.

These foreign hackers are not simple stuff either.

As a result, as soon as the big guy made a move, he wiped out the gang of young people with the effort of sprinkling water.

It has to be said that there is definitely a dimensional gap between the strengths of the two sides.

So far, this war without gunpowder has come to a dramatic end.

Just when the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao were about to be wiped out, the war ended because of the direct intervention of the giants off the court.

But even though he defended, Zhao Xiaoxiao's face was very unhappy.

"Today is really exciting!"

"I really want to meet this great blacksmith, I'm his fan."

"Who isn't? After hearing about his deeds, I resolutely embarked on the path of being a hacker!"

"Then you just hack other people's data and sell information?"

"What about you, how can you tinker with those surveillance equipment and monitor instruments all day long compared to me?"

Originally, the atmosphere of admiration and compliments changed in an instant, and it became the two of them exposing each other's faults.

"By the way, you two don't live in the same room. If you want to quarrel, why do you quarrel with us?"

Seeing that the two were getting out of hand, Zhang Wei hurriedly reminded them.


The two cut off the screen directly, it is estimated that the real person went to PK.

"It's a bit exciting today, second girl, I won't bother you for now, remember to go to bed early~"

After Zhang Wei exhorted, he also left the room on the second floor.

Zhao Xiaoxiao watched the door close and the room was filled with darkness, so she could only curl her legs and sit quietly on the chair one by one.

"That bastard, who asked him to save me..."

In the darkness, the girl was a little reconciled.

After all, I am too weak, and I still need to rely on others, and I still rely on the help of that person...


Zhang Wei went downstairs and returned to his room.

He is sorting out the information he has so far.

Judging from the entire attack that he participated in and watched from the sidelines just now.

This time, the people who attacked Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others seemed to be third-party forces besides foreign hackers.

And this force is likely to be the culprit for revealing Zhao Xiaoxiao's position.

Of course, he is clear about the reason why the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit.

This group of people thought that it was impossible to break through, or that it would take a huge price to break through the network defense of Zhao Xiaoxiao and others, so they used the plan of driving tigers to eat wolves and killing people with knives.

Publish the ghost's information to attract the enemy's attack, and then wait for the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

I have to say, this is a good idea.

If the legendary blacksmith hadn't taken action today, wouldn't Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others be completely finished.

Even if all electronic devices are turned off in the end, can they be cowarded for a lifetime?

"Who is the black hand behind this?"

In fact, Zhang Wei knew by the method of elimination that the black hand behind this scene was probably Zhang Lang's side.

Because he wants to make Zhao Xiaoxiao suffer, and he is the only one who knows Zhao Xiaoxiao's identity and address.

"My surname is Zhang, you have a good plan!"

"But during the trial, you gave us such a hand, do you think we have nothing to do with you?"

Zhang Wei's eyes looked into the distance, with a gloomy expression.

According to the information he has so far, it can only be said that there are not enough trump cards to win by surprise, and he can't kill Zhang Lang with one blow!

So tomorrow, all he can do is defend firmly!

"I hope I can see the tricks tomorrow!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei finally decided to take a rest after carefully reading the case file again.


An exciting night passes, Friday arrives.

It was another court day, and the clerk had notified in advance.

After recharging their energy, it was time before the trial, and Zhang Wei and his party naturally came to the city court to prepare.

"The prosecution will continue to speak today. If my guess is not bad, the prosecution should call more witnesses."

"At least he will let people from the serious crime team appear, and once the serious crime team appears, the jury will feel that you are all troublesome people."

"Of course, that's not the point!"

Zhang Wei's words made Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun stunned.

"That's not the point, that lawyer, what's the point?" The two asked in unison.

"The point is that Zhanglang!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the next door.

"The key to your criminal evidence is still in the hands of the CSB department. If they come up with some non-disclosure agreements and provide some evidence that I can't see because of permission issues, then I have nothing to do!"

"Isn't that unfair to us?" The two looked at each other again with displeased faces.

"Yes, it's not fair!" Zhang Wei deeply agreed.

"But in fact, I can see the evidence, but it's useless for me to see it. The jury has to see it."

For the evidence that is not authorized enough to watch, Zhang Wei actually has room for manipulation.

Lawyers can enter some important places to watch if they sign a non-disclosure agreement.

But the person who made the ruling was not Zhang Wei, but the 12 jurors in the court.

But the 12-member jury is mixed, with people from all walks of life. If they all go to see the confidential evidence, it may cause evidence leakage. Generally, the jury will not be allowed to enter the confidential place.

This is where there is no solution.

Much evidence the jury cannot see.

To deal with this move, Zhang Wei had to think about how he would break the situation.

"Let's go, the court time is coming!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Wei urged, and led Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three to the court.

They walked through the corridor, and the reporters along the way knew Zhang Wei's reputation, so they didn't dare to stop him.

They successfully entered the criminal court.

In the hearing booth, countless gazes were cast.

Scrutiny, suspicion, and a few hidden worries.

Xia Qianyue, Xiao Baihe, Guo Wufeng, Zhao Chunming, all familiar faces flashed before Zhang Wei's eyes.

"Hanhan, Lao Xiao, don't worry, I won't lose!"

"Old Zhao, Lao Guo, don't worry, I will fight back for Dongfangdu!"

As he spoke, he led Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others to the defense bench, their own seats.

And Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng, who were in the front row of the hearing seat, looked at Zhang Wei blankly, and then glanced at each other blankly.

"What happened to this kid just now, what he said, as if we were cheering him on?"

"This kid, is his brain out of order?"

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng obviously didn't expect Zhang Wei to be so shameless and greet them like this in front of them.

Are you looking for death, kid, as if our local prosecutor's headquarters and you are our own people.

You really have a thick skin, you can be a steel plate, right?

But for some reason, today's Guo Wufeng and Zhao Chunming's hostility towards Zhang Wei is not as strong as usual.

Even, they didn't want to admit it themselves, a thought did appear in their minds, that is, will this kid win?

Although they don't like Zhang Wei, they also hope that the affairs of Dongfangdu can be handled by their own people in Dongfangdu.

The high-level prosecutors from Longdu, if they come to Dongfangdu to "dominate", their headquarters of the local prosecutors in Dongfangdu will also lose face.

So deep down in their hearts, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng really wanted to say something to someone...

Zhang Wei, you kid, don't lose face to our judicial circles in the Eastern Capital!

The doors of the courtroom opened again.

A mighty group of people walked in.

The leader was Zhang Lang. He seemed to be used to being surrounded by his subordinates, and he didn't know how to restrain himself after entering the court. He walked to the prosecution's seat step by step as if his relatives did not recognize him.

"Qin Gaojian!"

"Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Lang takes his seat.

Qin Yang on the side had already arrived and was currently browsing through the documents in his hand.

Zhang Lang glanced at Qin Yang, who was doing his job conscientiously, quickly looked away, and turned his head to look at the defense seat opposite.

After his gaze stayed on Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others for a moment, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"If it wasn't for that blacksmith, we would have succeeded yesterday!"

Thinking of yesterday's plan, he wanted to punch the table in front of him.

After preparing for so long, I thought it was a seamless and perfect plan. It was a great idea to drive away wolves, kill people with a knife, and even fight between snipe and clam for the fisherman's profit.

Unexpectedly, it failed in the end!

They lost so much equipment, as well as manpower and material resources spent monitoring for so long.

"Zhang Wei, ghost, I, Zhang Lang, swear, you must pay the price!"

Looking at the defense table, Zhang Lang's eyes flashed a gloomy look.


"Good guy, this look is going to kill!"

"Is this out of embarrassment, or is the dog about to jump over the wall?"

Zhang Wei had already noticed Zhang Lang's gaze. In fact, as soon as he sensed the implication in the other party's eyes, he knew that the man behind yesterday's incident must be the opposite party.

So here comes the problem.

Did Qin Yang know that Zhang Lang did this?

Zhang Wei looked at his main opponent, who was still flipping through the documents meticulously.

Sensing Zhang Wei's gaze, Qin Yang raised his head to look over, but quickly lowered his head and continued to review the documents in his hand.

"Maybe I don't know..." Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei understood.

Obviously, Qin Yang will not be notified of Zhang Lang's actions. Although the two are currently in a cooperative relationship, they are not good teammates.

"Aren't you a good teammate..."

Seeing this, an interesting idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Wei's mind.

"All rise!"

But at this moment, Tingwei's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Old Li is here!

Judge Li was wearing a somewhat wrinkled legal robe, his hair was also messy, and his whole body was much haggard.

There's nothing he can do about it, he has sacrificed too much for this case.

Now Lao Li wanted to ask the sky, can I go home this weekend and have a good sleep?

I really don't want to sleep on the sofa in the office!

"Cough cough, sit down!"

Lao Li stroked his eyes and motioned everyone to sit down.

"This court announces that the public prosecution of espionage against Zhao Xiaoxiao, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan is now starting the second formal hearing!"

After Lao Li made the announcement and knocked on the hammer, he looked at the prosecution seat.

Qin Yang stood up calmly: "The prosecution summoned Wu Yong, the leader of Serious Case Group 7, to testify in court!"

Hearing the name of the witness, Zhang Wei understood instantly, and at the same time glanced at Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan behind him.

I'm not wrong, there must be a serious crime team.

The two also gave thumbs up very cooperatively.

As expected of Lawyer Zhang, you guessed it all!

On the witness stand, Wu Yong took his seat.

"Witness, please explain your identity to the court!"

"I am Wu Yong, the leader of the Serious Case Team 7 of the Criminal Investigation Division!"

"Captain Wu Yong, as far as I know, you took the people in your team to directly participate in the arrest operation last weekend, isn't that true?"


"Then the person you participated in the arrest is in court?"

"Yes, right in the dock!"

"Could you please point it out?"

Wu Yong thought for a while, but he was not confused: "It's the three people on the defense table, the fat man, the one with glasses, and the girl next to the defense lawyer!"

"Oh, these three!"

Qin Yang nodded, but suddenly muttered: "It is obviously a big problem to be listed as an arrest target by the serious crime team!"

As soon as this remark came out, doubts flashed in the eyes of many people in the jury.

"Objection, provocative speech!" Zhang Wei immediately stood up and interrupted Qin Yang.

He had expected this move a long time ago, so of course he had to be on guard.

Use the reputation of the serious crimes unit to target the defendant and make the jury think about a problem.

What kind of person will be arrested by the crime team, it must be a vicious person!

If the jury is allowed to have such prejudice, the next trial will also be unfavorable to Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others.

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Li also gave warning eyes, "Qin Gaojian, don't think that you are from Longdu, so you can do these little tricks in front of me!"

"Sorry, Judge Li!"

Qin Yang apologized solemnly, with a serious face.

But he was also a little speechless in his heart. As expected of a young man, Zhang Wei reacted quickly enough.

"Captain Wu Yong, then, at the scene of the arrest, did you see anyone besides the three defendants?"


Wu Yong glanced at Zhang Wei, and he didn't know how to speak.

"Captain Wu Yong, did you see something indescribable that day?"

"That's not true, it's just..."

"Just what, I just want you to dictate. Who did you see other than the defendant that day? It shouldn't be difficult to answer this question, right?"

"I..." Wu Yong hesitated, but decided to confess: "I was at the scene of the arrest, and I saw the defense lawyer!"

"Oh, the defense lawyer was already there!" Qin Yang pretended to be surprised and couldn't help muttering.

And this sentence also shifted the eyes of the jury and the hearing seat to Zhang Wei.

Why would the defense lawyer be at the scene of the arrest in advance?

"I know everyone must have a question, why is the defense lawyer with the three accused of espionage!"

"you are wrong!"

Just when Qin Yang was about to continue playing, Zhang Wei stood up and raised his hand to accuse Fang Xi.

"Actually, there were four people who committed the crime of espionage at that time. Qin Gaojian, you forgot your tainted witness!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lawyer Zhang, Liu Xiaotao has already pleaded guilty, and he really forgot about him!"

Qin Gaojian apologized "sorry", but his serious expression did not change. No one knows how much apology he has in his heart.

"Then here comes the question, Lawyer Zhang, can you answer me, why are you with the defendant?"

"Are you asking me a question?"

"Yes, if Lawyer Zhang feels that it is difficult to answer, then you can also refuse. Of course, I think it is better for you to answer in order to clear the suspicion you may suffer."

Qin Yang said, with a threatening tone: "Lawyer Zhang, you don't want the jury to find that there was any illegal activity between you and the defendant other than the case itself?"

"Good calculation!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help muttering in his heart, this Qin Yang actually planned to directly discredit him.

If they were a group of people, they would probably be furious if they used this slapping and threatening moves.

I am a defense lawyer, why should I answer your question, what will happen if I don't answer?

If you really don't answer, then I'm sorry, the jury will find that you have a ghost in your heart!

Once the defense lawyer loses the trust of the jury, the effectiveness of his next speech will be greatly reduced.

Zhang Wei did not expect that Qin Yang would change his previous strategy and choose the tactics of attacking the heart!

As expected of coming from Longdu, your hands are really dirty!

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