Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 421 The truth is actually a fish pond? Zhang Lang breaks the defense! (Fan birthday plus upd

(Today’s sister Xiuxiu’s birthday in the book friend group, the author adds a new update, wishing Xiuxiu a happy birthday... Ahem, it’s actually because the plot happened to be stuck, so I found an excuse for Jiageng, please book friends Don't think too much... emmm...)


What method did Zhang San use?

Can you fully control the chat room and ensure that people involved in illegal transactions and illegal activities can be caught within the required time?

This question really needs to be thought about carefully.

But everyone in court knew it.

The answer is in someone's mouth.

Therefore, all eyes were on Zhang Wei.

What's next?

Shouldn't the story you tell be finished?

"Ahem, I think everyone is curious, what exactly should Zhang San do to find clues to overseas criminals at the right time, and even get key information just right, to find out the specific time and place of their crimes?"

"it's actually really easy……"

Zhang Wei said, raised a finger, and slowly spit out two words: "Induction!"


The 12-member jury looked at each other.


Many people in the hearing booth were also stunned.


In the trial seat and the prosecution seat, both Lao Li and Qin Yang were surprised for a moment.

Then, someone responded.


Could it be that inducement!

"What is induction, is everyone confused?"

Zhang Wei seemed to have noticed everyone's thoughts, and immediately said with a smile: "I don't know if you still remember the evidence that the prosecution showed before this case started?"

On the projection screen, many screenshots of chat records appeared again.

In some of the screenshots, some spokespersons with the ID "task initiator" appeared, and there were even some records that were actually people with the ID "manager".

"Let me tell you, what did Zhang San do so that criminals can reveal their criminal intentions at the right time."

Zhang Wei raised a finger and said loudly: "It's very simple, you just need to induce these people to commit crimes."

"Zhang San ordered his subordinate Li Si to arrange for Wang Wu, Zhao Liu, Sun Qi and others to act as task initiators in the chat room, and release some tasks that can be exchanged for high rewards for those who have criminal conditions and criminal strength, so as to promote The criminal behavior of these people!"

"This is the inducement, and this is why Zhang San can guarantee that everyone can commit crimes just when he wants to make meritorious deeds, and be caught by him at the same time!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, without waiting for the audience to react, he walked up to Zhang Lang.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think this Zhang San is really bad?"


Zhang Lang's face had become unreadable, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, and he wanted to curse but couldn't.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhang, I was talking about Zhang San just now. This old boy is really bad, but I didn't mean to say you at all. Please don't take your seat."

Will Zhang Lang be seated at the meeting?

Of course.

You kid almost matched Zhang San's name with mine, and now you come here to tease me like this, and you still say you didn't imply anyone?

Whether you need to be seated according to the number, I believe that the people present no longer need to judge.

Zhang Wei has made his words so obvious, who can't see it?

On Zhang Lang's side, it's a bit difficult to get off the tiger now.

Because he felt the eyes of the people around him, some naked scrutiny.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with you, your face is very ugly?"

Zhang Wei also said "properly" at this time, "You have been coughing all the time before, and now you are sweating coldly, do you have a cold and a fever?"

"We have been busy with cases these days, and we have to watch us 24 hours a day. It is really hard, we can understand."

Understand shit!

I want you to understand?

If this wasn't a court, Zhang Lang couldn't help beating someone.

You little bastard, pretending to be fake with me here?

"Then let's get back to the topic, anyway, my story is over." Zhang Wei spoke again at this time.

"Mr. Zhang, can you answer me a question, you and your subordinate Li Si... Oh, no, your subordinate is no longer Li Si, anyway, it is your subordinate, have you done what I just said? Things are coming?"

"What, I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, you don't understand, but it's okay, I can make it more clear."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and organized his language, "Mr. Zhang, do you want your subordinates to set up an overseas virtual chat network community to facilitate criminals' communication and information exchange abroad?"

"Did you let your subordinates use the administrator's authority to issue some tasks to induce members of the chat room to commit crimes, and instigate them to commit crimes for the benefit of large rewards?"

Zhang Wei raised a finger and raised his voice: "In this case, did you ask your subordinates to pretend to be members of hackers, post hacking missions to attack the Yuanfeng Group in the chat room, and instigate them to commit espionage? ?”

"I..." Zhang Lang opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't dare to respond.

"Mr. Zhang, it's a good plan. Let your subordinates release the mission, and you use the information provided by your subordinates to arrest people. They completed the mission, but the stolen information was directly intercepted by you, and they were arrested by you. Your subordinates don’t need to pay any more.”

"Oh, no, there is no need to pay. The materials they stole from the Yuanfeng Department were finally sent to your subordinates. Your subordinates will 'return' these materials to you, which means that you have not only captured people , and got the lost information!"

"If you beat your right hand with your left hand, you can still make two credits, and you can also catch people, and get both stolen goods. It's a big profit!"

These words, every paragraph and every sentence, Zhang Lang's face is a bit ugly.

Finally, Zhang Wei's teasing ended, and Zhang Lang's face was as black as coal.

The latter looked at the prosecution seat.

It's a pity that Qin Yang didn't move.

Originally, at this time, the prosecution should stand up and object, and just find an excuse of "hearsay evidence" to interrupt.

But Qin Yang didn't do that. Instead, he looked at Zhang Wei and Zhang Lang with great interest, and put on an attitude of eating melons and watching a show.

Apparently, he also looked away, or in other words, he lay flat and put it in a mess.

Anyway, it’s not me who dies in the end, so I don’t care~

"The surname is Qin!" Zhang Lang cursed inwardly, what an old boy, just sell your teammates.

However, he and Qin Yang never regarded each other as real teammates. They were just two strangers who temporarily teamed up for a case.

"What evidence do you have, these are just hearsay evidence!"

Since Qin Yang didn't speak, Zhang Lang came by himself.

"Of course I have the evidence, but before showing the evidence, I want to explain my doubts."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised his finger again, "First, since Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others broke through the database of Yuanfeng's department and stole the data, why have these data never appeared in the hands of foreign forces?"

"In fact, I commissioned Mr. Zhao Qingyan to investigate overseas network forces, but found that the data of the Yuanfeng family has not flowed into the hands of any foreign forces from the beginning."

"Of course, this is also your credit, Mr. Zhang. Who told you not only to catch the spies of foreign forces in time, but also to get the lost data?"

When Zhang Wei said this, he laughed, "But if from the beginning, there were no foreign forces, and all of this was a drama directed and performed by you, adding to your own merits, wouldn't that be right?" up?"


"What's wrong with me, do you think I'm wrong?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Lang with a sneer on his face: "Mr. Zhang, I'm going to publish the evidence next, you can take it!"

Zhang Lang's heart suddenly "thumped".

"The first evidence is naturally to prove whether your subordinate company has the crime I just mentioned."

As Zhang Wei said, he snapped his fingers at Tan Yingying, who immediately understood and opened another folder.

The file was opened, and there was another pile of picture evidence.

"Among these documents are the transaction records of your subordinates renting overseas servers in the name of themselves and their relatives and friends, as well as the records of the server's collection of services from overseas criminal organizations."

"At the beginning, you thought about fishing for big fish with a long line, so you provided a very good information transmission service for these overseas organizations. That is to say, you didn't think about using inducements to catch criminals at that time, and you planned to do it seriously. Running this illegal community."

"And your services have satisfied those organizations. They even renewed their memberships and paid you for some customized services. It's really hard for you, and you still need to be a serious Internet company."

Zhang Lang was stunned when he saw these evidences, "This information, how did you..."

"It's very simple. The investigation department can track down the transaction records. You only need to persuade the judge to sign a search warrant. Your subordinates provide network services to overseas criminal organizations, which in itself violates the criminal law. As long as the evidence points to For this company, it is not very simple to apply for a search warrant."

Zhang Lang opened his mouth.

But Zhang Wei seemed to be a prophet: "I know what you want to ask. You want to ask that there is no specific transaction record of the amount. How can you count it as evidence and get a search warrant?"

"Very simple answer. After all, your subordinate is not a serious programmer. He wants to build an online community, set up a website and a private chat room, and for your mission, he must do it well. He must find the most powerful company to help. ah?"

"So guess who he's looking for?"

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at Zhao Qingyan in the hearing seat out of the corner of his eye.

The answer is ready to come out...

Blacksmith technology!

Zhang Lang's subordinates entrusted Blacksmith Technology to design the website, the chat room, and this overseas online community.

"Your subordinate is also a smart person. At least he didn't reveal your purpose. When he signed the contract with Blacksmith Technology, he only said that he wanted to build a transnational online community to provide a communication platform for his company and foreign customers he serves. Blacksmith Technology also developed this online community based on this demand."

"Unexpectedly, after the task was finally delivered, you invited a group of people to modify the delivered community, and finally it became the final version that Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others used to chat and communicate."

Having said that, Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Lang, "Mr. Zhang, this overseas chat community has actually become your private fish pond, right?"

"Every time you want to add a record to your resume, you pass an order to your subordinates and ask him to induce some people in the community to commit illegal and criminal acts. Is this trick called baiting?"

"When those people take the task and prepare to commit crimes, you wait for the opportunity and wait for the fish to take the bait."

"When they have completed their tasks and are ready to deliver the tasks and get rich rewards, you can fully collect the net. At that time, the people will be caught by you, the loss will be recovered by you, and the credit will be taken by you. Only the perpetrators will be injured. The world is finished!"

"When chatting, it's like your private fish pond. You are in charge of putting bait, throwing the pole, fishing, and collecting the net. It's really a good plan."

"Mr. Zhang, your wishful thinking is really jingling. All benefits belong to you. Only those criminals, or victims, are kept in the dark from the beginning to the end. Not only will they go to jail because of your inducement, but even In the end, I don’t know, all of this is your conspiracy, your calculation!"

Zhang Wei walked up to Zhang Lang and slapped the table, "You are actually responsible for their crimes, right?"

"If you hadn't provided a huge reward and provided a motive for committing the crime, they might have simply found a nice community to chat with."

"They don't even know that the chat room is yours, the community administrator is your person, the task issuer is also your subordinate, and even the companions chatting around you are also your informants. You are instigating from the beginning to the end They go to commit crimes so that you can catch them straight away!"

"You fart!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's aggressiveness, Zhang Lang couldn't help it, and roared in court.

"You say I fart, I think you are the fart!"

Zhang Wei didn't bother him, and gestured to Tan Yingying again.

"Since you won't cry when you see the coffin, I'll show you the hard evidence!"

Following Zhang Wei's gesture, two pictures connected by red lines appeared on the projection screen, and information was marked on the pictures.

"Mr. Zhang, can you please explain why you can catch these criminals within a few days after each task is released in the chat room, as if these people have told them all about the next plan before they act. You too."

"In the picture are the records of all the criminals you caught in the last 10 years, and the accompanying screenshots are the specific tasks posted by the task publishers in the chat room, and the goals of these criminals are exactly the same."

"Similarly, after these criminals are ready to implement the plan, you and your subordinates will always meet at a certain time, and you will get a box full of specific information about the crime from the subordinates, and this box is chatting You have all the information in the room about the target you want to catch, and you have already mastered all their plans before you catch them, so you can catch all the enemies every time!"

"Mr. Zhang, what I said is not wrong!"

Zhang Wei slammed on the table again, staring straight at the person in front of him with wide eyes.


Zhang Lang didn't know how to answer again.

But at this moment, Zhang Wei already has an absolute advantage.

He leaned directly in front of Zhang Lang, and the two were almost face to face.

"Zhang Lang, you're finished. There's still a lot of evidence in that USB flash drive, enough to send you and your subordinates to prison, so that you won't even think about it for the rest of your life."

"Let me do the math for you. You provide crime convenience for overseas arrests and instigate your subordinates to set up overseas cybercriminal communities, but you still don't report it. Relying on your status as the second in command of the CSB department, you provide cover for your subordinates' illegal acts. In the end The important thing is that you were the mastermind behind these crimes."

"In fact, you are the mastermind behind the theft of Yuanfeng's confidential information, and what you did not only caused Long Kingdom's core secret concubine, but also caused tens of thousands of people to lose their jobs, and made Long Kingdom spend countless manpower and material resources to carry out the theft. Network security risk investigation, because of that hacker, how much loss occurred, you should also know."

"I think you are the culprit of treason. In order to add merit to yourself, you did not hesitate to induce Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others to commit crimes. Even the simple instigation of crimes is enough to ruin your reputation."

"You and I both know that your retribution is just beginning now. You may have to meet those people you caught and sent to prison next. Maybe you can be assigned to the same cell with your acquaintances?"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he smiled and spread his hands, "Zhang Lang, you are finished!"

"Impossible, I'm from the Zhang family, my elder brother will never..."

"Your elder brother doesn't care about you, he only cares about whether his reputation will be affected by your incident."

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the accused party, "Who asked you to invite Longdu to prosecute? Qin Gaojian is not someone your elder brother can send casually. You are tying yourself up by doing so!"

"Impossible, my elder brother is..."

"Zhang Lang, you are finished, don't talk about your big brother Zhang Tianlong anymore, you are completely finished now, don't even think about turning over in this life!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and said with a smile: "What you should consider is whether your elder brother is afraid of being affected by you, whether he will visit you in the prison during the holidays, and send you some living expenses."


Zhang Lang was stunned speechless by Zhang Wei's words, and furious.

His face was flushed, but he couldn't even utter a word.

Eventually, anger spewed out, from the mouth of course.


In court, Zhang Lang vomited three liters of blood, which was very miserable.

Zhang Lang, broke the defense, and was directly told by Zhang Wei to vomit blood in court.

"Hmph, done!"

As the instigator, Zhang Wei heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

This case is finally coming to an end.

The real culprit is not Liu Dashu, Zhu Erdan, Liu Xiaotao and Cui Yibin, nor Zhao Xiaoxiao.

The person who caused Yuanfeng's family to suffer losses and Longguo Network to suffer heavy losses was the one sitting on the witness stand.

He is the one who deserved it.

Zhang Wei walked towards the defense bench like a winner.

"Judge Li, I have nothing more to ask about this culprit!"

Zhang Wei thought he was a winner, and calmly walked to the defense bench.

Throughout the courtroom, the overwhelming majority breathed a sigh of relief that the case was finally over.

"Boy, I want you to die!"

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Zhang Lang breathed a sigh of relief from nowhere, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he rushed towards Zhang Wei suddenly.

He has completely abandoned everything now, because he is about to be subject to an internal affairs investigation. With so much evidence, he must be finished.

So if this is the case, let the kid in front of you pay the price and let him be buried with him.

Although Zhang Lang has been working in the office, as a member of the Zhang family, he has also practiced a little martial arts. At least it should not be difficult to deal with Zhang Wei.

"Since I'm going to die, I'm going to hold you back!"

Zhang Lang was facing like this, with a ferocious expression on his face.

But seeing Zhang Langgou jumping over the wall in a hurry, Zhang Wei showed a sly smile.

"Mr. Zhang, you are out of your mind, have you forgotten that there is a bodyguard by my side?"

As Zhang Wei said, a figure rushed out from the hearing seat behind him and rushed straight to Zhang Lang.

The speed of the person coming was almost dozens of times faster than the latter, a black afterimage flashed past Zhang Lang's eyes, and a fist flew towards his face.


He felt as if he had been hit hard all over his body, and then he completely lost consciousness.

The last thought in his mind was: Who is this bodyguard, why is he so fast, and why is he so ruthless?

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