Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 424 Talking about a family, the restaurant is on fire?

Wednesday, a working day.

Early in the morning, before Zhang Wei went to work, he received a call.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm sorry for my attitude towards you yesterday. I'm here to apologize first."

"Please help our family. He is an honest man. He is absolutely impossible to commit a crime. Please believe us."

"You don't have to worry about the legal fee. When we got divorced, Zhao Qingyan gave me some shares in Blacksmith Technology. Although the share is not large, I can get several million in dividends every year."

"As long as lawyer Zhang is willing to help us, we..."

During the phone call, Chen Xiaoyu changed her aloofness from yesterday, and her attitude became much more humble.

It seems that she should have consulted with many lawyers yesterday, and perhaps searched for Zhang Wei's information.

When she found out that Zhang Wei was not only the ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm, but also a famous barrister, her attitude would naturally change.

At this moment, Zhang Wei had just walked out of the Lin Mansion and was about to go to work in the law firm.

He glanced at the closed gate of Zhao Mansion, nodded and said, "All right, I'll take your case."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei got into the car directly.

"Go, go to the detention center..."

"Wait for Miss Ben!"

Just when Zhang Wei ordered Zhang Xinyan to get ready to set off, there was a voice behind him.

Zhao Xiaoxiao jumped up and down, opened the door and got into the car.

"I want to go together!"


Seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao getting into the car, Zhang Wei was a little helpless, but still told Zhang Xinyan to drive.

In the car, Zhao Xiaoxiao put on headphones, listened to the music, and hummed.

But Zhang Wei knew that this girl seemed a little nervous.

"Xiaoxiao, are you nervous?"

"No way!"

"Then you say you're not nervous, can you loosen your feet, since you got on the car just now, you've been stepping on me..."

"Ah, this..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao lowered her head and realized that she was stepping on Zhang Wei's foot.

The second girl blushed slightly, and quickly withdrew her feet.

She was wondering why she felt like she was stepping on something as soon as she got in the car, but she didn't expect it to be Zhang Wei.

"Second girl, you haven't told me what's going on in your family?"

"There's nothing to say, anyway, that's it."

"Then I'll ask you a few questions about your mother, is it convenient for you to answer me?"

"You ask."

Seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao's indifferent attitude, Zhang Wei felt that the other party should have no influence, so he decided to ask questions.

"Chen Xiaoyu is your real mother?"

"Hmph, yes."

Seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao's disdainful answer, Zhang Wei silently wrote it down in his heart.

It seems that the relationship between the mother and daughter has indeed faded.

But in that case, why did Zhao Xiaoxiao come out with him again?

"When did she and Uncle Zhao divorce?"

"I don't remember, about five or six years old."

"Five or six years old..."

Zhang Wei glanced at the second girl, it was indeed a long time ago, maybe fifteen or sixteen years ago.

Thinking of the second girl losing her mother at such a young age, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel emotional.


Zhang Wei found that he seemed to be worse than Zhao Xiaoxiao. Wasn't he an orphan since he was a child?

Well, he found himself thinking too much.

"Ahem, let's get back to the point. After Chen Xiaoyu and Uncle Zhao divorced, did she find her current husband, the owner of the pickled vegetables and fish shop?"

"Yes, I don't pay much attention to their family."

Zhao Xiaoxiao raised her eyelids with a look of no interest.

"Not concerned?"

Zhang Wei muttered and asked, "Do they have children?"

"There is a boy named Tan Xiaozhi, who is 5 years old this year."

"Then the name of Chen Xiaoyu's husband?"

"Talk about ambition."

Zhang Wei complained in his heart, this name is okay, but isn't your son's name too simple?

The father is called Zhiqi, and the son is called Xiaozhi? ?

But what Zhang Wei most wanted to complain about was the duplicity of his second daughter.

"Good guy, you know so well, why don't you pay attention?"

"Hehe." The second girl didn't bother to explain, but just gave Zhang Wei a supercilious look.

Time passed quickly while the two were bickering.

Not long after, the detention center arrived.

"Smelly brother, wait at the door, let's go see the client!"

After asking Zhang Xinyan to park the car in the parking lot at the entrance, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao naturally went to the meeting room.

In the meeting room at this moment.

Tan Zhiqi, the boss who always talks about sauerkraut fish, is meeting his wife and children.

Compared with yesterday, Chen Xiaoyu's complexion was much worse.

She even brought her child here today.

"Dad, why are you in there?"

"Dad doesn't know either."

"Then when will you come out, my mother and I were at home yesterday."

"Soon, soon."

"Okay, Dad..."

Tan Xiaozhi is only 5 years old, and he doesn't even know why his father was locked up. He only has innocence and curiosity in his eyes.

After dismissing his son's questions, Lao Tan looked at Chen Xiaoyu.

"Honey, has the lawyer contacted you yet?"

"Contacted, they said they will be here soon!"

"Where is the lawyer you contacted, is it powerful?"

"Don't worry, it's Jincheng's law firm that I contacted this time, and it's the trump card!"

"Jincheng's lawyer, doesn't that cost a lot of money?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll take care of the money!"

Hearing what Chen Xiaoyu said, there was a trace of displeasure on Lao Tan's face.

"No, I can't let you spend money. I can handle things by myself. How can I use a woman's money!"

It can be seen that Lao Tan is still very machismo.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why do you still care about these things now? Getting you out is the most important thing!"

Hearing what Lao Tan said, Chen Xiaoyu's expression changed, and he was equally unhappy.

Such a big man, can't figure out what is the most important thing now, and still think about those trivial things?

However, Lao Tan had an unhappy expression on his face, as if he was very concerned about certain things.

"Anyway, you can't use your money. Your money is given by that person, not mine, so you can't use it on me!"

"You, you, you still care about this. How many times have I told you that the money is not his, but the shares he gave me when we divorced. It is my money, that is, our money. .”

"I don't care, I don't want his money anyway!"


Chen Xiaoyu was going crazy, why did Lao Tan still care about this at this time.

It's just dead-brained!


At this moment, a cough sounded outside the meeting room.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are finally here, hurry up, please..."

When Chen Xiaoyu saw Zhang Wei, she was very excited at first, but when she saw the girl behind Zhang Wei, her expression suddenly froze for a moment.


Zhao Xiaoxiao was good enough, and waved at Chen Xiaoyu as a greeting.

When Zhang Wei saw the scene where the mother and daughter met, he immediately lost his composure.

Second girl, this is your own mother, what's the matter with your greeting attitude?

It's as if what you saw was not your own mother, but a classmate you didn't know well in school, and you couldn't call out the other party's name for a while, so you just waved at will?

This is too...

And you, Ms. Chen!

This is your daughter, why do you look like you saw a ghost?

Can you move a little bit, those who don't know thought you got sunflower acupuncture.

"Ahem!" As a last resort, Zhang Wei coughed and drew Chen Xiaoyu's attention back.

"Ms. Chen, let's talk about the case itself!"

"Sorry, Lawyer Zhang, I can't control myself..."

Chen Xiaoyu quickly apologized, and then introduced to both parties.

"Lawyer Zhang, this is my husband, Tan Zhiqi, and this is our son Tan Xiaozhi."

"Oh, Lao Tan, Xiao Zhi, hello."

Zhang Wei handed Lao Tan and his son each a business card.

Old Tan took a look at it, and Xiao Zhi put the business card in his mouth and bit it, but unfortunately he couldn't taste it.

"Old Tan, this is the lawyer Zhang I told you about, the trump card of Jincheng Law Firm, as for the one behind him..."

Chen Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed.

"Old talk, right? My name is Zhao Xiaoxiao. You should know me, right?"

In comparison, the second girl was a lot more straightforward, and directly signed up for her own number.

"Are you the daughter of that one and my wife?"

Lao Tan glanced at Zhao Xiaoxiao and Chen Xiaoyu, as if he had noticed something.

I have to say that Lao Tan's eyesight is still not good enough.

"That's not the point, the point is your case."

But Zhang Wei waved his hand and sat down immediately.

"Old Tan, can you tell me about the situation you are currently facing? It is best not to miss anything, this kind of criminal case generally pays the most attention to details!"

Old Tan was helpless, and he didn't care about the relationship between his wife and Zhao Xiaoxiao, and slowly told Zhang Wei the truth.

"Actually, I don't know what happened. In the early morning, people from the investigation department came suddenly and told me that there was a fire in the store, and then another employee had an accident."

"Then I was taken there for questioning. I didn't even take a look at the store. The people from the investigation department showed me the photos of the scene."

Old Tan said, a little helpless, "Actually, I don't know what happened. My store should be fine. Why did it catch fire?"

"Did the investigation department show you the fire report?"

"No, after they locked me up, they left me here."

"Who is in charge of questioning you? When the other party arrested you, they should have introduced themselves?"

"It's a woman, she looks about 30 years old, with a vigorous style, she seems to be the team leader."


Hearing Lao Tan's description, Zhang Wei thought to himself what a coincidence.

Lin Ruonan!

It's her again!

"Oh, I see, then I'll go straight to her and ask for a fire report!"

Since they are acquaintances, it's easy to handle. Zhang Wei can go directly to find someone later.

This is the benefit of having a relationship, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Old talk, I have to ask you, is your restaurant strictly managed?"

Zhang Wei said, explaining in a low voice: "Because I remember, the catering industry seems to strictly follow the standards stipulated by the catering service industry to implement health and safety control. The cleaning tools must be arranged according to regulations, and only cleaners of the same brand can be purchased, etc. I remember that these are all clearly regulated by regulations.”

"This..." Lao Tan lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

"It looks like you didn't follow the rules?"

"In these years, no one in the catering industry will implement it in every detail. In fact, sometimes we will fluctuate the requirements a little bit..."

"Are you sure it's a little bit?"

Zhang Wei looked at the other party, and the other party also looked over.

In the end, it was still the old talk, and he lowered his head unconsciously.

"Old Tan, you can't do this. I'm still asking this question. If it's a prosecution question, wouldn't you be showing a guilty conscience by lowering your head like this? What do you want the jury to think of you?"

"I..." Lao Tan was speechless.

Seeing the behavior of the client, Zhang Wei still knew it.

Lao Tan may indeed be ignorant of the situation, but at the same time, it is somewhat unrealistic to say that he has no responsibility.

For the specific situation, you have to look at the fire accident report, and at the same time go to the scene to have a look, maybe you can find clues.

"That's the end of today's meeting. I'll consult with the investigation department about your case, and then ask about the prosecution to see if a deal can be reached."

As Zhang Wei said, he waved to Chen Xiaoyu again, and called the husband and wife to his side.

"First of all, I can make it clear that if one of your employees dies, someone must take the responsibility. If the family members can't forgive you, they may even sue you in civil court. How much money can you give to compensate them?"

Lao Tan and Chen Xiaoyu looked at each other.

"Although I have been running restaurants all these years, I haven't saved much money. Is 100,000 enough?"

Zhang Wei smiled and shook his head, "100,000 is definitely not enough, do you think 100,000 can buy a life?"

Seeing this, Chen Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said, "What about 1 million, if not, 2 million, 3 million, and I can pay up to 5 million!"

"No, you can't use his money!"

On the other hand, when Lao Tan heard that his wife offered so much money, he directly refused.

"This is my money, I can use it as I want!"

"No, I don't agree, even if I die, I won't use that person's money!"

"You bastard, you still care about this now!"

"I just care, you care about me!"

"You are simply unreasonable!"

"That's how I am, or I'll die!"


Seeing that the husband and wife were about to quarrel again, Zhang Wei coughed quickly and interrupted them.

"Two, can you please calm down?"

Zhang Wei stopped the two of them, "What I said just now was just the worst case, but you can also think about the best, maybe you are not responsible for that night?"

Hearing this, Lao Tan and Chen Xiaoyu's expressions softened a little.

"Old Tan, let me ask you, were you in the shop that night?"

"No, I'm going to pick up their mother and son one day, so I left early."

"Who is in charge of you at night?"

"It should be Chef Wang, he leaves late every day anyway."

"Chef Wang, I see."

"Then that night, in your store..."

Zhang Wei asked a lot of questions, and wrote down the answers in his notebook.

Half an hour later, he and Zhao Xiaoxiao winked, and they were about to leave.

"Lawyer Zhang, my husband's case, your side..."

"Don't worry, Ms. Chen, I will take charge of this case to the end!"

Zhang Wei made a promise, and Chen Xiaoyu felt a little relieved.

Then she looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao again, but unfortunately there was no mother-daughter relationship between Zhao Xiaoxiao and her.

"Let's go, bye!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao just waved her hand, as if she had greeted their family of three.

Lao Tan and Chen Xiaoyu watched Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao leave.

"By the way, is that your daughter? She really looks like you when you were young."

"No way, Xiaoxiao is much prettier than when I was young, it's just..."

Chen Xiaoyu opened his mouth, showing a wry smile.

When she separated from her daughter, she was only five or six years old, about the same size as her son.

"Speaking of which, what is the relationship between your daughter and Lawyer Zhang? It seems that they are quite close?"

"Hey, I didn't ask..."

Chen Xiaoyu and Lao Tan looked at each other in blank dismay.


the other side.

After Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao walked out of the detention room, they got into the car directly.

"Go, go to the crime squad!"

Instructing Zhang Xinyan to drive again, the two of them did not stop.

Soon, the martial arts association arrived.

Zhang Wei is naturally familiar with the Investigation Section and the Serious Crime Squad.

Every time Zhang Wei comes here, it's like going home.

"Well, I'm going to sign in for Director Zhou, just wait for me."

Just as she was going upstairs, Zhao Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and started to work.

Zhang Wei remembered that this girl now has a mission, and she needs to report to Zhou Guidance every day and check in regularly.

Seeing how the second daughter was finally busy, Zhang Wei was very pleased.

After the second girl finally reported her work to Director Zhou, the two continued to go upstairs.

"Hey, isn't that person an old iron?"

As a result, at the top of the stairs, they saw a familiar figure standing still.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

Tie Ruyun was hesitating whether to go in, but suddenly felt someone calling him from behind.

Looking back, it turned out to be that kid.

"Ah, Zhang Wei, why are you here?"

"Old man, you are joking. We are criminal defense lawyers. Isn't coming to the investigation department the same as going home?"

Zhang Wei walked up to Tie Ruyun, and then saw the invitation letter in his hand.

"Hey, are you planning to invite Team Leader Lin to accompany you to the charity auction?"

"Wow, are you going after Team Leader Lin?" Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes also became gossiping.

Tie Ruyun panicked immediately, and hurriedly silenced: "Shhhhhhh, don't make it public, am I hesitating?"

"Why are you hesitating, I'll take you in!"

Zhang Wei couldn't see anyone hesitating the most, so he immediately pulled Tie Ruyun into the serious crime team's office.

In the office, many people looked over, and when they saw that it was Tie Ruyun and Zhang Wei, they all lowered their heads and went to do their own business.

A criminal defense attorney.

It's a common thing to come to the serious crime team, and they are very familiar with these two.

Anyway, they are all here to find people, and the purpose of coming to find people is not very good, they don't like it.

"Is Team Leader Lin here?"

Seeing that Lin Ruonan was not in the office, Zhang Wei yelled directly.

On the side, a team member reminded: "They are having a small meeting with Team Lei!"

"Hehe, that tiger is back?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised, he didn't expect Lei Hu to return to the team after recovering from injury.

Speaking of which, it was Xia Qianyue's fault that Lei Hu was injured.

"Old Tie, since this is the case, let's wait!"

Looking at a nearby conference room full of people, Zhang Wei took Tie Ruyun and Zhao Xiaoxiao and sat down casually.

Just like he said, coming to the serious crime unit is like going home, and he has always been very comfortable.

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