Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 427 What's wrong with Xiao Liu, Hou Liangliang makes a move

Zhang Wei glanced at the prosecution seat.

He always felt that this opponent was somewhat inexplicably confident.

What is the reason that makes you so confident that you can't even look at people right?

Zhang Wei thought for a while, could it be that Hou Liangliang is a fool?

However, the screening work will continue.

"The defense has no questions for now."

After thinking about it, Zhang Wei decided to give up the opportunity of screening to see how Hou Liangliang would perform.

He sat back on the defense seat, and Hou Liangliang, who was on the prosecution seat, also stood up.

"The case this time is about a safety accident, so I hope everyone can understand that years of laxity will cause irreversible safety hazards."

"I would like to ask everyone, does any of you or someone in your family work in security?"

Several of the jury candidates raised their hands.

"What do you do, sir?"

"I'm the administrator of the site, and I'm responsible for screening content and controlling comments."

Hou Liang nodded, of course it's fine.

"Ma'am, where are you?"

"My husband is a bank inspector, does that count?"

Hou Liangliang couldn't help but nodded continuously, it must be counted.

"And you?"

"I'm a driving instructor."

When he saw the man answering, he smiled, and Hou Liangliang also smiled.

After laughing, he went to the trial seat, "Judge Liu, the defense accepts jurors No. 8, No. 10, and Juror No. 13."

Judge Liu recorded it, and Hou Liangliang took this opportunity to return to the prosecution's seat.

"Although the question asked is direct, but the purpose is clear, simple and clear, but unfortunately the effect is not very good."

Zhang Wei analyzed Hou Liangliang's actions, and the other party's questioning level was really average.

It is said that the husband is the lady of the bank inspector, she is her, and her husband is her husband, and the work of the two is actually not interoperable.

On the contrary, this man's dress is very casual, which is completely opposite to her husband's inspector who needs to be closely monitored and meticulous. This is not the expected juror that Hou Liangliang needs.

As for the driving school instructor, he would unconsciously pinch cigarettes with his hands when he was speaking. Obviously, he was a heavy smoker, and he took "gifts" from candidates on weekdays. He was not a juror who really understood safety accidents.

However, Hou Liangliang chose the wrong person, and he would not remind him of what it has to do with Zhang Wei.

Questions continue.

"Jurors, please imagine this scene. You are the operators of a factory. The factory is preparing to implement safety management regulations this year. The specifications for your operation of machines and the placement of tools have become stricter."

"One day, when you were working, a manager who never left the workshop ran over to tell you what to do. He caught you and gave you a lecture. You had to listen carefully, otherwise your usual performance points would be deducted."

"As for why he caught you for training, the reason is that you put a wrench on the machine at hand for convenience when you were working, and doing so may cause safety hazards. Because according to the new regulations of the factory, any tool Including wrenches, when not in use, should be kept in the tool box five steps away from you, and it is strictly forbidden to put any tools on the machine, especially the machine that has been started. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei looked at the jury, "Do you think this manager has done too much? Can you understand what he did? Anyone who thinks he is making a big deal out of a molehill please raise your hand?"

Many members of the jury raised their hands, and some even showed disgust.

It seems that Zhang Wei's example seems to have hit something.

"Ma'am, why didn't you raise your hand, do you think this manager is doing the right thing?"

"Of course, I think norms are norms. The worker himself did not abide by the safety production rules, so he should be disciplined!"

"I understand." Zhang Wei nodded, then looked at the trial seat, "Judge Liu, the defense thanks the lady for her answer and asks her to leave the seat."

"Why didn't you raise your hand, sir?"

"I am the safety production supervisor of our factory, and my job is what you said!"

As soon as the man's words were spoken, someone next door looked at him with hostile eyes.

It seemed that the latter was frequently reprimanded by the security director.

"Sir, your work is indeed very important. Without your supervision, it is easy to have safety hazards during production. Once someone is lax, it is very likely to cause major property losses, so I support your work."

The man was very happy that someone finally recognized him, unlike in the factory where many workers looked at him with hostility.

"Then let me ask again, does your safety management department have an indicator every day, how many workers will be issued work 'tickets'?"

"Well, there are indeed. The target I give to my staff is to catch 100 people who play on mobile phones at work, desert, chat casually, operate irregularly, and place tools casually. I also want them to write a review in person. After finishing the review, their points will be deducted, 500 yuan will be deducted from them every month, and the factory manager will praise me for doing a good job." The man said quite proudly.

But he didn't notice at all that the hostile eyes towards him from all around became even more naked.


Zhang Wei also understood, with an exaggerated expression, he looked directly at the trial seat, "Judge Liu, the defense requests that this juror be removed!"

The man's face changed, the smile on his face disappeared, and at the same time, he looked at Zhang Wei with a very speechless gaze.

How to put it nicely, you just kicked me?

But Zhang Wei said, a person like you has a son who doesn't have an ass hole, who will I kick if I don't kick you?

"Well, we now have a suitable jury, everyone, take a break, have lunch, and the first official hearing will begin at 2 pm!"

Judge Liu struck the gavel and announced a temporary adjournment.

After finishing speaking, he immediately got up and walked out of the court.

The place is stressing him too much, and he's going to have a cup of coffee to slow down.

The court was dissolved, and everyone followed Judge Liu's footsteps and left one after another.

"Prosecutor Xiao, do you have the honor to invite you to have lunch?"

"I'm not hungry yet, why don't you take Yingying to eat."

Faced with Hou Liangliang's invitation, Xiao Baihe directly used Tan Yingying as a shield.

"Well... I brought my own lunch..."

Embarrassed, Tan Yingying also refused.


"Since I'm not hungry, Yingying and I will go out to rest for a while, and look forward to your performance in the afternoon, Senior Brother Hou!"

Saying that, Xiao Baihe directly pulled Tan Yingying away.

The smile on Hou Liangliang's face slowly disappeared, replaced by a look of gloom.

the other side.

"Go, let's go to your house for a meal."

Zhang Wei took Zhao Xiaoxiao and ordered Zhang Xinyan to drive back to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Anyway, the court session is at 2 pm, so there is more than enough time to go back and come back.

The main problem is that he doesn't want to eat takeaway.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a meal cooked by Lu Ma when I go back now?

Zhang Xinyan was speechless for a while, and secretly thought that Zhang Wei, the boss, was too stingy, he didn't even provide a meal, and he had to go to his own house for lounging.

Let's go, let's go!


1:30 p.m.

A lounge in the municipal courthouse.

After lunch, the group went back to the courtroom to prepare again after resting.

"Lawyer Zhang, the next step is the hearing. Are you sure there is no problem?"

Because of too much pressure, Lao Tan asked Zhang Wei again.

In fact, he ate very little lunch today, and when he saw Zhang Wei after lunch, he would ask him almost every two or three minutes.

If he doesn't ask, he will feel uneasy.

His wife and son were also by his side, but Tan Xiaozhi was probably tired, and now he fell asleep in Chen Xiaoyu's arms.

"Old Tan, can you calm down a bit, if you are like this, I dare not let you testify in court."

Zhang Wei was a little speechless. He kept talking about this state. If he didn't go to court, he might be forced into some problems by the prosecution.

"but I……"


He wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Zhang Wei waving his hand.

"Old Tan, if I want you to go to court to prove your innocence, your mentality may only have the opposite effect."

Lao Tan finally stopped talking, but his face was still very ugly.

"Look at you, your attitude is really dangerous. You have to learn to adjust your mentality and relax, don't you know, relax..."

Zhang Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

"Forget it, time is running out, let's go to court. I hope you can adjust your mentality today, otherwise if you are really sentenced to jail, think about your wife and son, what would their life be like without you Sample?"

Zhang Wei said, but thought about it in his mind.

Chen Xiaoyu is actually rich, and Zhao Qingyan gave her a small share of blacksmith technology, a few million a year is enough for the mother and son to live comfortably for a lifetime.

It seems that there is no difference if there is no talk about him...

Zhang Wei hurriedly shook his head, extinguishing the idea of ​​"although it's reliable, but it hurts people".

You can't think about it, you can't think about it, otherwise the old talk will be even more uncomfortable.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was following Zhang Wei, saw Zhang Wei nodding and shaking his head, with a very speechless expression.

Is your head broken, why do you always have convulsions?

A group of people came to the court to prepare while having different thoughts.

At the prosecution's seat, Hou Liangliang had already taken his seat, and Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe had also returned, but unfortunately the three of them did not communicate.

Hou Liangliang took the time to glance at the defense bench, his eyes full of sinister intent.

Zhang Wei wanted to take a moment to talk to the prosecution, but when he saw Hou Liangliang's eyes, he extinguished this thought.

And inside the court.

Judge Liu is also grooming himself, ready to go to court.

Jingle Bell!

But suddenly, the office landline rang.

"Who, don't you know that I'm going to court?"

Judge Liu answered the phone, and then his expression changed.

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect you to call, you said, you said..."

After a while, Judge Liu hung up the phone, his face became a little brighter.


2 p.m.

"All rise!"

Following the court guard's announcement, Judge Liu walked into the courtroom.

However, compared with the morning, his face was a little dignified.

And out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the prosecution seat and Hou Liangliang from time to time.

"What's wrong with Xiao Liu, has he been educated?"

Similarly, Zhang Wei also caught Judge Liu's eyes, feeling something was wrong.

"This court announces that, with respect to..."

After Judge Liu read the scriptures, he began to preside over the court order.

"Prosecution, please start the court statement."

Hou Liangliang got up, walked to the center of the court, and began to state: "As I said this morning, this case is about safety management regulations. Next, the prosecution will prove that it was the negligence of the defendant Tan Zhiqi that led to the accident inside the restaurant. There was a fire hazard, which led to an explosion, causing property losses in many shops, and it was the defendant's mistakes that led to..."

"be opposed to!"

Just when Hou Liangliang was about to make a sharp accusation, Zhang Wei got up and interrupted him.

"The objection is invalid and the defense continues."

But in the trial seat, Judge Liu did not give Zhang Wei face.

Zhang Wei frowned, and could only sit down resentfully.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised. What's the matter with Xiao Liu? It's okay to let the prosecution make a long speech, and the defense can't even object?

After Hou Liangliang made some sharp accusations, he was finally ready to call witnesses.

"The prosecution summoned Mr. Qi from the cleaning company to testify in court!"

Following Hou Liangliang's summons, a middle-aged man in formal attire walked up to the court.

"Hello, Mr. Qi, I heard that the cleaning company you run is responsible for providing cleaning services for many restaurants in the neighborhood where the defendant is located. Is that true?"

"Yes, I am the head of the company."

"Then are you familiar with the defendant's restaurant?"

"In fact, it's not me who is in charge of cleaning, but the staff under me."

The man said, looking at the jury, "But you also know that there is a lot of turnover in my line of work. After all, no one would choose to live with oily smoke for life."

"Then you mean that you are not familiar with the accused?"

"I can't say I'm familiar with it, but I've met Mr. Tan many times, and I'm indeed the person responsible for cleaning their store and cleaning the kitchen."

"Mr. Qi, how often does your company work?"

"About once every three months. After all, there are regulations on fire protection. Any restaurant needs to clean the oil every three months, otherwise it will easily lead to fire accidents."

"So every time, did you send someone there?"


"Have you arrived at the scene?"

"A few times I went back, but a few times I didn't."

"The few times you went, what did the defendant do?"

"The defendants all dragged me to the next door to smoke, chat, talk, and wait for the cleaning work to pass."

"In other words, the defendant may have dragged you away and made your men cut corners during the cleaning process?"

"This... I don't know..."

Hou Liangliang's question made the man slightly taken aback.

"No, the prosecution is inducing witnesses to guess!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Zhang Wei quickly objected.

"The objection is invalid because the witness replied that he did not know!"

This time, Judge Liu still did not give support.

"What happened to Xiao Liu today, the witness said he didn't know, wouldn't the jury not be thinking about it, this is obviously an inflammatory question!"

Looking at Judge Liu, Zhang Wei always felt that this little Liu was a little abnormal today.

Why target me?

Look at your thick eyebrows and big eyes, I didn't expect you to be a demon too?

Hou Liangliang didn't expect that he just tried it and got the support of the judge.

He looked at the jury, and sure enough, several people were puzzled by his speech.

Take advantage of the victory and pursue, teach Zhang Wei a lesson!

"Mr. Qi, you are the person in charge of a professional cleaning company. You should be familiar with some fire safety hazards, right?"


"Then I would like to ask, if the fire in the defendant's restaurant is to be triggered, what kind of degree is required?"

Mr. Qi thought for a while, and slowly analyzed: "Actually, our cleaning company is mainly responsible for cleaning up oil stains in the kitchen, because once the oil stains accumulate to a certain level, it may cause safety hazards, which is what you call a fire."

"The fire in the defendant's shop, I heard there was an explosion, how much oil has accumulated?"

"I think at least five or six months of oil pollution must be accumulated, otherwise it may only cause a simple fire, and there will be no explosion."

"Five or six months?"

Hou Liangliang hurriedly emphasized it again.

This also made many people in the jury nod their heads.

"Mr. Qi, have you been to the cleaning work in recent times?"

"No, I sent a senior employee to oversee it."

"Then can this employee testify in court?"

"No, he went back to his hometown a few days ago."

"go back home?"

Hou Liangliang rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Does he feel responsible for himself and the hidden safety hazard, so he has a guilty conscience?"

"No, hearsay evidence, the prosecutor has subjective assumptions!" Zhang Wei couldn't help it, and interrupted loudly.

"Oppose... Objection is effective!"

Judge Liu glanced at the courtroom, hesitated for a while, and chose to support the defense.

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this time, he came up with a reason. If you, Xiao Liu, don't support it, he will throw a fit in court.

Although he was interrupted, Hou Liangliang asked again: "Before the fire, did your employee lead the team to clean the defendant's store?"


"After the fire, he resigned?"


"Mr. Qi, when you went to the defendant's shop, he kept pulling you to smoke and didn't let you supervise the cleaning work?"


"Then do you think that when your employees go to the defendant's store, will they also be unable to supervise the clean-up work?"

Mr. Qi glanced at the defendant, nodded and said, "I guess, it's very possible!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the jury and the hearing room couldn't help thinking.

"Against, lead witnesses to guess!"

"The objection is invalid!" Judge Liu overruled it again.

"Is this all rejected?"

Zhang Wei's five fingers clenched for a moment, and he almost couldn't hold back.

Although he sat down, he began to think in his mind, what happened to Xiao Liu today?

Is this still the young and vigorous Judge Liu?

Could it be that he was also disturbed by external forces?

"Second girl, you will do me a favor later. Go to my mother-in-law Li Qinghua and ask her to check the call records of the Municipal Court. I remember that these are marked in the background. Focus on the landline of Judge Liu's office. .”


Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded, indicating that she understood.

In the court, Hou Liangliang felt that he had already won the case, and he could win the lawsuit with the first witness alone.

"So we believe that the defendant's repeated negligence in talking about his ambition, lack of attention to the cleaning work, and even interrupting the work of the cleaning staff many times, resulting in the inability to effectively clean up the oil stains, is the root cause of the fire!"

Hou Liangliang pointed at the dock and made sharp accusations.

At the defense table, after being called directly, Lao Tan's expression changed.

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