Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 447: Black Foot Wants To Tear Tickets, The Final Arrest

Dongfang Capital, Blackfoot Law Firm.



"It's so cool, it's so cool to fly~"

"Open the champagne, quick, open another bottle of champagne!"

Today's Blackfoot Law Firm is quite lively.

Although Hu Yaode was still injured, he was the happiest jumping around. The whole office area was filled with KTV music, and many lawyers were dancing.

Woo~hoo~~~ take off!

Because they were so happy, many lawyers just took off their suits and danced in place.

Anyway, as long as you don't feel embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed.

As for why they were so happy, it was naturally because the law firm had added a big fortune to its record.

Xiao Baihe, the ace of the local prosecutor's headquarters, and Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm!

These two lawyers in Dongfang Capital are well-known and prestigious.

Although the case was dismissed by the judge, although Zhang Wei was only a staff officer for the prosecution.

But Heizu has already figured it out, the title of the headlines in Dongfang Metropolis tomorrow.

"trump card? Ace teamed up with Ace? 1+1\u003c2? "

"The fall of a generation of superstars, the murder lawyer is short-lived after all! "

"Shocked, a well-known lawyer faces the first defeat in his career, and the reasons why his beautiful partner is angry at him!" "

"Talented people emerge from generation to generation, after Zhang Wei, the next supernova to shine in the legal circles of the Eastern Capital! "

As you can see, the contents of these news are all step by step.

At the beginning, it will introduce the strengths of the ace Xiao Baihe and the ace Zhang Wei, then explain the case in detail, and finally lead to the black foot law firm, and at the same time lead to the newcomer Li Meijia.

It can be said that this is the follow-up method prepared by Heizu Law Firm after the case is over.

Taking advantage of the fame of Xiao Baihe and Zhang Wei step by step, Li Meijia, a newcomer to my law firm, created momentum.

In this way, Li Meijia will also rely on the record of defeating Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe to become another new star in the legal circle of the Oriental Capital.

Moreover, she is unique, the only lawyer who has a record against Zhang Weisheng.

The entire circle of lawyers in Dongfang Capital avoided Zhang Wei, and almost no one dared to say that they could defeat Zhang Wei.

But now there is!

That person is in our Heizu Law Firm, and it is Li Meijia, a beautiful lawyer from our law firm!

Once this round of publicity is used, the reputation of Heizu Law Firm will definitely be able to advance several places among the top ten firms.

What's more, if Li Meijia wins a few more lawsuits, with the help of follow-up publicity and momentum, give those news media more money, and have another interview...

With the help of this victory, Blackfoot Law Firm might be able to squeeze into the top five of the top ten firms, or even close to the top three.

An increase in ranking and an increase in fame are all money!

However, compared with the bustling lawyers in the office, Li Meijia was much calmer.

"It's just winning an ordinary case, so what does it mean!"

"Also, although I have won Zhang Wei, he never spoke in court from the beginning to the end, he is just a consultant."

"Winning, but feeling like you didn't win!"

Li Meijia was sitting in her office, separated from Hu Yaode and others dancing outside by a long distance.

But she is not the only one sitting in her office.

The other person is naturally Cui Yibin, the party involved in this case.

"Well, when can I leave?"

"You can leave at any time, the case is closed."

For Cui Yibin, Li Meijia completely lost her previous courtesy.

She didn't even bother to call him "Mr. Cui".

The attitude was also very perfunctory, almost waving away the person in front of him.

"Then I... let's go..."

Cui Yibin said, and hurried out of the office area of ​​Heizu Law Firm.

"Hmph, can you get away?"

Seeing this, Li Meijia sneered, and immediately picked up the landline on the table.

"He came out, remember to see him off for the last time!"

After finishing speaking, Li Meijia hung up the phone, with an even bigger smile on the corner of her mouth.


Cui Yibin walked out of the office area and immediately got on the elevator.

The elevator goes all the way down to the first floor.


But when he was about to reach the first floor, he stopped.

Then the elevator door opened, and five or six strong men in black walked in.

They wore sunglasses on their faces, and they looked fierce, and they didn't look like good people.

Seeing this, Cui Yibin quickly curled up in a corner to make room for these people.

One of the men in black pressed the floor of the underground parking lot, and the elevator door closed again.


Arrived on the first floor.

"Well, please step aside, I want to go out!"

Cui Yibin saw that he had arrived on the first floor, so he was about to go out.

But these strong men didn't intend to give in at all, they just acted as a human wall and blocked him in the elevator.

"Well, I want to go out, let me go out, let me go..."

No matter how Cui Yibin yelled, this group of people remained unmoved.

The elevator door closed again, moving towards the underground garage.

The atmosphere in the elevator was a bit oppressive and heavy, in short Cui Yibin sensed a problem.

Why do these people stop me.

But just as he was about to ask a question, he saw that these strong men had turned around and all looked at him.


Just as he was about to ask, a big pussy was thrown directly on his face.

Cui Yibin felt the world spinning for a while, and then his head hit the ground heavily, and his vision became a little blurred.

When he was in a daze, he felt that he was dragged out of the elevator by these people, stuffed into the trunk of the car, and then went through bumps all the way.

When his head recovered and he could basically see things, the trunk opened again, and he was dragged out again by these people.

The sea breeze was blowing, and there was a fishy smell in the air.

He was taken to a fish processing factory by the sea, but it was a pity that it had been abandoned long ago, not to mention the workers, not even a ghost.

All Cui Yibin could see was a pile of canned fish scattered on the ground, an abandoned processing line, and a bunch of stray cats attracted by the smell of fish.


Cui Yibin was thrown on the ground, surrounded by several big men.

"Is this the kid?"

"Yes, the boss asked us to get rid of him, and clean it up!"

"Understood, then chop it up and throw it into the sea to feed the fish!"

One of the big Han said to the people around him: "Go to start the machine, remember to turn on the power of the cutting machine to the maximum, so that the speed will be faster, so as not to be like last time, when people throw it in and cut half, the bone is still stuck on the machine !"


Hearing these words, Cui Yibin was startled with fright.

It seems that this is not the first time this gang has done this.

He was definitely not the only one who died here.

He was terrified, and his luck after winning the lawsuit was gone.

I thought that if I won the lawsuit, I would be free.

I didn't expect to be thrown into a machine and crushed, so it would be safer in prison.

At least in prison, you don't have to worry about dying so badly...

Then Cui Yibin remembered another thing, that was her girlfriend Chai Jingjing, who had promised to come pick her up.

But here in the wilderness, with no villages and shops behind, how could she find herself.


It's all over now.

Cui Yibin despaired, watching the big man and saw that he grabbed it and was about to throw it at the rotating machine in the corner.

The opening of the machine seems to be connected to the abyss, and after entering it, it will go to another world.

But at this moment, a humming sound suddenly sounded in a skylight above the factory building.

"what's the situation?"

The group of people who kidnapped Cui Yibin looked up at the same time, and saw a drone flying by.

A smoking can fell from above and landed at their feet.


The fallen cans exploded right at their feet, and under a burst of flames, thick smoke filled the air.

Several big men who were close were covered by the impact of the explosion, and their figures were all thrown away by the bullets.

Cui Yibin also fell to the ground due to the explosion, and then he got up in a panic because of his fear and desire to survive.


Above the thick smoke, there seemed to be a female voice.

Cui Yibin could tell that it was his girlfriend Chai Jingjing's voice, and she came to save him.

Amidst the thick smoke, Cui Yibin ran wildly towards the door in his memory, and finally pulled out of the factory before the big men behind could react.

Outside the factory, Chai Jingjing rode a small electric donkey and was already waiting here.

"Come up!"

Cui Yibin got into the back seat, and the little eDonkey started immediately, carrying the two of them away.

In the factory, the gang of strong men finally reacted, one by one, they rushed to the vehicle and prepared to pursue them.


But when they approached the vehicle, there was an explosion inside the vehicle, which turned out to be hidden explosives.


Seeing this scene, they knew that the vehicle was scrapped.

Seeing this, a strong man had no choice but to take out his mobile phone.

"Sorry, boss, we missed and let the target escape!"


There was a cold snort from the other end of the phone.

"In that case, start plan B!"

Although the person on the phone was a little dissatisfied, there was no trace of panic.

Because he likes to keep a hand in everything, this habit has settled many things for him.


A deserted road in the suburbs.

A small eDonkey carrying two people is struggling forward.

There were two people in the car, Cui Yibin and his girlfriend Chai Jingjing, who had escaped from death.

"No, I chased you out from the city, the vehicle is out of battery now!"

Seeing the power meter on the small eDonkey, Chai Jingjing looked helpless.

Although this little eDonkey is fast, it also consumes a lot of power. She chased Cui Yibin all the way, and the battery was almost exhausted.

Now it is necessary to carry two people to escape, it can only be said that the little eDonkey has exhausted all its strength.

Finally, the electricity meter was completely empty, and the little eDonkey couldn't move on.

"Come down, run!"

The two abandoned the little eDonkey and continued along the path.

As a result, before taking a few steps, there was a hum of an engine in my ears.

boom! boom! boom!

From behind, a black motorcycle galloped towards the two of them.

On a black motorcycle, there was a man in a hard hat and a black leather jacket.

"A motorcycle enthusiast?"

When Cui Yibin saw someone coming, he waved and shouted.

But when Chai Jingjing saw the gun on the waist of the visitor, she was terrified.

"Run, he is an accomplice of those people, and he is here to kill us!"

In just an instant, she understood that those people did not give up their pursuit, so there was still a killer!

But how could the feet of the two be faster than the motorcycle.

After a while, the motorcycle rushed past the two of them, and then stopped with a tail flick.

In the car, the man in the black jacket took out a pistol, then took out a silencer from his pocket, and began to install it in front of Chai Jingjing and Cui Yibin.

The two looked desperate.

This is the wilderness, and it is impossible for other people to appear.

They have only two legs, and it is impossible for them to be faster than a motorcycle.

The opponent has a gun in his hand, how can they have a weapon.

No matter how you look at it, it is a dead end.

"If I knew I shouldn't be a hacker, I should have listened to my mother. When I was a civil servant, I might be the village head now."

"What are you talking about, you are not a hacker, so what should I do?"

"You shouldn't be a hacker either, we should listen to our parents, study hard, make progress every day, get into a good university, even if you want to be a white-collar worker after graduation."

"Don't go crazy, okay, you are Viper, think of a way!"

"You're still Snake, it's different, there's no way, how could we escape?"

In front of the black jacket, the two knew that this time it was completely over, and began to look back on their lives.

In short, it is regret.

I am very sorry...

Black Jacket seemed to enjoy this scene very much. Seeing the two crying bitterly, even the action of installing the silencer was a little slower.

But it doesn't take much time to install a muffler. After turning it a few times, the installation is complete.

Time to send them on their way.

Black Jacket slowly raised his pistol, ready to kill the two people in front of him.

His marksmanship is very accurate, almost piercing Yang with a hundred paces, while the two in front of him are only ten paces away.

Ten paces away, the gun is faster than anything!



With a howl, a stone suddenly hit the butt of the pistol, and the black jacket fired the moment the stone hit.

This also caused the bullet to miss and missed the two people in front of them.

The black jacket was shocked, who would dare to interrupt himself?

What's with this stone.

He turned around suddenly, only to find that there was a woman standing behind him at some point.

No, it should be a girl.

The other party's chest was unremarkable, and she looked completely undeveloped, so she was obviously a little girl.

The black jacket sneered, and the distance between the two was less than ten steps.

And within ten steps, the gun is fast and accurate!

"court death!"

He sneered, raised his hand and was about to shoot, sending the bullet into the head of the girl in front of him for a standard headshot.

But as soon as he raised his hand, the girl in front of him turned into an afterimage, and he had come to him at some point, with less than a step between them.

"how come……"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he punched his hard hat directly with a fist.


There was another explosion, and a figure came with a 1080° windmill, which flew out while spinning, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The helmet on his head has been completely dented, and there is a terrifying fist mark in the center.

Although the helmet protected the black jacket, the huge impact of that fist still stunned him.


Seeing that he packed the black jacket with a fist, the girl made an "OK" gesture to the back.

"Are you all right?" Then she came to Chai Jingjing and Cui Yibin, showing concern.

"Heroine, thank you!"

"Yeah, thank you, otherwise we would really be doomed."

The two of them were so grateful that they almost knelt down and kowtowed.

In fact, if the girl in front of him really wants them both to kowtow, it's not impossible for them.

"Don't thank me, what are you thanking me for?"

The girl waved her hand and helped Cui Yibin and Chai Jingjing up.


But then, the two discovered that there was an extra pair of handcuffs on their hands at some point.

"Heroine, you are..."

The two were dumbfounded.

What's going on, we were arrested again just after we narrowly escaped death?

"Well, I'm Xia Qianyue from the 7th Serious Case Team of the Criminal Investigation Division of Dongfang Metropolis. Now I suspect that you are related to a murder case, so I would like to ask you to assist in the investigation."

"As for the handcuffs, I'm not afraid that you will escape. After all, I'm alone, so I may not be able to see you two."

After hearing this, Cui Yibin and Chai Jingjing immediately shook their heads and waved their hands.

Woman Xia, you can punch a hard hat like that with one fist, how dare we.

You are not even afraid of someone else picking a guy, we with small arms and legs, how dare we play tricks in front of you.

"Oh, here they come!"

At this moment, the heroine they were talking about pointed to a few people who ran over not far away.

"Hanhan, your speed is too fast, wait for us!"

"That's right, Xiao Xia, you really are... amazingly talented!"

"Zhang Wei, Uncle Zhao, you are too weak and lack of exercise."

"I'm thinking, even if we train for ten or twenty years, we still can't be your opponent!"

Among these people, apart from a few bodyguards, were Zhao Qingyan and Zhang Wei.

Xia Qianyue looked at the two, then shook her head, then pointed at Chai Jingjing and the other.

"Hey, I saved the man, and I knocked out the killer. What shall we do next?"

"do what?"

Zhang Wei chuckled and walked in front of Cui Yibin and Chai Jingjing.

"You two are really, you made my family Xiaoxiao miserable!"

"You, what are you talking about, I don't know..."

Seeing Zhang Wei, Chai Jingjing quickly denied it.

"Denial, is it useful?"

Zhang Wei waved to Zhao Qingyan, who immediately took out a video recording device and handed it over.

"If I knew I shouldn't be a hacker, I should have listened to my mother. Back then, I was a civil servant... You are still Snake. There is no other way. How could we escape?"

In the recording, it was Cui Yibin and Chai Jingjing's dying speech just now.

After the recording was played, Zhang Wei looked at the two in front of him.

"Cui Yibin, Chai Jingjing, the two of you have been arrested now, and from your conversation just now, it can be seen that you have mutually admitted your identities as hackers."

"Chai Jingjing, especially you. You are wanted by many countries now. The Xia Qianyue next to me will arrest you according to law."

"Impossible, I did not carry out hacking operations in Longguo, and my boyfriend's case has been dismissed, you can no longer sue him!" Chai Jingjing argued.

But Zhang Wei sneered: "Cui Yibin's case has been withdrawn, which means that he cannot be prosecuted again for crimes of cyber security and aviation threats. Then we can change the charges."

"The key is you, Chai Jingjing, you are engaged in hacking activities abroad, and several of these countries have established diplomatic relations with Longguo. The charges against you are not violating network security, but destroying the unity of the two countries, threatening and discrediting Longguo. international image."

"As for you, Cui Yibin, if you knew that your girlfriend was the hacker Snake, you didn't report it, and you tried to assist in the crime, so you can't escape!"

Zhang Wei said, and ordered to the black-clothed bodyguards beside Zhao Qingyan, "Take them all away and send them to the investigation department!"

Cui Yibin and Chai Jingjing were both stunned!

That's okay too?

Sure enough, they did not escape the punishment of the law after all...

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