Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 455 Lost Money? Disassociation

On the way back, Zhang Wei received a notice from the court.

"The preliminary trial will start this afternoon, and the court will start tomorrow. Isn't this time too rushed?"

"By the way, who is the presiding judge?"

"Old Chen, how could it be him?"

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue beside him looked at each other in blank dismay.

The presiding judge chose Lao Chen, didn't he say that the court clerk was his mother-in-law?

Does the city court not care anymore, and you don't even worry about going through the relationship through your mother-in-law?

But think about it, what right does the clerk have?

It is impossible for Li Qinghua to affect Lao Chen's decision-making.

And the court trial, to put it bluntly, has an impact on the jury, and Lao Chen is just a judge.

"It looks like today and tomorrow are going to fight Old Zhao!"

Zhang Wei muttered, and Xia Qianyue walked out of the subway station.

"Zhang Wei..."

But when she walked out of the subway, Xia Qianyue suddenly grabbed Zhang Wei's clothes.

"You noticed it too?"


Xia Qianyue nodded, then looked behind her.

Zhang Wei also looked over, and saw a few young people who looked like social people standing behind him.

They obviously did not expect that Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue would suddenly turn around.

For a moment, they were all caught off guard, they could only look around, and some even whistled.

"Brothers, your acting skills are too embarrassing, can you stop acting?"

Zhang Wei pointed at them and explained to the people around him: "This kind of person looks like a gangster at first glance, but he still pretends to be a passerby. Isn't this lying to himself?"

"Are they out of their minds?" Xia Qianyue was also speechless, with a puzzled look on her face.


Originally pointed out by Zhang Wei, the expressions of these people were a little tense.

Now seeing a girl scolding them for their brains, how can this group of people bear it?

All of a sudden, they copied guys, swung their fists, and killed Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue directly.

"Hanhan, take it easy, don't kill anyone!"

Seeing this group of people who looked like younger brothers rushing forward, Zhang Wei said to himself that he was lucky, and then gave a warning to the people around him.

"I'll try my best..."

Xia Qianyue can't make any guarantees, because this group of people is too weak, maybe they are good fighters in street fights, but if they really meet some martial arts masters, the end will be...

Clap, bang, bang!

In just three seconds, the group of people had already yelled in pain, and they all fell to the ground.

"Guys, can I ask you a question?"

Zhang Wei came to one of the yellow hairs, and asked with a smile: "Who told you to come?"

Huang Mao glanced at Xia Qianyue fearfully, then rolled his eyes, "We are from Tianlongmen!"

"Oh, Tianlongmen, it looks so powerful."

Zhang Wei chuckled, it was a lie, he just made up a gang name, I really thought I couldn't see it.

"Hey, what's your situation, someone reported that there was a street fight here?"

Not far away, a field worker from the martial arts association ran over.

"Hanhan, you handle it."

Zhang Wei had no choice but to pull out the bodyguards.

"The serious crime team is handling the case. These people are suspected of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and I have already dealt with them!"

Xia Qianyue took out her ID directly, and the field staff became uneasy for a moment.

Good guy, the little girl in front of me is actually a member of the serious case team of the criminal investigation department at such a young age.

The field staff hurriedly saluted, then pointed to Huang Mao and the others, "Then what should they do?"

"Anyone who picks quarrels and causes no harm will of course be detained for fifteen days!"

Zhang Wei immediately stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Who are you……"

"I'm the boyfriend of this Serious Crime Squad operative, but you don't care who I am, you just do what I tell you."

As Zhang Wei said, his eyes rolled around, and he leaned into the ear of the field staff and said: "Wait, you will be like this... Do you understand?"

"Oh, I see."

The field staff said, contacting at the same time, preparing to escort Huang Mao and others away.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue naturally waved at the field office, Huang Mao and the others, and left immediately.

After a while, they returned to the Lin Mansion.

Not only that, but the field worker also contacted Zhang Wei.

"Yeah, I see. They are indeed members of the Tiger Hall, but they are just a group of peripheral boys who can't get on the stage."

After he hung up the phone, he sneered.

It is very simple to confirm the origins of Huang Mao and others, just send them to the field branch, and then wait for the people behind the other party to come and find them.

They said that they were from Tianlongmen, but the people who came to find people in the end were from Tiger Hall. Isn't the answer obvious?

Zhang Wei specially instructed the field staff to let Huang Mao and others' backers come to find people, and then inform himself that this would not only test out the people behind them.

"It can now be confirmed that there is indeed a shadow of Tiger Hall behind Dongxing Securities."

Zhang Wei was planning while taking Xia Qianyue back to the Lin Mansion.

He obviously expected that the Tiger Hall was going to attack the two of them.

There was even a plan in Zhang Wei's mind because of the Tiger Hall's appearance!

However, this plan, unless it is impossible, he does not intend to implement it.

"Let's go, let's prepare for the afternoon pre-trial!"

After the two returned, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue spent the morning in the Lin Mansion, busy with the pre-trial.


City Court, gate.

Zhang Wei asked Zhang Xinyan to drive, took him, Xia Qianyue, and the client Zhan Qingze to the city court, and saw a lot of people densely packed at the door.

Needless to say, the banners they held in their hands are enough to explain the problem.

"It's the defendant Zhan Qingze!"

Someone with sharp eyes saw Zhang Wei and his party get off the car.

Immediately, the crowd was densely packed and swarmed towards them.




"Return my hard-earned money!"

A group of people surrounded Zhang Wei and the others with menacing aura and ferocious faces, almost about to attack.

In fact, Zhang Weineng could feel that in the eyes of several people, the murderous intent couldn't be hidden.

It seemed that their lives were already ruined, and they didn't mind ruining other people's.

"Hanhan, take us in!"

In desperation, Zhang Wei could only ask Xia Qianyue to escort Zhan Qingze into the city court.

Under the cover of Xia Qianyue's brute force, a group of people pushed through the crowd and entered the city court.

Prepare the interior.

The atmosphere is a bit depressing.

"Good guy, there are so many people at the door!"

Zhang Xinyan looked at the person outside the door holding a banner and shouting slogans, feeling lingering in his heart.

"Lawyer Zhang, I feel that these people are at the door, which is not good for me."

Although Zhan Qingze is not a defense lawyer, he can tell that this group of people blocking the door will definitely have an impact on the case.

"Yes, in fact, the existence of these people is strongly inflammatory!"

Zhang Wei also pointed to the people at the door, with a look of anticipation.

"However, I want to know more, what's going on with Old Zhao?"

Lao Zhao's side is next door.

In the preparation room of the prosecution, Zhao Chunming was sorting out the documents.

The person who was helping her was... Tan Yingying!

"Xiao Tan, I have taken all these documents, and you have to play them all for me when I go to court!"

"Yes, Director..."

Tan Yingying agreed almost with tears in her eyes.

She was about to cry, why did she become an assistant again.

Obviously, several newcomers have come to the headquarters office of the prefectural prosecutor. I am considered an old seniority, but the supervisor and others still like to let me be an assistant.

This is too bullying, so cold!

When can I get rid of the fate of tool man?

Both the prosecution and the defense walked out of the preparation room almost at the same time.

The two sides also happened to meet.

Xia Qianyue was with Zhang Wei, Tan Yingying was with Zhao Chunming, and Zhan Qingze was a step behind under the cover of Zhang Xinyan.

"Old Zhao!"

"Zhang Wei!"

The two had greeted each other, but Zhang Wei smiled, while Zhao Chunming had a gloomy expression.

The two walked side by side to the criminal court.

"Zhang Wei, I'll just ask you once, if your client wants to plead guilty, how many years can you accept?" Zhao Chunming spoke out first.

"Old Zhao, when did you have the idea that my client would plead guilty?"

"Is your client innocent?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's rhetorical question, Zhao Chunming smiled.

Zhang Wei nodded seriously, that's what I thought.

"Hmph, stupid!" Zhao Chunming sneered, pointing to the document in Tan Yingying's hand, "I have sufficient evidence to prove that your client is guilty!"

"And look around!"

As Zhao Chunming said, he pointed to the passageway of the court, the waiting area, and the vicinity of the corridor.

Countless people looked at Zhan Qingze with dissatisfied and hateful eyes, and those eyes wanted to eat people.

"How dare you say that your client is innocent?"

"I just dare to say that my client is innocent!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, ignoring the reactions of passers-by around him.


Now, it was Zhao Chunming's turn to be helpless.

"15 years!"

He was the first to state the conditions, and added: "Originally, the amount of fraud has reached tens of billions, and your client will definitely be imprisoned to death, but now I will give you Zhang Wei a face, and he will come out in 15 years."

Zhan Qingze is not yet 30 years old, and theoretically he will only be in his 40s after 15 years.

This number of years of imprisonment is definitely a good condition for suspects of major financial fraud.

"Old Zhao, if you give Zhang Wei face, why not withdraw the case!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and took out a business card, "This is what you should really be looking for!"

When Zhao Chunming took the business card, he saw the words "Qian Moli" written on it, with the position of CEO of Dongxing Securities marked on the suffix.

"You mean, ask me to trouble Dongxing Securities?"

"Is not it?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, "You and I both know that my client is just a backer, and it is Dongxing Securities who really swallowed up investors' money!"

"Hmph, you are planning to change the target. In order to make your client innocent, so you dragged Dongxing Securities into the water?"

"Old Zhao, I'm not joking with you. My client, Xiao Zhan, is really innocent."


Zhao Chunming snorted coldly, and didn't intend to talk to Zhang Wei anymore, so he led Tan Yingying to quicken his pace.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to follow along with a group of people.


Criminal court, scene.

The prosecution entered first.

Zhao Chunming walked in with Tan Yingying.

The two walked through the hearing stand, and nodded to Xiao Baihe, Guo Wufeng and others sitting in the front row.

Every time there is a case at the local prosecutor's headquarters, newcomers will always come to listen.

This time the opponent was still Zhang Wei, so naturally many people came.

In fact, if Lan Zhengye didn't use being busy as an excuse, he and Lu Wenwen would have wanted to come too.

But since he had made an excuse before, there was nothing he could do about it. Wouldn't it be a revelation if he came here?

The prosecution is seated.

Then came the defense, and Zhang Wei and his team also walked into the scene.

After Zhang Wei glanced around, he saw a person in the front row of the hearing booth.

"Isn't that Qian Moli's secretary, why is she here?"

For Qian Moli, an enemy, Zhang Wei was naturally careful.

Although the other party did not come, the other party obviously cared about the case and sent his secretary to attend in person.

This also shows from the side that the people of Dongxing Securities have ghosts in their hearts.

Shortly after the prosecution and the defense were seated, the pre-trial time came.

"stand up!"

Following Tingwei's announcement, Lao Chen and secretary Li Qinghua entered the arena,

However, Lao Chen, who was supposed to have a serious face, looked a little relaxed today.

"What's the matter with Lao Chen, so happy?"

Seeing Lao Chen's appearance, Zhang Wei was stunned.

Among the three senior judges in the criminal court, Lao Li is called calm brother, Lao Wang has always been the object of his ridicule, but Lao Chen is famous for being serious.

Why is something wrong today?

"Ahem, before the trial, I want to announce something to the candidate jury."

After Lao Chen went to the trial seat and took his seat, he said: "Among you, who bought the environmental protection, renewable resources and environmental protection resource stocks recommended by Dongxing Securities, and then suffered a financial loss?"

For a while, many people raised their hands.

"It turns out that you are the same as Lao Wang and Li, that's fine, I know."

Lao Chen nodded, and said to Li Qinghua: "Scribe, deprive these people of their jury qualifications!"

"Good guy, that's how it is!"

Zhang Wei finally understood why Lao Wang and Lao Li, who were more suitable to appear in court, did not take this case.

They also lost money on investment in their feelings.

Moreover, the stocks they bought were all recommended by Dongxing Securities. It would be a ghost if the city court let them take this case.

So we all know by the method of elimination, Lao Wang and Lao Li can't do it, only Lao Chen came.

Zhang Wei also thought that the city court employs eclectic people, and there is no choice in feelings.

Following Lao Chen's reminder, nearly half of the candidates for the jury came out.

When they walked out of the jury box, they looked at Zhan Qingze with a hint of hostility.

After all, they all lost money, and seeing the "culprit" who harmed them, naturally they will not feel good.

You can also imagine, if these people were in the jury box, how could Zhan Qingze be innocent?

"Okay, now everyone please be quiet!"

Old Chen said, knocking on the gavel, "The prosecution and the defense, please explain their arguments in court!"

"The prosecution comes first!"

As soon as Lao Chen finished speaking, Zhao Chunming stood up.

"Defendant Zhan Qingze, an investment trader and project manager of Dongxing Securities. He originally had a bright future, but his greed made him make a bold move. He illegally fraudulently raised funds by fabricating stocks of environmental protection and renewable resources. , Huyou investors bought a large number of stocks with their deposits, and finally lost all their money. After investigation by colleagues from the Investigation Section of the Financial Services Agency, it was found that the amount involved in this case was as high as 20 billion yuan, which was a particularly huge amount of fraud, and the impact of the case was particularly bad, causing social impact Very serious."

Speaking of this, Zhao Chunming took a deep breath, and then said in a more serious tone: "The prosecution believes that the defendant Zhan Qingze should be convicted of financial fraud. The amount is extremely huge, so the term of imprisonment is indefinite!"

"At the same time, the prosecution also hopes that the court will issue a recovery order to help the defrauded depositors recover all the fraudulent funds!"

"This court understands!" Old Chen nodded, and at the same time secretly said, "Good guy."

It's no wonder that Lao Wang and Lao Li couldn't eat at noon these days, because their relationship was cheated of a lot of money.

20 billion, this young man in the audience is really daring.

He has never been able to earn so much money in his whole life, and if someone casually clicked on the computer, did so much money go into his pocket?

It wasn't just Lao Chen who thought so, many people in the hearing booth also looked at the defendant Zhan Qingze with hostility in their eyes.

"The defense, what about you?"

After Zhang Wei got up, he didn't move around, and said directly: "Judge Chen, and everyone, my client is innocent, and he has just taken over the investment project for a few days, how would he know this, it's because Dongxing Securities fooled him , Let him take the blame."

As he said that, he looked around and sighed, "I know that everyone has lost money, and they all want to find the person who caused them to lose money, but I want to say that this person is not my client Zhan Qingze, he is a securities trader." Members, investment brokers, how can they have such a big ability to swallow 20 billion?"

Zhang Wei raised his hand and pointed to Qian Moli's secretary in the front row of the hearing booth: "It's them, people from Dongxing Securities!"

"It's them, it's Qian Moli, the manipulators behind Dongxing Securities, they swallowed your money, and then tried to let my client take the blame, trying to really get away with it!"

"Objection!" Zhang Wei's words made Qian Moli's secretary immediately angry and stood up to refute.

"Ahem, lady, what do you mean by objecting? You are not the prosecution?"

Old Chen frowned, his eyes became unkind.

"Sorry, Your Honor, I just have objections to the defense's excuse in this case, that's all." Seeing this, the secretary quickly apologized, but still looked at Zhang Wei with hatred.

"What the defense wants to say is their opinion. At worst, you can stand up and refute as a witness in the next court hearing. Please sit down now!"

As Lao Chen said, Chao Li Qinghua waved his hand again, telling him to get ready.

Then he ordered left and right.

"Ting Wei, let the candidate jury come in!"

There should have been a jury of 50 people, but because of Lao Chen's question just now, nearly half of them were lost.

But Zhang Wei discovered that many of them seemed to be full of hostility towards their client.

"Someone probably didn't raise their hand just now, that's not good!"

When Lao Chen asked the question just now, whoever lost money, please raise your hand.

Some people did not raise their hands, but it does not mean that they were not affected by Dongxing Securities.

For example, their relatives and friends bought stocks and lost money, but they didn't buy them themselves. Does that mean they won't be hostile to Zhan Qingze?

This is obviously impossible.

So Zhang Wei knew that Lao Chen's question was not comprehensive enough.

Next, he had to find people with hidden purposes among these people and get rid of them.

At the same time, he also needs to find a jury that is favorable to the defense!

By the way, he still needs to get rid of Zhan Qingze and Dongxing Securities. Only in this way can he have a chance of survival.

Get up early and get busy

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