Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 465 Yuan Dong's death, splashing dirty water? Countermeasures

Sunday morning.

Zhang Wei was just about to get up to cook when he was disturbed by the phone call.

When he saw the call, it was actually Wu Yong calling.

"Captain Wu, what's the matter, early in the morning on this big weekend..."

"Zhang Wei, there is a case I want to inform you about..."

"What, Yuan Dong is dead!"

Hearing the content on the phone, Zhang Wei was stunned.

But having said that, whether Yuan Dong is dead or not has nothing to do with Zhang Wei.

He quickly asked some details of the case.

"Good guy, not only did Yuan Dong die, but when he died, he was holding a piece of paper in his hand, which said that I forced him to death?"

He hurriedly opened his laptop and searched for news.

"Shocked, two more lives were added to the hands of the murder lawyer!" "

"Lawless, is this the lawyer Zhang who murders without blood? "

"How could the victim have imagined that a small friction back then would turn into this? "

"Like an example of Zhang San? I think he is Zhang San! "

"General Lawyer Zhang Wei (×) Extrajudicial Madman Zhang San (√)"

In fact, there is no need for him to search, as long as you open the V blog hot search, there will be news about these things on the homepage.

Obviously, it has already been arranged over there, and after spending money, it directly put these hot searches to the top.

Therefore, in the era when traffic is king, these companies that rely on traffic to make money are like prostitutes, whoever pays can get on.

Zhang Wei didn't even need to guess, he knew who was playing tricks.

Tiger Hall!

Master Tang!

Obviously this trick is for people to disgust themselves.

No, this is pouring dirty water on yourself.

"Zhang Wei, Yuan Dong is dead now. When he died, the words 'Zhang Wei forced my whole family to death' were written on the note in his hand, so please come and cooperate with us in our investigation."

"Oh, ok, I'll be right over."

Although Zhang Wei knew that it was impossible for him to do this, he was still a little speechless after being so disgusted by Master Tang.

Although he was helpless, he still listened to Wu Yong's words and rushed to the scene of the incident.

After all, Yuan Dong's family is in the antique business, and he personally owns an apartment in the city center, and the location is not bad.

Unfortunately, this apartment is now a "murder scene".

When Zhang Wei arrived at Yuan Dong's apartment, he saw the window of the apartment was open, and there were still some footprints beside the window.

Mo Yuzhu, a forensic expert, was taking pictures at the scene.

"Actually, there's nothing to see here. It's as clean as my parents' room."

"Your parents' room?" Zhang Wei came to Mo Yuzhu and asked with a smile.

what does this mean?

"My parents' room is cleaned by servants every day, but they never come back to live in it. In my memory, the last time they slept in the same room was probably during the days of my college entrance examination. Do you understand?"


Councilor Mo and Forensic Doctor Yang are busy people.

"By the way, where are Yuan Dong and his father?"

"It's been taken away, and it should be sent to the 'minus first floor' now."

The basement floor that Mo Yuzhu mentioned is naturally the forensic laboratory of the investigation department, commonly known as the morgue.

"Congratulations, Zhang Wei, you have added another record to your title of murder lawyer!"

Mo Yuzhu patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder as a congratulation.

But Zhang Wei didn't want this congratulations, because the deaths of Yuan Dong and his father had nothing to do with him.

"I'm leaving, by the way, Team Leader Lin and Team Wu are over there!"

Before Mo Yuzhu left, he pointed Zhang Wei in a direction.

"Team Lin, Team Wu, how are you!"

Although in the office, Zhang Wei likes to call team leader Lin Ruonan, but when he takes the team out for action, Zhang Wei will call the other team leader again.

But he was muttering in his heart, when will the old iron fight for a little bit and let himself change his name to "Sister-in-law Tie".

"Zhang Wei, you're here!"

When Lin Ruonan saw Zhang Wei, his eyes turned cold, and he winked to the left and right.

"Zhang Wei, you are suspected of murdering Yuan Dong and his father, please come with us for investigation!"

"Okay, I will cooperate with you."

Zhang Wei naturally has no problem, because he also watched the scene and knew it well.

Moreover, since Wu Yong had reminded him in advance, how could he be unprepared?

Investigation Section, Office of the Major Crimes Squad.

Zhang Wei used to come here to scoop people up, but now someone else has to scoop him up.

No, Zhang Wei can make money for himself.

In the interrogation room, Lin Ruonan brought an assistant and came to interrogate him in person.

"Zhang Wei, where were you last night?"

"Leader Lin, this is the GPS satellite image of my mobile phone last night, and this is the witness testimony of my roommate Xiaoxiao and the neighbor next door. These can prove that I did not appear at the time of Yuan Dong's suicide at night. on site."

As Zhang Wei said, he threw the two "evidences" he had prepared in front of Lin Ruonan.

"Who knows if you forged these evidences!" Lin Ruonan said nothing, but the assistant looked displeased.

"This operator, your tricks are useless to me!" Zhang Wei sneered.

Damn, do you really think of me as a suspect?

"Oh, by the way, I was busy preparing the case last night. I can provide the browsing and search records of the webpage, as well as the browsing and access time in the background of the webpage. You can check it yourself against the information code."

When Zhang Wei said this, he looked calm: "Whether it is eyewitness testimony or the search and browsing records of the browser, it can prove that at the time of Yuan Dong's death, I have been busy working in the house I rented, and it is impossible for me to appear in the house." Crime scene."

"Also, let me ask another question, how do you know that Yuan Dong committed suicide?"

Lin Ruonan and his subordinates looked at each other, and then confessed to Zhang Wei: "Although Yuan Dong is currently in a lawsuit, his father is also ruined because of fraud, and he himself was fired by the law firm, and received a lawyer's letter for misbehavior and other reasons. Letter of expulsion from the association."

"But we still don't think that a person like him would have the guts to commit suicide. And in the apartment, we didn't find any clues to commit suicide."

Lin Ruonan winked at his subordinate.

The latter was helpless, but still got up and walked out of the interrogation room.

Now, only Zhang Wei and Lin Ruonan were left in the interrogation room.

But Zhang Wei looked at the monitoring room next door. Behind the glass in the interrogation room, there might be many people watching him.

"Zhang Wei, let me tell you the truth. Yuan Dong and his father obviously did not commit suicide. If they wanted to commit suicide, they could choose a more painless method, such as sleeping pills. But we found the suitcase in their residence, and the smuggled Fake identities and passports and lots of cash, lots and lots of cash."


Hearing the cash, Zhang Wei also understood.

There is a saying that is good, the most painful thing is what...

People died and money was not spent.

This was the case with Yuan Dong and his father. There was so much cash in the apartment, how could they not spend it given their personality.

Apparently, the father and son already knew about the company's scandal, and planned to smuggle out of the country with false identities last night to escape responsibility.

Such a person would obviously not commit suicide.

But at the last moment, he was "cut off".

"Leader Lin, you told me this, could it be..."

"I would like to ask you to provide some clues. We know that you can't kill Yuan Dong, but do you know who will kill them?"

"Would you believe me if I said that they just hurt the fish in the pond?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's very simple, someone wants to disgust me..."

Zhang Wei said that he had a bad relationship with Tiger Hall because of the case of Dongxing Securities, and that he had met Mr. Tang.

"You mean, Tiger Hall killed Yuan Dong and his father in order to secretly attack your reputation?"

"if not?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, is there a more reasonable explanation than this?

"But because I was angry with you, I killed Yuan Dong's family, which is also..."

"I know, Team Leader Lin, it is obviously impossible for you to investigate the Tiger Hall. They are all veterans and will not leave you with criminal traces."

Zhang Wei said, waved his hands, and then got up to leave.

"Leader Lin, and everyone behind the mirror, I have cooperated as much as I should. Now I have a case to work on, so I have to go."

He walked to the door of the interrogation room, but stopped suddenly, and said: "If you really want to seek the truth, then let me tell you, there is a 99% probability that Master Tang did this case."

"But I know that you don't have evidence for the time being, and you can't move him, so I suggest you don't handle this case, and treat it as a suicide case. This is the best solution at present!"


In the end, Zhang Wei left the investigation department, and no one dared to stop him.

When he returned to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, he saw Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xinwu and others were already waiting for her.

"Zhang Wei, what should we do now, the Internet is saying that you are a murderer."

"Yes, you have a great reputation now, next time I take you out, you will help me as a bodyguard."

Zhang Wei patted the head of the second girl, then waved to Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu, signaling them to be at ease.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Everyone returned to the lobby of Zhang's Martial Art Museum, which was a temporary war room for the case.

As soon as Zhang Wei just sat down, the phone rang.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's not good. The client seems to have seen your news and complained about you."

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm Xiaosu. The client suddenly can't get through the phone. What should I do? Do you want me to follow the address to find them?"

"Master, something is wrong. The client told me that he wants to terminate the contract, and that you scare them..."

One after another, the five families that Zhang Wei currently represents are all contacted by the law firm's small partners.

Then came the bad news.

If the five families all terminate the contract with him, it means that there will be no plaintiff in the case.

The plaintiff is gone, how can this case be fought?

"I didn't expect the impact to come so quickly!"

Zhang Wei knew that this was the purpose of Master Tang disgusting him, but he did not expect that the plaintiffs would be recruited so quickly.

"Zhang Wei, what should we do? Once the plaintiff terminates the contract, won't the case be gone?"

"How about I post a statement of innocence for you, or write a post yourself, and I'll help you pin it to the top?"

Xia Qianyue looked worried, while Zhao Xiaoxiao hurriedly came up with an idea.

"It's useless, your countermeasures are meaningless." But Zhang Wei shook his head.

There is a saying that goes well, spread rumors with one mouth, and refute them quickly.

And the effect of dispelling rumors is really not good. You have prepared for a long time and presented evidence, but the Internet trolls will control you?

They said "fake", "you forged the evidence", "I don't care, I'm going to spray you anyway", so what do you do?

"It is useless for me to issue a certificate of innocence, because I am not the investigation department!"

As Zhang Wei said, he called the investigation department in front of the second girl and the others.

He requested that the case statement be released as soon as possible, lest his social reputation be affected.

The investigation department acted quickly, and held a press conference in the afternoon to announce the investigation of Yuan Dong's death case, and solemnly emphasized at the press conference that Zhang Wei was not the murderer!

Seeing the statement from the investigation department, Xia Qianyue breathed a sigh of relief.

But Zhang Wei didn't do that, and even expressed helplessness towards Xia Qianyue's innocence.

"Hey, why haven't the trending searches dropped, those articles and posts are still at the top, and the popularity is even higher than before!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao at the side noticed something unusual.

"It's very simple. At this time, the Internet trolls and trolls began to exert their strength. What they are best at is actually putting aside the facts and confusing the public."

Zhang Wei said, and asked Zhao Xiaoxiao to click on a post at random to check the comments.

" @Investigation Section, let me know when you fart next time, so we can cover our noses sooner!"

"It's fake at first glance, and there is evidence, evidence, why didn't I see it?"

"It's fake, it's all fake. Who is Zhang Wei? The lawyer from Dongfangdu must be in collusion with the investigation department!"

"Yes, Jincheng Law Firm must have spent money. They will definitely protect Zhang Wei and this murderer!"

"Is there still the law of heaven, is there still the law of the king, those are two lives, we don't speak out now, in the future we..."

As you can see in the comments below, there are completely unsightly speculations, and there are even conspiracy theories.

"This group of people is too hateful, they..." Xia Qianyue became a little excited when she saw these comments.

"Calm down, this is the normal state of the Internet, trolls and trolls will not reason with you, they will only label you and ask you to defend, the more you spend your time on this matter, their purpose will be accomplished gone."

Zhang Wei is very calm, but he will not sit still.

Since the other party disgusted me, then I have to give the other party a little counterattack.

"Then what shall we do?" Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately approached.

"Don't refute the rumors at this time, because if you can't wash it clean, Internet trolls and trolls won't reason with you, and people who are reasonable won't be called trolls and trolls."

Zhang Wei said with a sneer, "At this time, the best strategy is to attack!"

"Attack?" Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu, who had been silent all this time, looked at each other.

Isn't this a routine for warriors to fight?

"It's very simple, if they pour dirty water on me, then I'll pour feces on them too, to see who gets disgusted!"

Zhang Wei began to give orders.

"Xiaoxiao, do the posts that blackmail me account for half of the trending searches?"


"Then let's take the other half of the trending searches. As for the specific posts, I'll get them to you!"

Zhang Wei hurried back to the Lin residence, and then came back with a bunch of documents.

"You just post like this, and put all these contents on the top!"


Zhao Xiaoxiao took the order and started posting.

"Are these useful?" Xia Qianyue pointed to these documents with a strange expression on her face.

"That's right, Zhang Wei, although I don't know much about the Internet, but I have been blaming you for so many days, can you deal with it alone?"

"Hanhan, Miss Xiao Wu, don't worry you two, I've actually guessed this matter a long time ago, and I've also prepared a countermeasure!"

Zhang Wei still looked calm.


Soon, Zhao Xiaoxiao's post was posted, and with her hacking skills, she directly occupied the other half of the top ten most searched posts on the Internet.

"Shocked, the shadow under the rule of law in the Eastern Capital emerges!" "

"Tiger Hall, this name that people can't avoid is actually..."

"Unexpectedly, in this age, there is such a terrifying force! "

"Master Tiger, have you heard of this character, his deeds can scare you to death!" "

"I offended Lord Tiger 18 years ago, and now I'm in the delivery room, I haven't opened my eyes yet"

Netizens in Dongfang Metropolis saw these posts immediately, and many people couldn't help but click here to observe.

After seeing this, he was stunned.

The content of this post is full of violence and gore, as well as conspiracy and sinister, it can be said that it has greatly shocked the netizens of Dongfangdu.

For a moment, the trending searches of these five new posts directly replaced the original trending searches of Hei Zhangwei, occupying the top five posts on the page.

Many people who eat melons on the Internet, seeing this hot top search, also left messages here.

Almost in a few minutes, the trending search has changed its appearance.

"Good guy, this Tiger Hall is really lawless!"

"Who is this master Tang, who can do so many outrageous things?"

"This is the history of Huya's fortune. This is definitely a "Encyclopedia of Criminal Law". This Master Hu is too ruthless!"

“ @Investigation Section, please strictly investigate and deal with it, and give us justice!”

Seeing the comments from those netizens, Zhang Wei is very satisfied with the effect.

Although I am not clean anymore, as long as you are dirtier than me, the people will be more tolerant of me!

This is his purpose.

In the face of the enemy's Internet public opinion routines, it is the most stupid to defend, and the best way to deal with it is to attack.

You throw dirty water at me, and I throw dung directly at you.

I'm dirty, but you stink straight away.

Who do you think the public will accept more?

Don't you Tiger Hall want to disgust me, I'll just lift up your underpants.

Now, it's your turn to be read all kinds of things on the Internet by the netizens of Dongfangdu.

Although netizens are all individuals, if there are tens of millions of networks gathered together, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

Jingle Bell!

Almost instantly, Zhang Wei's mobile phone rang again.

"Master, the client called me just now and asked us to come forward to protect them. They saw the post on the Internet and said that they were afraid that Tiger Hall would trouble them. They were afraid~"

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm Xiao Su, how did you manage to get in touch with the client again?"

"Lawyer Zhang, the client suddenly called me again, and they said..."

Hearing the reports from his friends, Zhang Wei naturally expected it a long time ago.

"Look, that's it."

Zhang Wei put down his phone, then raised his eyebrows at Xia Qianyue and the others.

Isn't this matter done?


Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu obviously did not expect such a targeted action to be resolved so easily by Zhang Wei.

"Let's not be wasted by this incident. Hurry up and prepare the case. The preliminary trial will be held tomorrow morning. I don't know what routine the defendant will prepare!"

Zhang Wei didn't care how the public opinion on the Internet fermented. The only thing he had to do now was to prepare the case.

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