Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 470: Real Sales Crown? so many routines

"Hello, Ms. Wang Ru."

"hehe Hello……"

Wang Ru glanced at Zhang Wei, and responded with a dull face.

But what she said made Mr. Li in the plaintiff's seat look up instantly.

"It's her!"

He lowered his voice and said something to Xia Qianyue.

It was impossible for him to forget this voice.

At the beginning, it was this woman who fooled him and fooled him to increase his position.

But Xia Qianyue already knew about this, and her expression was very calm.

She and Zhang Wei not only knew that this woman was your agent, but also knew that she had fooled more than a hundred other clients in the same way.

Are these people all fools?

No, they are not fools, it's just that this woman is more powerful than them.

"Ms. Wang Ru, as far as I know, you have been serving Dongxing Securities since the beginning of the year and around the middle of July?"

"That's right, but we're just putting up a name, and I have nothing to do with Dongxing Securities!"

As Wang Ru spoke, she glanced at Qian Moli who was in the dock.

Qian Moli was very satisfied with this answer.

"By name, what's the name?"

"Just put up a name, and just say that you are xx from Dongxing Securities when you serve."

Wang Ru said, and recalled: "A project leader of Dongxing Securities told us to tell us not to report our own name when we first joined, but to report his name."

Zhang Wei recalled in his mind that the stock explosion happened after July.

Zhan Qingze has been named in the new project team for the past two months. He had nothing to do with the project team two months ago.

"May I ask the witness, is this the person?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly took out a photo of Zhan Qingze and placed it in front of Wang Ru.

"No!" Wang Ru shook her head immediately.

"Who is this person, I haven't seen it before!"

"You said you haven't seen it?"

Although Zhang Wei had guessed it long ago, he still pretended to be surprised, "Don't you know that he is the person in charge of your project team?"

"Hehe, the person in charge of Dongxing Securities is an old man who is about to retire. I heard that he retired in the middle of the year, and then found a fool to name him. Could it be the one in your photo?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court discussed it.

In the dock, Qian Moli's expression changed.

What's going on with this witness, isn't this telling everyone that there is a problem with that project team?

"Why did Dongxing Securities arrange an old man who is about to retire as the project leader, and let him retire in the middle of the year, and arrange a new person to take charge of the project team?"

"Could it be that they have ghosts in their hearts and know that this project is a fraud, so they are afraid that it will be revealed and the newcomer who just took over the project will be blamed?"

As soon as these words came out, Qian Moli's expression on the dock changed.

She could feel that the eyes cast on her from all around were full of suspicion and hostility.

"No, the lawyer is testifying himself!"

Sun Kongwen got up immediately and interrupted Zhang Wei's speech.

"The objection is valid!" Ni Qiuping also agreed, and then gave him a vicious look.

But Zhang Wei's warning eyes to Ni Qiuping were naturally ignored.

This move can't restrain him, Mr. Zhang.

"Sorry, I take back that last sentence."

After apologizing, Zhang Wei came to Wang Ru again, "Ms. Wang Ru, then I want to ask, how do you find customers?"

"Dial, repeated daily."

Wang Ru said with a painful face: "In the beginning, we made calls according to the number segment, basically Dongfangdu and a few nearby cities, Jinying City, Jingui City, Jinnan City, etc..."

"During that time, I was scolded every day, and every day I met some weird people, all kinds of psychopaths, and all kinds of vexatious people. During that time, the number of customers I could find every day was limited, and sometimes I couldn't open it for a day. One order out."

"It's really hard work!" Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

What a ghost, you make harassing calls every day, don't you have any compulsions in your heart?

That's what people around, including the jury, think now.

"After that, I heard that your performance is very good."

"Afterwards, Dongxing Securities obtained some high-quality lists from somewhere, and the results were very good. I also inquired a little bit, and those individuals are quite rich. They either drive yachts or like to play golf and horse racing. , Playing antiques, the worst thing I can do is look at their circle of friends, at least they have a car worth several million."

"Then how many orders did you place at that time?"

"You mean a month?"

"No, I mean this half a year?"

"I have opened more than 150 orders."

Wang Ru recalled the experience of the past six months, both painful and beautiful.

The main reason is that she has made money, and she is very happy.

"By the way, I summoned a top salesman from Dongxi Securities Business Department before. At that time, I forgot to ask him, what is his annual performance and how much is his commission, but I have a data here, you can listen to it."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a report and said loudly: "It's difficult to calculate the performance of the sales champion for a whole year, but his commission exceeded 6 million, and that's not counting commissions and subsidies, etc.~"


You can earn 6 million by making phone calls in a securities company and leading investors to buy and sell, which is really a lot of money.

"Ms. Wang Ru, what about you, how much commission have you earned during the past six months at Dongxi Securities?"

As Zhang Wei said, he turned the information in his hand to the second page.

What is on the second page, Wang Ru knows, is the transfer slip given to her by Dongxing Securities.

In other words, Zhang Wei is telling her that it's okay if you don't say it, and I can help you.

Wang Ru lowered her head, glanced at the dock, and said frankly, "About 7.3 million..."


Following the appearance of this number, many people in the audience gasped.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

The salesman worked hard for a year, stayed up late and worked overtime to watch the market, and only 6 million after hard work for a whole year.

You are amazing, 7.3 million in half a year.

Even if you can't open many orders in the second half of the year, you still earn more money than the top sales.

"It looks like, Ms. Wang Ru, you are the real sales champion!"

Zhang Wei had to give a thumbs up.

But then, he became suspicious again.

"Speaking of which, why do so many people choose to believe you?"

He gestured his hands with a puzzled look on his face: "Do you have any particularly powerful words?"

Wang Ru looked around, focusing on Qian Moli.

"Ms. Wang, does Mr. Qian have flowers on him? Why do you keep looking at her?"

Zhang Wei gave a "timely" reminder and showed a sly smile.

Seeing Zhang Wei's smile, Wang Ru had no choice but to sigh: "Actually, this thing does have a set of words."

"In our business, when dealing with ordinary people, you first have to lower their defenses, give them the legitimacy of the science popularization platform, give them the development experience of popular science stocks, and the most important thing is the security of science popularization funds, what kind of bank three-party custody, what funds All accept supervision, etc. In short, you have to explain a lot of things, but it is very likely that the other party will say that they are not interested.”

"Oh, I understand, it's all like this in business."

Although Zhang Wei nodded with deep sympathy, he immediately asked, "What do you call people who hang up on your phone after such an explanation for a long time?"

"Rotten man, stupid ass, poor ass!" Wang Ru said with a look of contempt.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Words such as rotten person, stupid ass and poor man, are they referring to themselves?

"Then let me ask a little more. At the beginning, you were asked to make a list of numbers. Do you have similar statements?"

"Yes, the leek list!"

The jury and the hearing seats finally became restless.

Sensing the change in the attitude of the jury and the hearing booth, Zhang Wei decided to add fire.

"Oh, Ms. Wang Ru, you said you have a way to deal with ordinary people, so I believe you also have a way to deal with smart people?"

"Yeah, smart people are actually easier to deal with than bad people, because they have a concept of investment and financial management, and it doesn't take too much to explain it."

"The most important thing is that as long as you let them look at the stock with a daily limit, they will not be able to bear it. At this time, let them see the good news. Will take the initiative to contact us."

"Oh, smart people will be fooled by themselves, right?" Zhang Wei laughed, and then asked: "What if we meet some smart people who are more defensive?"

"Then talk to them about the future."

Wang Ru also went all out this time, directly breaking the news: "There are many similar tricks, such as making friends with them and pretending to be considerate of them."

"Is there any similar words?"

Almost subconsciously, Wang Ru casually said: "Hello customer, I always think that the best one is the one that suits you. After all, no one's money is blown by strong winds, and business is not a one-off deal..."

"I have been concentrating in this industry for ten years, not to prove that I am good, but when you just need it, I have 100% ability to help you solve problems..."

"I never believe that there are 100% things in this world. I don't believe that making promises to you is called deception. My character is still used to giving others 80% expectations, and strive to achieve a 100% result!"

"Give me a chance, and I'll give you back... blah blah blah blah blah..."

Having said that, Wang Ru waved her hand.

General routines, that's all.

But Zhang Wei possessed all the strength at the moment, "What you said is indeed very reasonable. Comparing your heart with your heart can make people feel sincere."

"But I still have to ask a question. To put it bluntly, these are empty words. I believe that a person with a net worth of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions can't be fooled by such a few empty words, right?"

"Then give them examples."

Wang Ru seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and answered with a calm face: "It's impossible to compete with them, so use your benefits to attract their attention."

"for example?"

"Yes, send other customers' income statements to them, just make a nonsense about someone with similar status to them, praise that customer for their vision, and stimulate their comparison and curiosity. Anyway, doing this business is full of routines."

"Oh, there are so many routines!" Zhang Wei nodded meaningfully.

When he looked at the hearing booth and the jury again, he saw that many people lowered their heads.

Obviously, these people are thinking, if they are confused by so many routines, can they still maintain a normal mind and not be persuaded by the other party?

It feels a bit difficult.

There are thousands of routines, anyway, there is only one purpose in the end, to get money out of your pocket.

Even, some powerful routines can make you willingly take out the money in your pocket.

"Thank you, Ms. Wang Ru, for your answer. We have nothing to ask about this witness for the time being."

Zhang Wei sensed the change in the attitude of the jury, so he said it when he saw it.

in the dock.

Qian Moli winked at Master Tang and Sun Kongwen, who immediately understood.

"Judge Ni, for the new witness called by the prosecution, the defense requires time to prepare the defense strategy!"

"This court approves, but how long will it take you?"

Sun Kongwen approached Master Tang and Qian Moli, and the three of them discussed in a low voice.

"We think 30 minutes is enough."

"Well, this court happens to be a little thirsty too!"

Lao Ni agreed to temporarily adjourn the court, but she was even more curious, what can she do in 30 minutes?

"30 minutes, it looks like I'm planning to use an off-the-board move!"

Zhang Wei also noticed the problem. He winked at Xia Qianyue, who immediately understood.

The courtroom began to dissolve, and everyone left one after another.

Xia Qianyue chose to follow Wang Ru to protect this "key witness" in order to prevent Mr. Tang and others from tampering.

On the defendant's side, Qian Moli and Master Tang left side by side, and a large number of the latter's apprentices also followed.

"Master Tang, what should we do next? This witness is a bit tricky."

"Yes, but I thought of a solution once and for all!"

Master Tang showed an inscrutable smile.

"Once and for all?"

"That's right, Mr. Qian, once and for all!"

As Master Tang said, he glanced in the direction where Zhang Wei and the others left, and his eyes fixed on the plaintiff, Mr. Fang Li's family.

10 minutes later.

Prosecution ready interior.

"Strange, what is the defense going to do, call a timeout, but there is no movement?"

Zhang Weichu was at the door, thinking about Master Tang's next move.

"Lawyer Zhang!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Master Tang waved to him not far away.


Zhang Wei looked back at the client's family, but chose to walk over.

But not long after he took a few steps, a figure took advantage of the blind spot of his vision and got stuck in the preparation room.

Master Tang was standing not far from Zhang Wei, obviously seeing this scene as well.

But he will not remind Zhang Wei, because it is his person.

"Master Tang, what do you want me for?"

"It's nothing, I just thought about it with my apprentice, and we think it's better for everyone to reconcile?"


Zhang Wei looked at Master Tang and Sun Kongwen beside him.

The two looked at each other, and Sun Kongwen said, "We are willing to compensate your client 3 million, but the premise is that he has to sign a confidentiality agreement and make a promise to our company that he will not continue to discuss information about Dongxing Securities' case in the future!"

"But what if I disagree?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you are entrusting a lawyer, but you should discuss this condition with the client, right?"

"No, what I signed is a carte blanche agreement. I don't need to discuss with the client, I can make the decision myself."

Hearing this result, Master Tang had expected it.

He also likes carte blanche, which saves a lot of things.

But he had already prepared his back move, so it didn't matter.

"Lawyer Zhang, let me tell you about your conditions. How can you agree to a settlement?"

Seeing that Mr. Tang's attitude did not seem to be fake, Zhang Wei raised three fingers.

"First, Dongxing Securities admits that it is responsible for investors' losses!"

"Secondly, Dongxing Securities issued an announcement proving that Zhan Qingze was not responsible for the fraud case!"

"Thirdly, Mr. Qian apologized to investors, and he wanted to make an apology in public."

As soon as these three requests were made, Qian Moli, who was preparing the room, couldn't help it.

"You're just dreaming, right? You actually want me, Qian Moli, to come and apologize to you!"

"Master Tang, it seems that Qian always disagrees?"

"Lawyer Zhang, ask yourself, will you agree to this condition?"

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about?"

Master Tang glanced behind Zhang Wei, and when he saw his person walking out of the preparation room, he smiled and said, "That's right, there's nothing to talk about!"

"Then, goodbye!"

Zhang Wei also knew that Qian Moli's character would probably not agree to his request, so he didn't force it.

He returned to the prosecution's preparation room again, only to see the client's family of three, who seemed to be in a strange mood.

"Mr. Li, are you okay?"

"Ah... I, I'm fine..."

The latter was half a beat slower, his eyes flickering.

Zhang Wei glanced at the person involved, but didn't say much.

30 minutes later.

The adjournment passed and the trial continued.

Both the prosecution and the defense took their seats.

But this time, Master Tang and his apprentice showed no panic at all.

Qian Moli looked at Zhang Wei with an undisguised sarcasm.

This also made Zhang Wei slightly curious, what exactly did they do during the 30 minutes.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to move closer to Xia Qianyue who was beside him.

"Hanhan, I believe in your strength, you probably didn't let anyone get close to Wang Ru, did you?"

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can touch her!"

Xia Qianyue pointed to Wang Ru on the witness stand, and replied with an "OK" gesture.

But Zhang Wei's brows were still frowned, because Master Tang obviously didn't attack Wang Ru, so why are they still so confident?

This expression seems to say that we have already won.

But if Wang Ru didn't change her words, who would it be?

Zhang Wei's gaze unconsciously drifted to the other side of his side.

"Mr. Li, why are you trembling?"

"Ah, no, I'm just too nervous, Lawyer Zhang, I'm fine."

Seeing the explanation of the person involved, Zhang Wei seemed to have guessed something.

"All rise!"

At this moment, Ni Qiuping entered the arena.

As a result, as soon as she sat down, before she was ready to speak, Mr. Li and his wife on the prosecution table suddenly stood up.

"Your Honor, we want to withdraw the case!"

The husband and wife yelled out almost in unison.

what's the situation?

Not only Ni Qiuping was stunned by this scene.

Even in the jury and hearing seats, many people stared wide-eyed.

This scene caught everyone in the court by surprise.

Why is this so good, the plaintiff is about to withdraw the case?

"Oh, it turned out to be this hand!"

Only Zhang Wei seemed to have guessed this scene, but he still had to admire the defendant's methods.

He looked at Qian Moli and the other three in the dock, speechless.

You are temporarily using millions of dollars to instigate my client, right?

It can only be said that Mr. Tang is worthy of being the master of the Tiger Hall. There are so many tricks and tricks in this crime!

I, Zhang Wei, have learned a lesson!

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