Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 472 The new plaintiff, why didn't he take it as a warning?

Early September, the school season.

The first day of September is a big event for many students.

Because on this day, they are going to start school!

After the happy summer vacation, I changed from the relaxed and joyful atmosphere of the holidays, and returned to the campus, feeling the serious and self-disciplined learning atmosphere.

But whether school starts or not has nothing to do with Zhang Wei.

On the contrary, since there were no children to interfere, it was easier for him to talk to his new client.

In the lobby of Zhang's Martial Art Museum.

Zhang Wei is receiving another pair of clients.

"Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, thank you for supporting my work. By the way, where is your son?"

"He started school and sent him to school."

Mr. Wang is a middle-aged bald man. Although he said happy things, he couldn't be happy at all.

As for the reason, it is naturally because some time ago, the stocks he invested in were locked up.

At the beginning of the daily limit, he felt that stock trading was not that difficult, so he couldn't hold back his excitement and mortgaged the house he bought.

Not only that, but he also took out the money he had saved from working in the past few years without telling his wife, and collected a total of 10 million in loans + deposits to increase his position.

As a result, everyone knows what happened next.

The 10 million yuan was completely locked up. Not only was the mortgage almost unpaid, but the company on the mortgage loan side also called debt collection calls every day to force him to pay back the money.

Fortunately, his working unit is blacksmith technology, and he is also a programmer in a technology position. His monthly salary can barely pay off the mortgage and part of the mortgage.

But going on like this is not an option, the main reason is that the shortfall of the money not only exhausted him physically and mentally, but also caused conflicts in the family.

"Don't worry, Uncle Zhao has explained everything about you clearly to me."

Zhang Wei made an "OK" gesture and looked at Mr. Wang in front of him.

"Lawyer Zhang, I heard that someone has withdrawn the case before?"

"Yes, and it's not a family, but I can tell you the consequences of withdrawing the case."

As Zhang Wei said, he turned on his phone and found a post.

"I am the plaintiff, and my blood and tears sued Dongxing Securities without promise, and I refused to admit my promise! "

"This is a post from the family of Mr. Li, who I represent yesterday. Unfortunately, this post has been blocked and clicked. Except for me, no one can find this post."

Zhang Wei said, clicked on the post, and then handed the phone to Mr. Wang and his wife.

The latter saw the content of the post and was speechless for a while.

"They are..."

"People will face many choices in their life, they just happen to make a wrong choice."

Zhang Wei said, took back the phone, and then looked at the person in front of him.

"Mr. Wang, you should understand my words, right?"

"Yeah, I understand very well. If God gives me another chance, I will definitely not touch stocks!"

Mr. Wang said, and sighed again.

"Hmph, do you regret it now?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang snorted coldly.

Then she seemed to think of something again, and said excitedly: "How dare you hide our house from me at the beginning and mortgage our house. If you told me, I would never let you do this."

"Why didn't you tell me at the beginning, if you did, how could we end up in this situation, now we are busy with the mortgage and your stupid loan every day, you..."

"Mrs. Wang, I believe that your husband did this for you!"

Seeing that Mrs. Wang was about to babble, Zhang Wei hurriedly interrupted.

"for me?"

"Yeah, what is the purpose of making money, of course it is to spend money for others."

Zhang Wei said, pointed at Mr. Wang, and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Wang is Uncle Zhao's colleague, he must work hard every month and stay up late to work overtime, and he is probably also busy on weekends. He actually has nothing to spend money on. "

"Programmers wear a plaid shirt and jeans for a whole year. Uncle Zhao also said that their company has a cafeteria and supper. He is very tired from working overtime every day, and he probably doesn't have time to go out to play. An honest man with a lot of money and few words, who is he working so hard to make money for, and not for you and your son?"

"I believe that Mr. Wang's impulse to buy stocks and increase his position was to earn more money and give you and your son a better life for the three of them, right?"

As Zhang Wei said, he winked at Mr. Wang.

"Wife, that's right. I was obsessed with adding positions at the time because I thought of you. Didn't you always say before that the small three-bedroom house was not transparent? I just thought that I had earned enough money to give our family Change to a bigger house."

"I still remember that you said that the small three-bedroom house at home is very uncomfortable, and one room is used to store sundries. Our family of three has two small rooms left. It is really crowded. So I thought of giving us Changing to an improved house is not for our family, so I just..."

Mr. Wang said, his eyes were moist.

"Husband~" Mrs. Wang was slightly moved, and even her tone softened.


The husband and wife planned to be shameless.

"Ahem, Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, let's talk about the case!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly coughed, and pulled back the husband and wife who were preparing for you and me.

"Lawyer Zhang, we don't have any problems with this case, I'll leave everything to you!"

Mr. Wang only has firmness in his eyes, without any other distracting thoughts.

For this case, the one he can trust is naturally Zhang Wei.

As for the reason, it is naturally because of Zhao Qingyan's relationship.

And he also saw the post just now, and understood the method of Dongxing Securities.

If the case is really withdrawn, it may only be possible to get a little money, and it will not even solve the urgent need.

"Well, let's continue to go to court today, and your husband and wife will be the plaintiffs in this case!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Wei took Mr. Wang and his wife to the city court directly.


Municipal Court, Civil Division.

The prosecution and the defense are already present.

In the dock, Mr. Tang did not expect that Zhang Wei would find another pair of plaintiffs so quickly.

Not only that, but he also asked his apprentices to find out. This couple is a bit difficult to deal with.

The former Mr. Li and his wife agreed to withdraw the lawsuit for the sake of money, and they even used the same method to persuade several other families.

But after being persuaded, they didn't give the money quickly, but gave each other a little money to get rid of each other.

Because Mr. Tang predicted that these people would not dare to report him, so he was confident.

But Zhang Wei also knew about their displeasure with paying, and told Mr. Wang.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the plaintiff this time to withdraw the case.

Mr. Wang is still counting on compensation to solve the problem, and he can only trust Zhang Wei, how could he withdraw the case.

"This little bastard is really haunted!"

Mr. Tang did not expect that Zhang Wei found another pair of plaintiff representatives in less than 24 hours, and this time the pair he found was much more reliable than the previous pair.

His gaze towards the plaintiff's seat was filled with gloom.

"Master Tang, didn't you say you could solve this matter once and for all? Why do they still..."

Qian Moli was also dissatisfied, and looked at the other side with a displeased face.

"Mr. Qian, don't be impatient, even if that little bastard finds a representative again, it's fine, anyway, they can't come up with crucial evidence!"

After Mr. Tang gave a word of comfort, the expression of winning the ticket appeared on his face again.

So what if you find a new plaintiff, I'm sure you'll have nothing to do with us.

This one, the advantage is on our side!

"All rise!"

At this moment, judge Ni Qiuping entered the court.

After she sat down calmly, she glanced at Zhang Wei who was in the plaintiff's seat.

The eyes of the two collided slightly.

Ni Qiuping's eyes seemed to ask again, you little bastard, is the plaintiff reliable this time?

Zhang Wei gave an affirmative look, expressing that Lao Ni, you can rest assured that the plaintiff this time is much more reliable than before.

Ni Qiuping nodded, hoping so.

"This court announces that the prosecution of Dongxing Securities... the third formal hearing will begin now!"

With the sound of the gavel, the trial began.

"Defense, do you need to summon Wang Ru, who testified in the previous round?"

"Judge Ni, we have chosen not to summon the witness Wang Ru to testify in court!"

Sun Kongwen stood up and took a meaningful look at the plaintiff's seat: "On the contrary, we think that the withdrawal of the plaintiff's lawsuit in the previous round can explain the nature of this case, and the plaintiff obviously also thinks that this case is a farce of unreasonable trouble. !"

"Ahem, Lawyer Sun, your speech is very provocative!"

Ni Qiuping coughed as a reminder.

Sun Kongwen could only sit down.

"In this case, the prosecution, do you still want to call witnesses?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Mr. Wang beside him.

"Lawyer Zhang, although I promised to appear in court, it's a bit..."

Mr. Wang was a little scared, and his mouth and hands couldn't stop shaking.

"I see."

Zhang Wei can see that it is very reluctant to bring an unsociable person to court.

If he was allowed to go to the witness stand and be cross-examined by the defense, there might be troubles.

Moreover, Mr. Wang and his wife have conflicts, and Mr. Tang is not a fool. Some things can be found out after investigation.

It is too risky for Mr. Wang to go to court.

He wouldn't take the risk either.

"Judge Ni, the prosecution has decided to end the opening statement and end the proof!"

"This court understands." Ni Qiuping nodded, and then looked at the dock.

"And what about the defense?"

Master Tang glanced around the jury seat, although he knew that because of the influence of the plaintiff's withdrawal of the case yesterday, he had the advantage.

But who can say clearly about the jury.

While the jury might be on their side, the jury might also hate capitalists, and by extension Dongxing Securities.

What if some of them have a brain twitch, and some sympathize with investors?

Therefore, Master Tang and Qian Moli winked, and then nodded to the apprentice.

"Judge Ni, the defense summoned the first witness, Secretary Zhu, to testify in court!"

The defense's first witness was actually Qian Moli's secretary.

However, this did not come as a surprise to Zhang Wei.

Congratulations to the secretary on her way to court.

"Hello, wish the secretary."

"Hello, Lawyer Sun."

After the two greeted each other, the question and answer began.

"Secretary Zhu, although you have been in more than one court, I still want you to tell everyone in the court who is responsible for the loss of Dongxing Securities?"

"It's because of Zhan Qingze!" Secretary Zhu replied with a positive expression.


"Because there is evidence!"

Secretary Zhu said, glanced at Zhang Wei on the plaintiff's seat and said calmly: "In the previous criminal proceedings, the testimony of my colleagues and I have proved that Zhan Qingze is the one who bribed those self-media. He used the company's reimbursement , reimbursed a full 11.2 million expenses. This money is the bribe money he used to bribe those self-media people!"

"I remember that in that trial, the defense lawyer was Zhang Wei who was sitting on the prosecution seat in this case, right?"


"That is to say, Lawyer Zhang actually knew everything about that trial?"

When Sun Kongwen said this, he sneered at Zhang Wei, and then walked back to his seat.

"The defense submitted the court records of Zhan Qingze's public prosecution as evidence. This piece of evidence can prove that Zhan Qingze was the real briber in this fraud case, and that Dongxing Securities was deceived by him and debited from the company's account. The 11.2 million that was taken away was also submitted without the financial knowledge!"

Ni Qiuping had also heard about that case, so after getting the court record, she knew it after reading a few pages.

"Secretary Zhu, although the document can tell you the truth, I know that you don't like to read documents, so I asked directly. When Zhan Qingze asked Ms. Ji from the financial department to apply for reimbursement of 11.2 million, he went to see Mr. Qian that day, right? ?”


"But he meets Mr. Qian in the morning, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Qian's meeting schedule has recorded that the meeting will be in the morning."

"Then the records on the financial side, when is the reimbursement?"

"It's 4pm!"

"That is to say, the email sent by the finance department was sent to Zhan Qingze's internal mailbox in the afternoon after the reimbursement was approved?"


"What were you doing at that time?"

"I'm arranging an afternoon meeting with Mr. Qian. There is a meeting room subscription record in the company, which can prove that I have been busy all afternoon."

"Well, you've been busy all the time, obviously it's impossible to delete the emails in Zhan Qingze's mailbox at Zhan Qingze's work station?"

"Of course it's impossible!"

"Then we can see clearly, Zhan Qingze deleted the email himself!"

As Zhan Qingze said, he displayed part of the documents in his hand on the projector.

The document is enlarged on a projection screen for all in the courtroom to see.

These documents are the records of the criminal court, and naturally there are also statements and testimony from Secretary Zhu and others.

These testimonies are very illustrative. After the jury read it, they couldn't help but nodded.

"Judge Ni, to Secretary Zhu, we have nothing to ask."

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Sun Kongwen ended his questioning.

Zhang Wei stood up and walked calmly to the witness stand.

"Hi, secretary."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang." Secretary Zhu looked at Zhang Wei with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Secretary Zhu, may I ask, when was your company's office system updated?"

"About five years ago."

"I heard that you use a foreign customized system, which is very professional. It is almost impossible for casual hackers to crack your company's system, right?"

"We do this to be responsible for investors' information and their transaction security!"

"Yeah, you're right. After all, you have experienced many large losses in investment before, and internal employees used their positions to cheat."

"I can not understand what you say!"

"Can't understand?"

Zhang Wei was surprised, and pretended to be surprised: "Mr. Dai, do you know him?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a photo and handed it to Secretary Zhu.

"This person looks familiar..."

"Secretary Zhu, you have been with Mr. Qian for ten years, I remember that the case was quite a big one at that time, you should have joined the job at that time, right?"

"I seem to have some impression of this person..."

"He is Mr. Dai. He used his status as a stock trader to steal 40 million from investors 10 years ago. The 40 million from 10 years ago must be said to be a lot of money."

Secretary Zhu didn't answer.

"I object, it has nothing to do with this case!"

In the dock, Sun Kongwen stood up and wanted to interrupt Zhang Wei.

"Judge Ni, I think the case I mentioned has a great connection with this case."

"Yes, I think so too!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, and said coldly to the dock: "The objection is invalid!"

"Secretary Zhu, I would like to ask, your company clearly had a similar case 10 years ago, and was hacked by employees for 40 million. Why didn't you take it as a warning?"

"Even 5 years ago, you even pretended to replace the new office system for the benefit of investors. It is reasonable to say that the office process should be more formal, and it is even less likely to be exploited by your own people?"

"But since 10 years ago, Dongxing Securities has had several incidents in which internal employees embezzled huge funds?"

Zhang Wei took out a document and placed it on the projector.

"In the case of Mr. Dai 10 years ago, the court sentenced him to full responsibility, and the amount involved was 40 million."

"Then six years ago, the case of the trader Lei Mou involved a total amount of 200 million yuan, and the court also sentenced him to be fully responsible."

"Then three years ago, the case of the trader Wu, this time the amount involved was as high as 1.5 billion. Of course, the court sentenced him to be fully responsible."

"The last is Zhan Qingze's case this year. The amount involved this time is an exaggerated 20 billion. If he loses the public prosecution, will the court also judge him to be fully responsible?"

Secretary Zhu didn't speak, but Zhang Wei showed the information of these four cases on the projection screen.

"Everyone, you have seen the information of the case. Although the so-called 'culprits' have been found, how much money was recovered in the end?"

"It's 0, that is, not a penny has been recovered."

"What does this mean? Does it mean that the person who really got the money is still at large? And these four guilty people, they have eaten so much money, but they didn't get a dime. Isn't it a little unreasonable?"

Zhang Wei then raised a finger and emphasized: "Of course, what I want to illustrate most with these examples is one thing!"

He raised his finger to Qian Moli, pointed to the dock, and asked, "Mr. Qian, I would like to ask, what's the matter with Dongxing Securities? Why did you have three cases in a row, but you didn't take any precautions in this fourth case? A small trader swallowed a whole 20 billion funds?"

"Could it be that the previous three cases have not given you a warning?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were surprised.

But then, they all thought of what Zhang Wei said.

It is reasonable to say that it has happened three times, you should have experience.

Didn't you say that there are no more than three things?

How come you not only passed the third time, but also the fourth time so easy for others to succeed?

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