Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 486 Lin Shao, Zhu Dong, and Lawyer Sun are mainly against customers?

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Department.

In Zhang Wei's own independent office, he, Luo Xiaobu, and Xia Qianyue were sitting on the sofa for receiving guests, drinking tea and chatting.

"Carrot, I'm not talking about you, you are old and young, why do you have to fall in love with these female Internet celebrity anchors unrequitedly, why don't you find an honest girl to marry?"

Although Xia Qianyue was a little girl when facing Zhang Wei, but when facing Luo Xiaobu, Xia Qianyue acted as an "elder".

"You've already got each other's fortunes. You're right with Mung Dou, you don't look like me!"

Luo Xiaobu looked at Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei with helplessness, but then said solemnly: "But this time, I'm serious!

Xia Qianyue's pretty face flushed slightly, while Zhang Wei's face was weird.

We have each other's fortune, return bastards, return mung beans?

Why does the sentence that comes out of your mouth feel wrong?

And you said you were serious?

When did you fall in love with a female Internet celebrity, not seriously?

If you are not serious, will you pay tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of gifts?

For Luo Xiaobu's so-called seriousness, Zhang Wei said hehe.

"Luobo, although you are a native of Dongfang Capital, and your family conditions are not bad, but if you spend so much money, the money your parents earned will be left to you to reward the female anchor?"

"Zhang Wei, I know it's not good to spend so much money, but this time I can see that I have something to do with Bobo!"

"You like her?" Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I like her!" Luo Xiaobu nodded solemnly.

Fart, do you like that? You are greedy for her body and her pair of big G!

Zhang Wei was also embarrassed to point out the opponent, so he could only take a sip of tea calmly.

As a result, as soon as he put down his teacup, there seemed to be movement outside the criminal department.

"What about Zhang Wei, die for me!"

With a roar, a familiar figure pushed open the door of the criminal department, and then rushed towards his office angrily.

"Lin Yufeng?"

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Wei was stunned.

How did this wretch come to find him?

Recently, has he offended the project department or Lin Yufeng?

It seems not?

So what's the situation with this guy, why does he look like I stole his horse?

Lin Yufeng was naturally unimpeded in the law firm, and he went straight to Zhang Wei's office without saying hello.

Zhang Wei naturally saw his intention and walked out on his own initiative.

All of a sudden, the two bumped into each other at the door of the office.

"Zhang Wei!"

"Young Master Lin, what brought you here from the project department?"

"I heard that you recently took a case from an internet celebrity company?"

"Internet celebrity company?"

Zhang Wei looked at Lin Yufeng, changed his tone, and asked with a smile: "You heard, who said it?"

"Hmph, I'll ask you if you've accepted the case!"


Zhang Wei nodded.

"Then let me tell you, this case will be withdrawn immediately, and let the client go back!"

"Go back, where are you going?"

"Internet celebrity company!"

"So, Young Master Lin, do you know people from Internet celebrity company?"

Lin Yufeng narrowed his eyes, and his brows were slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you asking me a question?"

"That's right, Young Master Lin, if you're not deaf, you should be able to understand, right?"


Lin Yufeng almost couldn't hold back, and was about to hit someone.

But after he saw many newcomers from the criminal department looking at him, and one of them was his younger sister Lin Yumeng, he restrained himself a little.

"Go to your office and talk!"

"Why, it won't work here?" Zhang Wei didn't intend to move at all.

Lin Yufeng said, I really can't help it, even if you are in the law firm, I will beat someone.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, secretly thinking that Zhang Wei was ignorant.

I'm the young master of Jincheng Law Firm, the son of the big boss, and you're an ace lawyer in the criminal department, how dare you flirt with me?

It's fine to steal my clients before, but now you want to fix things for me?

Zhang Wei didn't care if Lin Yufeng was going to hit someone, he walked around Lin Yufeng and analyzed it with a smile.

"Young Master Lin, let me take a look at it. You came to me for the Internet celebrity company, right? So that means, you and this case are interested parties?"

"Since you are a stakeholder, you asked me to take the initiative to withdraw the case. This means that you know people from the Internet celebrity company."

"With your status as Young Master Lin, it's impossible to get to know someone from that company, so it's likely to be that Director Zhu, or there are many bosses behind the company, and you happen to know one of them?"

"Young Master Lin, I'm not talking about you. With your corrupt style, you know the people from the Internet celebrity company, obviously for the purpose of having academic exchanges with those female Internet celebrities. In other words, the people in that company have a sexual bribery relationship with you?"

"They asked me to withdraw the case through you. Can it be understood that they used sex to bribe you to obstruct justice and achieve the purpose of withdrawing the case against them?"

Zhang Wei's joint analysis and rhetorical questions made Lin Yufeng's complexion change slightly.

Well, Zhang Wei, you actually analyzed his purpose with just a few words.

"Young Master Lin, your expression seems to be telling me that my guess is pretty close."

Zhang Wei also caught the change in Lin Yufeng's facial expression, and immediately began to tease him again.

"Young Master Lin, I'm not talking about you, you're old and young, why bother with those internet celebrities and tender models, why don't you find an honest girl to marry."

As soon as this remark came out, the friends in the criminal department all laughed.

"Hee hee hee..." Lin Yumeng laughed even more, and laughed on the spot.

Lin Yufeng turned his head and glared fiercely, only then made his sister shrink back again.

On the other side, Xia Qianyue and Luo Xiaobu behind Zhang Wei also looked at each other.

Why did Zhang Wei's words of persuasion sound familiar?

"Zhang Wei, do you know what you are doing? If you offend me, be careful not to get along in Jincheng Law Firm!"

Seeing that the "communication" was invalid, Lin Yufeng directly threatened.

"Young Master Lin, it looks like you still don't understand..."

But Zhang Wei laughed, very helplessly.

He also didn't expect that the old man Lin Jincheng, who was so famous in the world, would give birth to an unreliable son, and this son brought him an even more unreliable grandson.

"Young Master Lin, let me tell you directly. No one can intervene in my case. You can't, your father can't, and your grandfather can't either!"

As Zhang Wei said, his whole body was full of aura. Although it wasn't as shocking as Xia Qianyue's, the sharp aura that was like a sharp weapon hit Lin Yufeng's heart.


As if a sharp arrow had passed through a vital point, Lin Yufeng clutched his chest, his face turned pale with a "shua".

Facing Zhang Wei, he couldn't help but retreated a few steps with his legs, his eyes were lowered, and his eyes didn't even dare to look directly at the person in front of him.

After all, Lin Yufeng is a second-generation ancestor. Although he has the protection of the Lin family, he is still a young master who has never experienced big storms in essence. How could he be the opponent of Zhang Wei, who is used to seeing other people's lives and deaths and vicious criminals.

After all, the two are several levels behind.

The difference in momentum alone is not what Lin Yufeng can face now.

"Young Master Lin, the case of Mr. Zhang is useless even if the king of heaven comes. If you are more sensible, you should know what to do!"

Zhang Wei waved his hands, as if to see off the guests.

Lin Yufeng was irritated by this attitude and almost ran away, but when he thought of his embarrassment just now, he could only endure it.

"Zhang Wei, just wait for me!"

Lin Yufeng snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

If he doesn't leave, he will lose all face.

"I didn't expect that Director Zhu didn't come, but Young Master Lin came instead. It seems that Director Zhu should have a very close relationship with Young Master Lin..."

Zhang Wei had already guessed the possible trading relationship between Lin Yufeng and Zhu Dong. After all, it was an Internet celebrity company, and Lin Yufeng liked this kind of thing, so the two were kindred spirits.

"Carrot, Hanhan, get ready, this time we're going to meet this Director Zhu!"

Since the other party didn't come, and also made sideways moves, Zhang Wei decided to go out in person.


at the same time.

Take you to the live webcast economic company, in the office.

"Young Master Lin, are you saying that Zhang Wei doesn't give you face?"

"Yes, yes, I understand, I understand, it looks like I have to come in person."

"By the way, how is this Zhang Wei's level? To be the ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm, he shouldn't be weak, right?"

"What, you asked me to search for the name Zhang Wei, well, I will search after hanging up the phone."

"Okay, Young Master Lin, you are busy first, and I won't bother you."

After hanging up the phone call with that side, Jupiter's eyes darkened instantly.

He always felt that this Lin Yufeng was unreliable. Although he was the young owner of Jincheng Law Firm, he didn't have much ability.

Those famous female Internet celebrities under his name were almost all slept by each other.

As a result, now, it's just a trivial matter of saying a few words, and the other party can't handle it.

"The trash of the Lin family!"

Jupiter snorted coldly, quickly took out his mobile phone, and began to search for "Zhang Wei" information.

As a result, after searching, he saw rows of terrifying records.

"What, criminal defense lawyer, you're going to the local prosecutor's office?"

"Murder lawyer, how many celebrities in the business world of the Eastern Capital died at his hands?"

"Even Lord Tiger from the Tiger Hall was almost killed, and Qian Moli from Dongxing Securities was also suspected of being forced to death by him?"

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Jupiter never expected that Bobo would find such a scary person if he didn't find a lawyer.

These news are all true.

Jupiter could only say something secretly... This person is so terrifying!

"No, I have to find a lawyer too!"

Fly with you actually has a cooperating lawyer, but it is not a big law firm, they cooperate with a medium-sized law firm.

"Director Wang, is your law firm busy recently? There is a case for you to handle."

"You ask what the case is, it's nothing, it's just a female anchor who wants to change jobs, and then she broke the contract and stopped broadcasting in the past few days."

"Oh, if you say it's easy to handle, that's fine."

"By the way, let me tell you, this time the female anchor hired a lawyer."

"Oh, you said it's useless to hire a lawyer. We will win this case. That would be even better. Thank you, Director Wang."

"You asked the lawyer's name, oh, his name is Zhang Wei."

Jupiter could clearly hear the breathing of the person on the other end of the phone.

"Director Wang?"

"Which Zhang Wei you ask me, is Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm, from the criminal department, or some trump card, you should have heard of it?"

"Director Wang, what are you talking about, this case is closed, why do you..."

"Director Wang, Director Wang, hello, Director Wang..."

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Jupiter frowned.

Apparently, although he knew that Zhang Wei was troublesome, he still underestimated the influence of this guy in the lawyer circle of Dongfang Capital.

In other words, the other party's prestige can already deter some Xiaoxiao.

"If it doesn't work, find a lawyer from the top ten firms!"

He began to search for some lawyer candidates from the top ten firms, and then dialed the number.

"Hi, is this Lawyer Tian? I have a case to entrust, and the opponent is Zhang Wei. Hey, hello, Lawyer Tian..."

"Hey, is this Lawyer Qi? I need help with a case. Yours is against Zhang Wei. Hey, Lawyer Qi, don't hang up on this matter!"

"Hello, is this Lawyer Chen? I have a case. The prosecuting party may be Zhang Wei. He...beep..."

He made three phone calls in a row, but all of them were hung up without any surprise.

Jupiter's face was gloomy, and he was speechless for a long time.


After a long time, the anger in his heart turned into such a word, which erupted from his mouth.

"Mr. Zhu, someone is looking for you!"

A woman's voice came from outside the door.

"Who is it?"

"He claimed to be surnamed Sun, a lawyer, and said, Mr. Zhu, you need his help now?"

"Lawyer Sun, who is it? I don't know it...forget it, let him in!"

After thinking about it, Jupiter chose to meet the other party.

After all, he is short of a lawyer now, and it would be even better if someone volunteered.

The door of the office opened and a man walked in.

"Mr. Zhu, right? I'm a lawyer here to help you."

The person who came was none other than Master Tang's big apprentice, Sun Kongwen who had fought against Zhang Wei once.

"Lawyer Sun, you..."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Sun Kongwen. I have been a full-time lawyer in Tiger Hall before, and I studied under Master Tang!"

Hearing this introduction, Jupiter's complexion changed, and then his expression became flattering.

"It turned out to be Lawyer Sun, please sit down!"

Jupiter can be regarded as a gangster, so he naturally knows the prestige of Tiger Hall.

Master Tang is a formidable figure whom all the people on the road are in awe of. The other party's apprentice is naturally...

"Lawyer Sun, I remember that you handled the Dongxing Securities case before, and that case..."

Hearing which pot was not opened and which pot was being lifted by the person in front of him, Sun Kongwen frowned, almost getting angry.

But when he thought of the mission he had come for today, he chose to endure it for the time being.

"Mr. Zhu, time is running out, so let's make a long story short. This time I'm here to help you deal with Zhang Wei!"

"Against Zhang Wei?"

"Yes, we had already won the Dongxing Securities case before, but we didn't expect Zhang Wei to cheat and use conspiracy and some illegal evidence to interfere with the court. Although he won, we, Tiger Hall, refused to accept it. I happened to hear about your case once, and my master sent me to help you with this."

"It would be best to have Lawyer Sun's help, but my case is not a criminal case, and they want to sue us, which..."

"Don't worry, Zhu Dong, I already have a countermeasure, and I will definitely kill him by surprise!"

A trace of confidence appeared on Sun Kongwen's face.

Then Jupiter and Sun Kongwen discussed in the office for more than ten minutes.

"Mr. Zhu, someone is looking downstairs. He claims to be Zhang Wei!"

Just when the two of them were discussing about the same, the woman outside the door spoke again.

"Well done, let him come up!"

Jupiter has regained his self-confidence at this moment, and there is no gloomy look on his face anymore, and he is even in high spirits.

And his self-confidence was given by the person next to him.

"Lawyer Sun, let's get to know Zhang Wei together!"

Sun Kongwen thought to himself, I have met Zhang Wei several times in court, but he still nodded.

Not long after, Zhang Wei's trio also came to the office and met Jupiter.

"Oh, is Lawyer Sun here?"

For Sun Kongwen's appearance, Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

The people from Tiger Hall don't want to go after their boss, but come here, what's the point?

"Lawyer Zhang Wei Zhang, right? You want to help that bitch Bobo?"

"This must be Mr. Zhu. I'm Zhang Wei, and I'm Miss Lin's attorney now."

As Zhang Wei said, he originally wanted to hand in his business card, but when he saw Sun Kongwen, he put out this thought.

"Mr. Zhu, the purpose of my coming here is also very simple. It is about the contract. I think there are many unreasonable and irregularities in the contract that you took you to fly to the company. I wonder if you can terminate the contract peacefully with my client? "

"Hmph, that bitch is still thinking about quitting, right? Do you know how much resources I spent in favor of her?"

Jupiter sneered, looking unhappy.

"Then you can't withhold her salary for no reason?"

"What do you know? This is an unspoken rule in our live broadcasting industry. These Internet celebrities may change jobs after taking money, and they may spend money lavishly. I save them for their own good!"

"It seems that I have to help my client write the indictment. There are many places in this company that take you to fly, and I think it's not right to do it!"

Zhang Wei's tone already contained a hint of threat.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm sorry, you're late."

But after hearing this, Jupiter laughed out loud.

"Oh, Zhu Dong, what do you mean?"

"We're ready to sue you!"

As Jupiter said, he looked at Sun Kongwen who was beside him. The latter also straightened his collar and stood up.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm telling you as the lawyer entrusted by Mr. Zhu, I will take you to the webcast economic company on behalf of me, sue your client, Ms. Lin, for breach of contract, and ask her to pay 5 million in liquidated damages!"

"Oh, turn the customer into the main, one step faster?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei called him a good guy in his heart.

"That's right. My junior sister has already submitted a power of attorney to the court. I believe our case will be accepted faster than yours, Attorney Zhang. You should consider how to accuse us now."

"However, I can tell you that your client hasn't broadcast live these few days, and the live broadcast contract is clearly written in black and white. Her current behavior is a breach of contract!"

Sun Kongwen looked at Zhang Wei with a proud face.

"Okay, Lawyer Sun, you are amazing, then I, Mr. Zhang, will leave!"

Zhang Wei saw that the matter was inviolable, so he could only say goodbye and leave.

As for the so-called harsh words, etc., it is a waste of time.

He had to go back, change his strategy, and adjust his combat thinking.

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