Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 515 There is someone else behind the prosecution and pressure?

(Finally released, reviewed for 150 minutes, emmm...)


One hit kill!

At least in Zheng Fenyong's view, the testimony presented by the forensic doctor Ding can truly kill the defense with one blow!

First of all, he himself is a professional technician and an expert witness.

Second, he was able to prove that there was an error in the DNA report from 20 years ago.

Finally, and most importantly, there are problems with the evidence itself, and the DNA comparison result is completely different from that of Li.

This last point is key.

"Forensic Doctor Ding, please say it again, I'm afraid someone might not have heard clearly!"

After getting the answer he thought of, Zheng Fenyong asked again: "You mean, the DNA extracted from this hair is completely different from the DNA of the plaintiff Li in this case?"

"Yes, there are huge errors in the DNA comparison results. Generally speaking, only when the DNA matching degree is 99.99% can it be proved that it is my DNA!"

"So, when you tested the hair, you found that the DNA in the hair does not have a matching coefficient of 99.99% with the plaintiff's DNA, right?"


Forensic Doctor Ding nodded directly and admitted: "The matching result is not even 80%!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again.

This time, everyone felt the problem.

There is such a big gap in matching degree, is there a problem?

And is there a problem with the time when the evidence was discovered?

No evidence was found for the previous 7 victims. This serial murder case has been dragging on for 2 years, and the murderer is still not found.

When the eighth victim appeared, decisive evidence was found by "coincidence" in less than a week, and the suspect Li was directly arrested.

But now 20 years have passed, and you told me that the evidence found at that time did not match Li's DNA at all!

What is this?

If there is no problem here, then it is called a ghost!

All the eyes of the audience were focused on the defense bench.

This time, it was complete distrust.

Everyone looked at Yang Chunyuan, waiting for an explanation.

You are the number one forensic doctor in Dongfangdu, but the court told us that your title as the number one forensic doctor is not worthy of the name!

Especially the first big case you cracked. There are such huge problems in the case. Could it be that there is... really a problem here?


Do not trust!

Even some conspiracy theorists looked at the investigation department and even the judge in the wrong way.

What is going on in their minds, even if you are not them, you can more or less guess it.

"Ahem, this court announces that today's trial is temporarily over!"

Perhaps seeing that the jury was being affected, Judge Liu ended the hearing directly.

He knew that the current jury, influenced by the testimony of Zheng Fenyong and Ding Fayi, would doubt anyone.

If the defense is allowed to speak in court at this time, it may not have any effect.

That being the case, it is better to give the jury a night to calm down.

"Everyone go back and rest first, we will have a court session tomorrow afternoon!"

The court was temporarily closed, and everyone left one after another.

However, when the jury was leaving, they looked at the defense seats, full of malice and suspicion.

Anyone with a little experience can see why.

The jury, apparently, did not intend to believe the defense.

That's why Judge Liu adjourned the court early, even if it was cross-examination, the defense was not allowed to proceed, obviously because he was afraid that the jury would not listen.

All in all, quite a few people in the courtroom left, but they all had this thought in their minds.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

The defense is bound to lose!

"Lawyer Zhang, Forensic Doctor Yang, what do you think now?"

At this moment, Zheng Fenyong brought Braque and Li to the front of Zhang Wei and his party.

"My suggestion is to plead guilty and reach a settlement with us!"

As Zheng Fenyong said, he said directly to Yang Chunyuan: "Although I am not from Dongfangdu, and I am not working for Dongfangdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters, this does not prevent me from hearing your name, Forensic Doctor Yang!"

"In order to thank Forensic Doctor Yang for your help to the investigation department for the past 20 years, we have won the biggest concession for you. If you reach a settlement with us, we can reduce the sentence to less than 10 years!"

A fixed-term imprisonment of up to 10 years, and even a commutation if the behavior is good.

8 years, 6 years?

Anyway, this time, if handled properly, can continue to be reduced.

I have to say that if Zheng Fenyong's conditions are really "guilty", they may agree after thinking about them.

"Sorry, I have no intention of pleading guilty, because I definitely did not wrong him!"

Yang Chunyuan refused, pointing at Li with righteous words.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, do you know that my client is innocent. He has been in prison for 20 years because of the so-called evidence you submitted. Who will be responsible for his losses?"

But Braque had a sarcasm on his face, and also questioned Yang Chunyuan in a cold voice, with very bad words and attitudes.

"Both of you, this case has not yet reached the final verdict, so you are going too far by appearing as victors!"

Zhang Wei seemed calmer, he stopped in front of Braque and Zheng Fenyong, and responded coldly.

But at this moment, Zheng Fenyong already had the upper hand, so he was naturally not afraid of Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, and Forensic Doctor Yang, I think the conditions we have given are already the best preferential treatment. I will give you 24 hours to consider. If you don't get a reply before the trial tomorrow, you won't wait until the deadline!"

After saying that, Zheng Fenyong left without delay.

Braque and Li also followed Zheng Fenyong and left together.

"It's still overdue, it looks like they think they've won!"

Zhang Wei watched the three of them leave, frowning slightly.

This is the routine of the prosecution, giving a little concession, and then exerting psychological pressure, the purpose is to force the defendant to compromise and make concessions.

Judging from the current situation, the prosecution does have the advantage, and it can indeed put pressure on the defense.

"I absolutely, absolutely will not plead guilty because I did nothing wrong!"

Yang Chunyuan obviously believed that she was not at fault, and pleading guilty was even more impossible.

"Then let's withdraw too, let's go back first!"

Zhang Wei accompanied Yang Chunyuan's family of three back to their villa.

But after returning to the villa, Mo Juren said he was tired, so he went into the room to rest, but left Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu outside.

However, the mother and daughter didn't bother to talk to him, but started a discussion with Zhang Wei.

"The most important issue in this case is the so-called evidence. Why is there a problem with the hair DNA comparison!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out the report and showed it to Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu for review.

"This is the public evidence of the prosecution. They have done multiple DNA comparisons on the hair. Did the two see anything?"

"There seems to be no problem with this report. A new sequence was found in the DNA, which is obviously not Li's sequence!"

Mo Yuzhu looked at the data in the report and said so.

This shows that this DNA hair probably did not come from Li.

"Impossible, even 20 years ago, I would not have made such a mistake!"

But Yang Chunyuan obviously couldn't accept this result.

This was her first case, the first time she had caught a serial murderer.

It was also from that time that she began to concentrate on her work, thinking of helping the investigation department as much as possible and catching the real culprit.

But you tell me now that the reports I made were all wrong, and I even arrested the wrong person.

Doesn't this negate my efforts all the time?

"Then why is the result of this DNA comparison inconsistent with that of 20 years ago?"

Zhang Wei pondered over the comparison report carefully, then glanced at Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu.

"Since that's the case, student Mo and I will go to the First Forensic Office to compare that hair again?"

Some things, after all, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

The comparison results were done by other people, neither Mo Yuzhu nor Zhang Weike participated in it.

They also want to see if there is any difference in the comparison results if they watch the whole process.

"That's the only way to go."

Knowing that her daughter is also a forensic doctor, Yang Chunyuan sighed helplessly, but could only agree.

Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu looked at each other, and they set off immediately.

Soon, they came to the first medical examiner's office.

After telling the purpose, the staff in the office did not embarrass them, and generously gave up the laboratory.

The key evidence in this case, Mao, was taken away by the prosecution, but part of it was kept in the office.

Now Mo Yuzhu began to fiddle with the experimental equipment in the First Forensic Office, and began to operate.

Since Zhang Wei is not a professional, he can only watch from outside the laboratory, watching Mo Yuzhu concentrate on his work.

Mo Yuzhu needed time, and Zhang Wei began to think alone.

What is the problem with this case?

Obviously, William International has a problem.

Is it really because Laura Campbell was going to be a city councilman and Mojuren was in her way why they were looking for Lee?

Braque is obviously serving Laura, so this is the only possibility.

But William International, is it really necessary to do this?

"Speaking of which, this Li seems to be completely uninterested in whether he is guilty or not. He should be the murderer."

"In the final analysis, if I can find out the information about Braque's contact with his young boss, maybe I can prove that there are problems in the case itself, and maybe I can save the disadvantage."

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and sent a message to Zhao Xiaoxiao, telling him about Braque's information.

Finally, he conveyed a request to the second daughter.

In short, it's just two words, do him!

After giving the task to the second daughter, Zhang Wei returned to the laboratory again and communicated with Mo Yuzhu.

Knowing that it would take a day, and the results of the experiment would be ready tomorrow morning, Zhang Wei had no choice but to return to the Lin Mansion to rest.


The next day, morning.

Zhang Wei was woken up by a phone call.

"Mr. Mo, what are you talking about? There are errors in the DNA comparison results, but you also have new discoveries?"

"Okay, okay, I just discovered something, I'll be right there!"

Zhang Wei looked at the new email in the mailbox, and immediately left Lin's mansion and went to the first forensic office.

After meeting up with Mo Yuzhu in the office, Zhang Wei saw that Mo Yuzhu had the same dark circles under his eyes as the Iron Eater, and his whole face was very listless, and the corners of his mouth had been yawning since he came over.

It seemed that she didn't close her eyes all night, and she returned to her former appearance as a bereaved girl.

"There are errors in the DNA comparison results, so I changed my mind. If there are errors in the verification according to the current test method, then the verification method 20 years ago, what will the result be?"

Mo Yuzhu said, and handed a report to Zhang Wei.

"This is my DNA verification of hair according to the test items 20 years ago, but the result is... ha~~~"

As she spoke, she let out a long yawn.

"The results don't match either!" Zhang Wei could only open the report by himself and saw the results.

"Yes." Mo Yuzhu said with a sleepy face and listlessness: "So I don't think this is a problem with the detection method, but because the hair itself has been tampered with!"

"Someone really tampered with the evidence?" Zhang Wei was stunned.

Who is it? How dare you secretly tamper with key evidence!

"I think this one can help you!"

Mo Yuzhu gave Zhang Wei another report.

"If there is an error in the hair, then it is likely that the hair does not belong to Li, but I did a few more tests and found that a part of the DNA in the hair echoes Li's genetic characteristics, indicating that the hair is indeed Li's."

"But if it's Li's hair, why did some of it fail to match the DNA comparison results during the test? I had such a question, and finally I found out that it was because of the interfering factors in the hair!"

"Interference factor?" Zhang Wei was stunned, what the hell is this.

"It's a kind of pollen...the pollen comes from...I'm so sleepy...want to sleep..."

As Mo Yuzhu said, sleepiness flooded his face, and his whole body was on the verge of falling.

"Student Mo, you..."

Zhang Wei had sharp eyes and quick hands, and he grabbed Mo Yuzhu, but his palms unconsciously touched places that shouldn't be touched.

He didn't think too much just now, subconsciously.

Zhang Wei also had to admit that Mo Yuzhu, the bereaved daughter, had irregular work and rest schedules and was a bit gloomy, but she still had a very good figure.

"Sorry, Mo, I didn't pay attention. Hey, hey, wake up, don't sleep here..."

He hurriedly apologized, but found that Mo Yuzhu had already fallen asleep.

It seems that staying up late for testing is very energy-consuming, and she can't resist it anymore.

"What's wrong with this..."

Zhang Wei had no choice but to look at the bereaved girl who was leaning on him and had already fallen asleep. He had no choice but to support her and left the office.

Tuk tuk tuk!

Following a familiar knock on the door, when Yang Chunyuan opened the door of the villa, Zhang Wei appeared again with her daughter on his back.

This is the second time.

"This girl, why did you fall asleep again?"

"Student Mo was busy all day yesterday, maybe he didn't close his eyes all night?"

"This kid is like me!"

Yang Chunyuan nodded, but didn't say anything about Mo Yuzhu's behavior, after all, she often did this herself.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but be speechless.

Forensic doctor Yang, I'm not talking about you, you've made a bad start.

After sending Mo Yuzhu to the room to rest, Zhang Wei checked the time and rushed directly to the city court with Yang Chunyuan.

Because the court hearing in the afternoon is coming.


Municipal courthouse, ready interior.

"What did you say, the evidence has been tampered with!"

When Yang Chunyuan learned that Mo Yuzhu had told Zhang Wei, she lost her composure.

"Yes, Doctor Yang, do you see any problems with this report?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly handed over the report that Mo Yuzhu gave him last.

"Hey, this gene sequence, this is..."

As expected of a professional, Yang Chunyuan could see the content of the report at a glance.

"By the way, Forensic Doctor Yang, I can also tell you that there seems to be some problems with this case. But don't worry, I will investigate everything today!"

Zhang Wei then told Yang Chunyuan one more thing about the possible circumstances behind the case.

After hearing this, Yang Chunyuan couldn't calm down for a long time.

She originally thought that this case should be a matter of her own work mistakes. Although she herself felt that there could be no mistakes in her work, she could understand even if there were mistakes.

Unexpectedly, with Zhang Wei's in-depth investigation, it was discovered that this case had little to do with Yang Chunyuan herself.

It doesn't even matter whether Yang Chunyuan made any mistakes in her work.

Obviously, she is just a breakthrough, a breakthrough chosen by the people behind the scenes to focus fire in order to achieve their goals.

"Then, Lawyer Zhang, you are saying that I have suffered so many things just because..."

"That's right, it's exactly what you think, but who is behind the scenes, I still need to take a closer look at the situation!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked out of the preparation room with Yang Chunyuan and came to the court again.

The hearing on Tuesday will begin soon.

As the time drew near, apart from their defense, the prosecution also arrived soon.

Then came the audience in the hearing booth, and then the jury escorted by court guards.

After a night's rest, the jury's complexion seemed to improve a lot, but the hostility towards the defense did not weaken at all.

It seemed that one night was not enough for them to think clearly, and the original hostility from yesterday remained in their hearts.

"Did I shoot myself in the foot? I chose so many juries who like conspiracy theories, and they all guessed that my client's work back then had conspiracy theories!"

Looking at the jury, Zhang Wei could only sigh helplessly.

Who made him choose such a jury.

After the jury was also seated, the court began to quiet down.

"All rise!"

Just under the announcement of the court guard, Judge Liu walked into the scene quickly.

"Hehe, everyone sit down!"

After he is seated, let everyone sit down.

But just as he was about to scan the audience to see if anyone was absent, he found that someone on the defense bench hadn't sat down.

Zhang Wei!

"Lawyer Zhang, why don't you sit down?"

"Judge Liu, we request a pre-court consultation!"

As soon as this remark came out, Judge Liu was stunned.

The court hasn't even started yet, so you're going to have to work hard, right?

Although he was a little apprehensive, he still nodded to Zhang Wei and Zheng Fenyong at the prosecution table.

The two went to court immediately.

"Lawyer Zhang, is this your plan?"

"Judge Liu, and Prosecutor Zheng Gao, we request an emergency witness!"

Hearing this request, Judge Liu's heart skipped a beat.

You really have to live.


Zhang Wei pointed at Blake on the prosecution seat, and said in a serious tone, "Laura Campbell from William International!"


Judge Liu never expected that Zhang Wei would either not do anything, or if he did, it would be a big deal.

It's not good for you to summon anyone, but you actually summoned the boss of the plaintiff's attorney.

Sure enough, this move is really only you Zhang Wei can play, it really makes you play well.

But, will the prosecution agree to this request?

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