Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 558 Do not trust? Believe it or not!

A prison in Longdu.

In the heavily guarded reception room, Zhang Wei was drinking water and waiting.

Suddenly, the solid iron door opened, and then a middle-aged man in prison uniform walked into the reception room under the escort of the guards.

He is Guan Yuhong, the "murderer" who committed the brutal murder.

He glanced around and found that there was no one he wanted to meet in the room, so he turned his head around.

"Watcher, where is the lawyer I want to see? Why didn't he come?"

"He's the lawyer you want to see!"

The guard pointed to Zhang Wei and signaled Guan Yuhong to go over.

"My lawyer?"

Guan Yuhong glanced at Zhang Wei and shook his head.

Because this lawyer is not the person I want to meet, and the other party is too young, it is really young.

How can such a young lawyer help himself?

"Hello, this is Mr. Guan Yuhong, I'm Tie Ruyun's colleague, my name is Zhang Wei, nice to meet you!"


After the two parties sat down, Zhang Wei greeted them first, but Guan Yuhong was not in a good mood.

"I know you are very surprised, why is it not Lao Tie who came to see you, but me..."

"Yeah, why not him, but you!"

Zhang Wei wanted to explain, but was interrupted directly by Guan Yuhong.

Not seeing Tie Ruyun, Guan Yuhong was in a bad mood, and his attitude towards Zhang Wei also became bad.

"Mr. Guan, the reason is actually this, the old man..."

Zhang Wei told the story of Tie Ruyun rushing to Longdu after receiving the call.

Of course, because of the conflict with the female subordinate more than ten years ago, which led to the investigation by the Lawyers Association, Zhang Wei naturally said some things selectively, but most of them did not say clearly.

"You mean, Lawyer Tie happened to be investigated because of some negligence a long time ago?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's explanation, Guan Yuhong frowned.

"Yes." Zhang Wei naturally nodded.

"It seems that they have acted!"


Zhang Wei wondered, who is this "they" referring to?

Guan Yuhong glanced at Zhang Wei, guessing, "I don't trust you!"

Zhang Wei naturally understood this reaction.

After all, the person the other party wanted to meet did not show up, but a stranger came, and no one might trust them.

And to narrow the relationship between the two parties, there is only one way, and that is to get close.

And there is only one breakthrough point for getting close, and that is Tie Ruyun, whom both parties know.

"Mr. Guan, how long have you known Lao Tie?"

"12 years!"

"I remember that this was the year you were imprisoned, isn't Lao Tie your defense lawyer?"

"No, he was, or he should be..."

Guan Yuhong has nothing to hide about what happened 12 years ago.

"In fact, he did a good job at the beginning and helped me get a lot of witnesses. I believe that with his help, I can wash away my grievances."

"But for some reason, he seemed to be in trouble, and then he told me he couldn't defend me anymore, and then he left, and I knew there must be something wrong with it."

Guan Yuhong said, looking around, he always felt that someone was watching him.

"Then later, if the defense lawyer leaves, then Long Teng or the court at that time will arrange a lawyer for you as soon as possible."

"Yes, they arranged for me a female lawyer named Chen Xiao. Unfortunately, this woman doesn't seem to have any intention of helping me win. As you can see, I was sentenced to life imprisonment and has been imprisoned until now!"

"Chen Xiao?"

Zhang Wei was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Chen Xiao to take over the case after Lao Tie left.

"I guess, Lawyer Tie must have been forced to leave because of the conspiracy behind this incident!"

As Guan Yuhong said, suspicion flashed across his face, as if he was guessing whether there was a conspiracy in it.

"Well, Mr. Guan, you're overthinking it. When Lao Tie left the law firm, there was actually something else behind him!"

Zhang Wei's expression was a bit awkward. After all, the reason why Lao Tie left Longteng was because he failed in an office romance, and incidentally, he was PUAed by the Queen of the Sea, which had nothing to do with the case.

"I only know that Lawyer Tie is willing to help me. Even if he leaves Longdu, he still insists on writing to me every month. I know he still cares about me and can't let go of this case!"

Guan Yuhong said, then looked at Zhang Wei, "But you are a stranger to me, I can't trust you!"

"I understand, this case is very important to you, and you have always believed that there is actually a conspiracy hidden in this case, right?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for the existence of those people, I would have been able to prove my innocence a long time ago!"

Guan Yuhong snorted coldly, then turned his head away, not looking at Zhang Wei anymore.

Zhang Wei was also helpless, he seemed to be unable to gain Guan Yuhong's trust for the time being.

The only one who can gain the trust of the other party is the old iron.

But because of being investigated by the Lawyers Association, Lao Tie really couldn't meet the other party until the investigation was over.

"Mr. Guan, since you can't trust me, then I won't force you, but I can tell you clearly that you can only ask me to help you defend this case, or you can only ask the court-appointed public defender Already!"

"Hmph, I got kicked in the head by a donkey before asking those people to help me?" Guan Yuhong sneered at the public defender on the spot.

After hearing this, Zhang Wei pouted slightly.

Can you stop looking down on public defenders, I also relied on public defenders to get involved step by step, okay?

Forget it, he didn't bother to explain it.

"Mr. Guan, fortunately, time is not in a hurry. Here is my business card. If you can choose to trust me after thinking about it, please contact me, thank you!"

After placing the business card on the table, Zhang Wei gestured directly to the guard.

Guan Yuhong didn't say a word, and let Zhang Wei leave.

After all, for him, except for Tie Ruyun who wrote to himself every month, no one else was trustworthy.

He only knows that a person who can write letters to himself every month for 12 consecutive years is the one who really cares about himself.

As for Zhang Wei...

Sorry, I'm so unfamiliar!

"Guan Yuhong, put in jail!"

Guan Yuhong returned to the prison, but he was holding Zhang Wei's business card in his hand.

Because Tie Ruyun was under investigation, he also knew that the other party would not be able to help him until the investigation was over.

Then, in the same way, he also had to think about it, and weigh whether he could trust Zhang Wei relatively.

For this reason, he specifically found a professional intelligence broker in the prison.

"Do you have any information about this person?"

As Guan Yuhong said, he handed the business card directly to the other party.

"Zhang Wei?"

The broker was puzzled for a moment, and then showed surprise, "It's that Zhang Wei!"

"What Zhang Wei, what are you talking about?" Guan Yuhong was speechless.

Dude, do you know that I have been locked up in prison for 12 years, and I have long been out of touch with society.

We are still using old-fashioned mobile phones, and smartphones are already flying everywhere outside. The gadgets we use can’t even watch a small movie in 3gp format. Others have already used avi, rmvb, and wmv formats.

"This Zhang Wei is amazing, just wait!"

With that said, the broker led Guan Yuhong to the computer reading room, and started to log in to Qiandu search in front of an old-fashioned big-ass computer.

Not long after, several webpage news items were refreshed.

Originally, a thousand-degree search should pop up several pages of content at once, but the prison's network is monitored, and only some pages that have taken "passports" can be opened.

But this is enough, because there are many reports about Zhang Wei on these web pages.

"Let me ask you, is this the person who met you just now?"


"That's no wonder, this one is incredible!"

The broker opened one of the webpages and exclaimed: "Here, this lawyer Zhang Wei is the ace lawyer of the largest law firm in Dongfang Metropolis, and can even be said to be the most difficult person in the legal circle of Dongfang Metropolis."

"These are all the records of his fights since his debut. He has beaten all the prosecutors, elite lawyers, ace prosecutors, barristers, and even high-level prosecutors and senior partners of law firms in Dongfang Capital. His record is remarkable."

Guan Yuhong stared sideways at the row upon row of fierce achievements.

It seems that Zhang Wei has never lost. He has a row of victories, and he has both civil and criminal cases. It can be said that he can fight any type of case and win.

"Look, just last month, the record says that in late September, he even won against that Qin Gaojian!"

"Qin Yang Qin Gaojian?"

"Isn't that right? It is said that this Qin Gaojian was invited to Dongfangdu to try a big case. As a result, the lawyer who took over the defense was this Zhang Wei. He directly defeated Qin Gaojian in court. When we arrive, our dragons will come."

Hearing what the broker said, and seeing the specific news on the website, Guan Yuhong seemed to have an idea in his heart.

This Zhang Wei is so awesome in the East, why did he have to come to Longdu?

Could it be that the other party really came to see me because of Tie Ruyun's entrustment?

"That's great. It would be great if I could invite lawyer Zhang Wei to help me. With his record, he might be able to help me defend my innocence!"

The broker said with envy on his face.

"You?" Guan Yuhong sneered disdainfully after hearing this, "You stole and sold company information to become a commercial espionage. Didn't you get both the stolen goods and the stolen money at the same time? Have the stolen goods and stolen money been found by the investigation department? Do you still want to be innocent?"

"Hahaha, then you have underestimated this man. Every case he took over was not favored at the beginning, and everyone said that there was no need to fight. If he really wants to help me, maybe he will!"

The broker said, he smiled, and closed the webpage casually.

Guan Yuhong also knew the rules, took out two cigarettes from his pocket, and handed them directly to the other party.

The broker took the cigarette to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and then he looked unhappy: "You have hidden this cigarette for a while, it's damp!"

"Just make do with it, what do you think you can get in prison?"

"Speaking of your son, he didn't often bring you things before. During that time, the cigarettes in your hand were all fresh."

"My son, he has other things to do!" Guan Yuhong didn't seem to want to talk about his son, so he quickly changed the topic: "It's you, how long has it been since my wife contacted you?"

"Hey, don't mention it, since my affair was exposed, I have no face to see their mother and child..."

The two chatted afterward, but Guan Yuhong picked up Zhang Wei's business card and held it tightly in his hand, not letting go for a long time.

at dusk.

"Guan Yuhong, I have your call!"

"Oh, come, come!"

Hearing someone calling, Guan Yuhong immediately got up from the cell, and followed the guards to the answering room.

Because he has no relatives outside, the only one who can call is his own son.

Before coming to the phone, Guan Yuhong didn't answer the phone immediately, but looked around to confirm that there was no one nearby, and then picked up the phone.

"Son, what's going on?"

"Dad, it's not good, that person is dead!"

"What, dead!"

Guan Yuhong's voice suddenly rose because of his excitement, and then he might have sensed something was wrong, so he quickly looked around.

After confirming that the moment just now did not attract the attention of others, he hurriedly lowered his voice.

"What's going on? What's going on? Didn't I tell you to watch him carefully? Why..."

"Dad, it's not a matter of being careful now. That person died, and the investigation department found me now, saying that I was a murderer. I have now been taken to the interrogation room for investigation."

"What, they say you are a murderer, how is this possible!"

Hearing his son's report, Guan Yuhong immediately became anxious, "Son, do you really..."

"Dad, I've always remembered it. I will never appear in front of the target. I'm only responsible for staring. Even if I get close to the target, I have to reserve an escape route, so it's really not me!"

"Then why..."

"I do not know either!"

On the other end of the phone, the son's voice also became anxious: "Dad, the problem now is not that the man died, but that I became the murderer. Now the investigation department seems to have identified me, what should I do?"

"By the way, didn't you say that Lawyer Tie has come to Longdu? I need a lawyer to help me. Can Lawyer Tie..."

"Yes, there is also Lawyer Tie, we can contact him, he..."

Only then did Guan Yuhong remember that Tie Ruyun seemed unable to accept the case for a while.

"Son, Lawyer Tie has been under investigation for a while now, so he can't take the case!"

"What, accept the investigation, then I am finished. If there is no iron lawyer, the court will appoint a public defender. We all know the level of those people!"

Hearing his son's anxious voice on the phone, Guan Yuhong was also very anxious.

The son is going to be identified as the murderer, isn't he the same as himself.

The point is, Tie Ruyun, the most trustworthy helper, is not by her side.

"Here, this lawyer Zhang Wei is the ace lawyer of the largest law firm in Dongfang Metropolis, and can even be said to be the most difficult person in the legal circle of Dongfang Metropolis."

"These are all the records of his fights since his debut. He has beaten all the prosecutors, elite lawyers, ace prosecutors, barristers, and even high-level prosecutors and senior partners of law firms in Dongfang Capital. His record is remarkable."

"Look, just last month, according to the records, it was late September, and he even won against that Qin Gaojian!"

At this critical moment, the words of the intelligence broker echoed in Guan Yuhong's mind.

Yes, although there is no more lawyer Tie, but he still knows a lawyer Zhang.

And in terms of strength, this lawyer Zhang is obviously stronger.

Although Guan Yuhong still can't believe Zhang Wei, but now that his son needs help, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Son, listen carefully, I will tell you a number, it is a new lawyer, he can help you!"

"New lawyer, if you are not an iron lawyer, don't you say that no one can trust you?"

"This Lawyer Zhang is different. He is from Dongfangdu, not from Longdu. He should not be with those people!"

Guan Yuhong gave a few more instructions to let his son get in touch with Zhang Wei, and then directly reported the number according to the business card.

"Son, this time, please cooperate with this lawyer Zhang. If he can help you, then we can trust him!"

After finishing the instructions, Guan Yuhong hung up the phone.

He took a deep breath, then slowly got up, and returned to his room under the watchful eye of the guard.

"Hey, when will this case end? When will I be able to regain my freedom. Lawyer Zhang alone shouldn't be able to save me..."

Guan Yuhong looked at the sunshine outside the iron window, but felt no warmth in his heart.


the other side.

Zhang Wei had just met Tie Ruyun here, and before his butt was hot, he received a call.

"Ha, are you Guan Yuhong's son?"

"What did you say, do you need my help to defend?"

"What case, homicide case, you said you were wronged?"

"I didn't say that, your family is too that way, why do you and your father make such a mess?"

"All right, all right, I understand, I'll come here now, you tell the people in the investigation department that you have already found a lawyer, before I arrive, don't say a word other than what you just said. You Remember, if they question you, you have the right to remain silent!"

After Zhang Wei exhorted, he looked at Tie Ruyun in front of him.

"Guan Yuhong's son seems to be called Guan Ping. He was only seven or eight years old when his father was imprisoned. Did he commit any crimes?"

"Old man, this is really not one case, it's almost three cases. And your client, Guan Yuhong, really thinks of himself as the second master of Guan, and named his son Guan Ping?"

Zhang Wei complained, then immediately packed his things and prepared to go to the investigation department of Longdu.

He found that today's Monday was busier than any Monday he had worked in the past.

He was either meeting the client, or he was on his way to meet the client.

This day passed, and I had to see the three parties involved.

Tie Ruyun was investigated, and he was also considered a party. In addition, Guan Yuhong and Guan Ping, who was about to meet, met three times in a row.

And where he ran, first the Lawyers Association, then the prison, and then the investigation department.

If you stop by the local inspection headquarters in Longdu later, it will be a complete job.

After Zhang Wei went out, he quickly took a taxi and rushed to the investigation department without stopping.

Soon, after asking for directions, he came to the serious crime team of the investigation department and met his client.

Guan Ping, a young man in his early 20s.

At this moment, the young man is being locked in the interrogation room, being questioned by two operators.

But because of Zhang Wei's instructions, the young man didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and kept silent all the time.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

After tidying up his appearance, he showed his iconic smiling face.

"Hey, the lawyer is here~"

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