Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 560 Stop being a human? Internal hearing begins

Monday night.

A certain hotel in the third ring road of Longdu.

Zhang Wei finally joined Tie Ruyun, and the two were talking in the hotel room.

By the way, Zhang Wei asked for two rooms, and he didn't expect to live with a big man like Lao Tie.

Tie Ruyun felt that it shouldn't be spent, but Zhang Wei didn't care, after all, he was not short of money.

Moreover, he was also shy when he was squeezed into a room with a big man.

But if you communicate, then there is no way.

"This is all the information I have collected so far!"

As Zhang Wei said, he wrote down the information in a writing class.

Tie Ruyun took the writing board and read it.

"Twelve years ago, Guan Yuhong, the party involved in this case, opened a grocery store in a shopping mall, while the deceased, Mr. Sun, was an unemployed vagrant who occasionally passed by the supermarket where the grocery store was. There is no intersection."

"Of course, the real killer Linbert is involved here. He is an outsourced killer of a certain gang who specializes in dirty work. According to the information I have so far, both Sun and his son should Died at the hands of Limbert."


Tie Ruyun picked up a photo and looked at it carefully.

This is a photo of the murder scene 12 years ago. Sun fell to the ground and died, with a blood hole in his chest.

At that time, the investigation department only found out that Sun was pierced in the chest by a sharp object, and even the child in his arms was murdered. This case had a great impact at the time, after all, the infant child was innocently implicated.

But neither Tie Ruyun nor the investigation department at that time thought that the murder weapon was actually an umbrella.

"In Longdu 12 years ago, surveillance equipment was not widespread, so there was no on-site surveillance video to prove it. However, the investigation department found the umbrella later, and confirmed the fingerprint of the person involved Guan Yuhong on the umbrella."

Tie Ruyun spread out another set of photos, the murder weapon umbrella, and the fingerprint verification results on the umbrella.

"No way, our client runs a grocery store. The real murderer, Lin Bo, bought many parts from him in order to prepare the murder weapon. It is normal to have the fingerprints of Yuhong."

Zhang Wei tapped the photo with his fingers and told a helpless but unacceptable fact.

The investigation department found Guan Yuhong based on the only fingerprint on the murder weapon, and determined that he was the murderer who killed Sun and his children.

The key to this case is not only physical evidence, but also human witnesses.

According to the staff of the shopping mall and other shops at that time, the deceased Sun had had oral sex with Guan Yuhong, and the two almost fought.

"Almost, it means that the two have a grudge and there is a possibility of murder!"

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun looked at each other, and both felt a little trouble in each other's eyes.

These are the details of Guan Yuhong's murder of Sun 12 years ago.

In other words, this is the details currently in the hands of the Investigation Section.

Zhang Wei knew that there must be unknown information hidden in this case, otherwise why would a gang killer want to assassinate a jobless vagrant?

"Let's put aside the case of 12 years ago, and now the murder of Guan Ping and Limbert is next!"

Zhang Wei said, and wrote down new information in the writing class.

Lin Bo was killed, and the first suspect targeted by the investigation department was Guan Yuhong's son Guan Ping.

Both Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun knew that the reason why Guan Ping appeared near Limbert's residence was naturally because he was monitoring the latter.

In the case 12 years ago, the real culprit was Lin Bo. Guan Ping monitored Lin Bo to find evidence to exonerate his father.

But now that Linbert is dead, the timing is very clever.

"Limbert's death is of no benefit to us. His death proves that the case 12 years ago lost a strong witness. And because of his death, Guan Ping has an unnecessary Murder."

Zhang Wei muttered, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Speaking of which, I not only want to appeal for my father, but also defend my son's innocence. Whoever I provoke, whoever I provoke."

Conscience of heaven and earth, the fundamental purpose of my coming to Longdu is to get you Tie Ruyun.

Guan Yuhong's case was at most an additional task, but Guan Ping's case was unexpectedly involved.

what is this?

Buy one get two free?

The point is, this case is still a homicide case, so it's not fun to send it off.

"I'll deal with Linbert's case later, so don't worry about it, old man."

Zhang Wei waved his hand at Tie Ruyun, and then asked the most important question.

"The most important thing is that you followed and attempted to molested Chen Xiao back then!"

As soon as these words came out, Tie Ruyun was stunned, and then he let out a long sigh.

What happened back then was a thorn in his heart after all, and this thorn had stabbed him for 12 years.

Even now, this thorn is still haunting him.

"The Lawyers Association, it is said that there will be a 'symposium' about you!"

Zhang Wei joked with a smile.

This so-called "symposium" is actually similar to the internal review of the hearing, but it is organized by the Bar Association, and five "guests" invited by the association act as a jury to vote on Tie Ruyun.

During the review period, both the prosecution and the defense can produce evidence to explain that the five guests voted in favor of themselves.

"This review is related to whether you can continue to have a license to practice, so it is also a matter of life and death for you. If you calculate it this way, it means that I have three murders to deal with, right?"

Zhang Wei looked at Tie Ruyun with a teasing face.

"You boy, can you stop making fun of me?"

Tie Ruyun let out a long sigh, helpless.

At the same time, he also has a lot of opinions on Zhang Wei.

When I hooked up with a girl back then, I fell into such a desperate situation.

You kid heard that you hooked up with more than one girl, how come you are so lucky and never overturned?

"Old Tie, are you wondering why I didn't overturn the car?"

Zhang Wei seemed to see what Tie Ruyun was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's very simple, I have good eyesight, and I can tell at a glance whether a woman is serious or not."

"Although I haven't seen that Chen Xiao, I know people!"

"You mean to say I'm blind, don't you?"

"No, I want to say that love is blind. You treated her sincerely when you first fell in love, but you didn't expect her to be a sea queen!"

Zhang Wei expressed deep sympathy for Tie Ruyun's experience.

Being with a scheming woman is a very risky thing.

Chen Xiao is such a woman.

This woman is not only catching herself, but also catching clients, and developing multi-line operations at the same time, and can not leave any evidence, it is simply...

"Wait, leave no evidence?"

Zhang Wei frowned slightly, and then looked at Tie Ruyun.

"Old Tie, back then you followed and secretly took photos of Chen Xiao, do you still keep those photos?"

"Oh, keep it!"

Tie Ruyun fumbled in his pocket, and took out an old-fashioned flip phone.

"This mobile phone has been used for 12 years, and it can still be opened now, which is considered to be of good quality!"

"This phone is too old."

Zhang Wei took the flip phone, opened it and immediately found the photos from that year.

"The quality of the photos is a bit fuzzy, but I can pass them on to Xiaoxiao and ask her to increase the pixels. But even so, these photos can't prove anything."

After Zhang Wei thought about it carefully, he looked at Tie Ruyun, "Old Tie, what did you think when you followed and secretly photographed Chen Xiao?"


Tie Ruyun scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

Maybe it was just a boy's impulse to follow Chen Xiao back then.

"This, I really can't answer, I can only say that on impulse..."

"NONONO, can I say Ruigude, what I want is your impulse!"

Zhang Wei frantically shook his fingers, because he had a defense idea.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Unknown number?" He was surprised when he saw the number.

Then he pressed the answer button.

"Hello, it's Lawyer Zhang, I'm Zhu Yuansi from the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters!"

"Oh, Zhu Gaojian, hello."

"It seems that Lawyer Zhang has done his homework, and he was able to recognize me in the first place."

On the other end of the phone, Zhu Yuansi's voice sounded very calm, just like her usual style.

"Zhu Gaojian, what are you calling me for?"

"I want to explain to you that the prosecutor who was in charge of investigating the case of Guan Yuhong's murder of Sun was my senior. Now he has retired, so the case has been handed over to me. If you want to appeal, then I'm the one who came to discuss with Lawyer Zhang."

"Oh, are you here to talk harshly to me?"

"Where is it, I heard that lawyer Zhang defeated Qin Yang's high-level prosecutor in the East?"

"Old Qin, it's just my luck. Old Qin's strength is really not a cover. As a rookie, I still have a lot to learn."

"Lawyer Zhang, we don't need to say more polite words, but I just want to remind you that you seem to be very busy recently, so one person has limited energy after all, are you sure you can handle multiple cases in parallel, and still have more time?" Do you have enough energy to be responsible for your client Guan Yuhong?"

"Indeed, what Zhu Gaojian said is right, human abilities are limited after all..."

Zhu Yuansi seemed to have heard the "admit counsel" in Zhang Wei's words, and waited for the following.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, then suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "So, Zhu Gaojian, I am no longer a human being!"

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by saying that? What do you mean by not being a human being? You...dududu..."

On the other end of the phone, Zhu Yuansi looked at the hung up phone and fell into deep thought.

Inside the hotel.

"Zhang Wei, why did you hang up on Zhu Gaojian?"

"This woman is here to speak harshly. I'm already too tired to listen."

Zhang Wei waved his hand.

It's only Monday, he's so busy, he's so tired, okay?

"Old man, I need to rest, you should go to bed early, I have to work on your internal review tomorrow!"

As Zhang Wei said, he dragged his tired body directly into the next room, took a shower and fell asleep.

Tie Ruyun was also exhausted. After seeing Zhang Wei leave and go back to sleep, he also walked to the window, sighed, and then fell asleep as well.

The busy Monday passed under the exhaustion and exhaustion.


Tuesday morning.

"Today's task is to go to the Lawyers Association first, get your first round of internal review done, and then help my client Guan Ping deal with his murder charges. As for your client Guan Yuhong's case, there is no rush to appeal anyway, so it is in the plan the back of the

In the hotel, Zhang Wei was explaining today's course of action to Tie Ruyun.

Tie Ruyun naturally had no objections.

The two quickly took the subway and came to the magnificent bar association.

The reception lady recognized Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun, and invited them to a lounge to wait.

Soon, the morning "hearing" will begin.

"Two, please follow me, the staff has already prepared in hearing room No. 1."

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun walked into the huge hearing room, and then, under the guidance of the reception lady, sat in the middle.

This position is also commonly known as the "criticism seat" internally, and those who come up are equal to being tried.

Soon, other lawyers who participated in the internal hearing also came, and they were equivalent to the hearing booth of the court.

A lot of people came, and there were more than a dozen lawyers, men, women and children.

"Tell me, will there be heavyweights coming to this hearing seat!"

Zhang Wei leaned over to Tie Ruyun and stabbed the latter's arm by the way.

"This is an internal hearing. How can there be a heavyweight? It's not bad to have an executive come!"

"Really, I thought I could see that lawyer Qin!"

"You mean Master Qin Lu?"

Tie Ruyun clicked his tongue, and then shook his head violently, "How is this possible? The shopkeeper Qin has so many affairs to deal with every day, how can he have the time to take care of such things."

"That's right, then it looks like I'm going to be disappointed today, I guess I won't see any powerful people!"

Zhang Wei muttered, then looked towards the entrance of the hearing room.

There was a sound of regular footsteps. There were a lot of people coming this time, and the leader should be five or six people.

"come yet!"

He knew that in charge of this internal hearing, five representatives specially sent by the Lawyers Association came.

Five people, wearing formal clothes, walked in from the entrance.

What Zhang Wei cares about is the leader, with a white beard, who looks almost 60 years old.

As for why he made Zhang Wei care, it was because the other party's eyes locked on Tie Ruyun's body as soon as he entered the door from Hong Kong, and a dark and sinister look flashed in his eyes.

"Old Tie, are you acquainted?"

"He is, Boss Huang!"

Seeing the old man, Tie Ruyun became nervous for a while.

"Old Tie, what's the situation with this guy, he seems to be treating you a little bit badly!"

"Do you still remember what I told you before, when I was the team leader at Longteng International, I was called to the supervisor's office, and there was a senior partner of the law firm sitting inside?"

"This is it?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the old lawyer with a look of surprise.

"Yes, Huang Yunhe, Boss Huang, was Long Teng's senior partner before I left, and the deputy executive of the Lawyers Association. It seems that he has been promoted to executive in the past 12 years, so the chief person in charge of this internal hearing should be the same. he!"

"The senior partner who expelled you from Longteng International back then is now the person in charge of presiding over the internal hearing against you. Isn't this going to kill you?"

"Probably not, because Boss Huang was famous for being stern and selfless in the law firm back then!"

"Ghost knows if it is!"

Regarding what Tie Ruyun said, Zhang Wei said hehe.

In this world, no one can be truly impartial, except robots.

The Lawyers Association asked Huang Yunhe to come forward, making it clear that he was targeting Tie Ruyun.

It is impossible for the association not to know that Huang Yunhe expelled Tie Ruyun from Longteng 12 years ago, and now it is the other party's turn to control Tie Ruyun's life and death. This is definitely not a coincidence.

For the internal review, five committee members must vote not guilty at the same time, so that Tie Ruyun can get rid of the charges.

As long as there is even a negative vote from the head of the committee, Tie Ruyun will not be able to get rid of the accusation. This is the problem of internal review.

In other words, Zhang Wei, as Tie Ruyun's spokesperson, had to convince the five committee members to support Tie Ruyun during the internal review.

To be honest, Zhang Wei still had some confidence.

But seeing Huang Yunhe's attitude towards Tie Ruyun, he felt troublesome again.

I don't seem to know how to solve this question.

"Tie Ruyun, I didn't expect that 12 years have passed, and I have to wipe my ass for the turmoil you caused back then!"

As one of the five committee members of this internal hearing, Huang Yunhe directly vented his dissatisfaction with Tie Ruyun as soon as he sat down.

"Boss Huang!" Tie Ruyun hurriedly got up and greeted the former leader.

"Forget it, after I expelled you from Longteng, you and I are no longer colleagues, and you can just call me Lawyer Huang from now on!"


Tie Ruyun didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"Okay, old Huang, we got it!" But Zhang Wei suddenly smiled and moved closer to Huang Yunhe.

"Old Huang?"

Huang Yunhe was stunned, and looked at Zhang Wei in surprise.

Who are you, call me Lao Huang, are you looking for a fight?

At such a young age, you have no rules, how old are you?

"Boy, do you know where this place is? According to the Lawyers Association, it is also based on seniority. You call me Lao Huang, isn't it the other way around?"

"Really, and I think the title is just a code name. For the convenience of the next hearing, I can call it whatever I like!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, completely ignoring Huang Yunhe's warning.

His behavior also made the surrounding lawyers look at each other in blank dismay, completely unaware of the identity of this jumping kid, who dared to be so presumptuous.

"Lawyer Huang, he is Tie Ruyun's lawyer for this hearing. His name is Zhang Wei, and he is from Dongfangdu!"

"Hmph, Tie Ruyun, you're really going back as you live. You actually invited outsiders to defend your internal hearing!"

Huang Yunhe naturally despised Tie Ruyun's behavior.

As a lawyer, you can't even defend yourself. What skills do you have?

"Zhang Wei, is that Zhang Wei, the homicide lawyer from Dongfang Capital, who defeated Zhang Wei from Qin Yang Qin High Prosecutor!"

At this moment, another committee member suddenly reacted and exclaimed.

"Oh, it's true that anything can be spread. I defeated Lao Qin, but I was lucky~"

With Zhang Wei waving his hand to admit, the scene in the hearing room finally exploded.

"What, you are that Zhang Wei!"

Huang Yunhe couldn't believe that the young man in front of him who looked like he had just graduated and was probably still an intern was that Zhang Wei.

The Zhang Wei who defeated Qin Yang, the younger brother of his boss Qin Lu, is the "murder lawyer" of Dongfangdu.

At this moment, the expressions of the five committee members began to change, especially Huang Yunhe, the contempt in his eyes disappeared, replaced by the cautiousness of facing an enemy.

It seemed that he really regarded Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun as enemies.

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