Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 565 Have you found the evidence? Zhang Wei calls for help!

Wednesday, 5 am.

Jingle Bell!

Zhang Wei was awakened by a phone ringing.

"Who, do you have a sense of public morality?"

Zhang Wei cursed and hurriedly answered the phone.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's bad, I was taken away by the investigation department again!"


Zhang Wei never expected that Guan Ping would be "successful" again.

Hearing Guan Ping's anxious voice on the other end, Zhang Wei could only comfort him softly.

"Just wait, I'll be there soon. As for what you should do before I arrive, you should have experience, right?"

After Zhang Wei finished a sentence, he hung up the phone immediately, then got up and dressed, and went straight to the investigation department after washing.

At 5:20, he rushed to the Longdu Investigation Section.

But this time, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

First of all, it is natural that there are many people in the investigation department.

Damn it, don't these people need to go back to rest, or is it that the Longdu Investigation Section has already got up early and worked late at night?

Another point is the way these people look at me.

Because before, the people from Longdu Investigation Section looked at him with disgust and contempt.

It was a look of wanting to kill you, but there was no way.

But this time, the same person looked at him differently, with disdain and sarcasm.

It can be seen from the change of expression that the other party is obviously relying on something!

"Is this evidence against my client?"

With such questions in mind, Zhang Wei walked into the interrogation room.

But this time, the people in charge of the interrogation turned into a man and a woman.

"Zhu Gaojian, I didn't expect you to be in charge of the investigation this time!"

Zhang Wei also did not expect that the person who came to interrogate Guan Ping this time was actually Zhu Yuansi.

Beside her, there was also an operator from the Longdu Investigation Section, but this was obviously not important.

"Lawyer Zhang is here, please sit down, so that our interrogation can officially begin!"

"It's only less than 5:30 in the morning on Wednesday, and I'm a little confused. Do you people in Longdu like to get up early and stay late?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the investigation office outside, there must have been too many people.

"They are all investigators of this case. Perhaps compared with Dongfangdu, Longdu's law and order is very good. It's rare to encounter a murder case, so everyone wants to keep up with the progress."

Good guy!

Zhang Wei secretly called a good guy, this Zhu Yuansi is exaggerating and insinuating, comparing the security of Longdu with that of Dongfangdu.

"Really, I feel that the law and order in Dongfangdu is better. At least the investigation department starts work at 7 o'clock at the earliest. You have so many people coming at 5 o'clock in the morning, but not once!"

You dragons are in good order, so why did your investigation department come so early?

If the law and order is good, shouldn't the investigation department be free from work, so they can leave late and return early?

Zhu Yuansi also heard the meaning of Zhang Wei's words, and frowned slightly.

Obviously, Zhang Wei is also a master of exaggeration and insinuation.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't intend to waste my words with you here, let's get straight to the point!"

As Zhu Yuansi said, he took out a photo from his pocket and took it directly on the table.


The photo came into close contact with the table, and Zhang Wei also saw what was in the photo.

His pupils shrank slightly, then he stretched out his hand, patted Guan Ping's shoulder, and said with surprise: "Oh, there are still people using such an old-style umbrella these days?"

Guan Ping also saw the photo, or the umbrella in the photo.

Could it be that he imitated the technique of Limbert and made the umbrella himself.

But how did this umbrella get into the hands of the investigation department?

Fortunately, because of Zhang Wei's exaggerated movements, the doubt in Guan Ping's eyes was not captured by Zhu Yuansi and the others.

"Yeah, we are also surprised that this style of umbrella is not convenient to carry, and most young people don't like it, so only some elderly people will use it?"

Zhu Yuansi said, but pointed to the position of the umbrella tip in the photo.

"Lawyer Zhang, you should have seen it. Are there some red spots on the tip of the umbrella?"

"Well, I see, what's there, is it paint?"

"That's not true. If it was paint, I wouldn't let you come here."

Zhu Yuansi smiled slightly, and then his face became serious: "This red spot is actually blood, and it is the blood of the deceased Limbert!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Wei and Guan Ping showed varying degrees of surprise on their expressions.

Because they all remembered that there was no blood on Guan Ping's black umbrella.

After Limbert died, Guan Ping was taken away by the investigation department because he was suspected of murder.

Then Zhang Wei fished him out, and the two returned to Guan Ping's rented room. At this time, Zhang Weicai saw the black umbrella in Guan Ping's hand for the first time.

The black umbrella was kept in the tool box, and the tip of the umbrella was free of blood.

After getting Guan Ping out, Zhang Wei took Tie Ruyun to attend the internal hearing of the Bar Association the next day, and then attended Guan Ping's court hearing.

If Guan Ping's black umbrella was stolen without his knowledge, then it is only possible that Guan Ping was taken away after he left the rental house.

Who is it?

It must not be someone from the investigation department, because after the investigation department took Guan Ping away, he must have searched his rental house.

Finding a black umbrella in a toolbox is actually quite normal.

Because Guan Ping is a plumbing maintenance worker, he may need to operate in the open air. The sun outside is so poisonous, so it is no problem for him to prepare a black sunshade.

Therefore, the investigation department did not find any abnormalities in the umbrella at that time, and there was no blood on the umbrella at that time.

"Zhu Gaojian, are you saying that this umbrella is the murder weapon?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the umbrella in the photo with a look of surprise.

"Yes, this umbrella is the murder weapon!"

Zhu Yuansi also echoed in an affirmative tone, and then took out a stack of reports from his briefcase.

"This is the report made by colleagues from the forensic department last night. Since both of you are here, let you take a look at this report!"

The forensic report on the umbrella was soon presented to Zhang Wei and Guan Ping.

Limbert's blood was found on the umbrella, and there were traces of chloride on the tip of the umbrella, both of which were mentioned in the report.

Of course, the most critical point is that there are Guan Ping's fingerprints in the mechanical parts inside the umbrella handle.

"Lawyer Zhang, did you see that your client's fingerprints appeared on the murder weapon of the deceased? I think this is the key evidence to convict your client!"

As Zhu Yuansi said, she also had a look of arrogance on her face, because this time, she finally caught Guan Ping and Zhang Wei's feet.

"Excellent, Zhu Gaojian, but I'm a little curious, how did this umbrella get into your hands?"


Zhu Yuansi didn't know how to answer this question.

This umbrella was thrown by someone on his desk, isn't this answer a bit too perfunctory.

"This umbrella was discovered by colleagues in the investigation department!" To this, Zhu Yuansi could only answer in this way.

"Really, where did you find it?"

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not easily believe Zhu Yuansi's answer, but continued to pursue and fight fiercely.

Because of this question, it is very important!

"This..." Zhu Yuansi frowned again.

"It was discovered by our investigators near the crime scene!"

In the end, it was the investigators around Zhu Yuansi who told the "truth".

"After the investigator found out, he immediately informed Zhu Gaojian of the evidence, and then Zhu Gaojian submitted it to the forensics department!"

The operator said, looking at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, "You should answer the question now, why is the suspect Guan Ping's fingerprints on the murder weapon!"

"If I wanted to say that my client might have lost this umbrella, would you believe me?"

"Of course I believe it. No one will keep the murder weapon in their hands. It is normal to throw away the murder weapon!"

Zhang Wei's explanation was to make the operator laugh with disdain on his face.


You keep pretending!

I still remember the way you said harsh words that day!

What's the matter now, you are so emboldened when you speak?

Zhu Yuansi also said: "Lawyer Zhang, now we suspect that your client is suspected of committing a major crime, and based on the information we have, your client is very likely to be the murderer of the deceased Linbert."

"Now we officially inform you that tomorrow we will hold a second official hearing, and this time there will be 10 "hearing officers" appearing at the hearing! "

"Oh, the hearing officer?"

Hearing these three words, Zhang Wei looked solemn.

This shows that once the second hearing is passed, the prosecution will definitely launch a public prosecution against Guan Ping, and even charge Guan Ping with murdering Limbert.

However, this point is not without benefits for Zhang Wei. If he can defeat Zhu Yuansi at the hearing, Guan Ping, the person involved, will not need to be charged with murder.

In the hearing procedure of the procuratorate reviewing the case, the role of the hearing officer is similar to the juror of the jury. After hearing the opinions of both the "prosecution and the defense", they make a judgment in the middle.

Because of this, the hearing officer must remain objective and impartial, maintain a neutral position, and must not favor any party. That is to say, as long as the two parties demonstrate a strong enough chain of evidence, the hearing officer will lead to the favorable side.

"Well, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's hearing!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, indicating that he knew.

"Lawyer Zhang, I also have to tell you that since your client does not have a fixed job, a fixed residence, and has not paid social security and medical insurance, we have decided to detain your client for 24 hours to prevent him from absconding in fear of crime. If If you have an opinion, you can raise it now, we..."

"No, I have no objection. It would be a good thing if you could help me take care of him!"

Just when Zhu Yuansi was about to let the operator take Guan Ping away, Zhang Wei agreed for the first time.


Now, not only Zhu Yuansi, but even Guan Ping were stunned.

what happened?

You Zhang Wei actually agreed?

You want them to take me away?

"Before taking my client away, can you allow the two of us to have a private chat, I want to explain some information to him, is that okay?"

"Oh, that's fine!"

As long as Zhang Wei doesn't leave with Guan Ping, then everything is easy to talk about.

Zhu Yuansi gestured towards the glass panel of the interrogation room, and then led the officers out together.

"Lawyer Zhang, I asked the people next door to evacuate, do you need to come over and check?"

"I can still trust Zhu Gaojian as a person. Of course, if someone in the investigation department can't trust Zhu Gaojian, then I have nothing to do?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and there was another burst of exaggeration and innuendo.

"Hmph!" Zhu Yuansi's face darkened for a moment, and he walked to the door of the monitoring room next door, and looked inside for a few times.

No one inside!

Zhang Wei took advantage of the opportunity to close the door of the interrogation room, then came to Guan Ping, and started communicating with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You must be wondering why I let them detain you, right?"


"It's simple, it's not safe outside."

Zhang Wei said, his eyes became serious: "Look, the house you rented was searched so easily. They found your umbrella and put the blame on you. If they want to kill you, Isn't it easy too?"

"Compared to this, the Investigation Section is the safest place. This is the place with the best law and order in Longdu. There are countless investigators guarding here. I really can't imagine that there is any place in Longdu that is safer than here. .”

Guan Ping couldn't help but nodded when he heard what Zhang Wei said.

Indeed, this place is the safest.

"But if I don't go out, wouldn't it be..."

"Don't worry, I will call in reinforcements from Dongfangdu, and they will help me handle this case together!"

Zhang Wei knew that someone outside was watching him and Guan Ping all the time, maybe they were also watching Tie Ruyun.

Although Zhang Wei is not afraid, he also knows that his own force is really limited.

Then, human power is limited, and he can only seek power beyond human beings.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei told Guan Ping a few more words.

"Don't worry, at the hearing tomorrow, I will do my best to help you get rid of the charges, and then we will deal with your father's case together!"

Patting Guan Ping on the shoulder, and after a little encouragement, Zhang Wei walked out of the interrogation room.

"Zhu Gaojian, my client will entrust you!"

After Zhang Wei told Zhu Yuansi who was guarding the door, he left the investigation department without looking back.

Seeing Zhang Wei leave, Zhu Yuansi could not utter some words that he had prepared for a long time.

"I originally wanted to dampen his spirit, but I didn't expect him to leave so simply!"

Zhu Yuansi had no choice but to call the investigation department and ask them to keep Guan Ping under strict supervision.


And the other side.

After Zhang Wei walked out of the investigation department, it was still almost 9 o'clock in the morning.

His eyes closed slightly, then opened suddenly.

"Sure enough, someone is watching me nearby!"

Although he couldn't find out the specific location of the monitor, there was a lingering sense of crisis in his body, which made the alarm ring in his heart.

Such was his instinct as a criminal defense attorney that he was being targeted.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and opened the chat group.

[Zhang Wei: @Xia Qianyue @Zhao Xiaoxiao @all, I am currently facing the most serious threat ever in Longdu】

[Zhang Wei: Let me just say it straight... I need help! 】

Because it was already 9 o'clock in the morning, Xia Qianyue and the others had already woken up.

[Xia Qianyue: @Zhang Wei, you have encountered difficulties in Longdu, is it okay? I'll go and respond to the team leader, and I will be able to arrive at Longdu in the evening! 】

[Zhang Wei: Hanhan, thank you, without you by my side, I have no sense of security/poor]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: @Zhang Wei @Xia Qianyue, you two are so disgusting/disgusting]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: By the way, if you let me come to Longdu, will you give me a business fee/smirk]

[Zhang Wei: Here, as much as you want/smile]

For the second daughter, Zhang Wei has always loved her very much. Since the second daughter needs travel expenses, Zhang Wei will not be stingy.

【Jessica: Longdu, can I come @Zhang Wei/Expectation/Expectation/Expectation】

[Zhang Wei: Isn't your clinic busy? 】

[Jessica: Of course, I happen to be free recently, and I haven't been to Longdu yet/smile]

[Zhang Wei: OK! 】

For Jessica to come too, after careful consideration, Zhang Wei also chose to agree.

[Mo Yuzhu: I want it too, I want it too! /expectation/expectation/expectation]

[Zhang Wei: All right, come on! 】

Seeing that classmate Mo also signed up enthusiastically, Zhang Wei was surprised for a moment, and then agreed.

After all, classmate Mo is a forensic doctor who is helpful to criminal investigations, so it's no problem for her to come.

Now, there are 4 more helpers.

Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Jessica and Mo Yuzhu.

In the same way, because of Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei also had a bottom line in his heart.

After sending another message to tell them not to worry too much, Zhang Wei shared his location in Longdu.

"Okay, if Hanhan is here now, the gang of Xiaoxiao should have nothing to do with me, but I'm a little surprised what kind of case this is, and why there are people with such power behind me intervening!"

Zhang Wei was a little curious, how many things were involved in a murder case 12 years ago?

Also, didn't he come to Longdu because of Tie Ruyun's accusation?

But now, Lao Tie's accusation is not important at all.

Now who cares whether Tie Ruyun followed Chen Xiao? Is this incident comparable to a murder case?

"What did that Zhu Yuansi say just now? The forensics department stayed up late at the same time to make a report. In other words, this umbrella was delivered to Zhu Yuansi yesterday afternoon near evening."

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not believe the investigator's statement that "the murder weapon was found near the murder scene".

This black umbrella was obviously Guan Ping's own. After Lin Bot's death, when Guan Ping and Zhang Wei participated in the hearing, they were found out from Guan Ping's residence.

Then, as if they knew that Zhu Siyuan lacked key evidence, they directly "manufactured" the key evidence of the case and sent it to Zhu Siyuan.

This point can be seen from Zhu Siyuan's hesitations about the origin of the "murder weapon" and his inability to give an accurate answer.

Obviously, Zhu Gaojian also had some doubts about why the murder weapon appeared in his hands.

But in order to convict Guan Ping and solve a murder case, they selectively ignored the strangeness of the murder weapon.

"So it means that someone went to Guan Ping's residence and took something away?"

Zhang Wei felt that it was necessary for him to visit Guan Ping's host again.

After all, "Roca's Law of Exchange" said that if a person wants to take something away in a certain place, he will also leave something in that place.

As for Zhang Wei, he needed to find those things. It would be best to prove that the murder weapon was believed to have been manufactured by some people after Linbert's death.

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