Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 568 Secret Factory? Another confrontation with Zhu Yuansi

Midnight, close to 12 o'clock.

Zhang Wei and his party finally found a satisfactory place to stay with the help of Zhao Xiaoxiao's hacking technology.

A whole villa that has been transformed into a B\u0026B.

The villa has a total of three floors, with a basement and a garage, and even the owner of the villa thoughtfully provided car rental services.

Because it was night, Zhang Wei just chatted with the boss for a while, then paid the rent, and finally settled on the place to live.

Of course, just in case, this time he rented the villa in Xia Qianyue's name.

The first floor of the villa has a large space, which is made into a living room, a tea hall and a restaurant, and there is also a large kitchen with open meals.

There are three rooms on the second and third floors, and it happens that Zhang Wei and his party have six people, and it happens that one person can live in one room.

Tie Ruyun, Zhang Wei, and Xia Qianyue live on the second floor, while Jessica, Zhao Xiaoxiao, and Mo Yuzhu live on the third floor.

After the room was allocated, it was already midnight, and everyone went back to their room to sleep.

Jessica and the others were naturally a little tired after catching a plane for a day, and then they encountered that kind of thing in the middle of the night, so they naturally fell asleep.

Zhang Wei also worked hard all day, and the moment he lay down, he couldn't stop feeling sleepy.

As the eyelids became heavier, Zhang Wei also fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, morning.

What woke up Tie Ruyun was the sound of breakfast being made in the kitchen on the first floor.

Compared to Zhang Wei and others who slept soundly, Tie Ruyun actually suffered from insomnia last night.

The first is because of the Green Snake, and the second is because of Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue and others.

Someone died last night. A living person as big as Green Snake was shot in the head by a sniper right in front of their eyes.

Then the arrival of Xia Qianyue and others put tremendous pressure on Tie Ruyun.

You said that you, Zhang Wei, were fine at first, but you insisted on calling so many girls over?

Isn't this making me feel uncomfortable?

It's fine if you call one, but you call four!

Look down on me!

It's amazing to have a woman!

In short, due to various factors, Tie Ruyun suffered from insomnia, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Coupled with worrying about the case of Guan Yuhong and Guan Ping in his heart, Tie Ruyun couldn't sleep until early in the morning.

Before I had slept for a few hours, I was woken up by the sound of the kitchen.

Someone is making breakfast.

"Old man, have breakfast!"

Suddenly, there was a shout from the stairs.

It was Zhang Wei's voice.

Tie Ruyun was surprised, you must have been the most tired person yesterday, why did you get up so early in the morning to make breakfast?

With such curiosity, he went down the stairs and saw that Zhang Wei had prepared fried eggs, bacon and toast, and even boiled vegetable soup.

"Good guy, so rich!"

Seeing the breakfast in front of him, Tie Ruyun didn't know what to say.

"The craftsmanship hasn't regressed, it has the style of the family!"

With toast in her mouth, Zhao Xiaoxiao was still typing on her notebook.

"Well, I have always recognized Zhang's cooking skills!"

Jessica couldn't help but praise, chopped up the fried egg with a knife and fork, and put it in her mouth.

"Yeah, it's much more delicious than the convenience store!"

Mo Yuzhu bit the toast, the bacon and the fried egg in one bite, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Xia Qianyue got together with Zhang Wei, and the two sat together and had breakfast intimately.

Seeing this scene, Tie Ruyun felt sour for some reason.

"Old man, you didn't sleep well last night, why don't you sleep a little longer during the day, anyway, your hearing is not today!"

"Oh, by the way, I have to deal with Guan Ping's second hearing in the afternoon. It may be busy. If you want to move freely, feel free."

Tie Ruyun pouted, speechless.

"Such a big thing happened yesterday, and you still want me to move freely today?"

"That's true, then you should keep a low profile here today, Hanhan and I will go out to investigate the case later!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out Guan Ping's notebook that tracked Limbert, and began to look through it.

"Speaking of which, in Guan Ping's follow-up record of Linbert, there are so few pieces of information, which makes me feel very strange."

"You kid finished reading the notes, where did you get the time?"

When Tie Ruyun saw the note being opened by Zhang Wei, his face immediately became astonished.

Yesterday you were looking for a B\u0026B and helping a girl move things, how do you still have time to look through your notes?

Zhang Wei said, sorry, the last thing I lack is time.

Because I have a plug-in!

"Anyway, I found the place where Limbert may be hiding things, and I'm going to take Hanhan and the others to make sure!"

Zhang Wei pointed to some of the records and said so.

Limbert has more than one hiding place, which is what both Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun thought of.

Because Limbert is a gang killer, he must have a tool room for storing crime tools.

But the investigation team found nothing in Limbert's residence.

This shows that Limbert hid these crime tools and murder tools in other places.

If Limbert's tool is found, some clues about Guan Yuhong's case may be found.

Even, as long as it can be proved that Limbert is a gang killer, it may bring a turning point for Guan Ping's case.

Therefore, for Zhang Wei, finding the place where Limbert hid the killing tools would do more good than harm.

As for whether this location will be discovered by others, Zhang Wei expressed that he is not worried.

For a professional killer, the safe house is always the top priority.

Unless someone was able to follow Limbert uninterruptedly for several months like Guan Ping, most people would really not be able to find his safe house.

After breakfast, the group started to prepare and set off.

Tie Ruyun stayed in the villa and was ordered to guard the house.

Then Zhang Wei and his party set off in a car provided by the landlord.

This time it was Jessica who drove, and Zhang Wei sat in the co-pilot to guide the way.

In the back row of the car were Mo Yuzhu, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Xia Qianyue.

There are exactly five people in a car, and I have to say that the landlord of the homestay is very considerate, which greatly facilitates the travel of Zhang Wei and his party.

Soon, the car drove into the outskirts of Longdu, near an abandoned factory building.

This area was originally an industrial area, but with the industrial planning of Longdu and the relocation of the manufacturing industry, the factory buildings in this area were abandoned, and many factories were rented out to others as warehouses.

And Limbert rented a hidden workshop here.

Of course, this factory building was not rented by Limbert in his own name, so the investigation of Linbert could not find this factory building.

After Jessica parked the car, a group of five people immediately came to the door of the factory rented by Limbert.

The factory door was locked, but it was not a problem for Xia Qianyue.

The iron chain that locked the gate was torn off by Xia Qianyue, and then she pushed hard with both hands.


Under the sound of teeth-stinging friction, the large iron door of the factory building was rushed open by a huge force.

Afterwards, with the help of the light, a group of people vaguely saw the situation inside the factory building.

In the huge factory space, there are many abandoned machines and some white curtains.

"Look, that's the workbench, right?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly pointed at the corner of the factory building, a small room separated by glass panels, with an excited expression on her face.

This room separated by glass is really not easy to find if you don't look carefully.

However, upon closer inspection, the room is actually not small, at least forty or fifty square meters, and there are many shelves and storage boxes inside, and there is even a cutting and assembling workbench.

The workbench is full of various tools, including wrenches, cutting knives, and measuring instruments.

"My God, there are so many things on this storage shelf, but the shape is just..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao pointed to all kinds of weird things on the shelf again, her little face was full of curiosity.

Zhang Wei and others walked into Limbert's studio and began to study the usefulness of these things.

"This should be a piano wire, used to strangle people's necks, but with a little mechanism, it can be tightened automatically, and you don't need to do it yourself. It can save the user some effort. It's a fun thing."

"Good guy, he still has a sleeve arrow. This Linbert seems to have the heart of an assassin, but unfortunately he can't fly over the wall, let alone take a leap of faith."

"There is also a mechanism inside this tie, and a strangler wire is installed inside. If someone wears this tie and Linbert activates the mechanism, this person may be strangled to death by his own tie!"

"And this, the conductive socket, if someone touches it, it's easy to get electrocuted and die, tsk tsk tsk..."

Looking at the dazzling array of "tools" in front of him, Zhang Wei felt that he seemed to have come into contact with something incredible.

If a professional sees it, they will probably be very happy. Such a studio is simply a paradise for scavenger.

"Why is there an umbrella here?"

Suddenly, Xia Qianyue found a black umbrella in a storage box.

Hearing what Xia Qianyue said, Zhang Wei's eyes widened instantly.

He hurriedly walked to the storage box and carefully looked at the black umbrella in the box.

This umbrella has been around for some years, and a lot of dust has accumulated on the surface, but it looks like it has not been touched, and it is a brand new configuration.

"It was made a long time ago, but it wasn't the one that blamed Guan Yuhong, but a spare made at the same time!"

Seeing this umbrella, Zhang Wei knew that it might be the second umbrella Limbert had prepared for murder 12 years ago.

"Now, it's interesting!"

Seeing this umbrella, Zhang Wei was instantly happy.

Next, a group of them searched Limbert's "studio" for a long time.

They found a lot of umbrella-like killing tools, and even the black umbrella found several spares.

It seems that Limbert is very cautious, even the murder weapon is mass-produced, for fear that it will not be enough.

Unfortunately, Limbert is not Guan Ping, and did not leave the so-called diary files.

But this is also understandable, after all, the nature of the work of the two is different.

If there were records of Limbert's work, the employer probably wouldn't be happy either.

"Okay, let's go!"

After confirming again and again that there were no omissions, Zhang Wei carried a box and left here with Xia Qianyue and his party.

Next, they have to prepare for the hearing in the afternoon.

This time, the hearing is not only decided by the judge, but there are also 10 hearing judges.


Thursday afternoon.

Longdu, City Court Criminal Division,

This hearing, more people came than before.

On the prosecution table were Zhu Yuansi and his followers. In the auditorium were many officers from the investigation department and prosecutors from the local prosecutor's headquarters.

They are obviously interested in this case, so they all chose to attend this hearing.

On the defense bench, sat Zhang Wei, Guan Ping, and Xia Qianyue.

On the hearing bench behind them were Jessica, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu, who were the only ones supporting Zhang Wei.

In the jury box, sat 10 hearing members.

Their backgrounds are clean, they have all accepted the investigation of the court, and they have clearly defined their obligations as hearing officers.

Fortunately, the hearing staff are not jurors, and if the hearing is fast, they only need to appear once.

At the final vote by show of hands, if it can be passed unanimously, then it will be fine.

At the trial seat, Judge Bao Serious is also ready.

His eyes swept to both the prosecution and the defense.

"Well, what's the matter with these girls, they look relaxed and happy, this is a court, not a place for tourism!"

Judge Bao felt that there seemed to be a lot of people in the courtroom, and even a few irrelevant people came.

But he made no comment, coughed, cleared his throat, and announced:

"This court announces that a second round of hearings has been initiated because the prosecution has submitted new evidence."

"In this hearing, the hearing staff composed of 10 people will make the final vote. Once the hearing staff finally votes to be guilty, then this court will have to support the prosecution in prosecuting the suspect Guan; The final vote is not guilty, then this court must decide that Guan is not a suspect in this case, and the prosecution cannot prosecute him!"

After the announcement, Judge Bao looked at Zhu Yuansi and nodded.

Now, you, the prosecution, can begin.

Zhu Yuansi stood up with a smile, and came to the hearing booth: "Hello, hearing officers, I am Zhu Yuansi, the representative of the prosecution, and this time the hearing was initiated, naturally, because in the case of the murder of the deceased Linbert, we found a suspect Evidence of a certain person."

"Everyone may wonder why a hearing was initiated. In fact, this is not the first time a hearing has been initiated, but in the first hearing, due to some sophistry by the defense lawyers, we had no choice but to deal with the suspect Guan. .”

"But everyone, please rest assured that this time we, the prosecution, have found strong evidence that can prove that there is an inevitable connection between Limbert's death and Guan!"

An excellent prosecution not only needs to be serious and responsible for the case, but also needs to be serious and responsible for the jury and hearing officers.

Only by making the jury and hearing members feel your sincerity will they feel valued and listen to you carefully.

Obviously, Zhu Yuansi understood this truth, and he was very serious about every word.

"Now, the prosecution presents new evidence!"

Zhu Yuansi's attendant began to operate the computer.

Several groups of photos appeared on the projection screen in the courtroom, including those of the deceased Limbert and the "murder weapon".

The murder weapon in the photo is of course a black umbrella made by Guan Ping. The tip of the umbrella is abnormally sharp, and there are some red spots on the surface.

"After comparison by the investigation department, it was found that this black umbrella is actually a well-designed killing tool. There is a mechanism at the end of the umbrella handle. You only need to press lightly, and the steel needle on the tip of the umbrella will pierce out. The impact force can be easily Pierce through the bodies of ordinary people."

On the projection screen, a simulated picture appeared.

The black umbrella has animations from pressing the mechanism to ejecting the steel needle at the tip of the umbrella, and even breaking through the mannequin.

It can be said that the investigation department has been preparing for a long time, and it is not easy to make this video alone.

"It's well prepared!"

Seeing Zhu Yuansi's introduction with the animation, Zhang Wei knew it.

Even an ordinary person should be able to guess how Linbert died after seeing these animations and real photos.

"This is an autopsy report of the deceased. The cause of death of the deceased was cyanide poisoning."

"This is a toxicological test report. The laboratory found cyanide residue at the tip of the black umbrella of the murder weapon."

"This is a DNA comparison record. The surface of the tip of the black umbrella and the attached red spots have been proved by the laboratory to be the blood of the deceased Linbert."

"These three experimental reports can clearly tell everyone that this black umbrella is a tool for murdering the dead!"

As Zhu Yuansi said, he looked at Zhang Wei who was sitting on the defense table, with a smile on his face that he was sure of winning.

"Next is the key point. The laboratory not only compared the DNA of the tip of the black umbrella, but also conducted a comprehensive inspection of the murder weapon. Here is a fingerprint verification report. Please take a look!"

As the computer screens switched, a fingerprint report appeared in front of everyone.

Some fingerprints remained on the precision parts inside the black umbrella.

And through the comparative data of the laboratory, it was found that these fingerprints all came from Guan Ping!

"Please take a look at the fingerprint comparison report given by the laboratory. There is a name clearly written on it, and that is the name of the suspect Guan!"

Zhu Yuansi pointed at Guan Ping with an extremely serious face.

The hearing judges sitting in the jury box also nodded subconsciously.

With so much evidence, the case is obviously settled!

The suspect sitting in the defense seat is obviously the murderer!

Almost all of the 10 witnesses were nodding their heads, as if they had decided that Guan Ping was the murderer.

"Oh, by the way, here is another piece of news, I am obliged to tell everyone!"

Zhu Yuansi did not give up, and continued to speak.

"Did you know that Guan Yuhong, the suspect Guan's father, committed murder 12 years ago, killing the deceased Sun and his infant son, and the crime tool was also a black umbrella!"

Following Zhu Yuansi's words, a second black umbrella appeared on the projection screen, as well as photos of Sun, the deceased in the Guan Yuhong case, and his children.

When these photos appeared, the audience was in an uproar.

At the hearing booth, the way the witnesses looked at Guan Ping changed instantly.

There may have been some doubts at first, but after seeing the photos of Sun and the child killed by Guan Yuhong, all doubts disappeared.

After all, your father killed someone, and as his son, you are probably not a good bird.

what is this?

The son inherits the father's business?

Your father was so cruel back then, I never thought you would follow in his footsteps now!

"That's ruthless, Zhu Gaojian!"

Even Zhang Wei never expected that Zhu Yuansi really didn't talk about martial ethics, and directly involved Guan Yuhong's case.

Now that the witnesses have been affected by the Guan Yuhong case, their views on Guan Ping have gradually turned bad.

This Zhu Yuansi played the provocative card, which really played a big role.

"Objection, inflammatory speech!"

Zhang Wei quickly got up to express his protest.

"Judge Bao, Guan Yuhong's case was settled 12 years ago. Many people know that his father is a murderer. I'm just stating a fact!"

"Well, what Zhu Gaojian said is reasonable, and the objection is invalid!"

What else could Judge Bao say, there is nothing wrong with stating the facts.

Zhang Wei was helpless, but he could only sit down.

However, there was no trace of anger on his face.

I just want you, Zhu Yuansi, to jump around for a while, and you will feel better later!

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