Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 574 The whole family is here? Huang Yunhe overturned!

(Ask for a monthly pass, (*^▽^*)...)


After two rounds of output by Zhang Wei, 2 of the 5 representatives at the hearing have left.

So when Zhang Wei unconsciously looked at the representative seat, apart from Huang Yunhe, the other two felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

Fuck Fuck Fuck!

Don't look at me, boy!

Conscience of heaven and earth, I did not do anything to apologize to you.

The remaining two howled wildly in their hearts, trying to get Zhang Wei to let them go by begging for mercy in their hearts.

And Zhang Wei did look away.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and their backs were almost soaked.

This feeling, as if I had saved my life by luck.

It's an exaggeration, but it's true.

If I had done something wrong and was exposed like Lawyer Qian, wouldn't my life be over?

Even if he hadn't done anything wrong, wouldn't it be completely dead if there were black material like Lawyer Jing?

Therefore, Zhang Wei didn't look at himself, and they really felt that they had saved their lives.

"That is to say, I know that you are not in line with Huang Yunhe, otherwise you will be unlucky today!"

Zhang Wei looked away from the two of them, but muttered in his heart.

Last night, he didn't just collect black information about lawyer Qian and lawyer Jing. In fact, he collected all the black information about the five representatives.

Zhang Wei is a person who likes to be fully prepared, and he will not pin his hopes on the sudden kindness of some people.

Therefore, when he was not sure how many of the four representatives other than Huang Yunhe were clearly in line, he naturally prepared a countermeasure for each representative.

Of course, relying on the previous question of questioning Huang Yunhe, Zhang Wei has already made it clear that only Lawyer Qian and Lawyer Jing are on Huang Yunhe's side.

Then, it is the two of them who suffer, and the remaining two can avoid the embarrassment.

But I have to say that the forces behind Huang Yunhe really have all-hands.

Of the 5 representatives at the hearing, 3 of them were actually theirs!

Even if the majority votes by the minority, the old iron is estimated to lose his qualifications.

It's no wonder that Chen Xiao is confident. Among the 5 representatives of the emotional review, 3 are from them.

And now, there's only one left.

"Old Huang!"

After Zhang Wei dealt with Lawyer Qian and Lawyer Jing, it was finally Huang Yunhe's turn.

"You...look what I'm doing..."

Huang Yunhe probably lied when he said that he was not panicking now.

He is panicked now.

The end of the previous two is still vivid.

Lawyer Qian suffered, and Lawyer Jing died.

After Zhang Wei dealt with the two of them, it might be his turn.

Therefore, Huang Yunhe panicked in his heart right now.

"Old Huang, I've said it before, I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and sighed.

Then the door of the hearing room was slowly opened.

"Old Huang!"

A cry came from the door.

When Huang Yunhe heard this voice, his pupils widened instantly.

"Why is she here!"

He exclaimed and looked towards the door.

I saw a woman leading two young men, a man and a woman, slowly approaching the hearing room.

"I called them here!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and raised his hand to show that he was the one who called.

"You little bastard!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's admission, Huang Yunhe couldn't hold back anymore, and swears directly.

Because of the three people who came this time, the woman was his wife, and the young man and the young man were Huang Yunhe's son and daughter.

The whole family was called over by Zhang Wei, it was simply...

"How did you come here?"

"Old Huang, didn't your colleague call us here?"


Huang Yunhe stared at Zhang Wei with eyes that could kill.

"Old Huang, don't look at me with such eyes, I'm very scared~"

Zhang Wei didn't take it seriously at all, ignoring Huang Yunhe's murderous eyes, but walked up to the woman.

"Mrs. Huang, Young Master Huang and Miss Huang, please sit here. What will happen next may be difficult for you to accept for a while, but please remember that all of this is for your future life!"

Zhang Wei received the three of them, and after Huang Yunhe's family sat down, he turned to look at Huang Yunhe again.

"Ahem, since everyone is here, let's get down to business!"

Zhang Wei cleared his throat again, and then walked to the center of the hearing.

"Actually, I've always been a little surprised, that is, my client, Lao Tie, was an excellent lawyer and a potential rookie in Longteng, but why did you, Lao Huang, the head of the department, not give you a chance at all, without hesitation? How about getting him fired?"

Zhang Wei said, looking at Huang Yunhe and Chen Xiao, "And when Chen Xiao unilaterally wrote a short essay to frame Lao Tie on trumped-up charges, you, Huang Yunhe, unilaterally acted on the basis of Chen Xiao's testimony. Believe her, right?"

"Power oppression and workplace harassment are the 'felonies' stipulated by Longteng internally!"

The felony that Huang Yunhe said meant that if he committed a crime once, he would leave immediately.

"Yes, but the punishment for a 'felony' is very serious, so evidence is needed, right?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and asked back: "But 12 years ago, did you have a chance to defend Laotie? Did you investigate and collect evidence carefully? Did you listen to Laotie's rebuttal testimony?"

"I think the answer to these questions should be no?"

These questions made Huang Yunhe's face darken.

In fact, he wasn't listening at all!

At that time, Huang Yunhe firmly believed Chen Xiao's words, and then with a big wave of his hand, the department head fired Tie Ruyun directly.

In addition, Huang Yunhe, in the name of Longteng's senior partner, spread the word in Longdu's lawyer circle that whoever dares to accept Tie Ruyun will be against Longteng!

As a result, Tie Ruyun couldn't get along in Longteng, and finally had to leave the Eastern Capital with the infamy of being a coward.

"That's why I wonder why you, Huang Yunhe, as the head of the department, senior partner of the law firm, and senior lawyer of Longdu, can make such an arbitrary decision when the evidence is completely unclear?"

"Also, a law firm as big as Longteng can directly fire a potential rookie by relying on a girl's essay without a clear chain of evidence, without giving him a chance at all. I wonder if there is something wrong with this What about conspiracy?"

"So, my first suspicion was that Chen Xiao hooked up with you, Huang Yunhe!"

As soon as this remark came out, if the audience wanted to say it was a surprise, it wasn't too surprising.

After all, with the foreshadowing of the two people in front, they will not be surprised when Zhang Wei comes out of his mouth.

Zhang Wei gestured to Zhao Xiaoxiao, and the latter immediately started to operate. Zhang Wei also turned on the projection equipment prepared in the hearing room and began to play violent material.

"First of all, let's make it clear that whether you, Huang, hooked up with Chen Xiao, the answer is naturally yes!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, a picture of Huang Yunhe and Chen Xiao sitting in a restaurant, chatting and talking appeared on the projection screen.

"Everyone, pay attention to the time stamp. This is a surveillance screenshot taken 12 years ago. It was taken at a coffee shop within a 6-minute walk from Longteng Law Firm. As the head of the department, Lao Huang actually met Chen Xiao, who was still a newcomer to the group at the time. Have coffee together?"

"What's wrong with drinking coffee? What's wrong with having a cup of coffee with Lawyer Chen? I sometimes drink coffee with newcomers in the department and then chat with each other. Many people know this habit of mine!"

"Yeah, the old man told me that too, and he also had a drink with you."

Zhang Wei nodded, but then tapped the time stamp on the photo again, "But have you seen the monitoring time?"

"What happened to the time?"

"It seems that you have forgotten. This time and date happened to be after Laotie found out that Chen Xiao was hooking up with many clients in the law firm, and then took the photos he took to confront Chen Xiao. At the same time, it was Chen Xiao who reported to you The old iron misbehaved, before the day you fired the old iron without hesitation."

After Zhang Wei repeatedly reminded, he emphasized again, "One day, Lao Tie confronted Chen Xiao with a photo. The next day, Chen Xiao invited you to drink coffee. Then, on the third day, you fired Lao Tie without hesitation. It's hard to imagine that you and Chen Xiao have reached some kind of deal if you don't even give them a chance?"

"Slander, this is pure slander!" Huang Yunhe immediately denied it.

"Based on a photo of drinking coffee together, what can you tell? Besides, I drank coffee with Lawyer Chen. Is there any connection between the two things you said? How can you prove it! "

Huang Yunhe was sure that Zhang Wei had no evidence, so he shouted directly.

After all, it has been 12 years since the incident. It was not easy for that coffee shop to keep surveillance. It is estimated that the waiters inside have changed several batches. How could there be witnesses.

As long as no one heard their chat while drinking coffee, and there were no witnesses, then everything was just Zhang Wei's groundless speculation.

"Yeah, you can say that it's all speculation on my part, can't you?"

Zhang Wei didn't panic at all, and didn't care about Huang Yunhe's rebuttal at all, but continued to point to the photo.

"So, please remember this time point, this date, the exam will be held next~"

Zhang Wei pointed out the time again, and then showed an inscrutable smile.

"Speaking of which, as a criminal defense lawyer, I'm not boasting about my understanding of criminals, I can only say that I know them very well. Similarly, I found that many criminals only approached crimes with the purpose of trying or In the beginning, they were more afraid and worried about violations of regulations.”

"However, some things are very exciting to do just because they are banned. Once you try it once, there will be a second, third, or even countless times in the end. I believe you, Lao Huang, think the same way. Bar?"

Huang Yunhe was immediately speechless after being called by Zhang Wei.

What the hell are you talking about, can you not @me?

"Old Huang, don't be shy. In fact, I went to Longteng Law Firm to inquire about you, Huang, and guess what, many people said that your behavior is disorderly!"

"Who said that!"

"Hahaha, the person who provided the information did not dare to disclose the specific name, because they are afraid of being retaliated by you. But I want to say that this is actually meaningless."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out the notebook from his pocket, and then flipped through the pages one by one: "Old Huang, these are the black materials I found about you through inquiries, and I want to verify it with you one by one! "

Zhang Wei placed the notebook on the projection device and spread it out.

On the projection screen, rows of words suddenly appeared, with dates, events, and some notes on them.

"Let's start with the first article, Lao Huang, I want to ask you, did you use your status as the head of the department to bully Ms. Guo, a newcomer to the law firm, in the workplace 11 years ago? , and at this point in time, when Ms. Guo was clearly unwilling, she was brought into the hotel to open a room, and she was subjected to QJ behavior?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the three dates on the notebook and asked Huang Yunhe directly.

"And you forced Ms. Guo not to report you through verbal warnings and verbal threats afterwards?"

"I think, although I don't know exactly what you said at the time, it's similar to: You don't want our affairs to be known by others, do you? If you still want to work in Longteng Law Firm, you know what to do! I am a senior partner, it is your honor to see you, if you let me hear similar rumors outside, then you should be careful, I have a hundred ways to make you fail in the circle of lawyers in Longdu go down..."

These words changed the way everyone looked at Huang Yunhe at the hearing.

Good guy!

I didn't expect you, Huang Yunhe, to be sanctimonious on the surface, but secretly you are this kind of person.

Using the identity of a law firm to do such heinous actions to newcomers.

"Old Huang, why didn't you speak anymore, but you answered me, is this true?" Seeing Huang Yunhe's gloomy expression, Zhang Wei immediately asked with a smile.

"Hmph, how could this be true!"

Huang Yunhe naturally denied it.

If this kind of thing is admitted, he will definitely be investigated by the Bar Association.

Once investigated, he will roll over 100%.

Therefore, it must be completely denied, and after the hearing is over, he must sue Zhang Wei for spreading rumors!

Only if everything is judged as rumors, then his status will not be threatened.

"Come on, let's go on to the second article. This time, Miss Ling filed a complaint against you 9 years ago. In fact, this Miss Ling is similar to the previous Miss Guo, except that she is a little braver and even initiated a civil lawsuit against you. litigation."

Zhang Wei pointed to the second entry in the notebook and began to ask Huang Yunhe.

"It's a pity that I don't know why. This Ms. Ling's lawsuit seems to have been dismissed, and she also withdrew the lawsuit in the end. Why is this?"

Although Zhang Wei said so in his mouth, he didn't mean that with the movement of his hands. He gestured towards Zhao Xiaoxiao.

On the projection screen, the screen changed to a photo of Huang Yunhe talking with a woman in a coffee shop.

"Please look at the date stamp of the monitoring. This is the day before Ms. Ling's civil lawsuit was withdrawn. Lao Huang, you and Ms. Ling have met. The person under surveillance should be Ms. Ling, right?"

"Hmph, although I don't know how you found the lawsuit records at that time, but I want to say that this is all a misunderstanding, and I asked her out just to explain everything!"

"Really, I thought you used money to have an affair with Miss Ling?"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Huang Yunhe teasingly.

It's all a misunderstanding?

Who believes your explanation.

You old Huang is a tm a habitual offender, and you still sit down with others to explain calmly, it is simply ridiculous.

"Okay, let's move on to the next one, this time it was 8 years ago..."

The screen returned to the projection of the notebook again, Zhang Wei pointed to the third item, and began to question Huang Yunhe.

Of course, Huang Yunhe's answer was the same no matter which one it was.

Either it was a misunderstanding, or a rumor, and he even claimed that the woman unilaterally wanted to blackmail him, and he was also a victim.

Anyway, in Huang Yunhe's explanation, he didn't make a single mistake.

However, as Zhang Wei pointed out so much black material, Huang Yunhe's image almost collapsed in the eyes of everyone at the hearing.

This also made Huang Yunhe secretly hate, secretly thinking that you kid is so "spreading rumors" about me, after this round of hearings, I must countersue you.

"So, Lao Huang, you deny everything, these are all non-existent things?"

"Of course, I don't know any of the dozen or so items you listed!"

Huang Yunhe looked at more than a dozen "criminal evidence" on the projection screen, but he would not admit any of them.

And his answer made the wife sitting in the front row of the hearing stand, as well as his son and daughter all show complicated expressions.

After all, the people who know Huang Yunhe best must be his family members.

It is estimated that Huang Yunhe has done these things, they should know.

"Old Huang, are you sure you don't think about it anymore?"

"What do you think, these are all rumors, all false accusations, none of which exist!"


Zhang Wei nodded, then looked at Huang Yunhe's daughter.

"Miss Huang, do you have anything to say about what your father said?"

Miss Huang was slightly shocked by Zhang Wei's name, and then immediately looked at her mother beside her.

But at this moment, Mrs. Huang's eyes changed, and she nodded towards her daughter.

"I...I want to say that what my father said is all lies. He has had affairs with many women!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

You, Huang Yunhe, really did all kinds of bad things, and you didn't even help your daughter.

"What did you say, what did you say in the film, you little girl, you..."

"Old Huang, it's okay to threaten your daughter, or in your eyes, your daughter is the same as those women, who can be intimidated by you with just a few words?"

Zhang Wei stood in front of Huang Yunhe at the right time, blocking his round of output.

"Also, do you know why your daughter can stand up?"

Zhang Wei looked at Huang Yunhe and sneered, "Do you know that your daughter has the habit of writing a diary since she was a child, and this diary has been written for 18 years!"

Zhang Wei said, looking back at Ms. Huang.

Encouraged by his eyes, Ms. Huang took out a diary, opened a page and said: "On Saturday, x month x, xx, my mother took us out for shopping and dinner, but I returned home because of something on the way. I saw in the living room, my father pressed a woman under him and took off her clothes..."

"On x, y, xx, when I was shopping, I happened to pass by a coffee shop, and saw my father sitting down and talking with a woman, and then I followed them out of curiosity, and found that my father took the woman into a hotel, the name of the hotel called**"

"On y, y, xx, I went to the law firm where my father worked, but when I was about to knock on the door of the office, I heard a quarrel coming from inside. I waited at the door for 15 minutes, and saw a My sister ran out of it crying while wearing her clothes..."

As Ms. Huang flipped through the diary page by page, the atmosphere of the entire hearing changed instantly.

Huang Yunhe's face completely darkened.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, watched this scene with a smile on his face.

Huang Yunhe, you finally overturned!

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