Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 612 Another Public Opinion Attack? Zhang Wei is so bad

Wednesday night.

After the slightly bizarre pre-trial during the day, it was natural to prepare for the Thursday afternoon trial.

Zhang Wei is currently in the "combat center" of Zhang's Martial Art Museum, discussing countermeasures with his friends who are theoretically a think tank, but actually are almost a soy sauce group.

"Although I'm not Ren Xingzhou and the others, I guess the basic strategy they will make should be..."

Zhang Wei scribbled down a few tactics on the blackboard, and was about to analyze which routine Ren Xingzhou would use.

"Hey, they are really not afraid of death!"

But at this moment, the lovely second daughter raised her hand.

"What's the matter, second girl?"

Up to now, Zhang Wei has let go of himself, and the nickname between him and his second daughter is considered to be acquiesced by everyone.

So in public, in front of Xia Qianyue and others, no one was surprised.

"Watch that old show, here they come!"

"Old show, you don't mean to say..."

"Yes, that's the one!"

Zhang Wei sighed, and then directly pulled a projection screen from the side, and Zhao Xiaoxiao also connected the laptop to the projection device.

The audio and video port is confirmed, the network connection is normal, the projection screen is turned on, and the live broadcast begins...

On the projection screen, a scene of a certain program familiar to Zhang Wei suddenly appeared.

"Hello to the audience in the evening file, welcome to watch "Interview with Lisa" on time, I am your host Lisa Wang!"

This familiar opening line, the familiar name of the program, isn't it the "Interview with Lisa" in which Zhang Wei fell in love and killed countless cases.

As the most popular evening show in the Oriental Metropolis, the ratings of Lisa's interview have always been very hot.

Even, after being slapped in the face by a well-known director last time, the popularity of the program group has risen again.

The face-slapping behavior in the live broadcast that day became a famous scene on the Internet. It is said that the number of views on a certain video website exceeded 10 million in a short period of time.

So, even if there is a slap in the face, even if there are black fans, the popularity is after all, and it will eventually be transformed into popularity and ratings.

And these represent money!

Lisa's talk show group is still the ratings guarantee of Dongfangdu TV station in the evening.

So, the guests invited by the program group this time are...

"Dear audience, the guest we have invited today is a big figure in the martial arts world in Dongfang Capital, Mr. Wu Yuanzong. You may not know that his father, Wu Shentong, is an old-timer in the martial arts world, and is also the current leader of the martial arts world!"

Following Wang Lisha's introduction, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room were full of surprises and various question marks, as well as some "bragging", "What era is it, and the martial arts leader?" and other bullet screens.

Some people even asked rhetorical questions such as "The leader of the martial arts is a ball, can he catch bullets with his bare hands?"

After all, things like the martial arts world are too far away for the current era of technological advancement.

"Of course, Mr. Wu has another identity. He is the honorary chairman of the Traditional Culture Research Association. I also heard that he and Zhang Tianlong, the chairman of our Eastern Metropolis Council, are good brothers since childhood."

"Hahaha, host Wang, don't make fun of me. Chairman Zhang and I are not as strong as you, but Chairman Zhang and I are indeed good friends. I admire his ideas very much. If everyone agrees If I am the same, why don’t you support Chairman Zhang more.”

Wu Yuanzong walked into the scene while smiling.

"Mr. Wu, I heard that you have been caught in a lawsuit recently, is that true?"

"Oh, it's not me who is involved in the lawsuit, but my nephew Renjie."

Wang Lisha immediately looked at the camera and said to the audience: "Today, we also invited Mr. Wu's nephew, and we invite Wu Renjie!"

The camera was turned to the other side, and Wu Renjie also walked into the scene, and sat beside Wu Yuanzong. The distance between him and Wang Lisha was one position longer than that of Wu Yuanzong.

Obviously, this was specially arranged. The spokesperson for this interview was Wu Yuanzong, and Wu Renjie came up to show his face.

"Hello, Renjie."

"Hello, host."

After Wu Renjie greeted Wang Lisha, he sat down with a puzzled face.

"Renjie, listen to me, you have been involved in a certain lawsuit recently, and you were entangled by the famous murder lawyer Zhang Wei?"

"Hehehe, everyone will be entangled in lawsuits, but Renjie's luck is relatively unlucky, and he happened to meet Zhang Wei."

Wu Yuanzong rushed to the rescue and explained with a smile.

"Yes, but I heard that lawyer Zhang Wei was expelled from Jincheng Law Firm recently because of some things?"

"Yes, I also asked Lawyer Ren of our legal team. He said that there were some well-known conflicts between Zhang Wei and the former department head of the Litigation Department, and the two actually fought in the law firm. This is really... ..."

Speaking of this, Wu Yuanzong expressed emotion on his face, and then shook his head, as if he didn't want to continue talking.

"Really, lawyer Zhang Wei actually fought with the head of the litigation department in the law firm. This is really exaggerated. No wonder Jincheng Law Firm fired both of them!"

Wang Lisha also covered her mouth lightly, showing a surprised look.

"So judging from the current situation, if Zhang Wei loses the gold-lettered signboard of Jincheng Law Firm, doesn't that mean that the tiger loses its claws and the shark loses its fangs, so he..."

"Yes, so he urgently needs a chance to prove himself and let everyone know that he, Zhang Wei, is still that frightening murder lawyer!"

Wu Yuanzong said with indignation on his face: "However, it's not good for Lawyer Zhang to choose anyone. It's really unbelievable that he insisted on finding my family Jie!"

"Anyway, I can't understand it!"

Wu Yuanzong spread his hands, looking speechless.

Wu Renjie on the side also complained: "Hehe, I can't understand either, he is just looking for trouble!"

Seeing this, Wang Lisha quickly explained to the big screen: "The audience may not know that Renjie got into trouble before because of a car accident, but this time the car accident was a misunderstanding. Everyone, please read the relevant reports!"

As the camera cuts, media coverage of the car accident appears on the screen.

Among them, the real culprit turned himself in, and his identity turned out to be the son of a diplomat.

Soon, the screen switched back to the scene of the program group again.

"In this car accident, the so-called misunderstanding is that the person who actually hit the victim, Ms. Lu, was the son of Mr. Momoji, the honorary diplomat of Guxiang Kingdom, that is, Mr. Momoji Jr. He was the one who caused the accident. By."

"At that time, Renjie was sitting in the co-pilot's seat. Both he and Mr. Mo Moji had just attended an elite party, and they happened to be on the way, so they got into Mr. Mo Moji's car. Wei became the perpetrator."

"In fact, Mr. Momoji Jr. also publicly admitted that he was the perpetrator, but because Mr. Momoji Jr. enjoyed diplomatic immunity, they could not prosecute. The case was also closed by the prosecution."

"I didn't expect that lawyer Zhang Wei would not give up. He insisted on overturning the facts that the prosecution had already established, accusing Renjie of being the real culprit, and suing Renjie in a civil lawsuit."

Speaking of this, Wang Lisha looked at Wu Yuanzong and Wu Renjie who were sitting in front of them.

"I believe that both of you are very wronged at this moment, right?"

"Yeah, both Renjie and I felt depressed. Your lawyer Zhang Wei wanted to find someone to perform surgery, so why did you find our Wu family and my family Jie?"

As Wu Yuanzong said, he also said to the big screen: "Lawyer Zhang, please be sober. Even if you want to sue with your own strength, you can't change the facts. Heroes are innocent!"

"That's right, I feel wronged myself. It feels like I'm walking on the road, but I was suddenly bitten by a dog!" Wu Renjie said, but waved his hand, "But I'm a generous person, so I won't care about a beast What!"

As soon as this remark came out, the bullet screen exploded instantly.

[Melon-eating crowd A: It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Has this kid never heard of Zhang Wei's name? 】

[Melon Eater B: Who knows, but who was the one who offended Zhang Wei in Lisa's talk show last time? Let me ask, is that person still alive? 】

[A certain research party: The last person who offended lawyer Zhang Wei and appeared on the "Lisa Interview" program was Gu Shiman. She is already dead. As everyone expected, she committed suicide by jumping off a building. The murderer who killed him was Zhang Wei! 】

[Melon-eating crowd C: Good guy, how many of them are here? The former Qian Moli and Cheng Lisha seem to have ended badly for those who offended Zhang Wei! 】

[Crowd eating melon D: I heard that lawyer Zhang is not only awesome in our East, but he has also done a deal in Longdu, including Chen Xiao, a well-known lawyer in Longdu, and You Dalei, the boss of a well-known real estate company. It's a double kill! 】

[A shocking party: Fuck, that's awesome, if Zhang Wei killed all these people, wouldn't he be really terrifying! 】

[A certain conspiracy theorist: Nonsense, when those people died, Lawyer Zhang Wei had an alibi. It was obvious that Lawyer Zhang’s enemy deliberately planted it on him. Maybe there was some huge conspiracy going on here, and Lawyer Zhang just Inadvertently touched the interests of it, so it was planted and framed! 】

[Melon Eaters E: It's possible, maybe watch it, but let's continue watching the show. 】

【…:go along! 】

【…:agree! 】

The screen shot turned back to the "Lisa Interview" program again.

Following Wu Renjie's "wonderful speech", the bullet screen in the entire live broadcast room was frantically brushed up.

When Wang Lisha sees such a program, she can only say that she is used to it.

"I heard that Mr. Momoji and Mr. Wu are also good friends?"

"Yes, our samurai family invested in some foreign businesses, and Mr. Momoji made a bridge for us, and Mr. Momoji also made great contributions to the import and export of the Oriental Capital and the Ancient Elephant Kingdom. He helped Many companies in our Eastern Capital have received discounts for commercial trade in the Ancient Elephant Kingdom. Even Chairman Zhang said that he is an old friend of our Eastern Capital, and he is also an excellent diplomat!"

"It's hard to imagine that the son of such an excellent diplomat would have such a traffic accident, and I heard that he even had a hit-and-run."

"Regarding this matter, Renjie has more say than I do."

As Wu Yuanzong spoke, he glanced at Wu Renjie with hints in his eyes.

"Little Mo Moji was very panicked after the accident. He couldn't accept that he had caused trouble, and he has been regretting it for the past few days."

"Actually, he knew that he was ashamed of his father, his education, and his hometown. Finally, under my persuasion, he publicly admitted his mistakes and issued a promise of apology and compensation."

Wang Lisha couldn't help but nodded, "Although according to the exemption clause of diplomatic immunity, little Mo Moji is not responsible for this car accident, but he still feels ashamed of himself for the injured, to have such a sense of responsibility, It’s really rare!”

"Of course, there is a stark contrast between the guilty and compassionate little Mr. Mo Moji and the stubborn lawyer Zhang Wei who is not forgiving!"

"That's right, Zhang Wei is a bastard. He just stares at us and bites us indiscriminately. This kind of person clearly wants to extort money!" Wu Renjie also said angrily, venting his dissatisfaction.

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, how much compensation do you plan to ask for?"

"Lawyer Zhang requested 5 million yuan in compensation today, including all the treatment expenses of the injured Ms. Lu, as well as subsequent rehabilitation expenses!"

Wu Yuanzong naturally told the truth, and many reporters came to the pre-trial scene today, so he will not lie about the well-known things.

"It's easy to understand all the treatment expenses and follow-up rehabilitation expenses. After all, Mr. Mo Moji did something wrong and hit Ms. Lu, but isn't the 5 million compensation a bit too much?"

Wang Lisha said, looking at the big screen with a strange expression on her face.

"If the person who bumped into Ms. Lu was an ordinary person, and he happened to be targeted by Attorney Zhang, he wants you to pay 5 million yuan in compensation and pay for all the treatment and rehabilitation expenses. Isn't that a little too much?"

As soon as this remark came out, the barrage exploded again.

Numerous bullet screens swiped the screen, and most of them were not very friendly words.

Such words as "lion's big mouth", "people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants", "if you really catch a rich man, you will use your strength to blackmail", "new type of porcelain" are all words with a very high refresh rate.

The live broadcast room was almost flooded by barrage.

Off the field, the director made an "OK" gesture to Wang Lisha, which meant that the effect was enough and public opinion had been completely detonated.

Wang Lisha nodded secretly towards Wu Yuanzong. Both parties knew that the purpose of tonight's meeting had been achieved.

Wu Yuanzong naturally accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said with a smile: "Actually, we would not agree to such an unreasonable request at the beginning, but considering that we are Mr. Momoji's son after all, we are also friends, so My Wu family decided to lend a helping hand and plan to reconcile with the victim's family, but his lawyer Zhang Wei disagreed!"

"Oh, why don't you agree? If Mr. Wu agrees to pay the 5 million yuan, the family members should have no reason to refuse, right?"

"It's very simple. Lawyer Zhang has taken a fancy to this lawsuit and plans to win us soaring to the sky!"

The barrage exploded again, this time more words like "daydreaming" and "unscrupulous lawyers".

It can be said that the entire barrage is almost full of hate and scolding Zhang Wei.

"Also, he probably has another thought. You know the host, I have met many businessmen every month, and I know their routines."

"Oh, what's the trick?" Wang Lisha blinked with curiosity.

"When you accept a price, but the other party suddenly becomes ambiguous, do you know what it means, that is, the other party wants more!"

"Oh~~~" Wang Lisha suddenly realized and understood.

Seeing that the Wu family agreed so quickly, Zhang Wei obviously wanted more than just 5 million.

For example, 10 million, 20 million, or even 50 million or hundreds of millions. Anyway, he must eat this piece of meat from the Wu family in one bite!

Greedy, cunning, insidious, vicious!

The barrage has put countless labels on Zhang Wei, to sum it up in one sentence...

This Zhang Wei is really bad!

At the end of the interview, Wu Yuanzong and Wu Renjie stopped talking, and Wang Lisha started to output.

"Although, little Mr. Momoji is full of remorse. Renjie has given so much for his friend, and Mr. Wu is also planning to sacrifice his own interests for Mr. Momoji, a friend of the Eastern Capital. Unfortunately, someone can't see it!"

"In his eyes, he only cares about his own interests and his own reputation. Such a person is really narrow-minded. Is this the only immediate interest in his sight?"

"If this is the case, then I want to tell this person, it's really hard for you to live like this, but can you please take a long-term view?"

"Although I, Wang Lisha, am a show host, I must maintain a fair and just attitude to speak, but your behavior makes me very disdainful. I also hope that if you can watch the show, you can understand Mr. Wu's difficulties and understand Xiao. Mr. Momoji's remorse can even make the most sensible judgment for the relationship between the Eastern Capital and the Ancient Elephant Kingdom."

"Mr. Momoji has already admitted his mistake, and is willing to make a sincere apology for his actions. The Wu family is even more willing to help friends and sacrifice their own family's interests to help. In the face of such sentiments of distinguishing right from wrong and generously donating money, Someone's shameless behavior is so dirty and unbearable!"

"I believe that the people of Dongfangdu, your eyes are discerning. After listening to my program today, you will be able to understand who is the only person who needs to be sanctioned in this case! "

When Wang Lisha said this, she took a deep breath, and then said to the big screen: "I, Wang Lisha, will not beat around the bush, Lawyer Zhang, please take care of yourself!"

Finally, under her blunt "warning speech", the program "Interview with Lisa" officially ended.

And the barrage went completely crazy after Wang Lisha's excited speech.

Countless fans directly @Zhang Wei, making an unfriendly international greeting gesture.

What's more, he directly greeted someone's immediate family members. Anyway, the Internet public opinion is completely one-sided, and the overwhelming abuse and complaints against Zhang Wei directly flooded the entire Internet.

As one of the viewers of the "Lisa Interview" program group, Zhang Wei, who is located in Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, naturally watched the whole episode of the program.

"Why do they always like to use outside tricks?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands innocently.

In the end who is really innocent in this case, they really like to pretend to be confused.

"Zhang Wei, don't you want to fight back?" Zhao Xiaoxiao pointed at the screen and asked in a daze.

"What are you doing to fight back? Can you beat a bunch of naval troops by yourself on the Internet?"

Zhang Wei imitated the tone of the second girl and waved his hands.

Fighting back online is the most irrational thing, because it wastes time and energy and doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, this isn't the first time Lisa's interview has been directed at him, and he has long been used to it.

Who will be slapped in the face at that time, let's wait and see!

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