Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 615 Did the last two witnesses drive?

"It's him!"

The witness testified against Wu Renjie in front of everyone in court!

This scene not only surprised the hearing seats and the jury, but also stunned Ren Xingzhou and his party in the defense seat.

what's the situation?

How come there are witnesses here?

Still a powerful witness who can directly accuse Wu Renjie!

Ren Xingzhou looked at the witness, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

This witness should be the real hotel doorman, and the testimony he gave does not seem to be lying.

Then here comes the problem, if he really saw Wu Renjie driving little Momoji away from the parking lot, wouldn't that mean...

The person who almost killed the wounded was Wu Renjie?

Not good not good!

Ren Xingzhou felt the pressure.

Similarly, Wu Renjie and Xiao Mo Moji also glanced at each other, both of them were a little worried.

This witness, did he really see anything that night.

In court, Zhang Wei's questioning continued.

"Witness, are you sure you're not mistaken? It was very dark that night. If the defense is struggling with the problem of lighting at night and the problem of sight, it will not be explained in a short while."

"No problem, I can see clearly."

The witness nodded, and then said to himself: "Our Oriental Metropolis International Hotel is magnificent at night, and the lights of the hotel are as bright as the sun. Moreover, the hotel parking lot is open-air, relying on the lights inside the hotel, I can see Clearly!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then raised his finger to Wu Renjie: "Then, can you please recall what happened when you saw this man?"


The witness took a deep breath and recalled: "I was on duty that night. My job was to guard the door. If guests came to the hotel, I would help them park their cars. This is the job of the doorman."

"I remember that day, I helped a customer park the car, and as soon as I got out of the parking lot, I happened to see the two people in the dock walking out of the scene together. They hooked their shoulders and looked like they had been drinking."

"I was kind of curious how they were going to leave, if they had been drinking, it was drunk driving, so I watched them pick up the car."

"I can see very clearly that the little Mr. Momoji was drunk, supported by the defendant the whole time, and sent him into the passenger seat of the sports car. Then the defendant got into the car, started the car, and drove the car out of the parking lot. .”

The memory ends here.

"Witness, you are sure that Mr. Mo Moji was drunk and Wu Renjie was driving the car, right?"

"Yes, I'm sure sure and sure!"

After the guarantee was given, the jury and the hearing seats were all in an uproar.

There are actually witnesses!

He was also the doorman of the hotel, and happened to witness Wu Renjie driving a car in the parking lot, driving little Momoji away from the scene.

This is really... a good guy!

Now, the 12-member jury, regardless of whether they are local or foreign, all think that there is something wrong with Wu Renjie.

Their eyes became sharp all of a sudden.

"Ah, this..."

Feeling the hostility, little Mo Moji was the first to panic.

"Master Wu, lawyer Ren, they..."

"Don't panic, Lawyer Ren has a solution!"

Compared to little Mo Moji, Wu Renjie is much calmer, at least his face hasn't changed much.

However, when he looked at the witnesses on the witness stand, his eyes were very unfriendly, even slightly vicious and vicious.

At the hearing table, Wu Yuanzong did not expect that he would miss such a key witness.

"I thought it would be safe to deal with the surveillance video, driving recorder, and witnesses near the scene of the car accident. Why did I miss the party scene!"

In fact, Wu Yuanzong did not show up at the party, he even greeted many friends who attended the reception that night.

But he did not expect that there was a key witness among the hotel staff.

After all, the other party is just an ordinary doorman, and in Wu Yuanzong's eyes, he is not a small character like an ant, so it is normal for him to miss it.

Now, it's tricky!

"Witness, you are saying that you clearly saw Wu Renjie driving the car and leaving the open-air parking lot, and you are not mistaken, right?"


"Well, thanks for your answer!"

Zhang Wei smiled and said to Ni Qiuping, "Judge Ni, we are done questioning this witness."

Seeing Zhang Wei walking back to the prosecutor's seat with a big smile on his face, Ren Xingzhou's expression turned ugly.

"Boss Ren, let me come this round!"

But at this moment, lawyer Yang, one of the trio, recommended himself.

"Lawyer Yang, this witness is quite tricky, are you sure?"

"Boss Ren, before I joined Jincheng, I was engaged in disputes and lawsuits for more than ten years. This kind of thing is just a small scene!"

"Are you sure, the testimony of this witness seems to be impeccable!" Ren Xingzhou was still a little worried.

"Boss Ren, I don't know if you have heard a sentence, if you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem!"

What Lawyer Yang said made Ren Xingzhou finally make up his mind.

"Okay, Lawyer Yang, I'll leave it to you this round!"

"Leave it to me, please!"

Lawyer Yang stood up, glanced sharply at the prosecution chair, and met Zhang Wei's eyes in the air.

In the air, there was a faint fire, which seemed to say that I, Zhang Wei, regarded you, Lawyer Yang, as an opponent.

All of the above are just lawyer Yang's imagination.

He just glanced at Zhang Wei sharply, and Zhang Wei glanced at him with a smile, without any expression in his eyes.

"Hmph, Zhang Wei, today I will let you experience my methods!"

Seeing Zhang Wei "ignoring" him, Lawyer Yang snorted coldly in his heart.

In the entire Jincheng Law Firm, the person he was most dissatisfied with was Zhang Wei.

As for the reason, because the two entered Jincheng Law Firm almost at the same time, and he was originally a partner of a medium-sized law firm, so he thought that entering Jincheng would give him a big shot.

Unexpectedly, a more aggressive one came at the same time. Not only did he sign contracts with the major clients of the project department one after another in the capacity of the Criminal Litigation Department, he even made many operations that shocked the entire law firm.

Compared with Zhang Wei, he, Lawyer Yang, is almost nothing.

If it weren't for his own ability, he might not be qualified to appear in court today.

Therefore, Lawyer Yang is naturally full of hostility towards Zhang Wei, and he is even more motivated today.

"Hello, Witness!"


Lawyer Yang's face was tense, and there was a cold light on his face, which made the witness feel a little flustered for no reason.

"Witness, let me ask you, did you see with your own eyes that our client, Master Wu Renjie, helped Mr. Mo Moji into the parking lot, and then drove away?"


"So at that time, was there anyone else in the parking lot besides you?"

"there is none left."

"Is the parking lot monitored?"

"The monitor seems to be broken. The hotel has already reported it for repair, but because of the party that day, the repairman didn't come. They only came to repair it on Sunday morning."

"That is to say, the open-air parking lot was not monitored at all on Saturday night?"


The witness nodded, not understanding the purpose of Lawyer Yang's question.

But Lawyer Yang sneered, "In other words, all the evidence comes from your unilateral testimony?"

"If you say our client is guilty, then he is guilty. If you say that the driver is Mr. Momoji Jr., then he is innocent, isn't it?"

"No, I did see it that day." The witness also spread his hands, I really saw it.

"Have you seen it? How do we know? After all, we are not there, are we?"

Lawyer Yang said with a sneer at the same time, "If you have an enmity with our client, then you are entirely likely to testify against him. If you have no enmity with him, you can say that you did not see it. Is it true, and there is no other person to corroborate it?"

"Against and harass the witnesses, the defense lawyers are subjectively imagining and inferring the character of the witnesses with no factual basis!"

Zhang Wei immediately stood up and directly stated three reasons for rebuttal.

"Against there is..."

"Your Honor, I have evidence to prove that the character of the witness is questionable!"

Just when Ni Qiuping was about to speak to announce, Lawyer Yang also interrupted beforehand.

"Do you have evidence?"

Ni Qiuping was stunned, do you really have evidence?

Now, even Zhang Wei, who was sitting on the prosecutor's seat, frowned.

This person surnamed Yang seems to have some skills.

"Yes, I have evidence!"

Lawyer Yang gave Ren Xingzhou a reassuring gesture, and then gave Zhang Wei a provocative look.

He took out his mobile phone, walked directly to the projection equipment, and started projecting on the screen.

On the projection screen behind the witness stand, a V blog interface appeared.

"Witness, is this your V blog?"

"Yes, it is."

When witnesses saw the homepage of the V blog, they knew it was their own V blog.

"Witness, I saw your V blog content, commented many times and reposted some dynamics of hatred of the rich, and you also made some speeches hostile to the rich, such as this one, [Why do you also go in and out of hotels, and others drive luxury cars? But I can only be a doorman? Isn’t it because they have a good father!]”

"Another example is this one, [If you are rich, you can complain that I broke your car? When I have money in the future, I will buy a luxury car with a garage, drive it out every day, and change it every day!]"

"There's also this [80 years old, still tm bring young models to the hotel, not afraid of dying on the bed, old thing!]"

This last one even has a picture, a white-haired old man and a hot beauty walked into the hotel arm in arm, while the witness took a selfie with the camera and raised his middle finger towards the old man's back.

"Witness, do you have any hatred for the rich?"

Lawyer Yang pointed to the projection screen and asked the witness: "Are you hostile to all rich people and all people with status?"

"This, I..." This question made the witness a little speechless and didn't know how to answer it.

"Did you know that our client is the young master of the Wu family, that's why you chose to testify in court?"


"Are you thinking of taking revenge on the rich and powerful, so you plan to testify in court and testify against us?"

"No, no, I really didn't..."

"Really, then what's going on with your news in the morning?"

On the projection screen, the V blog homepage appeared again, and it was the latest news.

[I'm going to court today, and I heard that the defendant is still a dandy from a big family. This kind of person should die sooner. They are all scum and scum. It's a waste of resources to be alive. The money given by their family is not as good as investing in it. me! 】

This post also attached a selfie of the witness, a face full of unwillingness, jealousy and even some sarcasm.

"I don't know anything else, but I know that if the Wu family invests the money invested in Master Wu Renjie in you, it will only cultivate a mediocre person who is selfish, only envious of others, and will not judge himself!"

Lawyer Yang snorted coldly, and then looked at the jury, "Everyone has seen that the witness is already full of hostility towards our client. His testimony obviously has a strong subjective hatred of the rich and uncertainty, so it is not admissible!"

Among the jury, many people nodded.

The hotel doorman in front of him really has a strong hatred for the rich, and the V blog post in the morning also illustrates the problem.

This guy is full of hostility towards Wu Renjie. If the testimony is a lie, isn't that wronging a good man?

For a moment, the audience looked at the witness stand, full of distrust.

The witness was also stared at by so many eyes, and he panicked.

"Witness, do you think I can't see that you are planning to testify in court because you received money from the plaintiff's lawyer!"


Following Lawyer Yang's last words, Zhang Wei immediately coughed.

"Sorry, Your Honor, I take back that last sentence!"

Lawyer Yang hurriedly apologized, but his attitude was not sincere at all, and he smiled provocatively at Zhang Wei.

Ni Qiuping had no choice but to give Attorney Yang a vicious look, but this obviously did not have much deterrent effect.

"Your Honor, we have no questions to ask about this witness!"

"However, one thing I want to make clear is that the testimony of this witness is completely unreliable. Whether he saw who drove off the scene at night is a big question mark!"

Attorney Yang added one last sentence, and then he walked back to the defense bench contentedly.

Ren Xingzhou nodded in satisfaction with his performance.


very good!

very good!

This is already the second round of taking advantage, from passive to active, turning disadvantages into advantages.

It can be said that this is all because of his own leadership!

Wu Renjie and Xiao Mo Moji also looked at each other, their eyes full of confidence.

This time, it should be stable.

The most threatening witnesses have all been refuted by our lawyers, and it seems that there is no way to stand up. It depends on Zhang Wei.

Compared with the defense's full confidence, the prosecution's side is different.

"How did this happen? He obviously saw everything. Why didn't the jury trust the witness?"

Zhang Xinwu was a little puzzled. The witness had explained everything, but why did the jury look distrustful.

"It's very simple, the testimony of the witness is true, but if the witness itself has problems, the trust of the jury will also be lost!"

Zhang Wei looked at Lawyer Yang, but his expression was calm.

If you can't solve the problem, just solve the questioner. Doesn't he often use this trick when he is fighting wits and courage with the prosecution?

Obviously, this lawyer Yang must have fought many prosecutions before joining the project team, so he has accumulated rich experience.

"However, it's difficult now!"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, then stood up and looked at the trial seat.

"Judge Ni, we have summoned the third witness!"

Under the amazed gaze of the audience, a dark and ugly man in formal attire walked up to the court.

His hair was disheveled, his eye circles were slightly dark, he looked at the people around him and smiled slightly, showing his big yellow teeth.

"Hello, Witness."

"Hey hey, hello."

"Witness, please tell us your identity."

"Me, I'm a homeless man, picking up garbage every day to make a living."

Hearing the identity of the witness, many people in the audience frowned.

Beggars, vagabonds, such people can testify in court, why?

"So, witness, tell us, where did you spend the night in the early hours of Saturday night?"

"Oh, that day, I was sleeping in a place called Sifangmen Street, and suddenly there was a "bang", which woke me up!"

The witness recalled the situation that day, and a flash of fear suddenly flashed in his eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience understood.

So this is ah.

This homeless man is actually a witness!

In the front row of the hearing seat, Wu Yuanzong was also stunned.

"Fuck, I missed another one!"

He looked at the homeless man on the witness stand, and thought to himself, good guy.

He did all the calculations, but he didn't count that there was a tramp.

In fact, he really couldn't figure it out. The homeless man had no fixed place to live, and there was a car accident that night. He would definitely have to change to another place to continue sleeping, so naturally he wouldn't stay at the scene.

When Wu Yuanzong sent people to deal with the scene in the later period, the ghost knew that there were still homeless people staying here.

Therefore, the homeless man in front of him can be said to be the only witness at the scene of the car accident who was not threatened or bribed by the Wu family.

"Witness, please tell us, what did you see after the car accident that day?"

"Ah, after the car accident, I saw a woman flying far away, and there was blood all over the ground."

"Yes, the injured person is Lu's mother, so let me ask you, what about the other party in the car accident, the car that hit people?"

"Car, I saw him come out, he came out and glanced at the woman on the ground, then he opened the door on the other side, and put the kid with a dark face in his original position..."

The witness pointed to Wu Renjie and Xiao Momoji, explaining the situation.

"Anyway, in the end, the two of them ran away again. The car drove so fast that they disappeared in no time!"

"So, you saw the defendant Wu Renjie sitting in the driver's seat when the car accident happened?"

"Anyway, after the crash, he was the one who came down to check. I don't understand what the driver's seat is."

The witness waved his hand, but the testimony has already explained the problem.

"Thank you for your answer. I believe everyone should understand what happened that night."

Zhang Wei said, looking at Wu Renjie, "But Young Master Wu is really good at calculating, not to mention hit and run, but also trying to use Mr. Mo Moji's diplomatic immunity to exonerate himself, your brain is very good." Hurry up!"

These words made Wu Renjie's complexion suddenly changed, and he became very unhappy.

And Ren Xingzhou's face was also gloomy after the witness finished his testimony.

The testimony of this witness is also very unfavorable to them!

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