The most annoying thing was that after seeing this situation, Bobidong turned his face to the side and pretended not to see it.

At this time, how could Mr. Gui not understand?

All of this was clearly ordered by Bobidong, otherwise how could these little guys dare to have such thoughts?

Gui Laoqiang stood up with his body propped up. He stared at the group of people in front of him, as if he wanted to shock them with his eyes.

Everyone in Demon Race has grown up through life and death struggle, so how can they be afraid of the eyes of a weak person.

With Bobidong's hint, they were even more daring. Someone would take care of them if something went wrong. Coupled with the temptation of those treasures, everyone looked greedy.

More and more Demon Race soldiers joined the ranks of encircling and suppressing the old ghost.

Gui Lao tried hard to gather all his strength. As long as he could repel the first wave of people, as long as he could temporarily deter them, he would be sure to escape from here.

It seems that this desert is not the place he is looking for, so let these people keep searching here!

When he goes back, he must complain to the young master of Demon Race19, so that even if these people have the life to go back, they have no life to continue to stay in Demon Race.

But he really underestimated the weirdness of this desert and overestimated his own power.

After trying for a long time, he was still weak and could not muster much strength. As a last resort, he had to look at the man who had been pretending to be deaf and mute.

"I can give you all the treasures I have on me. At worst, I won't compete with you for the next treasures. They are all yours. I just need to find what your young master needs and bring it back." Gui Lao For the first time, a pleading expression appeared on his face.

Such a thing as integrity has never existed for him. He should bow his head when it is time to bow his head. This is the experience he has gained from traveling in the world for many years.

It was as if Bobidong had met Gui Lao for the first time. He looked at Gui Lao in surprise, with a happy look on his face.

"I didn't expect that you, the ghost old man, would be begging for help one day. I thought you would always look like you are the best." Finally got a chance to humiliate the ghost old man, "Bobby Dongsi"

Refuse to let go.

"You're right. I'm too trusting. You don't care about the faults of others. Let me go. I can lead you to find countless treasures in this secret realm." The ghost man tried his best to make his tone sound. It sounded like a plea.

After listening to the ghost old man's words, Bobidong burst out laughing. He pointed at the ghost old man opposite, his eyes full of disdain, as if he was looking at an insignificant ant.

"Do you think I don't know your plan?" Bobidong spat on the ground and looked at the old ghost opposite him with a very disgusted look on his face, "Don't you just want to wait until you find the treasure? Eat all the treasures to yourself, then find an excuse to kill us, and take the treasures back alone?"

After his thoughts were exposed, Gui Lao's expression did not change at all. He looked at Bobidong in front of him, his face still maintained a flattering look.

"Don't you think so too? We all think the same thing. It's just that I'm unlucky and you beat me to it." Gui Lao is now very weak and has to breathe heavily for a long time to speak. "If you really Kill me. Are you sure you can find what your young master asked you to find? If you can't find it, do you think your young master will let you go?"

Gui Lao knew that people like Bo Bidong, relying on their strong strength, might have had thoughts of betrayal in their hearts. Especially when they came to the secret realm this time and got so many treasures, they probably thought that they were invincible. The young master who wants to kill Demon Race and replace him.

So what he said was not meant for Bobidon at all, he was meant for other Demon Race soldiers.

Bobidong is not afraid of being chased by Young Master Demon Race because he has this ability. Even if he offends Young Master Demon Race, he can easily find a place to hide in a distant place.

But other Demon Race soldiers don't think so.

If they betray Young Master Demon Race this time, they will be greeted by Young Master Demon Race's thunderous fury, which they cannot withstand with their strength, so they do not dare to take risks.

After hearing what Gui Lao said, nearly half of the Demon Race soldiers who worked for Gui Lao began to waver. They looked at each other, and the hesitation and worry in their eyes were all noticed by Gui Lao.

Gui Lao knew that his method worked, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, knowing that this was just the beginning.

If you dare to offend him, be prepared to repay him a hundredfold!

Bobidong also noticed the flinch in the soldiers' eyes, and he frowned.

Although he originally planned to get rid of these burdens before leaving the secret realm, but not now.

This secret realm is very strange. If there is no helper, if you encounter something, it will be too late to regret.

"You think I don't know that you're bluffing me? If you knew where that thing was, why would you take us this way? How come you haven't found that thing for a long time?" Bobidong sneered, "Hey, you're afraid I have no idea where that thing is!"

Bobidong's move was really powerful, and the Demon Race soldiers who spoke in just a few words once again turned to his side.

Gui Lao's eyes darkened, thinking to himself that if he successfully went out this time, he would definitely not let go of this damn Bobidong!

But at the moment, he was under the control of others, so he didn't dare to have an attack so that he could laugh with him.

"What are you talking about? Since I can find this secret realm, I naturally know where that thing is." Gui Lao raised his hand and pointed at the dazzling sun hanging in the sky, "Don't you think Have you never heard that where there are exotic treasures, the Celestial Phenomenon is often abnormal?"

Bobidong followed Gui Lao's hand and glanced at the sky. The sun was indeed more dazzling than outside.

The old ghost continued: "I won't hide it from you. Ghost cultivators are afraid of this kind of solitude thing, so I am like this. And the reason why I chose this path is because it is the only way to pass. , even though I am afraid of the scorching sun, I have to take you on this road."

Bobidong was still dubious, but most of the soldiers around him believed what Gui Lao said.

For them, getting the treasure is important, but completing the tasks assigned by the Lord is the most important.

All the Demon Race soldiers almost put down their weapons at the same time and slowly retreated.

In front of everyone, Gui Lao knew that Bobidong did not dare to take action rashly, especially when Demon Race's important things had not yet been obtained.

He was safe, at least he was safe so far, and Gui Lao breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"If you can't find it, you will know what life is worse than death." Bobidong gave Gui Lao a hard look, waved his hand, and motioned for the soldiers to lift Gui Lao up.

Another place in the secret realm, in a cave.

"I found it!" Wentian jumped up happily. .

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