. Demon Race’s plan

Is there such a treasure? The young master of Demon Race was very curious. He took the oil lamp from the demon soldier and began to look at the oil lamp holder seriously for the first time.

What kind of treasure is this? Why can it restrain the space crack?

The young master of Demon Race thought about it for a long time and never thought that he had heard of any treasure that could dissolve the cracks in space.

Maybe it was an ancient relic. It was normal that there was no record in the book. Thinking of this, the young master of Demon Race was relieved and no longer speculated about what it was.

As long as it's useful, it doesn't matter what kind of treasure it is.

"It's somewhat useful, but I haven't completed what I told you. Although I have contributed to bringing this treasure back, it is not worth the merit." The young master of Demon Race put away the oil lamp holder, and then began to complain to the old ghost.

"When your injury heals, get what I want for me, otherwise you will know what will happen to you..." After saying that, the young master of Demon Race crossed him and prepared to leave. "By the way, don't think about escaping. Otherwise, your end will be a thousand times worse than you imagine.”

After saying this, the young master of Demon Race left the tent without looking back.

Soon, two demon soldiers walked into the tent and dragged the unable to move old ghost out of the tent, while a maid cleaned the stains on the carpet.

The old ghost endured the severe pain in his body, but did not dare to make a sound. His eyes were full of resentment, and he stared at the direction where the Demon Race young master left.

"Young Master, how could you send Bobidong to perform some inexplicable mission at the moment when we are about to fight the Buddha Gate!" A veteran-level Demon Race elder slammed the table in front of him, looking distressed. .

"It's good now. We lost a general before we started the war with Buddha Gate. How can we fight this battle!" The elder continued to express his dissatisfaction, and there were several elders around who believed they were elders nodding in agreement. The words of an elder.

The young master of Demon Race looked at the five elders in front of him indifferently. When he was young, these people relied on their relationship with his father to proclaim themselves elders and cultivated a large number of confidants in an attempt to oust him as the so-called young master.

If it hadn't been for his step-by-step planning, these five people would have killed him and replaced him long ago.

The people of Demon Race respect force. Now, the strength of these five elders is certainly good. The young master of Demon Race knows that he wants to succeed, so he will use the power of these five to temporarily discord with him.

"I, Demon Race, have been preparing for this day for a long time, but I am just missing one general. I, Demon Race, am as capable as all the elders. Are we afraid that I will not be able to defeat the Buddha Gate?"々?" The young master of Demon Race spoke slowly, with a look on his face. No emotion or anger can be seen.

The five elders nodded subconsciously, not understanding what Young Master Demon Race meant, and thought he was praising them for their prowess.

"Since there is one less general now, who among the elders is willing to take over and wish me to complete my plan to unify the West?" Although Young Master Demon Race was asking these five elders, what he said could not be rejected by these five people. .

In front of everyone, they admitted that they were powerful. Now that the battle with Buddha Gate was imminent, it was reasonable and reasonable for the young master of the Demon Race to make such a request. If they refused, they would probably never be able to hold their heads up again in the Demon Race, which advocates force and military exploits. .

If you refuse, you will lose your prestige in Demon Race. If you agree, your life will be in danger. The young master of Demon Race put the five of them into a dilemma in just two or three words.

Jitterbug glared at the young master of Demon Race, and then slowly said: "The five of us are naturally willing to go to war for Demon Race's big plan.

The young master of Demon Race nodded and no longer looked at the five of them. He stretched out his left hand to show everyone the oil lamp holder in his hand.

"This thing was brought back by the people I sent. It has the effect of melting the cracks in space." The words of the young master Demon Race caused the whole tent to explode again.

The demon generals and the five elders whispered to each other with surprised expressions on their faces, obviously doubting what the young master said.

"Sanji, take this thing and try it outside the barrier." The young master of Demon Race named the great elder's cronies to try it again.

Sanji reached out to take the oil lamp holder and walked out of the tent. Everyone in the tent watched Sanji walk out, and then turned their attention to the young master of Demon Race with complicated expressions.

In addition to the five elders, more than a dozen demon generals present have become the confidants of the young master Demon Race.

They didn't expect that their young master could actually get such a treasure back, and they couldn't help but admire the young master even more.

Only the five elders had a look of jealousy on their faces, and they didn't even bother to hide it.

After a while, Sanji walked in. He originally held the oil lamp casually when he went out, but when he came in, he held it with both hands. Looking at Sanji's appearance, everyone in Demon Race understood that what Shaosheng said was true.

They are worried that the progress of attacking the Buddhist Gate will be hindered by the obstruction of the space rift. After all, the space rift does not distinguish between friend and foe and will attack anyone they see. Now that they have such a treasure, they can use the space rift to first destroy Sala City, then destroy the space rift, and then break into the Buddhist Gate in one fell swoop, wiping out all the people in the Buddhist Gate.

Seemingly seeing victory, the whole tent began to become noisy. Even with the treasure in hand, they had to make a careful plan.

|| The Demon Race army has been stationed for seven days?" Jiang Chen looked at Jin Guang in surprise.

Jin Guang nodded, "When I came out, Demon Race's army happened to have arrived near Sara City, but because of the sudden appearance of space cracks, they were caught off guard, so they retreated and stationed ten miles away.

Jiang Chen and the others were silent. Demon Race sent a team to hunt for treasure in the secret realm. They originally thought that what the team was looking for should be related to the upcoming war with Buddhist Gate, so they would not take action until Bobidong and others came back.

Unexpectedly, while they were still in the secret realm, Demon Race's army had already arrived. If it weren't for the space crack, I'm afraid Sala City wouldn't be what it is now.

Space rifts are certainly scary, but a prepared Demon Race army is ten times more terrifying than space rifts.

In this case, they should be grateful for the appearance of space cracks.

"But it's okay to delay like this. I see that the defensive array seems to be unable to hold up for too long?" Wentian asked the question in the three people's minds.

Jin Guang's face instantly became heavy, and he sighed heavily, "Yes, this magic circle is about to be unable to hold up..."

The faces of Jiang Chen and the others changed drastically, and they looked at Jin Guang in disbelief.

"Master, do we have any follow-up plans? For example, taking the people to evacuate? Or other plans?" Jiang Chen quickly asked the people.

"Originally, we were waiting for reinforcements, but now they haven't arrived. There must have been some accident on the road. Now our defensive array can only last for one day at most. After one day, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop those space cracks." The golden light is here. He seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. .

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