Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

1039 Strange Movement Outside The City

Jiang Chen didn't expect that something went wrong with the teleportation array, nor did he expect that these people would be so ungrateful. You know, when the space rift attacked Sala City, if it weren't for his master, Sala City would have been destroyed by now.

Jiang Chen pushed aside the crowd blocking the way and walked to Jin Guang in front of the formation.

Jin Guang was about to repair the teleportation circle, but stopped temporarily when he saw Jiang Chen coming.

"Master, how long will it take to repair the magic circle?" Jiang Chen asked directly without saying anything.

"It will take at least two hours." Jin Guang looked worried. Two hours is not a long time, but at this critical juncture, two hours may prevent many people from leaving when the defensive formation cannot hold up. .

Jin Guang was mentally prepared to use the power of sitting to hold up the defensive array to help people leave.

The only thing he is worried about now is that there is a sudden problem with this magic circle, and someone has tampered with it behind the scenes.

"Master, how could this magic circle break down for no reason? Is there a spy from Demon Race sneaking in?" Jiang Chen leaned into Jin Guang's ear and asked in a low voice.

Jin Guang nodded, "I'm afraid that's the case. This is also what I'm most worried about. However, the enemy is hiding us from the light, so it's really hard to guard against it."

Indeed, among the millions of people in the city, who knows which one is the spy planted by Demon Race.

It was also their fault for poor planning. When they announced that they would evacuate Sala City, they should have sent people to guard the teleportation circle. However, it only took half a day for the teleportation circle to be destroyed. This shows that the other party must also be a practitioner.

The golden light repaired the teleportation array, and naturally there were people protecting it. Jiang Chen retreated, left here, and went to the place where the defensive array was arranged.

Jiuyan also followed him, looking carefree.

"Are you free? Why are you following me?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, but did not turn away from Jiuyan, but asked him to continue to follow.

Jiuyan flicked his sleeves and said very leisurely: "You can see it, I am indeed very idle."

Jiang Chen looked at Jiuyan speechlessly, his heart suddenly moved, his expression immediately changed, and he looked at Jiuyan with suspicion. Could it be you who broke the teleportation circle?"

Nine Eyes was furious: "I'm not idle with nothing to do. Why did I destroy that magic circle? I have no grudges against the people in this city!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands, "Didn't you just say that you were free and had nothing to do?"

Jiuyan realized that Jiang Chen was playing tricks on him, snorted, quickened his pace, and walked towards the city gate first.

The teleportation circle was located in the central square of the city. The two of them walked for a while before reaching the city gate. At this time, the city gate was still surrounded by many Buddhist Gate disciples and scattered Taoist disciples to prevent Demons. Race's people sneaked in and attacked Lan Yin and his two men who were sitting in a defensive formation.

Lan Yin's face turned pale. It was obvious that his spiritual power had been excessively depleted, but he still held on.

Just maintaining a city's defensive array does not consume much spiritual energy, especially for Nascent Soul masters.

But this time is different. The defensive array has to resist the collision of space cracks. It is equivalent to Lan Yin and others using their own strength plus the power of the defensive array to block the space cracks. The consumption can be said to be very huge.

The four Nascent Soul masters who were replaced in rotation in the past few days have not recovered yet, and they are all in a state of retreat and recovery.

It is conceivable that when Jin Guang and Lan Yin come to replace Lan Yin and others tomorrow, Lan Yin will probably be weak for a long time.

If the teleportation circle was really destroyed by Demon Race, then Demon Race must have known about their plan to evacuate.

Jiang Chen was very worried that Demon Race would attack Sala City while they were evacuating, which was when their defense was at its weakest.

"You look like a bitter melon, what are you worried about?" Jiu Yan came over again and teased Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen waved his hand. He didn't like to meddle in such nosy matters before, but when he was really involved in it, he had to do it. After all, as a Buddhist, he couldn't escape on his own when facing Demon Race. Bar?

"Don't worry, the people in Demon Race are also afraid of this space crack. You are all trapped, and they will naturally not be able to get through." Jiuyan patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and comforted Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen gave Jiu a strange look, "Why are you so close to me all of a sudden? Is there some trick?"

"Isn't this because you protected me last time? I saw that you were unhappy, so I came to comfort you. I, Jiuyan, am not that kind of ungrateful person." Jiuyan looked calm and could not see anything strange.

Just as the two were bickering, Huaiyuan and Wentian also arrived, both with solemn expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" Seeing the two men rushing over, Jiang Chen knew that something had happened and hurriedly greeted them.

"The guards just came to report that in the middle of the night, bursts of white light lit up outside the Demon Race shield. I don't know what they were doing. At the same time, a small-scale riot occurred in the space rift, so let's see what happened." Huaiyuan explained.

White light? Now that the space crack outside has evolved into a white ball of light, is Demon Race trying to break through the space crack and attack Sara City?

Jiang Chen immediately became vigilant and followed Huaiyuan and Wentian up the city wall to look at the situation on the Demon Race side.

The shield surrounded by demonic energy stood quietly ten miles away, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

Could it be that the Demon Race attempt failed, so there is no movement?

The three of them speculated silently, and after observing for a long time, there was no movement from 913 on the other side, so they had no choice but to go downstairs and return to the City Lord's Mansion.

There are now Nascent Soul masters sitting in the defensive array and teleportation array. They can't help much. They can only restore their strength as much as possible to deal with possible emergencies.

"Do you think it's possible for us to find out the spy who destroyed the teleportation circle to prevent him from ruining our affairs?" Wentian suggested.

Jiang Chen shook his head, "At that time, the people guarding the teleportation circle changed their defenses. There was a column of incense that was left unattended. We have no way of verifying who was there during that time.

Wentian nodded, "Yes, there are only so many monks in the city, how can we check..."

"The enemy is hiding and you are hiding, you can't guard against it." Jiuyan on the side suddenly said.

Jiang Chen and the other three people all looked at Jiuyan. Hearing what he said, does he have a calendar?

"Are you stupid? You were all very smart when you were in the Devil's Valley. Why are you so stupid when you come out?" Jiu Yan looked like he hated iron.

"Since the enemy is hiding in the dark and it's hard to deal with it, why don't we just lure him out?" Jiuyan pointed to the map on the table. There was a place circled with a red circle, which was the location of the teleportation circle.

Luring the enemy out? Yes, why didn’t they think of it!.

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