"Let's go!" The elder Demon Race gave the order, and the ghost elder took the lead and took a few steps forward.

After the old ghost reached the pre-arranged position, the protective shield gradually opened.

As soon as the protective shield was opened, the space cracks were attracted by the demonic energy and rushed over.

The old ghost didn't panic at all, he held up the oil lamp he had prepared in advance, and gradually poured his spiritual power into it. A white light as thick as a person's arm emitted from the oil lamp and slowly spread.

Under the deliberate guidance of Gui Lao, the white light gradually turned into a semicircular barrier, protecting the vanguard.

The moment the white light appeared, those space cracks began to retreat collectively.

The old ghost took a step forward, and the space crack took a step back. The space crack that was once raging was now as obedient as a little sheep in front of the oil lamp in the old ghost's hand.

The vanguard sent by Demon Race to attack Sala City followed the old ghost step by step, and they were getting closer and closer to Sala City.

"Come and see, what is that?" Just as Jiang Chen and others were discussing how to deal with the sudden Demon Race, the Nine Eyes on the city wall suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction of Jiuyan and saw the shock on his face, and many people rushed up to the city wall.

Jiang Chen looked at the white barrier that was approaching them quickly and the dark area inside the white barrier, thinking that the demons were indeed coming.

What is that white barrier that can actually resist space cracks? Could it be that it is an ancient relic like the golden light shield?

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, someone's scream interrupted his thoughts.

"Those space cracks seem to be forced towards our direction? The space cracks seem to be afraid of the white barrier!" A guard holding a telescope suddenly shouted.

The space rift was forced over?

Everyone was confused at first, then shocked, and finally fearful.

What does it mean that the space rift is forced over? It means that they have the power that even the space rift is afraid of. In other words, the space rift is not scary at all to Demon Race now.

So they can attack at will.

And Sala City will face attacks from space cracks that are many times greater than before, which means that Sala City's protective shield may not be able to hold up!

Demon Race doesn't need to do anything at all. He only needs to station himself not far from the city wall, wait for the space crack to destroy everything in front of him, and then occupy the city!

After realizing this, everyone panicked and didn't know what to do.

In fact, this is an unsolvable situation. The spatial rift is really too destructive. Coupled with the Demon Race army, Sara City is completely facing a desperate situation this time.

"What happened?" Jiang Chen originally didn't want Jin Guang to know about the Demon Race's attack, but he didn't expect that the Demon Race was coming fiercely and he was fully prepared. This was something they couldn't resist.

Although the golden light has been supporting the protective shield of Sala City, it can more or less hear the situation outside.

He opened his eyes and saw crowds gathering on the city wall, and he guessed what must have happened.

I originally thought that Demon Race would attack at most, but I didn't expect that the news Jiang Chen brought was ten times worse than Demon Race's attack.

No matter how powerful Demon Race's army is, Sara City can still withstand it for a while, and many practitioners in the city are confident that they can resist Demon Race's attack.

But if the spatial rift that was originally unpalatable to both sides suddenly favors Demon Race and is used by Demon Race, then Sara City will have nothing to do.

Jin Guang sighed heavily, and he used a ray of consciousness to look out of the city through the protective shield. He saw that there was indeed an army of Demon Race about five miles away from Sala City, and Demon Race's base camp was approaching. It's still ten miles away, and it's dark inside. It's obvious that the foundation of Demon Race is still inside.

Jin Guang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that only part of Demon Race's army was attacking.

"I have thought about it. The reason why Demon Race dares to attack now is because of their white barrier. If we want to repel them, we must start with the white barrier that can deal with space cracks. As long as the white barrier cannot work, They have to go back." Jiang Chen had an idea and thought of a plan that sounded pretty reliable.

The plan Jiang Chen mentioned is indeed the most feasible plan so far. Other than that, others can't think of any other solutions for the time being.

But the plan Jiang Chen mentioned sounds simple, but in fact it is not easy.

…please give me flowers………………

If you want to destroy the white barrier, you have to know what the white barrier is. If you want to know what the white barrier is, you have to get into the Demon Race.

If you want to sneak into the Demon Race, you have to pass through the Sala City defense circle, and then pass through the white barrier of the Demon Race.

"Isn't there an easier way? For example, using Law Treasure to destroy the white barrier?" Someone expressed doubts.

Jin Guang shook his head. Even a terrifying existence like a space rift is afraid of this kind of thing. How can they have a Law Weapon that can destroy this kind of thing?

"I remembered that when I was in the Fallen Demon Valley, the white light I saw could dissolve the space cracks. That thing was from the secret realm. If Demon Race had such a thing before, he would have come to attack Sara City long ago. The reason why I pushed it to this point is that they must have just obtained that thing not long ago." Jiang Chen whispered in Jin Guang's ear.


Seeing those white lights and the cracks in space escaping in all directions, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of what he saw when the secret realm of Fallen Demon Valley was opened.

If this is really the case, and it is confirmed that Demon Race has the ability to restrain space cracks because he obtained a certain treasure in the secret realm, things will be a little simpler.

"If the other party relies on the treasures in the secret realm, have you brought out any useful treasures that can destroy the white barrier or restrain the space cracks?" Jiuyan asked Jiang Chen quietly.

Jiang Chen shook his head. If there was such a treasure, he would have taken it out long ago. How could he wait until now?

As for destroying the white barrier, you can give it a try.

"How about I take you in and dress up, and we can steal Demon Race's secret weapon and use it for ourselves?" Jiuyan's eyes widened and he looked very excited.

Isn't it impossible? Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and he looked at Jiuyan beside him.

Jiuyan has the innate ability to deal with things like space barriers, so maybe it won't be impossible for him to sneak into the Demon Race army this time.

After all, even if Demon Race drives the space rift here, it will still take some time for the space rift to completely destroy Sara City.

And this period of time is their opportunity.

Jiang Chen and Jiuyan immediately began to discuss the feasibility of this matter. .

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