Demon Race soldiers all wear dark black thick armor, and the armor is surrounded by demonic energy. They are all excellent defensive armor!

Jiang Chen and Jiuyan carefully shuttled between the demon soldiers, fearing to alert Demon Race's people.

Fortunately, the invisibility shield was quite powerful, and no magic soldiers found any trace of them along the way.

Jiang Chen could already see Gui Lao's figure, but after looking at the three sturdy figures like iron barrels behind Gui Lao, Jiang Chen gave up the idea of ​​grabbing the oil lamp holder directly.

Not to mention that the old ghost himself is very powerful, and it is very difficult to grab something from him. Now that there is a Demon Race expert protecting him, it is even more difficult to grab something.

"How about we steal that thing over when they are not paying attention? They will always have time to rest, right? After all, this thing is so useful and consumes a lot of spiritual power." Jiang Chen believed that even with Gui Lao's There is absolutely no way to hold on for a long time despite the strength.

What they are competing with Demon Race now is time.

"This plan went so smoothly. Will he be more popular with the people after returning?" Demon Race Elder looked at the city of Sara getting closer and closer. He had already imagined that if Sara City was conquered, the young master would be there before Demon Race. Lieutenant General will establish unprecedented prestige of his own.

The young master of Demon Race has always relied on his dead father Demon Lord and these elders to achieve such a status in Demon Race.

But after this battle, he can have his own prestige.

The Great Elder frowned displeased. Although he also wanted to take over Sala City, he did not want to see the young master grow up and escape their control.

Normally, when the young birds are full-fledged, the old birds are no longer needed, and the old birds that are not needed will lose important things little by little, and eventually die miserably.

The second elder had the same idea. He nodded with a complicated expression.

The person who was once under their control was out of control and turned into a being that could give them a fatal blow at any time. No one would be happy.

The third elder had a different view on this. "Since I chose to respect him and continue to support him, sometimes I have to let him go. If he successfully captures Sara City this time, it will prove that Demon Race can go on to a better future under his leadership." Very good direction to go.”

The first elder and the second elder were silent at the same time. They had never thought about it this way, but they had been too harsh on the young master before. According to his vengeful temperament, if they retreated, they would definitely not end well.

"The most important thing now is not this, but how to capture all the territory of Buddha Gate. The next step is the barbarians. I, the Demon Race, will one day unify the entire continent!" The third elder looked at Sara City, but it seemed as if he was looking through Sara. The city looked further away.

"The barbarians have formed an alliance with us now because they want to get a share of the pie and test our strength at the same time." The great elder's eyes were gloomy, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

Jiang Chen shuddered violently, looking at the Demon Race elder in front of him, he felt deep fear in his heart.

This elder seems to have simple ideas, but in fact he is very scheming and scheming. It is very scary!

If it is inevitable to deal with Demon Race in the future, Jiang Chen hopes that he will never meet this great elder.

Listening to the conversation between the three people, Jiang Chen received an important message.

"No wonder they have been silent for so long, and now they suddenly take the initiative. It turns out that there are barbarians who are adding fuel to the fire. They thought they were infallible, so they couldn't wait to break the contract and start a war." Jiang Chen thought thoughtfully.

It is said that the manpower of the barbarians is infinite, and their physiques are two or three times that of ordinary people. The barbarians who are born with divine power are very good at making Law Weapons, just like the people of the Taoist sect are specialized in formations and spells. The laws made by the barbarians are Weapons, many of them are unique weapons.

Simply cracking this crisis cannot completely solve the crisis in Sara City. Demon Race has been preparing for so long and cannot give up easily.

Can we start with Demon Race’s foreign players and break up their temporary team that has no cohesion?

The top priority now is still the oil lamp. Jiang Chen shook his head and refused to think about these longer-term issues.

Let’s do it step by step.

To Demon Race, ten miles is as far as one mile for ordinary people. Therefore, it didn't take long for Demon Race's army to be stationed about 500 meters away from Sala City.

Due to the influence of the oil lamp, the space cracks were all expelled outside Sala City and were frantically attacking the protective array of Sala City.

"Didn't you say that the people in Sala City will retreat at this time? How do you think the strength of the protective shield seems to be no different from before?" The great elder raised his head and looked at the lightly golden protective shield in front of him, and wrinkled after a while. frowned.

In Sara City, almost all the practitioners were sitting cross-legged around the defensive formation, transmitting the spiritual power in their bodies unreservedly to the golden body sitting in the middle of the formation.

The space cracks became very violent due to the influence of the oil lamp, but for a while they were unable to break through the protective shield of Sala City.

It was different from what was expected, and the three elders of Demon Race were not happy.

But there is no way. Since we have already dispatched, we must wait for the results.

"Stay where you are. Mr. Ghost, you continue to stimulate those space cracks. It would be best if you can make their attack power more powerful." After the great elder Demon Race issued this series of orders, he also sat down cross-legged [unexpectedly Start closing application and rest 190 interest.

Seeing the elder starting to rest, all the magic soldiers also relaxed.

Only Gui Lao shouldered the important task of controlling the space cracks. He stood there holding the oil lamp in his hand, like an emotionless stand holding the oil lamp.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Old Ghost's eyes, and the words of Young Master Demon Race rang in his ears.

"As long as you come back successfully this time, I will let you take his place. In Demon Race, you will be inferior to one person and above ten thousand people." The young master of Demon Race's eyes were cold, with a faint hint of lust in them. The light of blood.

The corner of Gui Lao's mouth evoked an evil arc. As long as he can complete the tasks assigned by the young master of Demon Race, he can become the most powerful person in Demon Race besides the young master of Demon Race.

Given time, he will definitely develop his own power, and when the time comes, he will pull down the Demon Race young master and learn all the Demon Race techniques.

He will become a unique demon with two powers!

The old ghost seemed to have seen him sitting on a high throne, with thousands of people crawling underneath.

Gui Lao was thinking about the future here, and he didn't realize that Jiang Chen and Jiuyan had quietly walked behind him.

Even the three elders of Demon Race were not aware of it at all.

The entire demon soldiers surrounded by a white light shield sat cross-legged and closed their eyes. .

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