After Liu Xiahui finished his polite words, he no longer beat around the bush, but went straight to the point and told Jiang Chen all the news he got.

"You mean, Demon Race really took advantage of the barbarian's path and took a detour to the only way to Sala City?" Jiang Chen's eyes widened.

They were just guessing, but they didn't expect it to be true.

When Liu Xiahui heard what Jiang Chen said, he looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, "Do you already know?~"

Jiang Chen waved his hand, looking very troubled, "I was just guessing before, but I confirmed it after hearing what Boss Liu said."

Liu Xiahui nodded, this is not the most important news.

"According to my people, Demon Race promised Demon Race three cities and also gave the barbarians two ancient Law Weapons, so the barbarians agreed to use Demon Race's passage." Liu Xiahui continued to talk about the information he had.

Jiang Chen nodded, but this exchange of interests was still within his expectation. These are not the most important, they are just petty gains.

To make the barbarians agree to the Demon Race even at the risk of offending the Buddhist Gate, there must be more than just these conditions.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was still listening, Liu Xiahui nodded with satisfaction. He had indeed seen the right person. Jiang Chen was a wise and calm person.

"The reason why the barbarians agreed to Demon Race to deal with the Buddhist Gate together is because the leader of the barbarians heard that the leader of the barbarians decided to marry his little daughter to the young master Demon Race." The young master Demon Race volunteered to use hundreds of cities and thousands of pieces of Law Weapon as betrothal gift.”

From ancient times to the present, marriage has indeed been the best way to connect two forces. Jiang Chen had to sigh that Demon Race was a really high step.

"Demon Race is so generous!" Wentian came out of nowhere. Looking at his look, it was obvious that he had been listening for a long time.

Jiang Chen and Liu Xiahui nodded at the same time, who could say otherwise.

The total size of the cities under Demon Race's own jurisdiction was only three hundred. This time, in order to attack the Buddhist Gate, he actually sent a third of them.

Those who didn’t know better thought that the young master Demon Race had a deep love for the barbarian leader’s youngest daughter, and Bai Yuan wanted to marry her back after sending her to so many cities.

The three people present have all dealt with Demon Race. They know that people in Demon Race put their own interests first. No one can make them make such a big concession unless there are greater interests behind these hundreds of cities. Pictureable.

"They are concerned about the territory under the jurisdiction of Buddha Gate. Although the territory under the jurisdiction of Buddha Gate is only three hundred cities now, these three hundred cities are much larger than Demon Race's." Jiang Chen reacted and Demon Race joined forces with the barbarians. , the transactions were probably in the city now under their Buddhist Gate's jurisdiction.

Demon Race and the barbarians are so confident that they can take over the territory of Buddhist Gate? The three of them looked at each other, always feeling that Demon Race had some big conspiracy.

Just besieging Sala City, this trick is just an appetizer for Demon Race to deal with Buddhist Gate, and it will not play a decisive role in the subsequent battle.

"Boss Liu, can your people get any further information? For example, what other plans does Demon Race have?" Jiang Chen asked.

Liu Xiahui shook his head, "It's just these two pieces of news. My people have already paid a heavy price. I think the question you asked is probably only known to Demon Race and some of the leaders of the barbarians."

Jiang Chen also realized that it is indeed difficult for ordinary people to get such information.

After sending Liu Xiahui away, Wentian and Jiang Chen looked at each other.

"Do you want to tell A Kelu and the others this news?" Wentian asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, "Of course I have to tell them, this is a very important matter, and if there is something we all need to figure out a solution together." 11

After all, a person's power is limited, and more people may be able to think of some good solutions.

In the secret room of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone was gathered together twice in a short period of time, but no objection was raised.

This is a secret room with the highest level of confidentiality. If there is nothing particularly important, there is no need to come here to talk about it. In other words, since you are here, it means that things are extremely urgent.

"This is what happened..." Jiang Chen told everyone in the room what Liu Xiahui said, as well as his, Liu Xiahui and Wentian's guesses.

There was silence again. Even if they were mentally prepared in advance, they still couldn't bear the desolation in their hearts.

Just before everyone could recover, Jiang Chen added another sentence, and the secret room suddenly exploded.

"I've thought about it. I think I should go to the barbarians and see if things turn around." Jiang Chen looked around and said firmly.

This was a plan that he thought over and over again on the way to the secret room and finally found it feasible.

…Please give me flowers…

"Now that the barbarians have cooperated with Demon Race, you will die if you go there!" A Kelu looked at Jiang Chen worriedly, with disapproval on his face.

Huaiyuan also looked at Jiang Chen worriedly, he had just learned about this.

Jiang Chen shook his head, "It may not necessarily be to this extent. Although the Barbarians and Demon Race are going to get married, they are guarding against each other before the marriage. Demon Race may not really want to give the Barbarians hundreds of cities, and the Barbarians don't either. You must really believe in Demon Race.”

People who are not our race must have different minds. The barbarians have always adhered to this concept. I don’t know what happened this time. The barbarians, who have never participated in worldly competition, actually married the Demon Race and even targeted the Buddhist Gate together.

There may be something weird in this, which is what Jiang Chen wants to find out during this trip.

If used well, it might be possible to destroy the already fragile alliance between the two parties.

After thinking about this clearly, the voice of opposition became a little smaller.

Jiang Chen has three kinds of power in his body. As long as he disguises himself as a ghost cultivator, it will not be a problem to sneak into the barbarian tribe.

"I'll go with you." Jiuyan suddenly took the initiative to apply to go to the barbarian tribe with Jiang Chen.

After hearing what Jiuyan said, Huaiyuan and Wentian also expressed their intention to go to the barbarians with Jiang Chen to find out.

Jiang Chen declined, "If we go together, the target would be too big and it would easily attract the attention of the Demon Race lurking among the barbarians."

Huaiyuan and Wentian thought for a while and realized that this was indeed the truth, so they did not persist. What's more, there is a lack of combat power in the city. If the three of them leave, they will also suffer a loss against Demon Race.

Huaiyuan and Wentian both gave up the idea of ​​following Jiang Chen to the barbarians, but Jiuyan still persisted.

"After all, I came out of the Fallen Demon Valley and I have the purest demonic energy in my body. If I go with you, no one will doubt my identity and maybe it will be useful." Jiuyan's statement finally convinced Jiang Chen. Chen agreed with Jiuyan to follow him to the barbarians.

The matter was settled like this, and everyone was disappointed.

In order to avoid Demon Race's eyes and ears in the city, Jiang Chen and Jiuyan still chose to leave secretly.

There is a forest bordering the barbarians and Sara not far away. After passing through that forest, they completely entered the territory of the barbarians. .

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