Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 104: Level With The World (Large Chapter)

Dark clouds are still gathering.

The ninth Thunder Tribulation, or the last Thunder Tribulation, has been brewing again in the huge tribulation cloud.

Judging from the momentum it spreads, the moment it fell, its power must be earth-shattering.

The eighth thunder struck down, and the whole world couldn't help but become completely silent at this moment. A huge pit had been formed on the surrounding ground, and the surrounding area was full of scorch marks.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's life breath almost completely disappeared.

Everything was eerily silent at this moment.

But high in the sky.

At this time, the thunder still had not dissipated.


A huge roar echoed, and the last thunder was still brewing.

At this moment, the curtain went completely dark.

Not only this desert, but even places with a radius of hundreds of miles have been completely darkened.

In the end, I don’t know how long it took.


Among the thunderclouds, the final thunder seemed to be brewing.


Unimaginably fast.

At this moment, the whole sky completely cracked.

It was completely different from the air being squeezed before, but the space was torn apart at this moment.

A huge hole appeared.

In the hollow, there was darkness, and the chaos swept the entire surrounding area unscrupulously.

The breath of destruction annihilated everything along the way.

Even the surrounding space began to shatter like a mirror at this moment. 19 The violent power spread from the entire surroundings and intertwined with the entire sky.

At this moment, it seemed that the last ray of life was going to be extinguished.

But just at this moment.

Under the hollow.

There was also a flash of lightning.

Waves of terrifying thunder gathered in the hollow, and then became stronger and stronger.

In the final thunderous moment.

Thunder also rose directly from the hole.

There was blood at the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and his body was completely scorched.

However, at this time, he was like a thunderbolt, rushing directly towards the thunder falling from high in the sky without dodging.

The eight lightning bolts from before were completely concentrated on him at this moment.

"The final blow!"

"If I can't survive, I'll be dead."

Amidst the thunder, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that this Thunder Tribulation would be so terrifying.

Although he had made predictions before, he originally felt that there was no problem.

After all, his sword energy has been brewing for more than twenty years.

But in the end there is still such a big gap.

If it weren't for the last moments, he would still have time to speak of creation.

I am afraid that at this moment, he has been annihilated in the eighth Thunder Tribulation.

Although he survived the eighth Thunder Tribulation, Jiang Chen was still not sure about the ninth Thunder Tribulation.

This is the last Thunder Tribulation, and also the most terrifying one.

Whether we can survive it or not can only be seen this time.


The speed of the thunder was so fast, especially when Jiang Chen quickly approached.

In just an instant, they collided with each other.

Amidst the loud noise, the sound and color were completely lost at this moment.

The entire area for hundreds of miles turned completely red and white.

The surrounding space that had begun to shatter was completely annihilated at this moment.

I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know how long it lasted.

The dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

The dazzling white gradually receded, and the broken space began to stabilize.

In the sky, a dark object wrapped in thunder fell downwards.

"so close!"


He coughed slightly, and Jiang Chen opened his eyes with difficulty. At this moment, he couldn't help but smile, even though at this moment, his body was almost completely destroyed by the thunder, and the true energy in his body disappeared without a trace. No trace.

Cyclone was even more depressed, but at this moment he almost burst into laughter.

Because of Thunder Tribulation, this moment was spent.


Amidst the flying dust, the body fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, he was still unable to move, and even mobilizing the cyclone in his body was difficult.

Eyes closed.

Slowly recovering from the injuries in his body.

The broken thunder was also repairing his body quickly.

The whole body was split full of cracks, and various burnt smells came from the body, and there was even a faint smell of barbecue.

Fortunately, he was not killed in one blow.

He also spent this moment in Thunder Tribulation.

Under the terrifying power of thunder, his broken body regained its vitality and was constantly repaired.

At the same time, his breath also fluctuated violently at this moment.

a long time.

When he was finally able to move, Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and climbed up, sat cross-legged, and began to activate the Pure Yang Technique.

At this moment, after he had passed the Thunder Tribulation, his whole aura began to change rapidly, his consciousness was sublimating, and his body was transforming, even if the cyclone in his body was originally silent.

It also started to operate quickly.


There was a vague roaring sound again, but this time it was not thunder, but the sound of the surrounding spiritual energy being squeezed out.

Huge swallowing power burst out from Jiang Chen's body.

It swept across the entire 100-meter radius almost instantly.

"Bang bang bang!"

The cornerstones of the formation shattered in an instant, and they, who were already on the verge of collapse, could not withstand Jiang Chen's swallowing power.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't need them to bear it at this moment.

Because of his swallowing power, it quickly spread thousands of meters [square meters].

One hundred thousand meters.

Dozens of miles, hundreds of miles.

Gold Core, what is that.

Gold is a thing that is strong and eternal and indestructible; elixir is a thing that is perfect, bright and pure without loss. Ancient immortals borrowed the name Gold Core to describe the nature of the original enlightened true spirit. This nature is called Taiji in Confucianism, Yuanjue in Buddhism, and Gold Core in Taoism.

Fools don’t know that it is not possible to use five metals and eight stones to refine medicine into Gold Core; the true nature is in the great furnace, forged and matured by fire, and lasts as long as the heaven and the earth, and shines as bright as the sun and the moon. ?

I swallowed one Gold Core, and from now on my fate was determined by my will.

This is truly becoming a strong immortal cultivator.

Even in some immortality novels, the Gold Core realm is an extremely powerful existence.

In this world, the Gold Core realm has already stepped onto the level of this world.

Heavenly beings are the limit under the world, even if Gold Core is where this world is.

Its essence is not much different from this world.

And the energy required is almost unimaginable.

Especially at this moment, when Jiang Chen was breaking through this level, the spiritual energy he had inhaled reached an extremely terrifying level.

Huge spiritual energy is sweeping across.


The sky and the earth are swaying.

The heaven and earth are trembling.

And the aura on Jiang Chen's body also rapidly improved as time passed.

in vivo.

In that rapidly sweeping cyclone.

The extremely rich true essence is compressing, and more spiritual energy is continuously transformed into new true essence.

The charred blackness on Jiang Chen's body gradually fell off, and new flesh emerged. At the same time, the entire surroundings fell into complete silence at this moment.

Time means nothing at this moment.

Maybe in the advanced world, breaking through the Gold Core, as long as the realm and level are reached, it is a matter of course.

But above this world.

Even after surviving the catastrophe.

The time required for Gold Core is also beyond imagination.

This is not some world suppression.

After the natural disaster has passed, the world no longer has any suppression on Jiang Chen. At most, it has obstructions, and this obstruction may not stop him.

However, without suppression, a problem also occurred.

Not enough energy.

The energy required by Gold Core is much higher than the Foundation Building level in both quantity and nature.

This requires accumulation.

The aura between heaven and earth is limited in a short time.

Even if his swallowing power covers the entire radius of a hundred miles and even extends farther away, he cannot swallow the entire world's spiritual energy in this instant.

If you can't do it, it will take time.

And this time.

Far beyond Jiang Chen's imagination.

Even he had never expected this kind of thing to happen before.

But at this moment, he didn't have the mind to care about it.

All thoughts were silent on this breakthrough.

The cyclone is rotating rapidly, and the terrifying spiritual energy is being converted into true energy every minute and every second.




One day, two days.

five days.

seven days.

One year.

Two years.

ten years, twenty years

Time is passing slowly.

Jiang Chen's figure was still sitting cross-legged, and the majestic spiritual energy around him was still gathering towards his body.

The entire surrounding desert has gradually turned into a desert.

Yellow sand swept across the entire sight, and the surrounding environment also began to become extremely bad under this condition.

Spiritual energy may not be actively absorbed by living beings.

Yet the importance of Reiki is unquestionable.

Any task has a certain aura, and aura requires aura. At this time, all the aura around it is extracted and dried up, which also means that the aura disappears and life begins to be cut off.

(It’s a little late. Next, you have to consider advancing to the world, otherwise it will be impossible to support the protagonist in the current world. There will be another update next.)

(Third update).

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