As the flags turned faster and faster, the mark gradually took shape, and the dazzling light surrounded Shan Kun's entire body. Jiang Chen and the others could hardly see Shan Kun's figure clearly.

Jiang Chen gradually felt that the spiritual energy around his body seemed to be affected by the formation flag, and began to fluctuate at the same frequency as the spiritual energy light array.

This is actually part of the formation!

When strange patterns began to appear on the ground under their feet, Jiang Chen realized that they were actually in this formation under the single Kunbu!

Jiang Chen originally thought that Shan Kun was so steadfast that Tuoba Hong could not escape because he had a special secret method of tracking. Unexpectedly, he had laid out such a huge formation in advance to prevent Tuoba Hong from escaping.

The manor they were in was surrounded by mountains on three sides, which meant that Shan Kun actually set up a formation that could encompass all three mountains.

What a powerful array master this is, and he can actually lay out an array with such a wide range of influence.

On the battlefield, if any side can possess such a powerful formation master, it will be like a secret weapon.

Utubcha also realized this. He looked at Shan Kun intently, his eyes gleaming, and he wanted to recruit Shan Kun back immediately.

It is a pity that for people who have reached Shan Kun's level, it is difficult for ordinary things to impress them to participate in the disputes in the world, not to mention that Utubcha just wants to take back the leader's position from Uturaf, and he does not What does the method promise Shan Kun?

Thinking of this, Utubcha's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, and he lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking.

Besides, Tuoba Hong, who had left long ago, was worried that Shan Kun would come after him, so he specifically chose the tallest mountain with the densest woods as his escape route.

Originally, according to his speed, after such a long time, he should have climbed over this mountain long ago.

However, after Tuoba Hong kept running forward for most of the day, he found that he was still halfway up the mountain, still far away from the top of the mountain.

How could this happen? Tuoba Hong was shocked and once again tried his best to climb over the mountain in front of him.

But no matter how fast he goes, when he stops, the top of the mountain is always so far away, and it seems that he will never reach the top.

Damn it, Tuoba Hong finally remembered Shan Kun. He knew that Shan Kun was good at formations, but he just forgot about it because he was in a hurry and was afraid that Shan Kun would chase him.

Now that he was trapped in this mountain, Tuoba Hong remembered Shan Kun's identity as the Array Master, and realized that he had fallen into the trap that Shan Kun had set in advance.

No wonder Shan Kun had no intention of chasing him when he left just now. It turned out that Shan Kun knew that he couldn't leave here!

Tuoba Hong spit on the ground fiercely, and patrolled around unbelievingly, trying to find the location of the formation eye, trying to destroy the formation eye to break the formation.

Tuoba Hong is not an array mage, and he has no idea about the formations set up by high-level array masters like Shan Kun.

In particular, this formation and the mountains and trees complement each other and blend into one, making it impossible to figure out where the formation's eye is from the changes and directions of the spiritual energy.

Tuoba Hong became irritable. At this moment, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, locked in a cage, knowing that he was about to die but could do nothing.

"Boom! Boom!" Large tracts of trees were snapped by Tuoba Hong. Tuoba Hong still didn't feel relieved. He ran towards the top of the mountain while destroying everything in front of him.

After a while, Tuoba Hong's speed became slower and slower. He felt as if his legs were filled with a thousand pounds of molten iron and were too heavy to lift.

Lowering his head and looking at his legs, Tuoba Hong was completely stunned.

I saw several strange patterns circling on his legs. The patterns on them were connected to the ground through a trace of spiritual power, and the other end was tightly wrapped around his legs.

No wonder his legs felt so heavy!

Tuoba Hong's face darkened, and he directly used his hand as a blade to cut off the spiritual power connected to the ground.

The moment the spiritual power was cut off, the strange patterns on Tuoba Hong's legs also disappeared.

Before Tuoba Hong had time to be happy, he saw a flash of light on his legs, patterns emerging bit by bit, and his legs were entangled again!

The surrounding trees suddenly rustled, and Tuoba Hong was startled, thinking that Shan Kun was chasing after him.

Looking up, I found that the surrounding trees began to change positions, just like the changing direction of a formation.

As expected, it was the thief Shan Kun who was responsible. Tuoba Hong couldn't help cursing. He struggled with the spiritual power lock on his leg while trying to find a way to escape.

...Please give me flowers...

Tuoba Hong was trapped in place and couldn't move. The two groups of Shibu and Toturaf who had just left were not doing much better.

Their strength is simply incomparable to Tuoba Hong.

Therefore, Tuoba Hong could still fight against Shan Kunbu's formation, but when they were locked by the spiritual power, they collapsed to the ground one by one. At the same time, their spiritual power was restricted and they could not use it.

The two groups, Uturaf and Gonbu, had no idea what was going on. They didn't think of Shan Kun either. They thought some mechanism had been triggered, causing them to be unable to move now.

After trying many times to get out of trouble to no avail, Gonpot finally sent out a call for help specially made by the Lion City.


Previously, Gonpot was afraid that his private meeting with the barbarian leader's son would be misunderstood if a well-established person in the lion city who did not deal with the barbarian leader knew about it, so he never used a call for help signal.

Now that they are trapped here, the way forward is unknown, and life is more important than anything else. After weighing the pros and cons, Kampot finally sent a signal for help.

"We must be trapped by the formation like we are now. Use your secret contact information to ask your men to bring a few formation masters over." Uturaf frowned subconsciously.

It was natural to give orders to Gonpot.

Seeing Uturaf's natural look on his face, Gonbu was furious.

If it weren't for the two Utu brothers, he wouldn't have ended up in such a miserable end, and he wouldn't have lost so many treasures.

You must know that the treasures that a practitioner carries with him must be extremely important to the practitioner.

Now that Shan Kun had taken them all away, he didn't dare to complain at all.

Gombu blamed all this on Uturaf.

If Uturaf hadn't insisted on getting involved and tempted him with that treasure, he wouldn't have been trapped here and still targeted by Shan Kun.

Thinking this way, Yuanbu looked at Uturaf with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Jiang Chen and his party, who were in the middle of the formation, didn't know what happened to Gonbu and others who had left. At the moment, they were just looking at Shan Kun suspended in the air. My heart is filled with wonder. .

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