Everyone was silent for a moment, and then the entire auction house erupted for the third time.

"Sure enough, he is a wealthy owner, and he suddenly increased the price by 400,000 spirit stones!" A person looked at the room No. 3 where Jiang Chen was located with great envy.

"Humph, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? If you ask such a high price all of a sudden, you will lose your pants all of a sudden." A sour voice sounded, but not many people agreed with him.

Everyone in the room had already begun to guess the identity of the person in room three.

Although Luoluo is used to big scenes, this is the first time she has seen a Law Weapon auction with a base price of 200,000 yuan and a sudden increase in price by so much.

But she was a professional auctioneer after all. She was just stunned for a moment, and soon she sorted out her emotions.

"2.8 million, is there any more price increase?" Although Luoluo looked around the audience, she knew in her heart that with such a high price, no one would continue to increase the price.

With the thought that no one would continue to increase the price, Luoluo's speech speed was invisibly faster than before. Who knew that just when she was about to call 19 for the third time, a crisp ringtone rang again.

"Two million and nine hundred thousand." Room No. 2 on the second floor, which was the first to bid, suddenly said a voice. This time, the voice was not the sweet female voice that was exclusively bidding in Room No. 2, but a rather lazy voice. male voice.

Obviously, the person in room No. 2 couldn't hold it any longer and raised the price himself.

"The VIP in Room 2 bids 2.9 million, 200,000 once!" Luoluo's excited voice was a little distorted. Obviously, this was just the beginning.

Jiang Chen frowned and glanced to the side. He originally thought that those people had tried their best, so he took action, but he didn't expect that the people in the next room would continue to fight with him.

"Three million." Jiang Chen gestured towards Manman.

Manman followed the quotation, and the people below were completely numb. Watching Jiang Chen compete with the people in the next room, they just wanted to know the final result quickly.

"Three million and four hundred thousand." After Jiang Chen reported this number, the man in Room 2 finally stopped raising the price. After a period of silence, Luo Luo began to raise the price.

This time it went very smoothly. The moment Luoluo succeeded in bidding for the third time, a crisp ringing sounded throughout the audience, and it lasted for a long time before it stopped.

This ringtone represents the success of the auction, and also means that the successfully refined Law Weapon will finally appear in front of everyone.

In order to protect the privacy of customers, general auction houses will not announce the final Law Weapon refining results to others, but will directly hand the items to the customers who finally get the auction results.

Jubao Auction House is different. Their rule is that the successfully refined Law Weapon will be publicized first and then delivered to the successful auction customers.

Of course, the information of the customer who ultimately succeeds in the auction is also kept confidential.

The curtain opened little by little, and Jiang Chen leaned forward, staring closely at the figure sitting cross-legged on the ground behind the curtain.

As the curtain gradually opened, streams of abundant spiritual power emanated from the auction platform, making almost everyone feel physically and mentally relaxed.

"This is... This is not a High Grade Law Weapon, this is a Peerless Grade Law Weapon!" A sudden voice broke everyone's intoxication, and everyone began to carefully look at the Law Weapon held by Huang Baoguang in both hands.

The Law Weapon is a staff. The staff has a cold light all over its body, and its two ends are crystal clear, like ice. The light on it flashes, and the spiritual power that makes people feel physically and mentally comfortable comes from the two ends of the staff.

They didn't believe that the Peerless Grade Law Weapon would look like this. Everyone's eyes widened and they rubbed their eyes repeatedly before looking at the staff. However, the staff still looked like an ordinary staff, except that the two ends were more crystal clear. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything special about it.

People who originally envied Jiang Chen suddenly sighed. Even if it was a Peerless Grade Law Weapon, it didn't have the unique mark of the Peerless Grade Law Weapon [I'm afraid the power it exerts is similar to that of an ordinary High Grade Law Weapon.

Listening to the sighs coming from downstairs, Manman and Miaomiao also guessed that the result of the weapon refining was not satisfactory. They carefully observed Jiang Chen's expression, fearing that if Jiang Chen was unhappy, they would vent their anger on them.

But when the two of them saw the expression on Jiang Chen's face clearly, they were stunned.

There was no anger or disappointment on Jiang Chen's face as they thought. Instead, he was smiling and looking happy.

Could it be that he was dizzy with anger? Manman couldn't help but guess.

"You are only here to show the final product, and you are not going to publicly introduce the Law Weapon in detail, right?" Jiang Chen suddenly asked.

"Of course not. We still attach great importance to protecting the privacy of our guests. In fact, the current form of Law Weapon is not the final form, it is just an illusion, and there is a certain difference from the actual form of Law Weapon." Manman quickly replied.

Jiang Chen nodded and stood up. He had been delayed here for long enough. Now that he had got the things, there was no need for him to continue to waste time.

"Send the things to me at the appraisal office. The balance in my account is not enough, so I can mortgage some more." Jiang Chen said as he walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Manman quickly led the way for Jiang Chen.

Each VIP room on the second floor has a dedicated passage to protect the privacy of the VIPs. In this way, even the people in the next room have no way of knowing who is in the next room.


This is to prevent baby snatching from happening. 227

Not long after Jiang Chen left, a voice suddenly sounded in Room 2.

"Who is the person in the next room? How dare you snatch something from me." The originally lazy voice turned into an angry voice at this moment. A man in gorgeous clothes glared at the two young girls kneeling in front of him.

"Guest, please calm down. We really don't know who the guest in the next room is. This is not something we can know." The slightly older girl said quietly.

The man in gorgeous clothes glanced at the girl who spoke, and suddenly said: "Call your manager here and tell Mr. Hu to look for her.

The slightly older girl was relieved when she heard that she could leave here. She nodded and quickly exited the room, fearing that Hu Song would regret it and call her back again.

After listening to the little girl's narration, Luoluo frowned. Now the supervisor was out on business, and the other two auctioneers who were older than her were still presiding over other auctions. At this moment, it seemed that she was the only one who had time to deal with this Hu Song.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Luoluo's face, and she quickly suppressed the emotion.

No matter who the other party is, they are their guests first, which is what an auctioneer must keep in mind.

A smile appeared on Luoluo's face again, and she followed the girl in Room 2 to the VIP room on the second floor. .

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