Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 107 The Place Where God’S Whip Breaks, The Kingdom Of Heaven (Big Chapter)

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the frost blade has never been tested.

The sword moves with its edge.

The Taoist in blue came out with one sword.

All things fell silent, and the heaven and earth fell to the ground.

The completely shattered sky is gradually recovering, and at this moment, everything is frozen.

This moment is destined to become eternal and also destined to become a myth.

The dilapidated Xiangyang City was still there, but Qiu Chuji's expression was filled with unimaginable excitement.

Although Xiangyang is destroyed, China is still there.

At the end of the dynasty, China did not sink.

Junior brother is also fine.


A soft cough arose. At this time, even he was covered in injuries, but at this moment, only a smile bloomed on his face.

In the broken city.

The desperate people also saw hope at this moment.

A smile appears as well.

Not only Xiangyang City, but also the whole world and Chinese civilization smiled.

There is no Heavenly Dynasty behind Yashan, and the slow path of the long river looks like a huge and heavy chariot, but at this moment it has not been able to finally slide into the abyss along the established path.

One person and one sword.

A natural chasm.

Cut off the trajectory.

The brakes were applied.

The whole time seemed to freeze completely at this moment.

High in the sky, the illusory figure slowly disappeared.


In the desert.

Jiang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his face was slightly pale, but at this moment, he couldn't help but bring a smile to his lips.

History is in his hands and has finally changed.

This time, the will of heaven and earth cannot stop his existence.

Although his consumption at this moment was extremely huge, his spiritual consciousness was almost drained, and the process of this breakthrough began to slow down, the results were gratifying enough.


Feeling the Gold Core that was gradually taking shape inside his body, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

At this moment, he can be said to have reached the Gold Core state. The only difference is energy accumulation.

And this accumulation has reached a very high level within twenty years.

It feels like it won't take too long for it to be completely stable.

His eyes closed, and the spiritual energy around him swept over him again.

At this moment, he fell completely silent.

Didn't pay attention to everything outside.

Hundreds of thousands of Mongolian and Yuan troops were completely annihilated, including Kublai Khan and tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry. This was an unimaginable blow to the Mongolian Empire, let alone the Mongolian Yuan.

The fire of Chinese civilization is preserved at this moment.

As for the original dynasty.

Jiang Chen didn't care. Whether the disintegrated dynasty could continue or not was not what he needed to care about.

He only cares about this nation.

And now that's enough.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Even if the correction power of history is strong enough.

But this time, Jiang Chen almost completely overturned the entire chessboard, and even the repaired history could not be replenished at all.

The newly established Meng Yuan fell into chaos.

Kublai Khan's position as Khan was not quite justified.

In the ninth year of Emperor Xianzong of Mongolia, Brother Meng was killed in Diaoyu Mountain in Hezhou, Sichuan.

An envoy sent by Wei Ge, Kublai Khan's half-brother in Sichuan, announced the news to Kublai Khan and asked Kublai Khan to return to the north to inherit the throne.

In the first year of Zhongtong, Kublai Khan led his army to Yanjing and disbanded the militia recruited by Tuolichi. Kublai Khan led his army to station in the suburbs of Yanjing, spent the whole winter, and actively contacted the kings. In the spring of the first year of Zhongtong, he held the Kulitai Conference and held the enthronement ceremony. It can be said that he directly took the lead and defeated the other three. Tianhe Kingdom was caught off guard.

But the Meng Yuan was powerful, and with the help of the powerful manpower and material resources of the Central Plains, Kublai Khan became the strongest in the entire Mongol Empire. Even if the other khanates did not want to recognize him, they could only hold their noses and recognize him.

However, this time, the entire Kublai Khan's strength exceeded 90%, and Kublai Khan himself was completely destroyed.

Although the power of the four great khanates is also included in this, the power loss of the four great khanates is obviously much smaller.

This time, he became completely agitated.

From the northern grasslands, to Central Asia, to West Asia, to Europe, fighting began in this huge land.

The fighting among the grassland people was more cruel and chaotic than in the Central Plains.

And the land of China finally had a chance to breathe at this moment.

Although due to the collapse of the Song Dynasty, it also involuntarily entered troubled times, but compared to the rule of the Meng Yuan Dynasty, it was undoubtedly much better, and the entire Jiangnan did not withstand the devastating blow.

Everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

After the chaos, a new dynasty will be built on the ruins of the old.

Maybe there is a lack of halo, but perhaps it is better not to have this halo.

Time flies.

four Seasons.

The chaos in the grassland eventually calmed down.

The Mongolian Yuan regime still appeared on this land.

But outside Xiangyang City, the huge gap has become a natural chasm.

Meng Yuan's iron cavalry could no longer ride on it.

It's not that it's impossible, it's that it's impossible.

Nor dare.

The sword from heaven and earth is like a god, even the Immortal Sky cannot compare to this.

In fact, many Mongolians began to have more respect and fear for China and this ancient oriental civilization.

Even if many people don’t see it.

But the hundreds of thousands of troops were completely destroyed.

As well as the crack that almost spans the entire sight outside Xiangyang City, they can clearly tell them that it is not a legend, nor a myth, nor a scary existence, but a real reality.

Even if some people don't believe it.

There are even Western Khanates who want to try and invade this land from the northwest.

But that day.

On top of Zhongnan Mountain.

A white-haired old man came down the mountain.

Heading towards the Western Region.

One person and one sword.

Return in October.

The Khanate was silent.

When Jiang Chen shattered the will of heaven and earth that day, the general trend surrounding the Meng Yuan Dynasty had disappeared, let alone the existence of just one of the four great khanates.

The general trend in it does not exist at all.

How can a mortal body resist a cultivator of immortality?

At this moment, the name Zhongnanshan Immortal was completely spread.

In most of the cities.

The Mongolian and Yuan characters gradually turned into Chinese characters.

And this civilization.

This legend followed the Meng Yuan cavalry and began to head towards Europe.

Spread to the end of the world.

Let more people be curious about the East.

The far west.

Among the broken ruins.

A young waiter listened to the old man's narration, his eyes full of expectation.

And in his heart, there was already a vague idea gradually taking shape.

"He is going to the east, to see the place where even the whip of God has been broken."


"Great Lord, is the kingdom of heaven passing away in the east?

Praying softly, in his hand is the cross destroyed by civilization.


This existence, known as the Immortal City of the West, had already been completely reduced to ruins amidst the roar of Eastern artillery.

On the road of conquest, the Mongols had already understood how to conquer the world. They used Eastern technology to open the gates to the Western world, and used Western germ warfare to dismantle Eastern cities one after another.

Constantinople is certainly no exception.

Fortunately, the complete collapse of the Mongol and Yuan Empire in the East allowed the West to survive.

Under the Broken Castle, a dirty letter was handed over from an unknown person.

"The whip of God is the place where the sun rises. They are not invincible. Not long ago, they suffered an unimaginable defeat in the east..."

"In the homeland of silk, a kingdom of angels, where the kingdom of heaven is, there is the power to disintegrate the whip of God"

"That is an unimaginable civilization and a country of gods?"

"Dante, go forward, the Lord needs your light.

The young beggar's emerald green eyes widened, filled with unsuffocating emotion.

He could not imagine that such a powerful whip of God would break in the east, nor could he imagine what kind of power could stop such a powerful demon.

Yet he seemed compelled to believe it.

Because this is the consciousness of the Lord, a secret message from His Majesty the Pope.


“I will find that heaven.

"The Lord is with me."

The dirty beggar prayed, with a sense of holiness in his piety.

At this moment, he set off towards the east, towards the place where the earth rose. He was looking for the kingdom of heaven and the glory that belonged to the Lord.

-In "The Divine Comedy", Dante wanders through space and time, including both real historical figures and mythical figures. Finally, he roamed in heaven and saw the perfection of wisdom creation, from which he understood that God is the creator of joy. It is precisely because of the soul given by God that the world can appreciate the world created by God.

That year Dante brought myth, hope, and light from the far east.

He is the Lord, he is the divine light, and he is the greatest legend of the gods.

(In the big chapter, I will write some Western stories, but only one or two occasionally, which have no great impact on the main plot. It is the same as before, just a foreshadowing!).

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