"Your son was kidnapped suddenly, and quietly. This is your territory, don't you think it's strange?" Jiang Chen reminded Hu Tianyuan.

Hu Tianyuan pondered for a moment. From the beginning, he was misled by the boy who escaped, thinking that the murderer was Jiang Chen, so he did not think about it carefully. Later, he learned that Jiang Chen was not the one who kidnapped him because he was worried about Hu Song's death. When his safety was in danger, he panicked.

Now that he had calmed down and listened to Jiang Chen's suggestion, he suddenly came to his senses.

"You mean, there is a traitor in my city lord's palace?" Hu Tianyuan looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

"You have been guarding against your leader putting spies in your house, thinking that except for the few people you specially put in, your house can be said to be a piece of iron. In fact, you have forgotten that you don't only have your leader as an opponent. How many people in this city are eyeing your position as city lord, and how many people have been dissatisfied with your blows for a long time. If these natives want to put people in your house, it will be much easier." Jiang Chen continued.

Several people suddenly appeared in Hu Tianyuan's mind. During his reign, he did offend many people. Whether he intended it or not, these are inevitable consequences for a city lord, so he never paid attention to it. To think that these people would dare to put their hands on his son!

"So who is the first person that appears in your mind right now? Who is the spy in your mind who can leak the traces of your son?" Jiang Chen reminded Hu Tianyuan that this is the most important thing at the moment.

Hu Tianyuan shook his head, "There are many people who hate me. There are also several families who have the ability to kidnap my son quietly under my nose. They are deeply entrenched in this Tiger City and I can't touch them."

"It's inconvenient for you, the city lord, so leave it to us outsiders." Jiang Chen looked at Hu Tianyuan with great confidence. "Master Wu Tubucha has already led people to find clues. No matter how meticulous they are, they can't do anything." It is inevitable that the trap will be revealed, what you have to do now is to hold on tight and find the spies in the mansion."

The former leader not only placed spies in the city lords' palaces in various cities, but also had people he placed in the big families in the city.

Now that the former leader has passed away, with Captain An as his old subordinate, it is easy to take over these informants.

Captain Tianan has been very busy these days, not only to contact Hu Tianyuan, but also to contact the informants of these major families.

If Hu Tianyuan still refuses to cooperate with them in the end, Utubcha will also have the ability to replace him as the city lord.

However, Jiang Chen would naturally not let Hu Tianyuan know about this, otherwise it would be unclear whether Hu Tianyuan would cooperate with Wu Tubucha.

Hu Tianyuan took Jiang Chen out of the dungeon. According to what Jiang Chen said, on the surface, he was standing still, but secretly, he was secretly looking for spies from major families who had sneaked into the house.

Jiang Chen and the others are here to catch spies, and a group of people under Wu Tubucha are dividing into several groups to inquire about the situation near each family.

Utubcha and Yeluqi sat in the inn leisurely, waiting for their men to come back and spread the news.

Jiuyan saw that Jiang Chen had been taken away for a long time without any news, and Wutubcha looked unhurried. Finally he couldn't sit still anymore, and he came directly to Wutubcha's door.

"Master Wutu, Jiang Chen has been taken away for so long, haven't you done anything? Has that Hu Tianyuan killed someone and silenced him?" Jiuyan opened the door and walked in.

In the room, Utubcha and Yeluqi were playing chess, a military chess specially made by the barbarians.

Seeing Jiuyan coming in, the two of them put down the military chess in their hands and looked at Jiuyan.

"Don't worry, Taoist Priest Jiuyan. Didn't Taoist Jiang tell you before he left? This is our plan, and I will keep him safe and sound." Wu Tubucha stretched out his hand to pull Jiuyan to sit down.

Jiuyan dodged Wutubucha, and then stared at Wutubucha tightly: "Since Mr. Wutu said so, I believe you, but if Mr. Wutu can't save Jiang Chen before tonight, If I come out, I will go and save people myself."

A trace of undetectable displeasure flashed in Utubcha's eyes. He hid it very well. In just a moment, his face returned to a smile.

"That's natural. I will definitely try my best to rescue Dao Zhang Jiang." Wu Tubucha looked at Jiuyan with certainty on his face.

Wu Tubucha had already said this, and Jiuyan could no longer stay here. Zhongneng turned around and left Wutubuning's room.

As soon as Jiuyan left, Yeluqi said dissatisfiedly: "These two foreigners are so arrogant that they dare to doubt the young master. If it weren't for the fact that they are useful to the young master, I would have to arrest them!"

·Please give me flowers...

Wu Tubucha shook his head, "If it can be used for me, no matter how disrespectful it is, not to mention there is a Shan Kun behind them, this is what I value most."

Thinking of Shan Kun, Yeluqi couldn't help but shrink his neck. A powerful formation master in the Nascent Soul stage is a being that all armies are very afraid of. He is the key to turning the tide of the battle on the battlefield. If they can capture Shan Kun, For their own use, then they don't need to worry about the disparity in military strength with Uturaf.

"Young Master, after our repeated inquiries, the Batu family in the west and the Xiangliu family in the north are both suspected." A very rhythmic knocking sounded at the window, and after Yeluqi responded with the corresponding code, One person spoke in a low voice.


After getting the desired result, Utubcha dropped the military chess in his hand, stood up, and walked towards the door first.

"It's time for us to go see the city lord. He must be anxious about his precious son right now." Utubbuca looked in a very good mood.

Yeluqi also hurriedly followed, and the two of them walked together to the city lord's mansion.

Jiuyan had been keeping an eye on Utubuca's movements. Seeing that Utubuca finally went out, he quietly followed him.

The Nine-Eyed Poisonous Spider is good at hiding, and Utubuca walked on the street along the way, so the two of them did not notice anyone following them.

"Who are you? Our city lord is not seeing any guests today." The boy at the door was quite polite. He just advised Utubcha and his wife to go back without doing anything extraordinary.

"Go and tell your city lord that I have clues about his son." Utubcha said unhurriedly.

After hearing this, the boy looked at Utubuca and Utubuca suspiciously. When he saw that Utubuca had a calm look on his face, it didn't look like he was joking. Then he realized what he was doing and hurriedly rolled to the ground. He ran in and looked for Hu Tianyuan.

At this moment, Hu Tianyuan was sitting in the lobby for entertaining guests, checking the list of all the houses in the mansion with Jiang Chen and the housekeeper.

After just picking out four or five suspicious people, the doorman ran in on a rolling crawl.

"Are there no rules? What does it look like!" The housekeeper looked at the boy's appearance and hurriedly scolded him. .

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