Claire just came here. Now after hearing Rhea's question, Claire saw Jiang Chen and waited for Jiang Chen. After a while, he said where he wanted to go, and then he followed Jiang Chen.

As for Colonel Meese, nothing happened. He came here with Jiang Chen, but now there is nothing going on here.

Then he would go back to the police station, tell his men, and then go to the slums to investigate the evidence left by the old vampires.

I believe that even though a long time has passed, useful evidence will be left behind, so Rhea asked him.

He looked at Rhea and said: "I don't have anything to do. I want to go back to the police station and go to the slum to take a look. If I hear anything about what happened there, I will call you to inform you. "

When Colonel Meese looked at Rhea and said these words to Rhea, Colonel Zeiss planned to leave now.

At this time, Mo Qian was the last one left. Seeing that everyone had nothing to do, Mo Qian also stood up.

Watching Rhea say to Rhea: "I have nothing to do, I will go home now, have time to have a good sleep, and I will come back when you notify me~!

Just like this, when each of them finished replying to Rhea, Rhea knew that everyone had nothing to do now, so let's disperse.

So Colonel Meese stood up and walked out. Jiang Chen and Claire also walked out together, intending to go to the houses of Taloma and Tadaso to find Diliger and Meese Li.

Mo Qian also stood up and planned to go back to his own place to rest. Just like that, everyone went to Ya's side and went back to their own place.

As soon as Rhea saw everyone leaving, he also went to rest.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Claire came out together with Colonel Meese. Because they were walking in the same direction, the three of them walked out from Rhea together.

When Jiang Chen, Claire and Colonel Meese walked out, Colonel Meese asked.

Jiang Chen said, "If you two have nothing to do, why don't you go to the police station with me and follow me to the slums?"

Then when Colonel Meese saw Jiang Chen and Claire finishing these words, he waited for Jiang Chen and Claire's replies.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Claire thought of returning to Taloma and Tadaso's house to find Dilire and Mis Li.

But suddenly she heard Colonel Meese speaking to the two of them. At this time, Claire fell in love with Jiang Chen as soon as she heard what Colonel Meese said.

Anyway, he focused on Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen said he wanted to go, then he would go. If Jiang Chen said he couldn't go, then they would go back to find Di Lire and Mis Li.

And when Claire looked at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen stopped and thought for a moment whether he should follow Colonel Meese to the slums to take a look.

After Jiang Chen thought for a while, he thought he should follow Colonel Meese to the slums to take a look.

Anyway, if he followed Claire back to Taloma and Tadaso's house, he would have nothing to do. He could only chat with Diligel and Mis Li.

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