Is this all wrong? Colonel Meese still hasn't thought about what Jiang Chen is thinking.

Jiang Chen looked at Colonel Meese with squinting eyes. Seeing the innocent look on Colonel Meese's face, Jiang Chen still didn't react.

Jiang Chen thought in his heart when did Colonel Meese's mind become so slow. He gave him time to think about the mistakes in what he just said.

But Colonel Meese still didn't expect that. Instead, he looked at Jiang Chen with an innocent face, saying that he was really defeated by Colonel Meese.

So Jiang Chen looked at Colonel Meese and said, "Colonel Meese, don't you think what you just said is wrong?"

"You sent your subordinates from the police station to pick up Taloma and 19 Tadaso with great fanfare. If there are two people, then if those vampires find out this information."

"Can you still have contact with Taloma and Tadaso? If you do this, what is the use of Taloma and Tadaso?"

"Isn't this ruining our plan? Isn't this clearly telling those vampires that Taloma and Tadaso are the people sent by Metal to contact them?"

When Jiang Chen was speechless as he watched Colonel Meese say these words to Colonel Meese, Colonel Meese felt particularly innocent at first.

He wanted to ask his men in the police station to pick up Taloma and Tadasuo with good intentions, but Jiang Chen looked at him sideways and saw him.

And there was still such a look of disgust on his face. Colonel Caisi was very angry at that time and now when he heard what Jiang Chen said.

He reacted immediately. Indeed, if he really asked his subordinates in the police station to drive a police car to pick up Taloma and Tadasuo and bring them to the slums.

Then those vampires will send people to the slums. If they take a look, Taloma and Tadaso will be exposed.

How can we let Taloma and Tadasuo follow these vampires?

So Colonel Meese figured this out all of a sudden and suddenly felt very ashamed. Colonel Meese did not expect that one day he would make such a low-level mistake.

This is why Jiang Chen is usually very smart in front of everyone and thinks everything through.

But why did he make such a lowly mistake in front of Jiang Chen? Colonel Meese couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that Jiang Chen was so smart that he completely outcompeted him, so he always asked Jiang Chen if anything happened to him. But I never think about it.

When Colonel Meese was thinking this, he attributed all this to Jiang Chen being too smart, so he would always make some low-level mistakes in front of him.

Just like the first time in Sky Tower, I was very impulsive and wanted to rush out, but was knocked unconscious by Jiang Chen and Claire, and also like this time I actually asked such an idiotic question.

Therefore, Colonel Meese would never admit that he made such a lowly mistake. He said it without thinking through his mind. Instead, he attributed it to Jiang Chen being too smart and he behaved like this in front of him.

Jiang Chen saw all the expressions of Colonel Meese, but Jiang Chen did not say anything about Colonel Meese again. .

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