He will definitely be suspicious of the person in the dark, so for the next actions of Taloma and Tadasuo.

Colonel Meese should lead his men to evacuate quickly, and as soon as Colonel Meese heard that Jiang Chen and Claire did not intend to follow him back.

But he also wanted to conduct a secret investigation here. Colonel Meese thought that Jiang Chen and Claire were not participating in these things with their men just now.

These people in the slums believe that they don’t have a deep impression on Jiang Chen and Claire, so if Jiang Chen and Claire accept a secret investigation here.

It should be possible to find useful clues through investigation, so Colonel Meese agreed with Jiang Chen's suggestion.

So Colonel Meese turned around and walked in front of his subordinates. Looking at these subordinates, he ordered them to return to the police station.

In this way, as soon as all Colonel Meese's men heard the news that Colonel Meese asked them to withdraw their troops, everyone began to prepare for retreat.

Soon everyone returned to the car. When Colonel Meese saw that everything was ready, he came to Jiang Chen again.

He said to Jiang Chen: "I and all my subordinates are going back first. If you have any news, be sure to call me. If anything happens, be sure to tell me."

Then Colonel Meese saw Jiang Chen. After telling Jiang Chen these instructions, Jiang Chen nodded to Colonel Meese to show that he fully understood.

So Colonel Meese, as soon as he saw Jiang Chen like this, turned around and followed his men back in the car.

When Jiang Chen saw that Colonel Meese and all his men had withdrawn, Jiang Chen and Claire also made a move to leave.

Because Jiang Chen thought that while they were in the open, the person they were thinking about was probably in the dark, so it was not appropriate to stay here for too long.

I believe that when Colonel Meese talked to him before, the person hiding in the dark might also have doubts about his identity.

So Jiang Chen thought that he should follow Claire and dress up before coming over.

Just like this, when Jiang Chen thought of this, he and Claire started to drive away from here, and when Colonel Meese and his men evacuated.

After Jiang Chen and Claire also left, all the people in the slums saw that there was no more excitement to watch, and everyone dispersed.

When all the people in the slums dispersed, there were two or three people in the crowd who had been staring at Colonel Meese and Jiang Chen Claire.

But these two or three people only knew Colonel Meese, because Colonel Meese often took care of their area, so they were completely familiar with Colonel Meese.

But since they didn't know Jiang Chen and Claire, these two or three people didn't take Jiang Chen and Claire seriously.

These two or three people were indeed seeking information from Colonel Meese's subordinates. These two or three people were the subordinates of the people behind the scenes in this slum.

The two or three of them knew that Colonel Meese had brought people from the police station to the slums, but they didn't know what case Colonel Meese and the others should investigate?

The person behind the scenes in the slum is usually not in the slum, and he just lets these two or three people help him with things. Before, these were the old vampire's men here. .

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