So Tadaso looked at Stephens Bonwar's neighbor and said to him: "Brother, what do you call him?

"Can you kindly tell me where the three most powerful people on your side live?"

"I want to go see if I can rescue my friend Stephens Bonward and his family. It's really troublesome for you. Can you tell me?"

When Tadaso looked at the neighbor of his friend Stephens Bonwar and said this, he hoped that the neighbor could tell him an address so that he could go and find someone.

Otherwise, Tadaso really doesn't know where to find this neighbor, and the three powerful people mentioned would not be able to rescue his friend Stephens Bonward.

Tadasuo himself couldn't just run around like a headless fly, asking everyone where the people from the three forces were.

Tadaso believed that Stephens Bonwar's neighbor should know about it, so Tadaso looked at Stephens Bonwar's neighbor very sincerely and asked if Stephens Bonwar's neighbor knew.

At this time, as Tadaso asked Stephens Bonwar's neighbor about this matter, he was waiting for the reply from Stephens Bonwar's neighbor.

Tadaso looked at Stephens Bonwar's neighbor. The elder brother frowned, as if hesitating, not knowing whether he should tell him or not.

When Tadasuo saw Stephens Banghua's neighbor brother like this, Tadasuo was very anxious and looked at Stephens Banghua's neighbor brother.

He said: "Brother, please tell me quickly. I hope I can know the accurate address soon."

"In this case, I can rescue my friend. Stephens Bonward doesn't know how much suffering he will suffer there."

"If he delays here for too long, he will suffer more misfortune there, so I hope you, kindhearted brother, can speak quickly.

"Don't worry, even if I am caught by others, I will not confess to you if anything happens to me."

"I won't let you bear any consequences. I promise you this with my life."

When Tadaso looked at the hesitant Stephens Banghua's neighbor brother, he finished these words.

·Please give me flowers…………

Just waiting for the reply from Stephens Banghua's neighbor brother, at this time Stephens Banghua's neighbor brother was hesitating in his heart.

I don't know whether I should follow the stranger in front of me and tell him the addresses of the three most powerful men in this slum.


Because Stephens Banghua's neighbor brother is thinking, fearing and worrying.

If this stranger went to rescue Stephens Bonward, and he was caught, would he reveal himself if he was caught?

So Stephens Bonwar's neighbor was hesitating in his heart, wondering whether he should say these things to Tadaso.

But I heard Tadasuo say that if something happened to him, he would never confess himself.

So Stephens Bonward's neighbor looked at Tadaso and said to Tadaso, "My name is Bond Waldorf."

"I want to ask you, if I tell you the address where the three of them live, will you go alone or with your friends?"

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