Jiang Chen watched as Smith Lairdockney introduced his name to Smith Lairdockney.

But he did not introduce Tadasuo's name, because Jiang Chen knew this Smith Lairdockney in his heart.

The reason why I wanted to ask my name was because I wanted to take revenge on myself in the future, because Jiang Chen was very good at judging people.

When Smith Lairdockney asked him what his name was "Zero Two Seven", Jiang Chen saw the flash of fierceness in his eyes.

But Jiang Chen thought that this Smith Lairdockney did not pose any big threat to him at all.

Jiang Chen didn't take Smith Lairdockney seriously at all. Both of his arms were crippled. What else was there to fear about him?

Unless you find more people to deal with you, but what's the use of more people? They are just a bunch of mobs.

Even those zombies and zombies were hit in the head by one punch, let alone these ordinary humans, so Jiang Chen said his name to Smith Lairdkney without any scruples.

Because Jiang Chen was not afraid of Smith Lairdockney's revenge at all, he did not say Tadaso's name.

Because he was afraid that after Smith Lairdockney knew Tadaso's name, he would find trouble with Tadaso.

So Jiang Chen didn't say Tadasuo's name at all, only his own name, while Smith Hundekney was thinking secretly in his heart.

When he goes to that restaurant, he can notify his men and two other accomplices.

Because that restaurant is where he often follows his two other accomplices, and the place they often go to is where they gather.

He had just finished eating with his two accomplices in that place, but he wanted to go out for a walk by himself.

Seeing if there was anything fun to do, I walked over here, met Tadasuo, and then met Jiang Chen, who broke off both of his arms.

Now he believes that when he returned to that restaurant, the owner of the restaurant was a particularly shrewd person.

Seeing himself returning after a short while, and seeing his arm like this, he could guess that he was in danger.

So Smith Lairdockney thought in his mind that by returning to this hotel, he would be able to get rid of Jiang Chen.

When he thought of this in his mind, he prayed in his heart that Jiang Chen would agree to go to that restaurant, otherwise Jiang Chen would not agree to go to that restaurant.

All his plans will not be implemented, and he will not be able to escape when the time comes. He is praying secretly in his heart now.

When Jiang Chen agreed to go to the hotel, he heard that Jiang Chen agreed to go to the hotel without any doubts.

So Smith Lairdockney was very happy at this time, but he knew that he couldn't show it on his face or look happy.

In this case, if Jiang Chen didn't doubt it just now, he would definitely doubt it now, so Smith Laird 3.4 Kney quickly straightened his face and looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen, who was right, said: "So your name is Jiang Chen, so I will call you Mr. Jiang Chen. I will lead you to the hotel I mentioned before. Don't worry."

"The food in that restaurant tastes very good. It is quite famous in our slum area. It is a very good restaurant."

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