That's why Jax Medasso came to their house to vent his anger on them.

So when the people in the room thought about this possibility, they suddenly became more frightened, fearing that Jax Midasore would suddenly catch them and torture them.

Therefore, these people began to become even more afraid, fearing that Jax Midaso would capture and torture them.

Now when these people were very scared, they were squeezing together towards each other, and suddenly a voice came from among these people.

It turned out that these people were crowding together in a state of fear, and now they squeezed a child until he screamed.

In this suddenly quiet room, everyone was very nervous. The cry of a child broke the tranquility.

And the child became even more frightened, because he knew what kind of cruel punishment was waiting for him after he called out the sound.

Although this child is very young, only a few years old, he is very sensible. As a result, a severe punishment will be waiting for him.

Because during the time he was locked up here, he saw many such things in his eyes, and once he provoked this abominable devil in front of him.

He would catch people and punish others, torturing people very badly. So the child was very scared.

When he finished calling out, he quickly covered his mouth, not daring to make any more noise.

He looked at Jax Midasso in great horror, fearing that Jax Midaso would discover that the sound was made by himself.

As soon as everyone around heard the child's voice, they hurriedly hid the child.

Because they knew that if Jax Medasso heard that the sound was made by a child, his own thoughts would be interrupted.

Everyone knows that Jax Medasso will punish this child severely. No matter how old the child is, he will punish him.

So the adults in these rooms voluntarily and spontaneously hid the child slowly and thought about it in their hearts.

If Jax Midasau pursues the case later, they will have no choice but to hold on to him without giving up the child.

Now that they saw Jax Midasso, they were so absorbed in thinking about something that they didn't notice this at all...

So these adults quickly hid the child. When these adults first hid this child.

Jax Medasso was thinking in his mind about how to torture Jiang Chen and how to torture Jiang Chen after catching him.

Fortunately, he performed well in front of Smith Lairdockney and showed that he was extremely capable and even caught Jiang Chen.

While Jax Medasso was fantasizing about this in his mind, a voice suddenly interrupted him. This voice interrupted him.

After Jax Midasso came to his senses, Jax Midasso thought about the business he wanted to do in 0.8. Then he suddenly looked at the side that made the sound.

Wanting to see who made the sound, he interrupted. Just when Jax Midaso thought of this, he saw the source of the sound.

But when he saw these people looking at him nervously and looking very afraid of him, Jax Midaso felt very satisfied. This was the effect he wanted.

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