Following Jax Midaso's question, the crowd suddenly fell silent. In fact, they all knew each other's names.

Because everyone who grew up in this slum knew each other, now when I heard Jacques Medasso singled out the names of Stephens Bonward and Little Milton.

None of these people spoke out, because they were afraid that if they confessed to Stephens Bonward and Little Milton, they would be brutally murdered.

So these people didn't speak at all, and these people didn't speak, they just looked at Jax Midasso with wide eyes.

At this time, when Jax Midaso saw that after he had finished asking questions, no one took the initiative to admit who his name was Stephens Bonward.

Who told Little Milton that no one took the initiative to stand up, and everyone looked at him cautiously? Jack Smidasso felt that his own patience was almost being worn out by these people.

So Jax Midaso's tone was no longer as kind as before, but he looked at these people very fiercely.

He said to this group of people: "What's wrong? Are all of you deaf? Didn't you hear me?"

"Whoever calls Stephens Bonward and whoever calls Little Milton stand down and don't disturb my time, otherwise I will show off my power.

"None of you will be able to escape by then, so who among you is now called Stephens Bonward and who is called Little Milton."

If you don't want to implicate these people, please stand up immediately, and don't worry about Stephens, Bonward and Little Milton. "

"I'm just taking you out. Someone wants to see you. There is a man named Jiang Chen who wants to see you. So don't worry. Get up and follow me. Time is very tight."

When Jax Medasso was very familiar with Patience, he shouted these words at these people.

And when Jax Medasso said these words, he looked at these people, and he believed that when he said these words.

Stephens Banghua and Little Milton will definitely stand up. They have said it themselves. Their friend Jiang Chen wants to see them, so it can prove that they are safe.

So when Jax Midaso finished saying this, he was waiting for Stephens Bonward and Little Milton to step forward.

At this time, when Jax Midasau finished speaking these words, the people in the crowd were very stunned when they heard Jax Midasau finished speaking these words.

They didn't expect that Jax Medasso actually said that Stephens Bonward and Milton Jr.'s friends came to see them.

Then it proved that Stephens Bonward and Little Milton could go out, so everyone was very happy for Stephens Bonward and Little Milton.

At this time, Stephens Bonward and Little Milton were hiding among these people, and they were as scared as everyone else.

This Jax Midasso knew what a hateful person this Jax Midasso was, and he often tortured them.

They were also very scared when Jax Midasso came just now, and now they suddenly heard Jax Midaso say that someone actually called him. .

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