Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 130: East, Toward The East (Big Chapter)

"The glory of the Lord!"


"Lord, east, I have indeed found it."

It took seven days to walk through the entire natural chasm, and outside the natural chasm, Dante had the most pious heart and prayed towards the "Lord", and his figure continued to move.

They also need to transmigrate the Gobi in the Western Region so that the group can reach that sacred country.

But at this moment, all their confusion and entanglement completely disappeared.

All that's left is the determination.

He is going to the East.

Must reach the East.

That’s where the Lord’s divine light resides.

Only by going there can they welcome the returning Lord’s divine light.

Even though more than ten years have passed.

But his steps were still so sure.

He believed that he would eventually be able to reach the kingdom of God.

This point becomes even more powerful after entering the Western Region.

As the seat of the Mongolian and Yuan Empire, there are more legends about the East here.

The East, in that sacred civilization.

It is not only rich in silk, but also has porcelain, a kind of exquisite utensils that only gods can imagine. It also has the incredible "Kung Fu", and he doesn't know if it is translated this way.

But this kind of "KungFu" is extremely powerful.

In the Western Region, he saw someone leaping over a height of two or three meters.

In the West, even the strongest Roman warriors could not do this.

But it seems to be very common here.

There are many such strong men in a temple named King Kong.

In their narratives, these people seemed to have simply escaped from the ancient civilization in the East.

Like the incredibly powerful Mongols, demons, sons of hell, and whips of God, they also seemed to be losers.

But even a loser.

Dante also clearly saw a person named "Monk and Nun" punching through a huge stone with one palm. The thing called "Qi" shattered all the substances in the stone, turning him into a of powder.

For him this was incredible.

I'm afraid it would be difficult for even the most powerful paladin in the church to do this.

But it seems that it is not so rare to find something similar to a church here.

And this also made him more curious about the East.

And this kind of curiosity drove him to continue moving forward. Even if the road to the east was not so smooth and he did not have enough guides, he would get lost from time to time. He even wandered around in the Western Region for several months, but he was still there. He stepped forward steadily.

Fortunately, compared to his previous journey, his journey at this time was much simpler.

The only problem is getting lost.

But even if it is this problem, as long as you continue to move forward, it will definitely be possible to get out of it.

All it takes is just a matter of time.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

But it was obvious that at this moment, no one paid attention to this Westerner, the servant of the Lord, who was making the difficult journey eastward.

Mongolian and Yuan Empire.

In other words, except for the Golden Horde, most of them have already prepared jade.

In particular, the Mongolian Yuan Empire had almost completely wiped out all the jade in the Western Regions, and was sending slaves to jade production areas to mine.

Carloads of huge jade began to be transported towards Zhongnan Mountain.

No one dared to neglect Jiang Chen's words, and no one dared to contradict them.

The sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth, as well as the shattered outside of the city, told them clearly.

They can't stop it, and they don't have the ability to stop it.

Even if Meng Yuan can exist, it is only because the other party has no intention to continue to interfere, otherwise Meng Yuan would have disappeared decades ago.

There is no possibility of the present.

How to choose, the Golden Family will understand as long as they are not stupid.

And at this moment, they are indeed making their most correct choice.

As for the jade that the four major khanates began to transport, Meng Yuan did not dare to be greedy at all, and also worked overtime to make their way to Zhongnan Mountain.

Under Zhongnan Mountain, the current main purpose of the outer gate is to transport these jade stones.

When Jiang Chen returned to Zhongnan Mountain.

The harvest this time was beyond his imagination.

Jiang Chen also saw for the first time how much wealth the Mongolian Empire had plundered.

In the past time, the Mongol Empire launched the largest war in human history. They conquered more than 40 countries, conquered 720 ethnic groups, subjugated more than 600 million people of various ethnic groups, and wiped out a total of 1,000 armies from all countries. More than 10 million, and about 200 million people were massacred and destroyed.

The Mongolian cavalry swept through four-fifths of the entire human world in the thirteenth century, setting foot on the Mongol Empire, the largest country in human history, creating a miracle in the history of human war.

With victory after victory, the Mongol Empire not only expanded its territory, but also plundered a large amount of wealth, jewelry, cattle and sheep, etc. No matter how much wealth you have accumulated, once the city is captured by the Mongol Empire, all the wealth will be renamed and changed overnight, and all of it will become the property of the Mongol Empire.

Its huge wealth is probably only comparable to what it would take a few hundred years later, after the onset of colonialism, and three hundred years of European plundering of the world.

Even if jade is not the most important existence among them, it can even be said to be insignificant, but it has reached an incredible point. The huge jade even caused the Quanzhen Sect to stop mining spiritual stones.

Because these jade stones seem to be enough.

At least it's enough for a short time.

As for the future, the Meng Yuan Empire will obviously provide more jade.

And not only the Mongolian and Yuan Empire, the Quanzhen sect also ruled the south.

Over there, a large amount of jade will be sent in the next time.

Maybe they really thought too much before.

There are far more jade in this world than they imagined.

In this case, it is naturally better not to move the spirit stone. After it is nurtured for a period of time, a complete spirit stone mine may really be formed, and by then it will undoubtedly be much more useful than now.

Among the Quanzhen Sect, famous disciples, including Ma Yu, are working hard.

And Jiang Chen also began to arrange the main body.

Although at this moment he created a fire in the wood, it was almost extinguished.

But obviously, air fire is more difficult to obtain. When the flames have not reached a certain level, he still will not take the initiative to absorb it.

As for the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

He is ready to turn on.

But the core is naturally the Quanzhen sect, and he is not someone who makes wedding clothes for others.

The core is the Quanzhen Sect, and the concentrated power of the moonlight will be absorbed from the entire world and spread to the entire Kaidi based on the Quanzhen Sect.

In this case, the Quanzhen Sect's energy will increase rapidly, much faster than other places.

Other places will also benefit, but it will be a little slower. After all, Jiang Chen does not completely absorb the energy, but uses the Quanzhen Sect as the core.

The only problem is that the core is not so easy to arrange.

The huge Zhongnan Mountain requires a lot of effort.

But fortunately, he can complete it in a few days in the Gold Core state.

From the beginning of this day, Jiang Chen started making arrangements.

The entire Quanzhen sect continues to be busy.

Under Zhongnan Mountain, large quantities of jade are still being transported.

An endless stream.

The Mongolian and Yuan Empire, the Four Kingdoms.

Even the south is beginning to have jade.

But compared to the predatory nature of the north, the south is undoubtedly much slower. After all, it is impossible to plunder the same as the north, so we can only take our time.

Of course, the results are actually not bad, they also have a lot of levels, and compared to the Mongolian and Yuan Empire, the quality in the south is relatively higher. Jiang Chen not only chooses the formations, but also chooses most of them.

Although the jade required for the foundation stone of the formation is not very demanding, the higher the quality, the more effective the spirit guidance will be.

Time is passing slowly.

Day by day passed by in the Quanzhen Sect.

About five days later, the core of the entire Quanzhen Sect was completely arranged.

The inner gate is already full of formation cornerstones.

The action naturally began. (Good for Zhao) However, this kind of action does not require the inner door, it can be completed by the outer door. They only need to bury the jade stones in specific directions according to the formation drawings, and input the true essence.

It doesn't require a high level of cultivation, you can do it with a level of Qi Refining.

As for the inner door, of course, the formation inscriptions will continue to be engraved.

This time it cannot be completed in a short time.

Even if there are enough jade, the time required is extremely long, and the formation foundation stones required are also massive.

It is not that easy for inner disciples to be liberated.

Of course they don't need to spend all their time doing this.

In the following time, the engraving of the cornerstones of this formation can be regarded as a required course. They just need to spend a certain amount of time every day to get some, and they can continue to control the others.

After all, it’s impossible to really stop cultivating, so just do it all.

No one can make up for the time lost.

You know, even at the Gold Core level, he doesn't have the ability to help people extend their lives. The most he can do is to increase a certain amount of vitality and keep the other person in a perfect state. There was nothing else he could do.

(Third update, there is only one more update to follow!)

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