Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 133 Is This A Place Of Gods? ? (Big Chapter)

Starlight is falling.

The spiritual energy between the entire heaven and earth began to rise rapidly. The energy of stars and moonlight turned into a massive amount of spiritual energy at this moment and began to nourish the entire earth.

Everything begins to sprout.

Even if this energy is diluted, it is still extremely incredible.


This was once the temporary capital of the Song Dynasty.

By this time it had long been reduced to ruins.

Seventy years ago, Meng Yuan's cavalry completely crushed this place. The buildings were burned to the ground, and the precious items were looted. Only the ruins in the open space told the story of the former prosperity.

And no one found it.

Among the ruins, there is a peony flower blooming quietly.

Blocked by the ruins of the walls, only a little bit of sunlight can shine through the flowers.

But precisely because of this, no one discovered its existence.

Faintly and shallowly buried on the surface.

On it, the former Spirit Gathering array seems to be a little blurry, but the effect seems to be still the same, and there is a faint luster on the jade bottle, and along with this luster, wisps of spiritual energy are moving towards the jade bottle It gathered together, and finally turned into spiritual liquid and soaked into the land.

The peonies that grow "627" will quickly absorb these spiritual liquids.

It's just that this process took an extremely long time in the past. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is not endless. Similarly, the Jade Ping's Spirit Gathering Array only has one set of "limited spiritual power that can be extracted."

But today there was an exception.

The rich power of the moonlight turned into majestic spiritual energy, and these spiritual energy eventually turned into spiritual liquid, saturating the entire soil.

Among the peonies.

The spiritual liquid penetrates and the leaves continue to stretch.

A thin mist vaguely formed around the entire surrounding.

But no one noticed that the peony flower, which had only been passively absorbing spiritual liquid, began to actively absorb spiritual energy at this moment.

This is different from the spiritual liquid impregnating the soil.

This time it was the leaves that were absorbing the spiritual energy.

It's just that the speed is very, very slow.

Wisps of spiritual energy gathered from the leaves.

Of course, when the stars and moonlight fall, it's not just this peony that gets these benefits at this time.

In the Valley of the Divine Eagles.

Among the large fences, white snakes and green snakes were swimming around.

When the moonlight fell, their bodies froze in place.

Especially the white snake, the snake's mouth was wide open at this time, and it seemed that wisps of majestic spiritual energy were pouring directly into its body.

Compared with the green snake, the white snake is undoubtedly lucky.

That time in Shaolin Temple, his adventure was extremely fruitful.

That pill directly formed a cyclone in its body.

Although White Snake didn't know what this kind of cyclone was, it found that its own cultivation was no longer a big problem. As long as it wanted to, it could actively absorb spiritual energy and no longer had to passively accept it.

Even if this kind of swallowing speed is very slow, even in this formation, there is a limit to what it can do.

But it does work.

This time, the majestic stars fell, and the star power intertwined, and she also had a role here.

The rich spiritual energy washed over his body, making him feel that the energy in his body was getting stronger and stronger.



The dilapidated temple remains the same, as if nothing has changed in decades.

And if anyone looks, they will find that the dead bones buried decades ago have disappeared without a trace, and the huge tree in the temple has become taller.

Looking up, you can barely see the stars above.

It was as if it was completely covered.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The energy of the huge starlight and moonlight was quickly swallowed up by the big tree.

There seems to be a vague feeling that the tree seems to be taller.

These are just animals and plants that have changed before.

And this time in the starry sky, although they are the main source of income, they are not all.

The huge power of the moonlight and the power of the starlight gave birth to endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which was of great benefit to all living beings in the entire world.

This is true for animals and also for plants.

Animals, many animals, really had such a trace of spiritual energy in their bodies during this moment. Although it was only a trace, it was almost negligible, but it was two different things.

The same goes for plants.

The huge spiritual energy washed away, and the plants began to have spiritual energy residues.

Although because there is no Spirit Gathering array, these wisps of spiritual energy can only remain, but they are there after all.

In this regard, Zhongnan Mountain has changed even more.

Since the core cornerstone of the entire formation is buried in Zhongnan Mountain, huge spiritual energy gathers and directly washes away the entire Zhongnan Mountain.

The stars seemed to be falling from the sky.

In a huge range, thick fog spreads at the end of the line of sight, but this time it is different from before. If the previous fog was just due to the formation, then the fog at this moment is the gathering of the richest spiritual energy.

The huge spiritual energy turned into mist, making the entire Zhongnan Mountain seem to have turned into a real fairy mountain.

Outside Zhongnan Mountain.

Now one month later.

Zhang Sanfeng has arrived here with his disciples.

The long stone steps spread upward, seeming to lead to the sky.

Looking at the dreamlike top of Zhongnan Mountain, Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder in their eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced behind him.

"Let's go!"

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng's footsteps moved towards the mountain.

Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu quickly followed.

And when their figures had almost disappeared on the stone steps, a few Daoist figures flashed out from the grass behind them.

"Zhang Laodao took Zhang Cuishan up?"


One person spoke with some hesitation.

They followed Zhang Sanfeng and the others almost all the way.

Due to the distance, they were not discovered by Yin Susu and Zhang Cuishan, but it was obvious that they could not hide it from Zhang Sanfeng, but Zhang Sanfeng ignored it.

And in this way, these people followed all the way to Zhongnan Mountain.

Look at the three people walking up.

Several people just took steps towards the stone steps.

But at this moment, a figure stopped...

"What's wrong?"

"Let's go, or we'll lose you."

The companion called with a frown, but the man's face couldn't help but change.

"Well, let's wait here."

The young man spoke with hesitation, looking at the clouds and mist above, vaguely thinking of the legends left by his ancestors.

"Hmph, I won't go if I don't go. When we find the dragon-slaying knife, you won't be able to give it to us."

The companion spoke with a cold snort, and did not persuade again, but directly headed towards the mountain with the others.

The road to Zhongnan Mountain is very long.

After walking for almost half an hour, they saw a group of people from Zhang Laodao in front of them.

And there seemed to be an additional figure at the end of the mountain road.

The same old Taoist priest.

A few people seemed to be chatting, and after about a few minutes, they continued to move forward.

But at this moment, the figures of Zhang Sanfeng and others disappeared out of thin air.

This made them startled for a moment, and the figures quickly jumped towards that place, but when they arrived, they were shocked to find that they were really gone.

The surroundings were empty, and the stone steps ahead were still moving forward.

But Zhang Sanfeng and others were nowhere to be seen.

But this time is only a dozen breaths.

"Lao Zhang, are they?"

Someone next to him spoke with a surprised voice, and others had almost the same reaction.


Finally, the boss spoke with a firm voice, glanced at the stone steps ahead, and stepped forward at this moment.

Although the other people felt strange, after hearing the elder brother's words, they quickly moved forward as well.

And such a scene is naturally the same as Zhang Sanfeng's scene just now.

In the eyes of those who followed, they also suddenly disappeared.

This shocked many people, and also made them step directly into it.

When Zhang Sanfeng came down the mountain this time, there were a lot of people staring at him.

Zhang Sanfeng was indeed invincible, but the temptation of the dragon-slaying sword was also extremely huge. Among them, there were even some decent people. Zhang Sanfeng went up the mountain that day and really convinced everyone, but it meant that they had wiped out their greed.

Some people's greed, even if they know it will be fruitless, they still can't help but do it.

This kind of people are common throughout the world.

A big enough benefit can affect enough people's emotions.

Make them act stupid enough.

But obviously, without identity jade tokens, it would not be a good outcome for them to rush into the illusion formation like this, especially since most of them are just minions without luck protection.

The little prince from Mongolia was able to survive that day because his formation was not perfect enough and he was lucky enough.

But this time these people didn't have such good luck.

In the vast white illusion formation, you can't see the southeast, northwest, nor hear any sounds. You can't get out of the range either. No one from the outside world will even notice their existence.

They have completely fallen into the illusion formation.

(Big Chapter!!)..…….

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