Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 172: Should I Give Huashan An Immortal Fate (Second Update)

The figure gradually moved away, and Jiang Chen's back disappeared from everyone's sight. At this moment, neither Yue Buqun nor anyone else could calm down.

Yue Buqun's mood was ups and downs, and his eyes were fixedly looking ahead.

I don’t know if I finally made up my mind.

The next moment, his eyes focused directly.

"You guys should go back to the door first!"

His eyes glanced at Lin Pingzhi, and he spoke to stop the minister.

His figure flashed directly and he used Qinggong to move forward.

Although the evil-fighting sword manual is precious, and he has offended the Qingcheng Sect for it, compared to the immortals, it is really nothing.


Linghu Chong spoke hurriedly, but Yue Buqun's figure had already gone away.

At this time, Yue Buqun was so anxious that he used Qinggong to its limit, not caring about the disappearance of the inner strength in his body.

Soon only the back was left.

Several people looked at each other with somewhat helpless expressions. They all looked at each other in bewilderment, even at a loss.

"Master may have something to do, let's go back to the sect!"

Jiang Chen spoke

In the end, it was Linghu Chong, the senior brother, who spoke with a wry smile and led his fellow juniors "330" toward the Huashan Sect.

The road that followed was indeed stable. Whether it was the pull of fate or the waves of the times, few of them encountered any crisis.

On the other side, Yue Buqun was chasing Jiang Chen's figure and headed forward almost non-stop.

But it was obvious that his actions were in vain.

Ahead, the figure completely disappeared.

Not even the last trace remains.

"Immortal chief!"


The murmuring voice spoke, and Yue Buqun felt a little disappointed at this moment. The pictures in his mind from back then and now were constantly overlapping.

But at this moment it was completely broken again.

At the foot of Huashan Mountain.

"Grandpa Tai Zeng!"

Jiang Xi spoke cautiously and glanced behind him involuntarily. The two of them were naturally aware of Yue Buqun's pursuit.

And Yue Buqun's pursuit is destined to be in vain.

How can a mortal's footsteps, even a martial arts master, compare to those of a cultivator?

Not to mention Jiang Chen, not even Jiang Xi or even the donkey at his feet, Yue Buqun couldn't even think of catching up.

"Ignore it!"

Jiang Chen chuckled. He naturally knew what Yue Buqun was thinking. The reason why he didn't turn Huashan into an Immortal Gate was because the Huashan generation was really bad.

Today's generation may be able to give Huashan this opportunity. It depends on whether Huashan can seize it.

Of course that's not now.

Now he just came here to see the Huashan Sect and the resentment of the Sword Sect.

"It's Grandpa Taizen!"

Jiang Xi nodded and put his thoughts back. Grandpa Tai Zeng said don't pay attention to it, so don't pay attention to it and just move on.

Huashan Mountain is steep and has existed since ancient times.

But this is only for ordinary people.

It doesn't have much impact on people in the world of martial arts.

This is especially true for the two immortal cultivators, Jiang Chen.

It was an easy journey into Mount Huashan.

Set foot on Huashan Mountain.

Jiang Chen and the two also saw the entire Huashan Sect today, and it is true that the Huashan Sect is relatively in decline. The number of disciples on Huashan Mountain has obviously decreased. Compared with that day, the martial arts of the people among them are also very poor. Even the disciples of the leader Yue Buqun have poor cultivation.

There are only a few third-rate people among them.

Of course, there are still merits on Mount Huashan.

Just as the morning sun was shining, a famous disciple was practicing sword moves.

This is just the basic sword move of Huashan Sect.

But the charm can also be seen in this move. From this point alone, it can be seen that the moves of this era have indeed evolved to a good level.

After all, this is just a basic sword move.

“It’s really good!”

With a chuckle, Jiang Chen retracted his gaze and motioned Jiang Xi to continue upward.

As for the Huashan Sect, there is a real cliff further up. Even ordinary martial arts people have a hard time climbing up, but for two people and one donkey, it is basically nothing.

Stepping into the top of Huashan Mountain with ease.

It is also where Si Guo Cliff is located.

Hundreds of years have passed.

Not much has changed in Si Guo Ya.

Hao Datong's sword carvings are still in a row.

The moment Jiang Chen stepped on it, it seemed that he was sensing an opportunity from somewhere, and his eyes instantly looked not far away.

A quiet stone monument stands there, with a tomb lined up next to it.

It's not abrupt, as if it blends into the whole world.

Jiang Chen walked forward slowly.

On the tombstone, the words also appeared at this moment.

"Immortal Master Perfected Being Tomb!"

There are only a few large characters in a row on the tombstone, but the sharp aura of tenamines on it is so obvious.

"Senior Brother Hao!"

Jiang Chen sighed softly, with a sense of loneliness in his expression.

The stone monument has no name, but when he stepped here, Jiang Chen already knew that this was the tomb of his senior brother Hao Datong.

That day Hao Datong went down the mountain to resist the Tartars.

Then he left and never came back.

Finally fell silent on this Huashan Mountain.

And his legacy gave birth to the Huashan Sect.

A gentle wave of his right hand.

The dust around the tombstone was swept away in an instant.

Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Jiang Chen said nothing and had no words.

A slight spill of wine.

The scenes of the past passed through my mind,

Behind her, Jiang Xi stood quietly without saying a word. Although she didn't know who the person in front of her was, she felt the loneliness and sadness of her great-grandfather.

Time passes slowly.

The morning sun gradually turned into noon, and the noon passed fiercely and turned into the sunset.

When dusk fell, Jiang Chen slowly stood up.

Times will eventually pass.

More and more people are passing away. The road to immortality is inherently lonely and long.

Even if he tried to change, it would only be the passage of time.

Don't talk about the past, even now.

As time went by, Qiu Chuji eventually couldn't go on any longer, and so did Ma Yu.

They might be able to break through Gold Core, Nascent Soul, but what happens next.

Let alone them, even he himself had little hope of opening up a longer path.

Life is already long in the Gold Core realm, but it is extremely short on the entire Immortal Road.

As he stepped forward, his eyes couldn't help but look at the three ministers of Si Guo Ya.

These three words, Sword Intent, have completely disappeared in a hundred years, and even the power of the true energy in Hao Datong's body has completely dissipated in a hundred years.

Sighed softly.

Jiang Chen's footsteps moved in.

Stepped into Siguo Cliff.

The sunset rose, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone in. Although there was a lot of shaking, you could still barely see clearly in the cave.

Of course, even if they couldn't see clearly, it would have no impact on the two of them. Jiang Chen could clearly see the bones and weapons on the ground, and he could also see the carvings on the cliff.

The moment he walked in, Jiang Xi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Jiang Chen was indifferent.

His eyes looked towards the stone wall.

As expected, there are traces left there.

"The Five Mountains Sword Sect is shameless and obscene, unable to win in combat, and plots to harm others."

There are four characters in a row, a total of four rows. Each character is about a foot square and goes deep into the rocks. It is carved with an extremely sharp blade, up to several inches deep. The sixteen characters are angular and full of tension. I also saw countless small characters engraved next to the sixteen large characters, all of which were curse words such as "despicable scoundrel", "extremely shameful", "imbecile", "cowardly", etc. The walls were filled with curse words.

In this scene, he naturally understood what was going on.

decades ago.

As in the plot, the Huashan Sect obtained a part of the "Sunflower Book". The "Ten Elders" of the divine sect attacked Huashan to snatch it. Although they were severely damaged by the "Five Mountains Sword Sect" who arrived later, "the book was already in hand."

A few years later, the "Ten Elders" thought of a solution, went back to Mount Huashan, and defeated the "Five Mountains Sword Sect". The "Five Mountains Sword Sect" suffered heavy casualties. The five sects became angry and devised a poisonous plan to lure the Ten Elders into a cave in the mountain. The entrance to the cave was sealed with huge rocks, and the ten elders used giant axes to dig out the exit, but failed and all died.

These contents were left behind by the elders of the Sun and Moon Sect who were trapped in the Huashan Sect.

Jiang Chen even looked at the huge hole 3.2, which was cut out by force.

Unfortunately, they did not escape in the end.

Of course, these are not important. Jiang Chen came here not to read these contents, but to read the sword moves.

The entire Siguo Cliff contains all the sword moves of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, as well as their methods of breaking them. One of the main purposes of Jiang Chen coming here is to see this.

To prevent him from traveling to the Five Mountains Sword Sect all over again.

Here is the most complete one.

Looking at these moves, the sadness on Jiang Chen's face gradually turned into interest.

As he said, the sword skills of this era have indeed evolved to a very good level. "Even these sword skills of the Song Dynasty are still outstanding enough.

The thoughts were intertwined, and the fairy sword behind his back seemed to be trembling slightly.

In Jiang Chen's mind, there were rays of light flickering.

Sword moves are naturally not worth mentioning compared to him at this level, but some things still have that trigger.

(Cavan, I’m thinking about it, there are only three updates today, it’s summer tomorrow!!).

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