Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 184: Heaven In The East, Hell In The West (Big Chapter)

"Teaching the skills lightly to foreigners will ruin your cultivation!"

Above the sky, a mighty voice came down at this moment.

The body of an old man.

His body couldn't help but tremble.

The old man's expression changed greatly.

Opening his mouth subconsciously, the old man wanted to say something.

But by now it was already too late.

The next moment, streams of true energy dissipated on the old man's body, and at the same time, the cultivation level instantly disintegrated in the fourth layer of Qi Refining.

The true energy in the body collapsed, and the spiritual energy collapsed.

His figure simply collapsed to the ground.



The anxious voice spoke, but it was obvious that there would be no response at all.

Maybe this disciple has his own difficulties and his own reasons, but there are some things that cannot be overcome.

If it were passed on to Chinese people, Jiang Chen might not have much fluctuation.

Just pass it on. It would be a good thing if the other party can learn it, but this is a foreigner.

Even if this foreigner has stayed in China for a long enough time, he is still a foreigner.

This is a limit that no one can cross.

The same goes for Quanzhen Sect disciples.

The sound in the sky receded, and the original luster on the old man's white hair gradually withered.

On top of the solitary peak.

Jiang Chen's consciousness was withdrawn.

He glanced at the location of Yumen Pass again.

"Maybe I'm too persistent!"

He sighed softly and closed his eyes again.

He didn't know if he still had that obsession.

In fact, neither the Quanzhen disciple nor the Western traveler was wrong.

Dante worked diligently for decades under the disciple of that Quanzhen sect.

In the end, he gained his share of the harvest, and that share of harvest was also to dispel the darkness in the west.

Expelling the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty is, in a sense, similar to the land of China.

But in the scene in later generations, the pain caused by colonialism was still so clear, and he still couldn't get over the test in his heart. In the end, he took action to "break the jade slip of the martial arts."

But Dante came all the way, and everything he saw in the land of China also made him hesitate.

This hesitation.

In the end, he did not choose to destroy the opponent, nor did he erase the Spirit Medicine and Spirit Stone in the opponent's hands.

Although it wiped out the other party's hope.

But this hope was not completely cut off.

Maybe he really did.

In today's land of China, how can the West catch up again?

Sighed softly.

Consciousness spread again.

At this time, in Yumen Pass.

Dante's whole being was shattered.

The memory in his mind was erased, the jade slip in his hand was broken, and his eyes became completely dull.

Decades of hard work were completely shattered at that moment.

More importantly, he was sure that that voice was the Lord.

The Lord took action.

It was the Lord who wiped out all his hope.

I'm afraid only he knows how big the blow will be to him.

And in this kind of dejection.

"Immortal Law is not allowed to spread outside the country. It is up to you to decide which way to go.!"

An elegant voice reached Dante's ears.

The next moment, rich spiritual energy gathered and rushed into his body in an instant. The spiritual energy interacted with each other, and Dante's originally soulless body couldn't help but tremble again at this moment.

The body roared, and countless spiritual energy gathered together.

In just an instant, at this moment, he actually directly introduced spiritual energy into his body.

Although this does not directly enter the Qi Refining level, it is different from the previous induction of spiritual energy. It can be said that it has gone one step further and truly embarked on the path of Transcendent.



"Immortal chief!"

Dante's dazed expression returned, and the spiritual energy rushing into his body made his pupils suddenly widen, and his whole person was in a state of excitement.

Loud shouts arose.

Unfortunately, there was no response at all.

Finally, Dante's figure crawled on the ground.

Walking is the most solemn understanding.

The original trance and loss of consciousness completely disappeared.

The disappearance of his skills and the erasure of his memory may have been a huge blow to him, but the arrival of the Lord's voice gave him a gift.

He even vaguely understood something.

It was not the Lord who was erasing his hope.


The Lord’s Immortal Law cannot be taken out of China.

His creation is needed.

He didn't know if he could complete it, but this was the path given to him.

The figure is crawling.

Until the next day.

Dante's figure stood up and stepped out of Yumen Pass.

On the way back.

Even if he knew that without skills and cultivation, it would be almost impossible for him to find a path belonging to the Western world by relying on himself to draw spiritual energy into his body.

But he didn't hesitate.

Because he already knew it, it would have no effect if he tried it a few more times.

His life could no longer support his continued actions.

The figure walked out of Yumen Pass.

Passed through the Western Region.

Came to the place where I once was.

I saw the huge chasm.

This time he once again performed the most devout worship.

It’s different from a hundred years ago.

At this moment, his mood changed.

If he was a seeker a hundred years ago, then he is the redeemer at this time, the redeemer of the darkness in the west.

Compared to when he arrived, Dante's actions were undoubtedly much easier.

With his second-rate strength and the spiritual energy entering his body, he didn't have much of a problem traveling through it.

Three years later.

His footsteps have already entered the Golden Horde.

The place where he truly saw the Lord's divine light.

that year

There is a divine man who comes from between heaven and earth and holds the divine fire in one palm.

The Mongols are kneeling in worship.

That year, this was true for both the races of the Western world and the aboriginal people of West Asia.

As a tourist from the Aegean Sea, he looked at the sky with wonder.

"Lord, is this the glory of God?"

"There is a God in the far east. Lord, I must return to your arms."

He exclaimed that year.

It was also that year that he heard that a god from the east had come to this land and used his sword to tell these demons that the demons must provide the gods with their needs within a certain time, otherwise the gods would Divine punishment will come.

And he also saw the warning from God.

At this moment in that year, all his confusion and entanglement completely disappeared.

All that's left is the determination.

He is going to the East.

Must reach the East.

That’s where the Lord’s divine light resides.

Only by going there can they welcome the returning Lord’s divine light.

Even though more than ten years have passed.

Now, when the figure returns and the old man is here again, the figure is still the same as before.

He lay on the ground, paying his last respects to the glorious place of the Lord.

After stepping onto the territory of the Golden Horde, his figure will completely enter the Western world.

The concern for the past will only be engraved in my heart.

Seven days later.

Dante's figure stood up.

Entered the Western world.

However, when he stepped into it, he saw a dark era, a place that should not belong to the human world, but to hell.

Famine, plague and war are everywhere.

Genoa trading ships traveling between Crimea and Messina brought infected black rats or fleas, which soon spread to Genoa and Venice. The Black Death caused by rats attacked the land of Europa on a large scale. The population dropped sharply, and the mortality rate of patients was as high as 100%.

This is an ".||era of ignorance and superstition", "religious speech is placed above personal experience and rational activities"

Compared with the heaven in the east.

At this time, Europa gave Dante the feeling of going from heaven to hell in one step.

His figure screamed.

However, the former pope and the former temple have been covered up in filth.

"Human beings have committed sins, and diseases and plagues are God's punishment for people. If you can spend money to buy an indulgence, which is equivalent to a death-free gold medal, God will forgive this person's sins."

While people were murmuring and wailing, while the plague was everywhere, the church was busy making profits by selling indulgences.

All of this made Dante's heart sink completely into the valley (Mo Zhao Zhao).

He is like a saint who comes out of the church.

No, it's not like, as a person who returned from the East, Dante is a saint.

He is a saint who belongs to all of Europe.

Some people founded Protestantism, which suddenly began to breed in the center of Dante's call.

Dante has his Eastern knowledge and admonishes the world of Europa.

Even though his shouts were quickly drowned, his presence brought a ray of light to the entire world of Europa, the light of morning.

As time went by, ancient poems began to praise Dante, the saint.

In "The Divine Comedy", Dante roams in space and time, including both real historical figures and mythical figures. Finally, he roamed in heaven, meditating on the perfection of creation, and realized that God is the creator of joy. It is precisely because of the soul given by God that the world can appreciate the world created by God.

That year Dante brought myth, hope, and light from the far east.

He is the Lord, he is the divine light, and he is the greatest legend of the gods.

(The technique cannot be spread, otherwise it must be different within our clan. But as a seeker, you should receive gifts. Cultivation comes from your heart. The protagonist has always been like this, and it has not changed even now.)

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