Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 207: Going To The World Of Myth (Big Chapter)

The world completely completed its transition at this moment.

Waves of Dao Rhyme spread between heaven and earth.

Rules are being presented and laws are being embodied.

The rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth washes over the heaven and earth over and over again, accompanied by a portion of Dao Rhyme spreading under the sky.

At this moment, all living beings in the world are either actively or passively enduring all this.

flora and fauna.

Originally unable to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, they could only blame themselves for passively accepting the wash of aura of heaven and earth. Perhaps their life levels would gradually change during this wash.

But how long will this change last?

No one knows.

But now, the moment Dao Rhyme passes by, their life characteristics have changed rapidly.

This kind of change.

Let them absorb the spiritual energy that they could not otherwise absorb.

In the wash again and again, there are wisps of it entering the body.

At this moment, even if you are not a cultivator, you are not a cultivator of immortality, you don’t have any techniques to cultivate immortality.

No matter what it is, even if it is a lifeless existence, a stone or a wooden stick, it may change.

And the same is true for humans.

Originally, during the recovery of spiritual energy, their cultivation had become extremely simple.

It's definitely simpler now.

Vaguely, the power at the heavenly and human level also began to loosen.

There seems to be a higher level existence.

And in space.

Planet, maybe it can no longer be called a planet at this moment, but a plane, a world.

Completely formed.

It consists of two continents, orbiting the star.

The system that should have completely collapsed has been completely stabilized. The huge power of the sun, the power of stars, and the power of moonlight quickly gathered towards the mainland, making the energy of the mainland more and more abundant. Dao Rhyme also It became more and more intense.

This stock of Dao Rhyme has brought about the biggest change in the world.

Some beings who were originally on the edge of opportunity completely completed their transition at this moment.


A faint golden light enveloped the entire city, and countless people gathered in the city.

The light mask blocks the vibration.

And this time when Dao Rhyme passed by over and over again.

Countless people in the entire city closed their eyes.

And no one found it.

Among the ruins, there is a peony flower blooming quietly.

Among the peonies.

The spiritual liquid penetrates and the leaves continue to stretch.

A thin mist vaguely formed around the entire surrounding.

And among the leaves, a small, fuzzy figure was completely formed,

Huge spiritual power is gathering, and that small figure seems to be constantly absorbing it.

The flowers seem to have begun to move toward complete detachment, with a faint aura spreading around them, and the small figure is like a fairy in the flower.

Especially in this period of Dao Rhyme flushing.

And under the wisps of popularity in the surrounding cities.

The flowers seem to have vaguely reached an opportunity at this moment.

On this day, a strange fragrance filled the entire city, making people feel relaxed and happy.

And in this fragrance.

On the flower, that small figure was completely wrapped in the distance.

In the end Dao Rhyme.

An illusory figure slowly walked out.

Stunning appearance, stunning facial features.

The skin can be broken by blowing bullets, and there is a look that will make the city fall down.

The girl looked at her body.

The next moment, he seemed to have an idea.

On the peony flower, the petals gradually fell off and turned into cloud clothes, and the cloud clothes were put on the girl's body. .

The girl's figure appeared under the moonlight.

Under the ground, the jade bottle that had been buried for who knows how long slowly appeared and fell directly into the girl's hands.

The original dust and the original traces of time receded quickly.

It seems to be new again.

The girl looked at the jade bottle, and there seemed to be a figure of two hundred years ago, sitting comfortably on the window sill.


The crisp sound is like an oriole coming out of the valley, which makes people's hearts beat.

The appearance of the girl seemed to bring together all the light and beauty in the world.

And at this moment, in Lin'an.

Everyone suddenly saw a huge attic.

On the second floor of the attic, an illusory figure in a blue shirt was lying.

He lifted the jade pot lightly in his hand.

The moonlight falls.

Below, a peony flower quietly raised its head, seeming to be looking at the Taoist in blue.

Everything is so beautiful, everything is so dreamy.

In the Valley of the Divine Eagles.

Among the large fences, white snakes and green snakes were swimming around.

As the energy of heaven and earth erupts, the Spirit Gathering Formation gathers here, and huge energy gathers directly at this time.

The two bodies froze in place.

And when Dao Rhyme swept over its body, the humanity in the white snake's eyes seemed to become more and more intense. Its body was originally expanding, but now it has begun to weaken.

Every time Dao Rhyme passes by, the huge body of the white snake will become a little smaller.

And in the Valley of the Divine Eagles.

Above the blossoming Spirit Medicine, there is even more strange light spreading.

At this moment, their levels are actually changing.



The dilapidated temple remains the same, and nothing has changed in decades, no, or hundreds of years.

And if anyone looks at it, they will find that the dead bones buried decades ago have disappeared without a trace, and the ten large trees in the temple have also become more celestial.

Looking up, you can barely see the stars above.

It was as if it was completely covered.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Dao Rhyme spreads, and at this moment, an old human face seems to appear vaguely on the huge tree.

The world is changing a lot at this moment.

Although there were not all demons and monsters, they all came out in an instant.

But this world has really begun to transform towards mythology.

Every time Dao Rhyme passes by, it is a step closer to the myth.

In Lin'an, that girl.

The white snake above the Valley of the Divine Eagles.

On the black mountain, there is a huge locust tree.

Everything is already moving towards an unfathomable future.

Spiritual energy is washing over the earth.

Dao Rhyme is washing the earth.

in the sky.

As the world changes, Jiang Chen quietly comprehends everything in this world.

The so-called Soul Formation means understanding the world.

And there is no doubt that there is no stronger feeling than when the world changes.

In fact.

The wisps of Dao Rhyme that rushed towards the sky and the earth were actually all gathered on his body.

When his eyes opened.

The world has been completely stabilized, and three years have passed.

In three years, the last traces of the former planet have completely disappeared, and the current world has been completely fixed.

Not just the land of China.

The same goes for the land below.

Jiang Chen's eyes opened.

At this moment, his breath seemed to have changed in some way.


After exhaling a long breath, Jiang Chen involuntarily glanced at the system list.

Luck value: 5332221 points

Internal Strength: Pure Yang Jue (Nascent Soul Realm)


Introduction: The world level restricts the online skills. You can spend a certain amount of luck to modify the skills to make them beyond the limits of the world.

Kung Fu: Pure Yang Technique (Soul Formation Level)

Basics: Fifty-three percent.

Incomplete supplementary creation: Insufficient knowledge points (incomplete creation, due to insufficient basic knowledge, you can spend more luck points to create)

List rendering.

The luck value increases again.

The luck value that had originally dropped to more than one million turned into five million at this moment, an increase of more than three million. This was almost the total luck value he had obtained before.

But that's not the point.

The key is his basic knowledge.

The original 31% directly became 53% at this moment, an increase of more than 20%.

It may not seem like much.

But you have to know how difficult it is to increase the basic knowledge of Soul Formation level.

He had only tried ten percent before.

Now it has increased to more than 50% in one breath.

And it has reached more than 50%, and it is getting closer and closer to incomplete creation.

Although he didn't know exactly how many of them could be triggered, he had some rough guesses that it should be around 60% or 70%.

He is already 2.450%, which means the gap is not very big.

Although he has a guess that even if there is no creation, as he deepens his understanding of this world, he may be able to reach a higher level.

But if you have a system, of course you have to use it, especially since it is not enough for him to just reach the Soul Formation level.

Of course he won't be stupid.

A smile spread across his face.

Look away.

His consciousness spread towards the entire world.

At this moment, when his spiritual consciousness spread, he became more clear about the changes in the heaven and earth, and the changes in the entire world.

He can feel everything in the world more clearly.



This was his first feeling.

The intensity of today's world seems to be much higher than before.

The Foundation Building Stage had torn the space apart before.

The world will improve later, but Gold Core can also do it.

But now it's obviously not possible.

He clenched his fist subconsciously.

A huge amount of true energy bloomed in his hand.


A bright sword light lit up, and the next moment, there was a flash of brilliance.

(big chapter).

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