Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 272 The End Of All Heavens And Realms (Big Chapter)

The void space was just like the scene Jiang Chen saw through dimensions.

Apertures surrounded the entire surrounding, but they were completely different, at least completely different from what he imagined. If it was real when he looked through the dimension, then this moment was illusory.

Of course, these are not the key. The key is the figure in the center of this void space, which stands in the sky and the earth, and also stands in endless time and space.



Like the intersection of all time and space.

And it’s like where all time is.

The figure stood tall, with a very eye-catching long sword in his hand.

One side of the sword is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers and vegetation. On one side of the sword's hilt is written the art of farming and raising livestock, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the four seas.

Even though the ancient sword was only held lightly, at this moment Jiang Chen felt as if the entire world, no, it should be said that the entire void space was being completely cut open.

On the sword.

A layer of worlds are being born, and a layer of worlds are also being shattered.

It's like the economy has gone through countless reincarnations in a blink of an eye.

"Xuanyuan Sword!"

"Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor!"

Jiang Chen's heart was ups and downs, and he was also slightly nervous.

However, at this moment, he quickly suppressed these thoughts, and his eyes were fixed on this illusory figure.

Even at this moment, he took steps towards the illusory figure.

do not know why.

I don't understand why he wants to be so close.

It's like he did it on purpose. 19

Even if this seems extremely dangerous, it is still the same.

At this moment, all his previous worries seemed to have completely disappeared. A soft and close feeling filled his heart and spread under his consciousness.

And Jiang Chen's figure gradually approached.

Until they are very close to each other.

His figure also stopped.

At the same time, the illusive and majestic figure in front of him disintegrated in an instant and turned into a golden light point that poured directly into his body. In just an instant, Jiang Chen felt himself being swept by an extremely soft wave. The breath is wrapped in it.

The next moment, his consciousness fell into a trance again.

In the haze, Jiang Chen seemed to have fallen into some kind of chaos.

The surroundings were empty and there was no time or space.

In all directions, countless turbulences were surging, and a faint hint of purple swished away from the distance.

In a trance.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that his consciousness was very blurry, but he was also extremely clear-headed.

And in this situation, in this chaotic space, a figure of unknown size appeared.

The giant drags a huge ax in his hand.

He slowly raised it to the top of his head. As he moved, there began to be movement in the chaos.



Chaos is instantly separated, clean air rises and turbid air descends.

In the blink of an eye, a vast world began to appear.

The world appears.

The giant descended and soon transformed into all things in the world.

Among all things, living things grow.

The three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn stand in harmony.

The battle between the two Lich clans.

Among the gods, the battle of Saint.

The world was shattered and turned into heavens and realms.

world development.

Matter is expanding rapidly, nebulae are being born, galaxies are brewing, countless stars are slowly forming, and countless worlds are also being born.

Every fragment seems to be giving birth to a world.

As the world goes by, each world falls into vigorous development.

Hundreds of flowers bloom in the world, and various worlds appear.

However, the world has an end, and the heaven and earth also have an end.

Until a certain moment, the end of heaven and earth seemed to have been reached, and the local world suddenly collapsed, and at the same time, the world began to die rapidly.

The initial response was from the local central world.

The Earth Immortal world, which was the foundation of heaven and earth, collapsed first.

And his collapse directly caused the entire world to fall into deathly silence.

Worlds began to collapse one by one, and the once prosperous civilizations perished. The Great Thousand World, the Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World, and the dusty worlds all turned into dust one after another at this time.

Even in the Galaxy world, the originally bright stars were gradually extinguished, and the stars shattered one by one, destroying the surrounding planets.

In a world.

A powerful person at the Celestial Immortal level seems to want to travel through the world, looking for a world that is still alive. However, even if he crosses one world after another, even if it spans tens of billions of light years,

Still not.

This Celestial Immortal could only cry out in despair.

Because at this moment, everything in the world is silent and lifeless.

The whole world is being shattered one after another.

Thousands of years later, after traveling across hundreds of worlds, this Celestial Immortal had to give up and wait desperately for the final destruction to come.

And this seems to be just the beginning.

Because even above Celestial Immortal, Golden Immortal.

In this great destruction, they also began to die out one after another.

The result, just like that of Celestial Immortal, is unfolding in the first layer of the world.

Celestial Immortal, Golden Immortal.

Even Jiangniao quickly discovered the higher level.


The clear sound of running water rose, and the next moment a long river of time appeared. In one world, a majestic figure appeared, and his eyes seemed to see through everything through endless time and space.

However, seeing through everything, he seemed to be in despair.

And this seems to be just the beginning.

Because more of this kind of being appears.

However, there was only despair, bitterness, sighs and relief on their faces.

But there is no joy or hope.

When the era comes to an end, the sky and the earth are collapsing, and even those with great Divine Ability will find it difficult to maintain.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how long it lasted. Jiang Chen's eyes finally looked at the dimensions of the world, where figures appeared on the horse.

There are white-haired old men, women, and craftsmen.

There are old people and young people.

However, it is obvious that these people cannot be described by their age.

It's not something that can be described on the surface.

"The end of the era, the end of heaven and earth, chaos is shattered."

A confused voice came from the mouth of the old man of the tailed beast, with a sigh and a sense of relief.

"Teacher, at the end of the era, why did Chaos break?"

A soft voice came from the girl's mouth, with doubts, confusion, and unwillingness. For them, the shattering of the world has no impact.

Even if the first layer of the world collapses, or even if all the worlds enter chaos, it will not have much impact on them.

Because among the few people present, even the weakest one can repeat Opening Heaven. The only difference is the weakness and strength of Opening Heaven.

But the key issue is that now that Chaos has been shattered, there is no way to talk about such a heavy Opening Heaven, and even their own lives are being ruined quickly.

"Heaven and earth have an end, and so does chaos. The ninth era of the chaos calendar has been completed."

The old man's voice came out again, with a sigh.

"Teacher, let's start!"

-527 An old voice whispered, and the next moment, everyone couldn't help but become solemn.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes were fixed on the end of the crowd, where was the towering figure he had seen before.

The figure seemed to be aware of it and looked here through time and space.

Their eyes intertwined.

The next moment, Jiang Chen only felt that shallow smile.

Then the surrounding scene quickly receded.

At the last moment of consciousness, Jiang Chen discovered that the void space was collapsing layer by layer. Even those existences who didn’t know what level they had reached, their lives were beginning to end.

But, obviously, he couldn't finish reading it.

Because at this moment, his consciousness completely retreated.

And his sense of trance was completely awakened at this moment.


He took a slight breath and looked forward involuntarily. Fortunately, there was no shadow at this moment. In fact, there was no shadow anymore. "The shadow had already turned into light spots and integrated into his body.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen couldn't calm down.

He saw something.

Pangu Opening Heaven opened the land.

The great catastrophe of dragons and phoenixes, the war between lich and the gods, and the war between gods.

Even if he didn't really appreciate it, he really saw it.

What an impact this had on him.

Not to mention the meaning it represents.

The moment he woke up, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The colors on his face kept changing at this moment.

Constantly intertwined.

The scenes continued to appear in his mind. Even if many pictures were blurred or even disappeared directly, some things would still appear directly.

(big chapter).

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