Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 288: Active Integrated Union The Whole World* (Big Chapter)

"Above the dimensions, there is an infinite world!"

"When the earth is the world, it is also among the ten thousand ways. In the future, many worlds will return to this side of time and space."

"How do you think you should handle this?"

A long voice came from the void and reached the old man's ears.

The empty space in front of the old man gradually receded, and at this moment it turned into the starry sky again, and the guards around him were still there. "Ichijiang's figure was still on the sidelines."

Just this moment.

The old man's heart could not calm down.

Jiang Chen's words were very simple and direct.

Just tell him directly what will happen next in the world.

As the top leader of the country, the old man naturally understood it immediately.

Just because he understood it, he couldn't calm down at this moment.

The world, countless worlds are coming towards the earth.

The situation that the earth is about to face is actually far more complicated and serious than he imagined.

Now, just the partial changes have already made him feel anxious. No one knows what will happen when the worlds come towards the earth.

The old man especially saw the tip of the iceberg of that huge world.

Once such a world comes close, what will the earth be like?



"Well, the current changes in the world are the way those worlds are returning to?"

The old man spoke in a deep voice, as if he wanted to verify something, with a solemn and serious tone.

And his words made the entire starry sky fall into silence.


After a long time, Jiang Chen nodded.

Indeed, although it is somewhat different from what the old man thought, it is not an exaggeration to say that the world has returned.

"I see."

"I wonder if you can give me some help. The country will remember you. If there is any need, you can explain it."

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Jiang Chen again, and the old man's words immediately rang out again.

The words are also extremely direct.

Jiang Chen called him over, so naturally he had something to ask for, and he agreed.

As for what level this promise can reach, it is unknown.

But the old man obviously thought too much.

"Let it go, I will ensure that the Integrated Union of the entire world is relatively stable. As for demand, that is not necessary. You can't give me what I want.


next moment.

Jiang Chen's figure gradually disappeared into the starry sky.

The old man and a few people in awe only felt that the surrounding scenes became blurry at this moment.

In just an instant, it disappeared from the entire surrounding area.

When they came back to their senses from the trance, they were shocked to find that they and others not only left the starry sky, but also left the room, and were outside the military vehicle.

"Shou Lao."

A guard next to him spoke in shock.

"It's okay, let's go back."

The old man took a deep breath, glanced at the old-fashioned apartment not far away, and then spoke directly.


Next to him, several people besides being shocked and confused, quickly responded.

The group of people left here quickly.

He was in a hurry when he came, and he was also in a hurry when he left.

It didn't attract too many people's attention.

The surrounding blockade was immediately lifted.

The old man didn't completely believe Jiang Chen's words, but he had vaguely understood that Jiang Chen might have transcended all worldly existence.

He didn't know what kind of person Jiang Chen was.

But Jiang Chen's words gave him an answer, an answer that gradually made him feel at ease.

In fact, he may have arrived here just for this answer.

in the room.

Jiang Chen's eyes slowly opened.

He glanced at the surrounding text, and then involuntarily glanced at his own system list.

Luck value: 2087855 points

Internal Strength: Celestial Immortal Realm


Introduction: The world level restricts the online skills. You can spend a certain amount of luck to modify the skills to make them beyond the limits of the world.

Kung Fu: Pure Yang Technique (Golden Immortal Level)

Basics: Sixty-five percent

Incomplete supplementary creation: 78 million (incomplete creation, due to insufficient basic knowledge, you can spend more luck points to create)

I don't know if it was because of his contact with the country that it had a certain impact. At this moment, his luck value directly increased by more than one million, although there is still a big gap compared to the luck value created today, which is often hundreds of millions.

But the luck value of more than one million is not a small amount, at least it directly reduces his accumulation a lot.

And it also made him vaguely feel that the acquisition of luck values ​​​​on the earth seemed to be obviously more abundant than in the previous self-world, and it was much larger.

Because the luck value is actually increasing at this moment.

But actually, he didn't do anything.

Even when facing the old man, he just said one sentence.

If you are in the self world, although such words are useful, their use is limited.

Even these words are true for the emperor himself.

But there is an impact here.

Of course, for Jiang Chen, these are not important. Although it is related to him creating the Golden Immortal level, in fact, he can do it at any time for this level.

The lack of luck value is only a matter of time.

In contrast, what he cares more about is the dimension at this time.

Although what he just showed the old man was the dimension of his own world.

But at that moment, his consciousness still rose above the earth's dimension.

It would be okay if he didn't get a promotion, but once he got a promotion, Jiang Chen's brows couldn't help but jump.

Because above the dimension, the empty space that was originally empty began to have apertures, and these apertures did not seem to directly pull these worlds like the self world.

Instead, these circles of light were like meteors falling towards the dimension where the area was located.

The speed can be said to be extremely rapid.

With an aperture, it is already approaching quietly.

A deep feeling told him that the world was likely to undergo major changes.

And this kind of change is obviously what he just said, that the world may really be returning.

This is a mysterious feeling, but this feeling is so real and so strong.

Jiang Chen had no doubt about this.

Once you reach this level, of course feelings can no longer be regarded as feelings.

Especially now that the self-world and the earth are gradually becoming Integrated Union, it is even more impossible for a simple feeling to be a feeling, and if not, then it is undoubtedly true.

The world is about to return.

And this may not be a good thing for the entire planet.

At least it may not be a good thing for ordinary people.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen returned early.

Because of this, the earth has had a period of adaptation.

As for after the period, it depends on the results.

"Forget it, let me give you some fuel!"


The next moment, Jiang Chen didn't hold anything back. His consciousness was directly connected to his own world, and at the same time, invisible ripples spread to the entire world.

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't care whether the earth merged into his own world or his own world merged into the earth. He just let them develop.

But now, when this incident happened, Jiang Chen no longer watched directly, but took the initiative to guide the entire self world to begin to integrate into the earth.

If I say it was just speculation before. But now that all the heavens and worlds are approaching the earth, it is undoubtedly proving all his previous conjectures, and may even exceed them by a lot.

And Jiang Chen’s active guidance.

The Integrated Union level of the entire world has undoubtedly accelerated in an instant.


It was a violent fluctuation in the long river of time and space.

Waves of waves swept up, with unimaginable impact and terrifying shocks. The surroundings were shaking violently in unknown dimensions, space, or higher levels of existence.

The ripples spread layer by layer.

The dimensions are completely messed up.

Some vague pictures began to appear in the entire void.



Silent and terrifying vibrations spread.

Layers of ripples are intertwined, each other's rules are rapidly Integrated Union, and some fragments that do not belong to this world begin to gradually appear in this world.

I don’t know how long it took.

I don't know how long it lasted before the tremor gradually subsided.


In other words, my world is beginning to be rebuilt based on the entire earth.

In other words, the earth is building on the basis of the self-world.

Obviously, the importance of the earth is greater than he imagined.

But in the outside world, the changes in the entire world are still continuing. A layer of scenes that originally existed only in my own world began to appear in the entire world, and at the same time, the spiritual energy in the world began to erupt.



The huge roaring sound echoed in the eardrums, and the earth veins in the entire world also trembled violently. The earth veins reached a certain opportunity and were completely affected at this moment.

The earth veins everywhere were constantly absorbing the energy of the world, but at this moment it completely erupted.

The huge energy turned into the purest tide of heaven and earth spiritual energy, which washed over the entire world in an instant.

This time, the scene that once happened in my own world is now happening again under the entire sky and on the earth.

On top of Zhongnan Mountain.

The huge spiritual power of heaven and earth has almost liquefied, forming a stream of spiritual energy rain and dew, covering the entire surrounding.


Mount Tai, Mount Heng, Mount Heng, Mount Song.

The location of the Five Mountains.

There are mountains everywhere.

At this time, the entire earth veins were throbbing violently.

There began to be a huge amount of spiritual energy, spreading towards the world.

This energy eruption is beyond people's imagination, and it is different from simple energy. It is the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the spiritual power of heaven and earth washed away, and the earth directly expanded violently at this moment. If the previous absorption of earth veins only accelerated the expansion of the world a little bit, then this time the energy eruption made the world begin to expand infinitely. Extended, at least the entire land of China is like this.

Zhongnan Mountain is constantly expanding, and so is the land.

The entire earth began to grow quietly.

Of course, compared to the growth of my own world and the previous transformations, because the earth is at the core, this growth and expansion is not as big as imagined.

However, even if it is not big, it is still an expansion of the area, and it still attracts the attention of countless people in an instant.

At least the top management of China noticed it immediately.

However, with Jiang Chen’s words, China’s senior management

I have been making preparations.

He soon calmed down.

They can still appease this small change, but the appearance of a powerful person in the world is not so easy to appease.

With the revival of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, the practice of martial arts has become extremely simple.

A famous martial arts master began to appear in the entire society.

There has been a great impact on the original social system.

Some riots inevitably occurred.

Of course, countries are constantly, or rather rapidly, adapting to today's drastically changed world.

But no one thought that this kind of big change was far beyond their imagination.

Because it will be just one month later.

Above the sky.

Thousands of meters of sky.

When the illusory and unreal Immortal Gate gradually appeared in the sight of the plane, their hearts could not calm down.

in the air.

There is actually a landscape in space.

and imaginary characters.

Even if it was just a mirage, at that moment countless people were completely silent in this kind of shock.

And that's not the end.

Because soon.

Above Wudang.

Scenes began to appear one after another.

Above Wudang Mountain.

A famous Wudang disciple gathered.

Everyone looked up.

And above them, two figures gradually moved from blur to reality in the illusory space.

Those were two Daoists.

A young Daoist and an old Daoist.

Young people wear green shirts, and old people wear white shirts.

Two people, opposing each other.

In the void, at this time, a long voice came from the illusion.

"Zhang Perfected Being, I wonder if you are willing to go to Immortal Dao?"

"Immortal Dao?"

The sudden inquiry from the green-robed Taoist made the white-robed Taoist feel slightly in his heart, and he subconsciously asked.

"Immortal Dao, I travel to the North Sea in the morning and drink the morning dew in the morning. I am carefree between heaven and earth, watch the wonderful Milky Way, and explore the dark and mysterious mountains below."

"Immortals, look at the vicissitudes of the world, look at the various conditions in the world, and look at the ups and downs of the heaven and the earth!"

Youyou's voice spoke, and the words of the green-robed Taoist seemed to carry a certain kind of Dao Rhyme, making the world seem to be echoing his words at this moment, and the mood of the Taoist Yuyi also became surging at this moment. feeling.

"Crash la la la..."

The blue sea is tidal, and it seems like I can see the vast sea at this moment.

Immediately, mountains rose, and among the rising clouds and mist, everything seemed to be changing again.

At this moment, the white-robed Taoist's mind was completely affected by the words of the green-robed Taoist.

The world of mortals is already crazy with swords, but with wine, we are walking up to the sky

The stars play with the sun and the moon, and they lie drunk in the clouds and laugh at the world.

There was a vague sound between heaven and earth, and the old man in white was in a trance. At this moment, he swam through thousands of mountains and rivers, felt all things in the world, and at the same time understood what an immortal was.

After a long time, the illusion dissipated.

The figure of the old man in white still stood on the same spot.

But the figure of the green-robed Taoist has become a silhouette.

".||Zhang Perfected Being, if you like, you can go to Zhongnan Mountain.'

The elegant voice remained the same. Under the mountain peak, the little girl had already led the donkey over, and her figure stepped on it, gradually heading away into the distance.

"Immortals, look at the vicissitudes of the world, look at the various conditions in the world, and look at the ups and downs of the heaven and the earth!"

On the top of Chaotian Peak, the figure of the old Taoist in white stands, muttering softly, but looking at the figure in the distance.

The Taoist in green shirt has one person and one donkey, and is a little girl.

This was a simple discussion, but when the content of the discussion came in and out, the entire Wudang Mountain was completely unable to calm down.

No one is a fool, and no one does not understand.

In fact, from the beginning, many people knew that the old man in white was probably Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang.

But just because they knew it, everyone couldn't help but remain silent at this moment, because they didn't know how to use words to describe this moment.

Excited that his ancestors may have become immortals, but confused about the identity of the blue-shirted Daoist?

Of course, they are not the only ones who have this idea at this moment.

At the same time, the same is true for Shaolin.

"A hundred years ago, Master Xuanding helped me a lot. Of course I don't mind helping Shaolin Temple!"

"If you are willing, I can give you the basic immortal path skills and knowledge. As for how far you can go, it depends on you, and you need to provide the Quanzhen Sect with all the immortal methods you will deduce next. Road knowledge, see if you are willing."

"I, the Shaolin Temple, cannot repay the kindness of the Immortal. From now on, the Immortal will be my Venerable of Shaolin!"

"Ancestor of the rank!"


The old monk clasped his hands together, and the gratitude in his eyes was beyond words.

Dry well.

A Bodhi Tree slowly grew out, gradually forming a towering tree.

Extremely abrupt and extremely direct.

It's as if this tree is already here.

Being a Bodhi Tree

Heart is like a mirror

Wipe frequently

Keep out of the dust

The faint verses resounded in the Buddhist temple, and Shenxiu's voice seemed to have transcended time and space, crossed the world, and was transmitted to the temple and the entire Shaolin.


The fairy sword is trembling.

next moment.

(Zhao Qian Zhao) The green-robed Taoist chuckled.

Immediately, he gently held the hilt of the sword.

The next moment, a bright sword light rose.

The Sword Intent spread throughout the world.

In the illusory scene, the entire world was instantly extended by his Sword Intent.


A terrifying Sword Intent rose up, the sword was filled with bright silver light, and the sky poured out.

The sword energy spreads.

Spread between heaven and earth.

A series of sharp energy intertwined.

The whole world turned into the night sky.

A sword light rose from the east and directly traversed the entire sky.

This sword didn't kill anyone, but it was engraved in everyone's eyes and hearts.

At this moment, even if you close your eyes, the light of the sword is still present in your mind. Even through time and space, countless people on the entire Huashan Mountain still feel the bright sword light.

Galaxy fell.

Starry and bright.

The bright sword light became the only one in the world.

The light of the sword is empty and bright, appearing in the artistic conception and also in the sky.

The sounds of swords sounded one after another.

On top of Huashan Mountain.

Even if it is an illusion, at this moment it seems to be replaced by the sword light, becoming the only existence in the entire world. At this moment, there is a sword light that reaches through time and space, not only in a radius of a hundred miles, but also in this whole world.

Maybe Jiang Chen was not strong at that time, but when Jiang Chen stepped into the Celestial Immortal level, and was even about to advance to Golden Immortal at this moment, the projection also had a subtle change.

It's just that this change is not strong yet.

After all, Jiang Chen has not yet entered the Golden Immortal level.

Once you step inside, even the projection will have infinite power, as well as some of the existence characteristics of the original body.

Wudang, Shaolin, Huashan, everywhere there are visions appearing, and among these visions, the figure of the Taoist in green is completely reflected in everyone's eyes.

It’s just that most people don’t know who the Taoist in Green Shirt is.

Only the old man, when scenes came in, his old face could not help but tremble violently.

There were layers of ripples and fluctuations in my heart in an instant.

No one knows that in that moment, the supreme being of the country thought about many things.

The Taoist in green shirt was unfamiliar to other people, but for him, he still recognized Jiang Chen at the first sight, and this was actually enough for him to learn a lot of things.

(A six thousand word chapter!).

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